[05:10:19] MCList[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [05:10:19] [Outsider] MCList has joined the server [05:10:50] MCList lost connection: Disconnected [05:10:50] [Outsider] MCList has left the server [06:10:18] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [06:10:19] Saved the game [06:10:19] Automatic saving is now disabled [06:10:20] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:29:32] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:29:40] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [21:33:26] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:33:26] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [21:33:32] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:34:01] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:34:28] Noorquacker was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:34:59] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:35:06] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:35:46] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:35:46] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [21:35:53] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:35:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [21:36:00] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:36:21] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:36:31] Noorquacker left the confines of this world [21:37:35] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:37:40] Noorquacker was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:38:18] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:38:23] Noorquacker was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:38:38] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:38:44] ACC413 left the confines of this world [21:38:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [21:38:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [21:38:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [21:39:04] 0xE13000 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:39:08] [Trusty] 0xE13000: hear me out [21:39:12] [Trusty] 0xE13000: what if you got crackshot [21:39:17] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:39:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: what [21:39:20] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:39:22] [Trusty] 0xE13000: plugin [21:39:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: NRACKSHOT [21:39:25] [Trusty] ACC413: h [21:39:25] [Trusty] 0xE13000: ye [21:39:27] [Trusty] 0xE13000: h [21:39:46] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:39:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: L [21:39:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: rat [21:39:57] [Trusty] ACC413: border got me trapped bruh [21:39:59] 0xE13000 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:40:08] Noorquacker was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:40:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: L [21:40:35] 0xE13000 was slain by Noorquacker using [The King James Bible] [21:40:38] ACC413 was slain by Noorquacker using [The King James Bible] [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14708, uuid='95f86a0d-551d-4836-be04-3de7f7f0c68e', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=829.90, y=51.00, z=955.30, cpos=[51, 59], tl=4347, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15107, uuid='facf0b16-c385-441b-86b8-be48ce30ec01', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=801.26, y=64.00, z=962.97, cpos=[50, 60], tl=622, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14705, uuid='3a49a291-8eb1-4604-b7c0-d23c4c87f14c', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=829.03, y=78.00, z=938.24, cpos=[51, 58], tl=4356, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15094, uuid='c478de9d-cc43-457f-ab24-51249edf68fb', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=741.24, y=64.00, z=889.50, cpos=[46, 55], tl=638, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15122, uuid='b6cd92ad-44d3-4a65-bb9c-e9715188c396', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=896.50, y=64.00, z=1026.50, cpos=[56, 64], tl=576, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15121, uuid='cb7034a2-b7a9-43b9-8238-b823770005c0', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=897.50, y=64.00, z=1025.50, cpos=[56, 64], tl=576, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15127, uuid='4c581d6c-0898-4582-abf4-c7f9a959865d', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=724.50, y=64.00, z=941.50, cpos=[45, 58], tl=545, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14765, uuid='e487f47c-e736-4126-8d31-49519ebbd2fc', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=853.82, y=71.00, z=921.20, cpos=[53, 57], tl=3565, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14700, uuid='6dffd203-3d5a-4f4c-b91e-a1f6ce008d44', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=829.53, y=78.00, z=937.30, cpos=[51, 58], tl=4368, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14554, uuid='d799fff0-2f59-4d7a-b1b6-12fcabb09594', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=804.96, y=48.00, z=939.07, cpos=[50, 58], tl=6266, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14874, uuid='010ae5b8-05aa-4f51-b84a-8a45577f38e2', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=833.70, y=78.00, z=941.18, cpos=[52, 58], tl=2367, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15130, uuid='3d20f45d-f2d7-4b59-b5d9-6c67abb741d4', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=750.75, y=64.00, z=1031.72, cpos=[46, 64], tl=536, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/14555, uuid='08d7fd83-a6f1-4776-80ac-6fa63f808408', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=805.37, y=48.00, z=939.70, cpos=[50, 58], tl=6266, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15093, uuid='6071ecfb-b103-4d52-b2f9-3895b19e783c', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=730.50, y=64.00, z=889.50, cpos=[45, 55], tl=638, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15100, uuid='b4498e33-3f30-4536-89bb-76246da98d9f', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=900.50, y=64.00, z=1006.50, cpos=[56, 62], tl=626, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15092, uuid='6a77fd23-cf3c-4a0f-a820-68a773520d09', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=813.49, y=64.00, z=987.53, cpos=[50, 61], tl=643, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntitySkeleton['spooky scary'/15108, uuid='6462d457-4b7c-4b6f-8e7d-44682b9255db', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=851.50, y=64.00, z=990.50, cpos=[53, 61], tl=622, v=true] died: spooky scary was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15109, uuid='ec85e7d1-6341-40ae-81ab-96b3da0136ac', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=855.48, y=64.00, z=976.81, cpos=[53, 61], tl=622, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15101, uuid='f76db572-19c2-44e0-9d41-8f8606823649', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=904.23, y=64.00, z=996.84, cpos=[56, 62], tl=626, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15111, uuid='f1c508be-7997-4c99-8391-23ff525cbf03', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=800.51, y=64.00, z=982.78, cpos=[50, 61], tl=620, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15103, uuid='d0412f05-fdbf-4717-9c43-7b9188366a02', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=717.12, y=64.00, z=887.12, cpos=[44, 55], tl=623, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15032, uuid='33688bad-9c3f-4508-9217-a03490108a58', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=841.22, y=61.00, z=973.58, cpos=[52, 60], tl=887, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15113, uuid='81ae8fbd-4aa3-4872-8024-0a8dd9839e59', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=866.50, y=64.00, z=975.50, cpos=[54, 60], tl=595, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15097, uuid='0212240f-727c-4c08-bd51-7e4e6f8152eb', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=888.74, y=64.00, z=974.80, cpos=[55, 60], tl=635, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15098, uuid='be416994-b154-4eef-850f-9a649bad5d11', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=886.81, y=64.00, z=971.86, cpos=[55, 60], tl=635, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15033, uuid='2d3aa445-6c4b-4611-88fe-8f4ff1e959cb', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=844.14, y=61.00, z=979.22, cpos=[52, 61], tl=887, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15110, uuid='50ef4b61-ddf8-4e26-9d59-4195123ac3f5', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=847.50, y=64.00, z=996.20, cpos=[52, 62], tl=622, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15114, uuid='b754fa45-bc94-4bfc-899a-4e5ee63dba5c', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=862.50, y=64.00, z=982.16, cpos=[53, 61], tl=595, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14553, uuid='9dcc3781-8234-4f0e-a11f-8f55822f328c', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=833.30, y=52.00, z=962.36, cpos=[52, 60], tl=6403, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15096, uuid='74e2730b-cd86-4648-a70e-fa0f8f9ce612', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=721.25, y=64.00, z=1020.82, cpos=[45, 63], tl=636, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15095, uuid='11e2a0b3-04fd-4511-843a-4bafe6611965', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=719.13, y=64.00, z=1031.13, cpos=[44, 64], tl=636, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14504, uuid='dcd2afad-8d49-4916-a3cf-bbdd769b4a03', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=805.17, y=58.00, z=908.51, cpos=[50, 56], tl=6883, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15128, uuid='7ead3374-f4d8-4046-8585-4befdfd05e24', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=832.70, y=54.00, z=955.50, cpos=[52, 59], tl=541, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14448, uuid='ca99726e-bb10-44c9-9a83-b935f8606c8b', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=853.17, y=71.00, z=914.10, cpos=[53, 57], tl=7891, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15104, uuid='1e239e54-4308-4c0a-a131-64ceae876e32', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=719.17, y=64.00, z=876.77, cpos=[44, 54], tl=623, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15126, uuid='706f910a-d83f-4fb9-9384-68bef0787ac0', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=718.50, y=64.00, z=939.50, cpos=[44, 58], tl=545, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15090, uuid='b140b656-9c32-41cb-8b14-a3becc3f263e', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=760.52, y=64.00, z=925.19, cpos=[47, 57], tl=644, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15115, uuid='c441b8f3-6b6e-4f65-927e-7b58afa3c126', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=865.50, y=64.00, z=979.19, cpos=[54, 61], tl=595, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/15091, uuid='127a5408-6234-48b9-b9be-ca2bc61b9be0', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=763.53, y=64.00, z=930.15, cpos=[47, 58], tl=644, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14629, uuid='ba9a3b4e-95c6-4ad5-8656-b4a23c9e1fe6', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=832.30, y=51.00, z=961.87, cpos=[52, 60], tl=5277, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14767, uuid='a778cf28-40b0-4a12-938c-143451a29785', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=854.70, y=71.00, z=918.38, cpos=[53, 57], tl=3356, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:41] Named entity EntityCreeper['Thot Patrol'/14687, uuid='693f0374-3e88-44fa-b955-d90063487f00', l='ServerLevel[fortnite]', x=812.50, y=53.00, z=913.50, cpos=[50, 57], tl=4760, v=true] died: Thot Patrol was killed [21:40:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: potions dont work [21:40:46] Noorquacker was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:40:49] [Trusty] 0xE13000: dumb and stupid and bad [21:40:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: stop restarting [21:40:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: smfh [21:40:57] [Not Secure] * 0xE13000 reset fortnite [21:41:02] [Trusty] ACC413: bruh [21:41:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: L [21:41:03] [Trusty] ACC413: i hate u [21:41:03] [Trusty] 0xE13000: ???????????????/// [21:41:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: + rat [21:41:15] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:41:24] ACC413 was shot by 0xE13000 using [fortnite gun] [21:41:29] [Trusty] 0xE13000: ez [21:41:33] [Trusty] ACC413: L [21:41:37] [Not Secure] * 0xE13000 reset fortnite [21:41:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: L [21:41:55] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:42:34] 0xE13000 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [21:42:34] Noorquacker was shot by 0xE13000 [21:43:08] 0xE13000 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:43:35] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:43:38] ACC413 was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [21:43:40] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [21:43:44] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [21:43:44] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [21:43:52] [Trusty] 0xE13000: AAAAAAAAAA [21:44:02] 0xE13000 died [21:44:03] 0xE13000 died [21:44:04] 0xE13000 died [21:44:05] 0xE13000 died [21:44:06] 0xE13000 died [21:44:06] 0xE13000 died [21:44:07] 0xE13000 died [21:44:07] 0xE13000 died [21:44:08] 0xE13000 died [21:44:08] 0xE13000 died [21:44:09] 0xE13000 died [21:44:09] 0xE13000 died [21:44:10] 0xE13000 died [21:44:12] 0xE13000 died [21:44:13] 0xE13000 died [21:44:14] 0xE13000 died [21:44:15] 0xE13000 died [21:44:15] 0xE13000 died [21:44:16] 0xE13000 died [21:44:17] 0xE13000 died [21:44:18] 0xE13000 died [21:44:19] 0xE13000 died [21:44:20] 0xE13000 died [21:44:20] 0xE13000 died [21:44:21] 0xE13000 died [21:44:21] 0xE13000 died [21:44:22] 0xE13000 died [21:44:23] 0xE13000 died [21:44:24] 0xE13000 died [21:44:25] 0xE13000 died [21:44:25] 0xE13000 died [21:44:26] 0xE13000 died [21:44:27] 0xE13000 died [21:44:28] 0xE13000 died [21:44:29] 0xE13000 died [21:44:30] 0xE13000 died [21:44:31] 0xE13000 died [21:44:32] 0xE13000 died [21:50:46] 0xE13000 died [21:50:51] 0xE13000 died [21:50:54] 0xE13000 died [21:50:56] 0xE13000 died [21:51:41] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [21:51:41] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [21:52:27] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:52:28] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [21:53:25] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [21:53:25] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [21:53:44] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:53:44] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [21:53:48] 0xE13000 died [21:53:49] 0xE13000 died [21:53:50] 0xE13000 died [21:53:51] 0xE13000 died [21:53:52] 0xE13000 died [21:53:53] 0xE13000 died [21:53:54] 0xE13000 died [21:53:55] 0xE13000 died [21:53:56] 0xE13000 died [21:53:57] 0xE13000 died [21:53:59] 0xE13000 died [21:54:00] 0xE13000 died [21:54:01] 0xE13000 died [21:54:02] 0xE13000 died [21:54:03] 0xE13000 died [21:54:04] 0xE13000 died [21:54:05] 0xE13000 died [21:54:06] 0xE13000 died [21:54:07] 0xE13000 died [21:54:08] 0xE13000 died [21:54:09] 0xE13000 died [21:54:10] 0xE13000 died [21:54:12] 0xE13000 died [21:54:13] 0xE13000 died [21:54:14] 0xE13000 died [21:54:15] 0xE13000 died [21:54:16] 0xE13000 died [21:54:17] 0xE13000 died [21:54:18] 0xE13000 died [21:54:19] 0xE13000 died [21:54:20] 0xE13000 died [21:54:21] 0xE13000 died [21:54:22] 0xE13000 died [21:54:23] 0xE13000 died [21:54:25] 0xE13000 died [21:54:26] 0xE13000 died [21:54:27] 0xE13000 died [21:54:28] 0xE13000 died [21:54:29] 0xE13000 died [21:54:30] 0xE13000 died [21:54:31] 0xE13000 died [21:54:32] 0xE13000 died [21:54:33] 0xE13000 died [21:54:34] 0xE13000 died [21:54:35] 0xE13000 died [21:54:36] 0xE13000 died [21:54:38] 0xE13000 died [21:54:39] 0xE13000 died [21:54:40] 0xE13000 died [21:54:41] 0xE13000 died [21:54:42] 0xE13000 died [21:54:43] 0xE13000 died [21:54:44] 0xE13000 died [21:54:45] 0xE13000 died [21:54:46] 0xE13000 died [21:54:47] 0xE13000 died [21:54:48] 0xE13000 died [21:54:49] 0xE13000 died [21:54:50] 0xE13000 died [21:54:52] 0xE13000 died [21:54:53] 0xE13000 died [21:54:54] 0xE13000 died [21:54:55] 0xE13000 died [21:54:56] 0xE13000 died [21:54:57] 0xE13000 died [21:54:58] 0xE13000 died [21:54:59] 0xE13000 died [21:55:00] 0xE13000 died [21:55:01] 0xE13000 died [21:55:02] 0xE13000 died [21:55:03] 0xE13000 died [21:55:05] 0xE13000 died [21:55:06] 0xE13000 died [21:55:07] 0xE13000 died [21:55:08] 0xE13000 died [21:55:09] 0xE13000 died [21:55:10] 0xE13000 died [21:55:11] 0xE13000 died [21:55:12] 0xE13000 died [21:55:13] 0xE13000 died [21:55:14] 0xE13000 died [21:55:15] 0xE13000 died [21:55:17] 0xE13000 died [21:55:18] 0xE13000 died [21:55:19] 0xE13000 died [21:55:42] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [21:55:42] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [22:29:32] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:29:33] Saved the game [22:29:33] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:29:33] Automatic saving is now enabled