[10:53:56] eight_rats[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:53:56] [Trusty] eight_rats has joined the server [10:54:06] [Trusty] eight_rats: CRACKSHACK [10:54:12] [Trusty] eight_rats: DO THE QUACK SHAKEr [10:54:13] eight_rats lost connection: Disconnected [10:54:13] [Trusty] eight_rats has left the server [11:53:56] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [11:53:57] Saved the game [11:53:57] Automatic saving is now disabled [11:53:58] Automatic saving is now enabled [17:58:22] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:58:23] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [17:58:43] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: physics? [17:58:49] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: like super physics? [17:58:54] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: oof [17:59:36] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: bouta afk on this spider spawning for about 30 minutes [17:59:42] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: i died and lost all my exp :( [17:59:56] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: its okay noor, let me take all ur servers resources [17:59:59] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: let it happen [18:10:00] XxColey639xX lost connection: You have been kicked for idling more than 10 minutes. [18:10:00] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [18:10:37] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:10:37] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [18:31:57] eight_rats[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:31:57] [Trusty] eight_rats has joined the server [18:32:23] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: yo [18:32:25] [Trusty] eight_rats: WHAT [18:32:26] [Trusty] eight_rats: yo [18:32:33] [Trusty] eight_rats: MY DEATH COUNT GOT RESET [18:47:37] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: noor you can add netherwart to the store [18:47:42] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: all the fortresses are looted [18:47:46] [Trusty] eight_rats: nah [18:47:47] [Trusty] eight_rats: one sec [18:48:00] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: brb bio [18:48:30] eight_rats lost connection: Disconnected [18:48:37] [Trusty] eight_rats has left the server [18:49:10] eight_rats[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:49:10] [Trusty] eight_rats has joined the server [18:50:13] eight_rats lost connection: Disconnected [18:50:25] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: uh oh [18:50:32] [Trusty] eight_rats has left the server [18:50:32] eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [18:50:51] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@4eb910b4[id=735f425f-449e-4045-a517-7db31c81fef2,name=eight_rats,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTcyNTQwNzQzMTk5MywKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICI3MzVmNDI1ZjQ0OWU0MDQ1YTUxNzdkYjMxYzgxZmVmMiIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJlaWdodF9yYXRzIiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzU0ZDU2Y2U5YjRkZmY5N2I0MTViMjYwYTM1NTMwN2U5NWU0ODk3MTNhMDAxMmQzOWM5MDQ1OWNhNjA3ZTQyMDciCiAgICB9CiAgfQp9, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected [18:54:15] Disconnecting eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN): [LP] Permissions data for your user was not loaded during the pre-login stage - unable to continue. Please try again later. If you are a server admin, please check the console for any errors. [18:54:15] eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [18:54:16] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [18:54:18] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [18:54:18] eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [18:54:18] eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [18:54:18] eight_rats (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [18:55:11] eight_rats[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:55:11] [Trusty] eight_rats has joined the server [19:05:51] eight_rats has made the advancement [Crafting a New Look] [19:06:43] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:06:44] Saved the game [19:06:44] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:06:48] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:08:00] eight_rats lost connection: Disconnected [19:08:00] [Trusty] eight_rats has left the server [19:16:26] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:16:26] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [19:30:08] XxColey639xX lost connection: You have been kicked for idling more than 10 minutes. [19:30:08] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [20:04:00] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:04:00] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [20:06:43] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:06:44] Saved the game [20:06:44] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:06:47] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:32:50] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [20:32:50] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [21:06:43] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:06:44] Saved the game [21:06:44] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:06:45] Automatic saving is now enabled [22:25:34] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:25:34] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [22:39:22] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [22:39:22] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [22:48:56] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:48:56] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [22:53:31] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [22:53:31] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [22:55:38] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:55:38] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [22:55:43] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [22:55:43] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [22:59:45] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:59:45] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [23:00:01] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: o/ [23:09:18] [Trusty] XxColey639xX: nu [23:15:42] XxColey639xX lost connection: Disconnected [23:15:42] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has left the server [23:25:34] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:25:35] Saved the game [23:25:35] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:25:36] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:31:08] XxColey639xX[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:31:08] [Trusty] XxColey639xX has joined the server [23:37:24] XxColey639xX was slain by Wither Skeleton [23:37:33] XxColey639xX was slain by Wither Skeleton [23:40:00] XxColey639xX was slain by Zombified Piglin