[11:27:13] nat_thenewb_3[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:27:13] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3 has joined the server [12:26:49] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:26:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [12:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [12:27:14] Saved the game [12:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [12:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [12:28:50] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [12:28:50] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [12:37:21] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Zombie [13:03:32] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Zombie [13:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [13:27:14] Saved the game [13:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [13:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [13:37:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: h [13:49:26] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [13:54:08] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Pillager [13:54:25] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Pillager [14:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [14:27:13] Saved the game [14:27:13] Automatic saving is now disabled [14:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [15:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [15:27:14] Saved the game [15:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [15:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [15:31:29] nat_thenewb_3 hit the ground too hard [15:53:06] nat_thenewb_3 fell from a high place [16:08:39] nat_thenewb_3 hit the ground too hard [16:11:29] nat_thenewb_3 hit the ground too hard [16:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [16:27:14] Saved the game [16:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [16:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [16:52:53] nat_thenewb_3 fell from a high place [17:09:05] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Spider [17:21:56] nat_thenewb_3 hit the ground too hard [17:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [17:27:14] Saved the game [17:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [17:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [17:56:20] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [17:59:40] nat_thenewb_3 was blown up by Creeper [18:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [18:27:14] Saved the game [18:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [18:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:20:05] nat_thenewb_3 was blown up by Creeper [19:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:27:13] Saved the game [19:27:13] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:27:13] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:39:57] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Hoglin [19:40:23] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Hoglin [19:52:40] ArcheryBoss2[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:52:40] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2 has joined the server [19:53:22] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: can you sleep? [19:53:48] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: thanks [20:00:08] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: any way you wanna help me farm xp and ill help you enchant your gear? [20:03:28] nat_thenewb_3 was poked to death by a sweet berry bush [20:03:33] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: lamo [20:03:41] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: lmao* [20:03:46] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: lol [20:08:05] nat_thenewb_3 was poked to death by a sweet berry bush [20:08:14] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: are you good? [20:08:25] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: they're hard to harvest [20:08:29] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: lol [20:08:30] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: im at my farm [20:08:50] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: just had an incident wioth a creeper at my farm lol [20:09:00] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: I HATE THEM [20:09:14] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: I built a wall around it but can they get in through the water? [20:09:36] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: yeah lol [20:09:45] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: im currently farming them [20:09:50] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: ohh [20:10:24] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: how hard is it to make an iron farm? Don't you need villagers and a zombie? [20:10:32] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: yeah [20:10:39] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: not that hard [20:15:50] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i sent you a video on a simple iron farm [20:16:09] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: thank you! [20:20:28] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: just got my silk touch pick done [20:20:40] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: how do you getthose?? [20:20:57] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: its been like an hour of xp collection and enchanting [20:21:18] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: but thats just cus i have an inneficient setup [20:21:30] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: how manyxp do you need [20:21:40] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: and do you enchant a book? [20:22:03] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: level 30, probably like 3 or 4 times, but each enchanting thing only takes a couple levels and yes/no [20:22:11] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: enchant pick first, then book [20:22:21] nat_thenewb_3 was poked to death by a sweet berry bush [20:22:21] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: and my silk pick took two diamond picks sadly [20:22:53] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: what did you need the diamond picks for?! [20:23:10] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: one for base enchant, one that was also enchanted that got combined into it [20:23:30] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: that's so confusing [20:23:45] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: its really not, it just sounds confusing [20:24:48] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: does it have to be diamond to enchant it [20:24:51] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: no [20:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:27:13] Saved the game [20:27:13] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:29:37] nat_thenewb_3 was poked to death by a sweet berry bush [20:29:43] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: bro please [20:29:52] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: it is a FUCKING BUSH [20:30:04] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: i know. its gotta be painful for you to watch [20:30:11] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: do you need armor? [20:30:22] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: but when i die, i don't need tpo eat food [20:30:26] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: i have some [20:30:31] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i mean.. true [20:30:37] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: does that protect you from the berries? [20:30:47] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: yeah [20:33:31] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: like completely?! [20:33:37] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: no [20:33:46] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: but quite a bit [20:49:15] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: homes home [20:49:21] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: whoops [21:00:21] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: lol [21:00:31] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: ? [21:02:25] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: just found a zombie spawner [21:02:35] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: how do you find them [21:04:34] nat_thenewb_3 was poked to death by a sweet berry bush [21:04:39] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: damn lol [21:04:47] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: right as i got my first diamonds of the day [21:05:21] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: ok imma get armor now [21:05:27] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: armour [21:07:00] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: ooh another 6 dimaond vein [21:07:29] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: noice [21:07:45] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: iron armour doesn't protect from berries sadly [21:08:46] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: a skeleton spawner [21:08:55] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: my luck rn if thru the roof [21:11:26] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: what do you do with the spawners [21:11:32] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: make farms with them [21:11:42] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: now just don't fall in lava [21:11:49] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: you cant move them [21:14:04] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: amber should be getting on soon [21:14:39] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: can u sleep [21:14:50] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: or afk [21:16:33] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: sorry! [21:16:38] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: you good [21:16:48] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: was just running around trying to stay alive [21:16:56] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: i didn't see the sleep message [21:17:01] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: building a wall [21:25:44] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: brb [21:25:45] ArcheryBoss2 lost connection: Disconnected [21:25:45] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2 has left the server [21:25:50] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Zombie [21:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:27:14] Saved the game [21:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:46:27] ArcheryBoss2[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:46:27] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2 has joined the server [22:03:52] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: gracias [22:04:01] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: np [22:05:11] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: brb [22:05:12] ArcheryBoss2 lost connection: Disconnected [22:05:12] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2 has left the server [22:06:21] ArcheryBoss2[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:06:21] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2 has joined the server [22:07:29] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: theres a geode hanging from the ceiling in this cave [22:07:42] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: tpaccept [22:07:55] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: WHOAA [22:08:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: so cool [22:15:40] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i was just about to say what an unlucky mining trip when i found diamonds lol [22:15:47] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: noice [22:16:07] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: i hate the tunnels that lead to a dead end [22:16:11] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: dame [22:16:13] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: same [22:16:36] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: can you afk for a sec [22:16:43] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: gracias [22:16:48] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Zombie [22:16:53] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: lmao [22:19:09] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: you wanna come see my ore rock while its still small [22:19:16] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: yeah! [22:19:28] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: WHOA [22:19:41] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i have fortune 3 so im waiting to actually mine everything [22:19:43] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: whats the point of keeping it in block form [22:19:45] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: just been using silk [22:19:52] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: whats fortune 3 [22:19:53] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: saves space while mining [22:20:01] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: ohhh [22:20:14] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: its beautiful [22:20:22] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: im in the disccord chat lol, i dont wanna type it [22:21:32] [Trusty] nat_thenewb_3: hang on bad wifi [22:21:41] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: u good [22:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:27:13] Saved the game [22:27:13] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:27:13] Automatic saving is now enabled [22:40:07] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [22:56:12] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by Zombie [22:56:30] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [23:04:20] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [23:04:35] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [23:06:22] Ka_Chau[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:06:22] [Trusty] Ka_Chau has joined the server [23:06:39] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: azure? [23:06:51] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: oh [23:06:51] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: well this is awkward [23:07:03] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: actually? [23:07:05] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: uhhh [23:07:07] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: hi? [23:07:08] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: holy [23:07:49] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: so uh [23:07:51] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: you come here often? [23:08:08] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i've been here since it was created [23:08:13] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: but recently no [23:08:20] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: spicy [23:10:58] ArcheryBoss2 has made the advancement [The Cutest Predator] [23:11:10] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: use the axolotl as fuel [23:11:29] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [23:11:33] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: i shall [23:14:28] [Trusty] Ka_Chau: yo arch wya rn? ive got this weird bit ive wanted to do for a while now [23:14:53] [Trusty] ArcheryBoss2: the survival world/ in the discord call [23:24:28] Ka_Chau lost connection: Disconnected [23:24:28] [Trusty] Ka_Chau has left the server [23:25:26] Ka_Chau[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:25:26] [Trusty] Ka_Chau has joined the server [23:27:13] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:27:14] Saved the game [23:27:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:27:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:29:12] nat_thenewb_3 was shot by Skeleton [23:34:32] nat_thenewb_3 was slain by ArcheryBoss2 using [silk] [23:35:47] nat_thenewb_3 has completed the challenge [It Spreads] [23:44:53] ArcheryBoss2 has made the advancement [Sneak 100] [23:45:30] Ka_Chau has made the advancement [Sneak 100] [23:49:06] Ka_Chau lost connection: Disconnected [23:49:06] [Trusty] Ka_Chau has left the server [23:50:56] Ka_Chau[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:50:56] [Trusty] Ka_Chau has joined the server [23:50:57] nat_thenewb_3 was blown up by Creeper