[09:46:55] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:46:55] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [10:44:13] nat_thenewb_3 lost connection: Disconnected [10:44:13] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has left the server [10:46:54] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [10:46:55] Saved the game [10:46:55] Automatic saving is now disabled [10:46:55] Automatic saving is now enabled [10:58:56] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:58:56] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [10:59:15] nat_thenewb_3 lost connection: Disconnected [10:59:15] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has left the server [11:13:04] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:13:04] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [11:48:30] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: H! [11:49:24] nat_thenewb_3 lost connection: Timed out [11:49:24] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has left the server [11:49:37] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:49:37] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [11:49:49] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: Grandma wifi [11:49:54] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: Dad is messing with it [11:50:05] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: yup [11:50:53] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: LMAO sounds good [11:50:59] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: I'm just getting wood rn lol [11:51:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: How's your day before xmas [11:51:14] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: you still in misery? [11:55:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: yup [11:56:31] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: huh? [11:57:11] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: OHHHHH yeah i haven't worked on that ina while lol. My main storage is underneath [11:57:20] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: If you wanna get on sometime today you can come see [11:57:30] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: You might've seen it already [11:57:37] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: SPILL [11:58:20] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: Wait is this the floating thing [11:58:36] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: The island in the middle of space where you build your way off of it? [11:58:56] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [11:58:57] Saved the game [11:58:57] Automatic saving is now disabled [11:58:58] Automatic saving is now enabled [11:59:45] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: That sounds awesome! [12:00:08] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: My new project in my survival world (other than hoarding) is to build a brick and glass greenhouse [12:00:37] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: No your lol. I meant new project in this world [12:00:42] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: yours* [12:11:05] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: no? [12:12:28] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: HAHAHAHAHHAA [12:59:01] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [12:59:02] Saved the game [12:59:02] Automatic saving is now disabled [12:59:03] Automatic saving is now enabled [13:49:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: lmao i was not paying attention [13:51:29] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: no [13:55:24] nat_thenewb_3 lost connection: Disconnected [13:55:24] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has left the server [13:59:01] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [13:59:01] Saved the game [13:59:01] Automatic saving is now disabled [13:59:02] Automatic saving is now enabled