[16:30:03] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:30:03] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [16:30:23] [Trusty] 0xE13000: CRACK [16:30:24] [Trusty] 0xE13000: SHACK [16:30:34] [Trusty] 0xE13000: IN MY [REDACTED] [16:30:52] [Trusty] 0xE13000: have you seen Trusty Creative Terrain? [16:31:06] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I been cookin [16:32:57] Villager Villager['Fisherman'/220004, uuid='ae02b558-646f-4aaf-9583-3b89d582001e', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-44.45, y=85.54, z=233.70, cpos=[-3, 14], tl=40843, v=true] died, message: 'Fisherman was slain by Zombie' [16:33:23] Villager Villager['Villager'/223064, uuid='74e428b5-6d3f-483c-a846-2fdc915c6ce1', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-88.49, y=68.19, z=230.02, cpos=[-6, 14], tl=14635, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie' [16:33:29] [Trusty] 0xE13000: ? [16:33:34] Villager Villager['Fisherman'/223054, uuid='ec68e6f1-d1ef-4050-82aa-be398bd9ebee', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-87.22, y=65.00, z=229.51, cpos=[-6, 14], tl=14903, v=true] died, message: 'Fisherman was slain by Zombie' [16:33:45] Villager Villager['Fisherman'/220754, uuid='e63809d8-3fc6-475b-b356-020acf337999', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-88.51, y=65.00, z=232.30, cpos=[-6, 14], tl=33987, v=true] died, message: 'Fisherman was slain by Zombie' [16:34:05] [Trusty] 0xE13000: SHERIFF PISS [16:45:07] Villager Villager['Villager'/220052, uuid='961fad22-d394-4a98-b66c-228547242cff', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-53.06, y=61.05, z=91.30, cpos=[-4, 5], tl=55183, v=true] died, message: 'Villager drowned' [16:50:52] Villager Villager['Fisherman'/209010, uuid='23062755-1549-4342-9299-20f2e587e415', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-57.74, y=64.29, z=220.84, cpos=[-4, 13], tl=144571, v=true] died, message: 'Fisherman tried to swim in lava' [16:58:37] Villager Villager['Villager'/223068, uuid='60a21df1-716b-49f7-8f02-5b7bf46b63f1', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-75.33, y=62.51, z=253.70, cpos=[-5, 15], tl=44809, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie' [17:06:13] Villager Villager['Villager'/219971, uuid='6412e1a4-ab44-44c1-95f0-f06280e90a24', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-59.35, y=64.00, z=220.44, cpos=[-4, 13], tl=80876, v=true] died, message: 'Villager burned to death' [17:06:15] Villager Villager['Villager'/219046, uuid='d61afada-0191-4074-a057-eaf891d2ff47', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-59.70, y=61.05, z=163.46, cpos=[-4, 10], tl=86681, v=true] died, message: 'Villager drowned' [17:14:54] Villager Villager['Villager'/213045, uuid='a92dcfc3-23c4-4873-bde8-1f4a4b905822', l='ServerLevel[trusty_creative_terrain]', x=-81.30, y=65.80, z=230.86, cpos=[-6, 14], tl=140445, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie' [17:24:09] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [17:24:09] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [17:30:03] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [17:30:04] Saved the game [17:30:04] Automatic saving is now disabled [17:30:05] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:50:13] fart_251[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:50:14] [Outsider] fart_251 has joined the server [18:50:20] fart_251 lost connection: Disconnected [18:50:20] [Outsider] fart_251 has left the server [19:50:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:50:14] Saved the game [19:50:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:50:15] Automatic saving is now enabled