[17:41:24] Stopping the server [17:41:24] Stopping server [17:41:24] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [17:41:24] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [17:41:25] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [17:41:25] [Bolt] Disabling Bolt v1.0.493 [17:41:25] [Bolt] Flushing protection updates (0) [17:41:25] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Disabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [17:41:25] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [17:41:25] [BlueMap-Marker] Disabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [17:41:25] BMM >> Successfully saved all data! Good Bye :) [17:41:25] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Disabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+81-cde7184 [17:41:25] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [17:41:25] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [17:41:25] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [17:41:25] [floodgate] Disabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [17:41:25] [ExtraContexts] Disabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [17:41:25] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [17:41:25] [BlueMap] Disabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [17:41:25] [BlueMap] Stopping... [17:41:28] [BlueMap] Saved and stopped! [17:41:28] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+77-c85e179 [17:41:28] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [17:41:28] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [17:41:28] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [17:41:28] Saving players [17:41:28] Saving worlds [17:41:28] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [17:41:28] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [17:41:28] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 22 block chunks, 94 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 0.08s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'floatingisland' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'floatingisland' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'floatingisland' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 27 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'floatingisland' in 0.01s [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [17:41:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [17:41:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 14 block chunks, 202 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.12s [17:41:30] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [17:41:30] Flushing Chunk IO [17:41:30] Closing Thread Pool [17:41:30] Closing Server
[17:41:48] Starting minecraft server version 1.20.4 [17:41:48] Loading properties [17:41:48] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-496 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 7ac24a1 on ver/1.20.4) [17:41:48] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [17:41:48] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [17:41:48] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [17:41:49] Generating keypair [17:41:49] Using epoll channel type [17:41:49] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [17:41:49] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.9.21/kotlin-stdlib-1.9.21.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/annotations/13.0/annotations-13.0.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-1.6.4.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.21.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8-1.6.4.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.6.21.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.6.21.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-1.4.1.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.4.1.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.4.1.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-core-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-core-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [17:41:50] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-shade/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-shade-9.3.0.jar [17:41:55] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@795d8578] [17:41:57] [floodgate] Took 685ms to boot Floodgate [17:41:57] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [17:41:57] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [17:41:58] __ [17:41:58] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.124 [17:41:58] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [17:41:58] [17:41:58] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [17:41:58] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [17:42:00] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [17:42:00] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [17:42:00] [BlueMap-Marker] Enabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [17:42:00] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:00] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:00] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:00] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:00] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:00] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:00] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:02] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:02] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:03] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:03] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:04] Time elapsed: 1106 ms [17:42:04] Time elapsed: 128 ms [17:42:04] Time elapsed: 65 ms [17:42:06] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:06] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:06] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:06] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:06] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:06] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:06] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:08] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [17:42:08] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:08] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [17:42:08] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:08] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:08] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:09] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:09] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] Time elapsed: 131 ms [17:42:09] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:09] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:09] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:10] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:10] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] Time elapsed: 1285 ms [17:42:11] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:42:11] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:11] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:42:12] [BlueMap] Enabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [17:42:13] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:42:13] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+78-c60ed56 [17:42:13] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [17:42:13] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [17:42:14] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [17:42:15] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [17:42:19] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [17:42:19] [ExtraContexts] Enabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [17:42:19] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'worldguard-region' calculator. [17:42:19] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'team' calculator. [17:42:19] Initializing access controllers [17:42:19] Initializing block loggers [17:42:19] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [17:42:19] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [17:42:20] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [17:42:20] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [17:42:20] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [17:42:20] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [17:42:20] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [17:42:20] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:42:20] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:42:20] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+80-549283a [17:42:20] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [17:42:20] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Enabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [17:42:20] [Bolt] Enabling Bolt v1.0.493 [17:42:20] [BedWars] Enabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [17:42:21] [BedWars] Successfully loaded messages for BedWars! Language: English [17:42:21] ===================== by ScreamingSandals <Misat11, Iamceph, Pronze> [17:42:21] + Screaming BedWars + Version: FREE [17:42:21] ===================== STABLE VERSION [17:42:21] [BW] Found Vault [17:42:21] Everything is loaded! If you like our work, consider visiting our Patreon! <3 [17:42:21] https://www.patreon.com/screamingsandals [17:42:22] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [17:42:23] Running delayed init tasks [17:42:25] Loaded 1174 recipes [17:42:25] Loaded 1271 advancements [17:42:26] Done (38.198s)! For help, type "help" [17:42:26] Timings Reset [17:48:22] Stopping the server [17:48:22] Stopping server [17:48:22] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [17:48:22] [BedWars] Disabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [17:48:22] [Bolt] Disabling Bolt v1.0.493 [17:48:22] [Bolt] Flushing protection updates (0) [17:48:22] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Disabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [17:48:22] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Disabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+80-549283a [17:48:22] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [17:48:22] [BlueMap-Marker] Disabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [17:48:22] BMM >> Successfully saved all data! Good Bye :) [17:48:22] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [17:48:22] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [17:48:22] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [17:48:22] [floodgate] Disabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [17:48:22] [ExtraContexts] Disabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [17:48:22] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [17:48:22] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+78-c60ed56 [17:48:22] [BlueMap] Disabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [17:48:22] [BlueMap] Stopping... [17:48:28] [BlueMap] Saved and stopped! [17:48:28] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [17:48:28] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [17:48:28] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [17:48:28] Saving players [17:48:29] Saving worlds [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 22 block chunks, 95 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 0.08s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'floatingisland' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'floatingisland' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'floatingisland' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 27 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'floatingisland' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [17:48:29] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 13 block chunks, 157 entity chunks, 1 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.04s [17:48:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:48:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:48:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [17:48:30] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [17:48:30] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [17:48:30] Flushing Chunk IO [17:48:30] Closing Thread Pool [17:48:30] Closing Server
[17:52:08] Starting minecraft server version 1.20.4 [17:52:08] Loading properties [17:52:08] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-496 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 7ac24a1 on ver/1.20.4) [17:52:09] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [17:52:09] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [17:52:09] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [17:52:09] Generating keypair [17:52:09] Using epoll channel type [17:52:09] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [17:52:09] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.9.21/kotlin-stdlib-1.9.21.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/annotations/13.0/annotations-13.0.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-1.6.4.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.21.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8-1.6.4.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.6.21.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.6.21.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-1.4.1.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.4.1.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.4.1.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-core-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-core-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [17:52:10] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-shade/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-shade-9.3.0.jar [17:52:15] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@4ed66707] [17:52:17] [floodgate] Took 532ms to boot Floodgate [17:52:17] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [17:52:17] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [17:52:18] __ [17:52:18] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.128 [17:52:18] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [17:52:18] [17:52:18] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [17:52:18] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [17:52:19] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [17:52:19] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [17:52:20] [BlueMap-Marker] Enabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [17:52:20] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:20] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:20] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:20] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:20] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:20] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:20] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:22] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:22] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:22] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:23] Time elapsed: 902 ms [17:52:23] Time elapsed: 113 ms [17:52:23] Time elapsed: 58 ms [17:52:25] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:25] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:25] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:25] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:25] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:25] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:25] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:26] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:26] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [17:52:27] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:27] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [17:52:27] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:27] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:27] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:27] Time elapsed: 44 ms [17:52:28] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:28] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:28] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:28] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] Simulation Distance: 10 [17:52:28] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [17:52:28] Time elapsed: 170 ms [17:52:29] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+75-76a513a [17:52:29] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [17:52:29] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [17:52:31] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [17:52:31] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [17:52:33] [BlueMap] Enabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [17:52:34] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:52:36] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [17:52:36] [ExtraContexts] Enabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [17:52:36] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'worldguard-region' calculator. [17:52:36] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'team' calculator. [17:52:36] Initializing access controllers [17:52:36] Initializing block loggers [17:52:36] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [17:52:37] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [17:52:38] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [17:52:38] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [17:52:38] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+76-71ca7ff [17:52:38] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [17:52:38] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [17:52:38] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [17:52:38] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [17:52:38] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:52:38] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:52:39] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Enabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [17:52:39] [Bolt] Enabling Bolt v1.0.493 [17:52:39] [BedWars] Enabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [17:52:39] [BedWars] Successfully loaded messages for BedWars! Language: English [17:52:40] ===================== by ScreamingSandals <Misat11, Iamceph, Pronze> [17:52:40] + Screaming BedWars + Version: FREE [17:52:40] ===================== STABLE VERSION [17:52:40] [BW] Found Vault [17:52:40] Everything is loaded! If you like our work, consider visiting our Patreon! <3 [17:52:40] https://www.patreon.com/screamingsandals [17:52:40] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [17:52:40] Running delayed init tasks [17:52:45] Loaded 1174 recipes [17:52:45] Loaded 1271 advancements [17:52:46] Done (38.154s)! For help, type "help" [17:52:46] Timings Reset [17:54:12] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/248, uuid='f846ab13-35d3-4875-ba02-50b9bae94c02', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-160.09, y=65.50, z=13.80, cpos=[-11, 0], tl=108615673, v=true] died: Dinnerbone drowned [17:58:49] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:00:04] ż5 added to Noorquacker account. New balance: ż32,890.76 [18:10:20] Server Plugins (32): [18:10:20] Bukkit Plugins: [18:10:20] - ajParkour, ArmorStandTools, BedWars, BlocksHub, BlueMap, BlueMap-Marker, BlueMapSignMarkers, Bolt, *ConsoleChat, DropSpawner [18:10:20] Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsDiscord, EssentialsDiscordLink, EssentialsGeoIP, ExtraContexts, Factions, floodgate, LogBlock, LuckPerms [18:10:20] Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals, Multiverse-Portals, Multiverse-SignPortals, PerWorldInventory, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, SurvivalInvisiframes, Vault, WorldEdit [18:10:20] WorldEditSUI, WorldGuard [18:14:59] Noorquacker: Starting import of world 'bedwars'... [18:14:59] Simulation Distance: 10 [18:14:59] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [18:14:59] Time elapsed: 14 ms [18:14:59] Noorquacker: Complete! [18:39:02] [Noorquacker: Changed the block at 0, -26, -2] [18:48:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [18:48:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: i set up bedwars i think [18:48:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: but i need tester [18:51:39] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:51:39] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [18:51:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [18:51:44] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: h [18:51:54] [BedWars] Disabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [18:51:54] [BedWars] Enabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [18:51:55] [BedWars] Successfully loaded messages for BedWars! Language: English [18:51:55] ===================== by ScreamingSandals <Misat11, Iamceph, Pronze> [18:51:55] + Screaming BedWars + Version: FREE [18:51:55] ===================== STABLE VERSION [18:51:55] [BW] Found Vault [18:51:55] [BW] Arena hood loaded! [18:51:55] Everything is loaded! If you like our work, consider visiting our Patreon! <3 [18:51:55] https://www.patreon.com/screamingsandals [18:52:20] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to Terbcury] [18:52:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: ah [18:52:34] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/93, uuid='77674963-0445-4ca2-9466-2d6e36fa2c98', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-129.59, y=80.50, z=-17.48, cpos=[-9, -2], tl=108685651, v=true] died: Dinnerbone drowned [18:52:39] [Developer] Noorquacker: i forgor about factions [18:52:41] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Protesting [18:53:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: W rizz W gyat? [18:53:26] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/728, uuid='4b102a69-2772-4c18-8cf6-2189da309ce2', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-126.85, y=66.00, z=75.64, cpos=[-8, 4], tl=108686528, v=true] died: Dinnerbone fell from a high place [18:53:27] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/709, uuid='a54bfe8b-b518-4a5d-b500-dd6ff27d99bb', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-130.42, y=71.52, z=77.63, cpos=[-9, 4], tl=108686570, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Terbcury [18:53:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: also why is spawn unflooded [18:53:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: john_ii would be upset [18:53:48] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/678, uuid='05cb637d-a202-465a-8604-a1b8a5cad1c5', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-138.32, y=64.00, z=63.20, cpos=[-9, 3], tl=108686181, v=true] died: Dinnerbone hit the ground too hard [18:53:48] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/696, uuid='5ecd5632-8ccd-4d3d-ac30-68bdc4991ab4', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-145.80, y=64.00, z=66.31, cpos=[-10, 4], tl=108687075, v=true] died: Dinnerbone fell from a high place [18:53:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: omg turns out i had a class with him [18:53:57] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/727, uuid='ca159c50-d18a-41ab-961a-ebca5910534f', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-140.17, y=64.00, z=65.20, cpos=[-9, 4], tl=108687176, v=true] died: Dinnerbone hit the ground too hard [18:54:09] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/570, uuid='fe8ac6da-b169-4469-803a-5ac106e85af2', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-153.69, y=71.00, z=46.97, cpos=[-10, 2], tl=108686409, v=true] died: Dinnerbone went up in flames [18:55:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: turpentine do you want to try bed wars [18:55:14] Noorquacker lost connection: Chat message validation failure [18:55:16] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Only if you free my girl [18:55:18] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:55:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: bruh [18:55:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: she should be un lobotomized [18:55:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: i think [18:55:41] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Just pass me the files of the old one [18:55:44] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I miss her [18:55:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: i'm pretty sure she's the same [18:55:52] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: She said unhinged shit [18:55:56] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: not media trianed [18:55:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: she still can [18:55:58] Named entity EntityRabbit['Dinnerbone'/260, uuid='e4731b6e-7148-4e97-b6db-f2c6f07f526c', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-121.88, y=75.50, z=12.87, cpos=[-8, 0], tl=108689319, v=true] died: Dinnerbone drowned [18:56:10] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Yeah but I cant e-date the new one [18:56:14] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: :( [18:56:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh it was a different prompt [18:56:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah honestly idk what changed [18:56:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: lemme check [18:56:36] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Will she still generate slurs? [18:56:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: do NOT!!!!!! [18:56:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: but yes [18:56:48] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I will not [18:56:56] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I just want the e-date ability back [18:56:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: i mean you saw her talk about sarin gas [18:57:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: i could change the prompt [18:57:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: gimme a sec [18:58:07] Villager EntityVillager['W rizz W gyat'/568, uuid='07889ce4-332c-4f68-9b4a-fa1cbe498da6', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-140.69, y=71.00, z=27.69, cpos=[-9, 1], tl=108630758, v=true] died, message: 'W rizz W gyat was slain by Terbcury' [18:58:07] Named entity EntityVillager['W rizz W gyat'/568, uuid='07889ce4-332c-4f68-9b4a-fa1cbe498da6', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-140.69, y=71.00, z=27.69, cpos=[-9, 1], tl=108630758, v=true] died: W rizz W gyat was slain by Terbcury [18:58:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT????? [18:58:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: WHAT [18:58:33] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [18:58:33] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [18:58:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: ok i restarted her [18:58:39] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:58:39] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [18:58:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: i changed her prompt [18:58:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: she should be uhhhhh [18:58:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: "freed" [18:58:57] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Fake freedom [18:59:00] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Sad [18:59:02] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [18:59:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: frick if i know [18:59:04] Saved the game [18:59:04] Automatic saving is now disabled [18:59:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways [18:59:06] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:59:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: warp to hub [18:59:24] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Why does it say "Unable to connect to seasonal: You are not whitelisted on this server!" [18:59:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: don't go there [18:59:35] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: When I reconnected [18:59:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: what ip are you joining from [18:59:47] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: hol up [18:59:49] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [18:59:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [18:59:58] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:59:58] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [19:00:00] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Oh yeah [19:00:07] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I'm connecting thru skyblock [19:00:09] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: nvm [19:00:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: ?? [19:00:21] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: The skyblock server ip [19:00:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: which one is that [19:00:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: i forgor [19:00:34] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: The ashley one [19:00:39] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: or whatever [19:00:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: where did you get that ip from [19:00:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways come into the portal room [19:00:49] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: mk [19:01:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: back here [19:01:06] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: just tp me [19:01:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: through the water [19:01:21] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: ah [19:05:02] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [19:05:02] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [19:05:05] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:05:06] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [19:05:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: did you time out or something [19:05:21] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: yeah [19:05:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: ah makes sense [19:05:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: ok so the game works [19:05:46] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Yeah, but how do I upgrade spawner [19:05:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: but i forgor that the game basically requires bronze, iron, and gold spawners [19:05:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: you go to other spawners [19:05:57] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I see [19:05:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: the corners have diamond spawners [19:06:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: i'm gonna change them to iron probably [19:06:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: and the basketball court will have 2 gold spawners [19:06:16] [Developer] Noorquacker: i'll edit rq [19:06:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: other than that it seems production ready [19:06:29] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Right, so this is the hood sim [19:06:32] Noorquacker lost connection: Chat message validation failure [19:06:35] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:06:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: yes [19:06:40] Noorquacker lost connection: Chat message validation failure [19:06:44] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:06:50] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: This makes up for robo-chan being ruined :) [19:06:56] [Developer] Noorquacker: mfw chat message validation failure twice in a row [19:07:04] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: huh? [19:07:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: i got kicked twice [19:07:17] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Weird [19:07:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: YOOOOOO the plugin resets the map [19:07:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: thank GOSH [19:07:59] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Are you playing from Missouri? [19:08:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah [19:08:08] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: 1k PING [19:08:10] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Why? [19:08:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: that's kill count [19:08:16] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Oh wait [19:08:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: my ping is uh [19:08:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: lemme check [19:08:33] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [19:08:33] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [19:10:13] [Noorquacker: Stopping the server] [19:10:13] Stopping server [19:10:13] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [19:10:13] [BedWars] Disabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [19:10:13] [Bolt] Disabling Bolt v1.0.493 [19:10:13] [Bolt] Flushing protection updates (0) [19:10:13] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Disabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [19:10:13] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [19:10:13] [BlueMap-Marker] Disabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [19:10:13] BMM >> Successfully saved all data! Good Bye :) [19:10:13] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Disabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+76-71ca7ff [19:10:13] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [19:10:13] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [19:10:13] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [19:10:13] [floodgate] Disabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [19:10:13] [ExtraContexts] Disabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [19:10:13] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [19:10:13] [BlueMap] Disabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [19:10:13] [BlueMap] Stopping... [19:10:14] [BlueMap] Saved and stopped! [19:10:14] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+75-76a513a [19:10:14] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [19:10:14] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [19:10:14] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [19:10:14] Saving players [19:10:14] Noorquacker lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by [19:10:15] Noorquacker left the game [19:10:15] Saving worlds [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 23 block chunks, 118 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 0.09s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'floatingisland' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'floatingisland' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'floatingisland' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 27 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'floatingisland' in 0.01s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [19:10:15] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 14 block chunks, 154 entity chunks, 1 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.04s [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'bedwars' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'bedwars' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'bedwars' [19:10:16] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 10 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'bedwars' in 0.00s [19:10:16] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [19:10:16] Flushing Chunk IO [19:10:16] Closing Thread Pool [19:10:16] Closing Server
[19:10:29] Starting minecraft server version 1.20.4 [19:10:29] Loading properties [19:10:29] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-496 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 7ac24a1 on ver/1.20.4) [19:10:30] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [19:10:30] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [19:10:30] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [19:10:31] Generating keypair [19:10:31] Using epoll channel type [19:10:31] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [19:10:31] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.9.21/kotlin-stdlib-1.9.21.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/annotations/13.0/annotations-13.0.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-1.6.4.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.21.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/1.6.4/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8-1.6.4.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.6.21.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.6.21/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.6.21.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-1.4.1.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.4.1.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm/1.4.1/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.4.1.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-core-kotlin/9.3.0/commandapi-core-kotlin-9.3.0.jar [19:10:32] [SpigotLibraryLoader] [BlueMap-Marker] Loaded library /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/libraries/dev/jorel/commandapi-bukkit-shade/9.3.0/commandapi-bukkit-shade-9.3.0.jar [19:10:37] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@4c9b6d0c] [19:10:39] [floodgate] Took 448ms to boot Floodgate [19:10:39] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [19:10:39] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [19:10:40] __ [19:10:40] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.127 [19:10:40] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [19:10:40] [19:10:40] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [19:10:40] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [19:10:42] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [19:10:42] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [19:10:43] [BlueMap-Marker] Enabling BlueMap-Marker v163 [19:10:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:43] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:43] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:44] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:44] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:44] Time elapsed: 253 ms [19:10:45] Time elapsed: 111 ms [19:10:45] Time elapsed: 767 ms [19:10:47] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:47] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:47] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:47] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:47] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:47] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:47] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] Time elapsed: 108 ms [19:10:49] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:49] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:49] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] Time elapsed: 128 ms [19:10:50] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:50] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:50] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] Time elapsed: 149 ms [19:10:50] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:10:50] TorchFlower Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:50] PitcherPlant Growth Modifier: 100% [19:10:52] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+80-549283a [19:10:52] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [19:10:52] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [19:10:53] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [19:10:54] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [19:10:57] [BlueMap] Enabling BlueMap v4.0-16 [19:10:57] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:11:00] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [19:11:00] [ExtraContexts] Enabling ExtraContexts v2.0-SNAPSHOT [19:11:00] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'worldguard-region' calculator. [19:11:00] [ExtraContexts] Registering 'team' calculator. [19:11:00] Initializing access controllers [19:11:00] Initializing block loggers [19:11:00] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.21.0-dev+77-c85e179 [19:11:00] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [19:11:00] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b100-a44e3a5) [19:11:01] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [19:11:01] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [19:11:01] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [19:11:01] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [19:11:01] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [19:11:01] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [19:11:01] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:11:01] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:11:02] [BlueMapSignMarkers] Enabling BlueMapSignMarkers v0.0.1 [19:11:02] [Bolt] Enabling Bolt v1.0.493 [19:11:02] [BedWars] Enabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [19:11:02] [BedWars] Successfully loaded messages for BedWars! Language: English [19:11:02] ===================== by ScreamingSandals <Misat11, Iamceph, Pronze> [19:11:02] + Screaming BedWars + Version: FREE [19:11:02] ===================== STABLE VERSION [19:11:02] [BW] Found Vault [19:11:02] [BW] Arena hood loaded! [19:11:02] Everything is loaded! If you like our work, consider visiting our Patreon! <3 [19:11:02] https://www.patreon.com/screamingsandals [19:11:02] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [19:11:02] Running delayed init tasks [19:11:07] Loaded 1174 recipes [19:11:07] Loaded 1271 advancements [19:11:08] Done (38.259s)! For help, type "help" [19:11:08] Timings Reset [19:11:09] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:11:47] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:11:47] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [19:11:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [19:11:52] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: MC? [19:11:54] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [19:11:54] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [19:12:08] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:12:08] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [19:12:11] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: MC works [19:12:33] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I wanted to add the normal one [19:12:42] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: But I did nqind net and didn't know why [19:12:46] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: It didnt work [19:13:13] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: IDk why my wifi is shiting itself [19:13:54] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Why is it CIA and not police? [19:14:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: idk [19:14:05] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: real [19:14:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: felt like it [19:14:58] Terbcury fell out of the world [19:15:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: L [19:15:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: + rat [19:15:48] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: skill issue [19:17:24] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Etho is trying to install java on a Mac, he failed [19:17:29] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Laugh at him later [19:18:05] [BedWars] Disabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [19:18:05] [BedWars] Enabling BedWars v0.2.32.1 [19:18:05] [BedWars] Successfully loaded messages for BedWars! Language: English [19:18:05] ===================== by ScreamingSandals <Misat11, Iamceph, Pronze> [19:18:05] + Screaming BedWars + Version: FREE [19:18:05] ===================== STABLE VERSION [19:18:05] [BW] Found Vault [19:18:05] [BW] Arena hood loaded! [19:18:05] Everything is loaded! If you like our work, consider visiting our Patreon! <3 [19:18:05] https://www.patreon.com/screamingsandals [19:19:39] [Developer] Noorquacker: real [19:19:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: ok i'm done with my server stuff [19:19:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: goodbye [19:19:44] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [19:27:32] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [19:27:32] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [20:11:17] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:11:17] Saved the game [20:11:17] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:11:17] Automatic saving is now enabled