[20:15:29] ====[ Multiverse Help ]==== [20:15:29] Add a '?' after a command to see more about it. [20:15:29] /mv [FILTER] [PAGE #] [20:15:29] /mv version [-b|-h|-p] [--include-plugin-list] [20:15:29] /mv list [filter] [page] [20:15:29] /mv info [WORLD] [PAGE] [20:15:29] /mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] -t [WORLDTYPE] [-n] -a [true|false] [20:15:29] /mv clone {TARGET} {NAME} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [20:15:29] /mv import {NAME} {ENV} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [-n] [20:15:29] /mv reload [20:15:29] /mv setspawn [20:15:29] /mv coord [20:15:29] /mv tp [PLAYER] {DESTINATION} [20:15:29] /mv who [WORLD|--all] [20:15:29] /mv spawn [PLAYER] [20:15:29] /mv unload {WORLD} [20:15:29] /mv load {WORLD} [20:15:29] /mv remove {WORLD} [20:15:29] /mv delete {WORLD} [20:15:29] /mv regen {WORLD} [-s [SEED]] [--keep-gamerules] [20:15:29] /mv confirm [20:15:29] /mv modify {set|add|remove|clear} ... [20:15:29] /mv purge [WORLD|all] {all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME} [20:15:29] /mv modify add {VALUE} {PROPERTY} [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mv modify set {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mv modify remove {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mv modify clear {PROPERTY} [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mv config {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [20:15:29] /mv anchor {name} [-d] [20:15:29] /mv env [20:15:29] /mv debug [1|2|3|off|silent] [20:15:29] /mv silent [true|false|on|off] [20:15:29] /mv generators [20:15:29] /mv check {PLAYER} {DESTINATION} [20:15:29] /mv script {script} [target] [20:15:29] /mv gamerule {RULE} {VALUE} [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mv gamerules [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mvp info {PORTAL} [20:15:29] /mvp list [FILTER] [WORLD] [20:15:29] /mvp create {NAME} [DESTINATION] [20:15:29] /mvp debug [on|off] [20:15:29] /mvp remove {NAME} [20:15:29] /mvp modify {PROPERTY} [VALUE] -p [PORTAL] [20:15:29] /mvp select {PORTAL} [20:15:29] /mvp wand [20:15:29] /mvp config {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [20:15:29] /mvnp link {end|nether} [FROM_WORLD] {TO_WORLD} [20:15:29] /mvnp unlink {nether|end}[FROM_WORLD] [20:15:29] /mvnp show [type] [PAGE #] [20:15:56] CONSOLE: Starting creation of world 'trusty_creative_terrain'... [20:15:56] Simulation Distance: 10 [20:15:56] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [20:15:56] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [20:15:56] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [20:15:56] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [20:15:56] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [20:15:56] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [20:16:12] Time elapsed: 5770 ms [20:16:12] CONSOLE: Complete! [20:16:46] Warps: admin_mgmt, factions, fortnite, freebuild, hard_smp_admin, hub, quackshack, shop, spawn, trusty_creative, trusty_survival, wariokart [20:16:46] Warps: admin_mgmt, factions, fortnite, freebuild, hard_smp_admin, hub, quackshack, shop, spawn, trusty_creative, trusty_survival, wariokart [20:16:49] Warps: admin_mgmt, factions, fortnite, freebuild, hard_smp_admin, hub, quackshack, shop, spawn, trusty_creative, trusty_survival, wariokart [20:19:08] --- Modify a World (Set a value) --- [20:19:08] Modify various aspects of worlds. See the help wiki for how to use this command properly. If you do not include a world, the current world will be used. [20:19:08] /mv modify set {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD] [20:19:08] Permission: multiverse.core.modify.set [20:19:08] Aliases: mv modify set, mvmodify set, mvm set, mvmset [20:19:08] Examples: [20:19:08] /mvm set mode creative [20:19:08] /mvm set animals false [20:19:08] /mvm set monsters false [20:19:08] /mvm set alias MyWorld [20:19:08] /mvm set color green [20:19:08] /mvm set curr 3 [20:19:08] /mvm set price 5 [20:19:08] /mvm set scale 1.2 [20:19:08] /mvm set memory true [20:19:08] /mvm set diff hard [20:19:08] /mvm set hunger false [20:19:08] /mvm set hidden true [20:19:08] /mvm set pvp false [20:19:08] /mvm set heal true [20:19:08] /mvm set adjustspawn false [20:19:08] /mvm set spawn [20:19:19] That world does not exist! [20:19:21] Success! Property mode was set to creative [20:19:32] Success! Property keepSpawnInMemory was set to false [20:19:52] Success! Property difficulty was set to easy [20:20:13] You must enter a world from the console! [20:20:21] --- General Info --- [20:20:21] World Name: trusty_creative_terrain [20:20:21] World UID: faeb7ebc-eb12-4526-b12b-a5cc4106b55f [20:20:21] World Alias: trusty_creative_terrain [20:20:21] Game Mode: CREATIVE [20:20:21] Difficulty: EASY [20:20:21] Spawn Location: X: 48 Y: 68 Z: 192 P: 0 Y: 0 [20:20:21] World Scale: 1.0 [20:20:21] World Seed: 1989341393878529106 [20:20:21] Price to enter this world: FREE! [20:20:21] [20:20:21] --- More World Settings --- [20:20:21] World Type: NORMAL [20:20:21] Generator: null [20:20:21] Structures: true [20:20:21] Weather: true [20:20:21] Players will get hungry: true [20:20:21] Keep spawn in memory: true [20:20:21] [20:20:21] --- PVP Settings --- [20:20:21] Multiverse Setting: true [20:20:21] Bukkit Setting: true [20:20:21] [20:20:21] --- Monster Settings --- [20:20:21] Multiverse Setting: true [20:20:21] Bukkit Setting: true [20:20:21] Monsters that CAN spawn: ALL [20:20:21] [20:20:21] --- Animal Settings --- [20:20:21] Multiverse Setting: true [20:20:21] Bukkit Setting: true [20:20:21] Animals that CAN spawn: ALL [20:22:06] Essentials reloaded 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03. [20:22:17] Server version: 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT 1.20.6-148-20f5165 (MC: 1.20.6) [20:22:17] Brand version: Paper [20:22:17] EssentialsX version: 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03 [20:22:17] LuckPerms version: 5.4.137 [20:22:17] Vault version: 1.7.3-b131 [20:22:17] EssentialsXChat version: 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03 [20:22:17] EssentialsXDiscord version: 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03 [20:22:17] EssentialsXGeoIP version: 2.21.0-dev+102-fcf6e64 [20:22:17] EssentialsXDiscordLink version: 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03 [20:22:17] Economy Layer: None [20:22:17] Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version. [20:22:17] Fetching version information... [20:29:42] My_Dad_Rocks[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:29:42] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has joined the server [20:30:10] Reloading BlueMap... [20:30:13] [Not Secure] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks: h [20:34:57] Essentials reloaded 2.21.0-dev+100-b392f03. [20:37:21] [Developer] Console: i need to move you back real quick gimme a sec [20:37:31] ยป Configuration files reloaded! [20:37:34] ----------------------------------------------------- [20:37:34] [ PerWorldInventoryCommands ] [20:37:34] === Showing help for pwi === [20:37:34] perworldinventory help [help] [20:37:34] perworldinventory group addworld <groupName> [world] - Add a world to a group [20:37:34] perworldinventory group removeworld <groupName> [world] - Remove a world from a group [20:37:34] perworldinventory group setrespawn <groupName> [world] - Set the default spawn world for a group [20:37:34] perworldinventory group list - Shows all of the current group names [20:37:34] perworldinventory convert - Convert inventory data from another plugin [20:37:34] perworldinventory version - View the installed version of PerWorldInventory [20:37:34] perworldinventory group delete <group> - Remove a group [20:37:34] perworldinventory reload - Reload Configurations [20:37:34] perworldinventory group info [groupName] - Display information about a group [20:37:34] - Showing page 1 of 2 (12 results). [20:37:34] ----------------------------------------------------- [20:37:37] [ PerWorldInventory Groups ] [20:37:37] 0: survival [20:37:37] 1: restricted [20:37:37] 2: freebuilding [20:37:37] 3: cmd_test [20:37:37] 4: ctf_well [20:37:37] 5: rexys_world [20:37:37] 6: gangweed [20:37:37] 7: testquacker [20:37:37] 8: csgo [20:37:37] 9: fortnite [20:37:45] Group name: freebuilding [20:37:45] Number of worlds: 8 [20:37:45] Worlds: [20:37:45] - PublicWorld [20:37:45] - PublicWorld_nether [20:37:45] - freebuild [20:37:45] - world_edit [20:37:45] - world_edit_nether [20:37:45] - world_edit_the_end [20:37:45] - estate [20:37:45] - trusty_creative_terrain [20:37:45] Default GameMode: CREATIVE [20:37:49] ----------------------------------------------------- [20:37:49] [ PerWorldInventoryCommands ] [20:37:49] === Showing help for pwi === [20:37:49] perworldinventory group create <name> [defaultGameMode] [worlds] - Create a new world group [20:37:49] perworldinventory migrate - Migrate old data to the latest data format [20:37:49] - Showing page 2 of 2 (12 results). [20:37:49] ----------------------------------------------------- [20:37:50] My_Dad_Rocks lost connection: Timed out [20:37:50] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has left the server [20:38:38] My_Dad_Rocks[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:38:38] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has joined the server [20:38:47] [Developer] Console: h [20:38:50] [Not Secure] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks: h [20:38:53] [Developer] Console: try warping back to trusty creative terrain [20:39:15] --- Worlds and their players --- 1/20 [20:39:15] The Quack Shack - No players found. [20:39:15] trusty_survival - No players found. [20:39:15] trusty_survival_the_end - No players found. [20:39:15] world_the_end - No players found. [20:39:15] Normal SMP - No players found. [20:39:15] Hub - No players found. [20:39:15] world_nether - No players found. [20:39:15] freebuild - No players found. [20:39:15] trusty_creative_terrain - [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks [20:39:15] floatingisland - No players found. [20:39:15] bedwars - No players found. [20:39:15] Fortnite ripoff - No players found. [20:39:15] trusty_survival_nether - No players found. [20:39:15] Trustys' World - No players found. [20:39:48] --- Worlds and their players --- 1/20 [20:39:48] The Quack Shack - No players found. [20:39:48] trusty_survival - No players found. [20:39:48] trusty_survival_the_end - No players found. [20:39:48] world_the_end - No players found. [20:39:48] Normal SMP - No players found. [20:39:48] Hub - No players found. [20:39:48] world_nether - No players found. [20:39:48] freebuild - No players found. [20:39:48] trusty_creative_terrain - [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks [20:39:48] floatingisland - No players found. [20:39:48] bedwars - No players found. [20:39:48] Fortnite ripoff - No players found. [20:39:48] trusty_survival_nether - No players found. [20:39:48] Trustys' World - No players found. [20:41:54] Reloading BlueMap... [20:47:46] My_Dad_Rocks lost connection: Disconnected [20:47:46] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has left the server [21:27:19] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:27:19] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [21:29:44] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:29:46] Saved the game [21:29:46] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:29:47] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:34:49] My_Dad_Rocks[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:34:49] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has joined the server [21:35:19] My_Dad_Rocks lost connection: Timed out [21:35:19] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has left the server [21:35:31] My_Dad_Rocks[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:35:31] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has joined the server [21:35:38] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: h [21:35:51] My_Dad_Rocks lost connection: Disconnected [21:35:52] [Trusty] My_Dad_Rocks has left the server [21:49:41] nat_thenewb_3 lost connection: Disconnected [21:49:41] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has left the server [22:29:44] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:29:45] Saved the game [22:29:45] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:29:46] Automatic saving is now enabled