[11:35:04] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:35:04] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [11:49:01] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [11:49:01] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [12:10:20] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:10:20] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [12:12:12] [Trusty] ACC413: h [12:35:04] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [12:35:04] Saved the game [12:35:04] Automatic saving is now disabled [12:35:04] Automatic saving is now enabled [12:37:43] [Trusty] ACC413: h [12:44:58] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [12:44:58] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [13:35:04] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [13:35:04] Saved the game [13:35:04] Automatic saving is now disabled [13:35:04] Automatic saving is now enabled [14:28:47] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:28:47] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [14:28:49] [Trusty] ACC413: h [14:33:51] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [14:33:51] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [14:50:24] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:50:24] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [14:50:37] [Trusty] ACC413: h [14:50:47] [Trusty] ACC413: L [15:02:27] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [15:02:27] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [15:28:47] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [15:28:47] Saved the game [15:28:47] Automatic saving is now disabled [15:28:47] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:24:14] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:24:14] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [18:24:26] [Trusty] 0xE13000: CRACK SHACK [18:24:44] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:24:44] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has joined the server [18:24:49] [Trusty] 0xE13000: one sec [18:24:53] [Trusty] 0xE13000: audio b r o k e [18:24:55] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [18:24:55] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [18:26:48] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:26:48] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [18:26:51] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: h [18:26:58] [Trusty] 0xE13000: h [18:27:26] [Trusty] 0xE13000: any luck on BONUS_DISK? [18:27:32] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Sadly not [18:27:51] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I am going to cope by making $$$ [18:27:57] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: obby moment [18:28:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: money [18:59:15] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: M O N E Y [18:59:26] [Trusty] 0xE13000: how much [18:59:30] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: only 400k [18:59:35] [Trusty] 0xE13000: damn [18:59:36] [Trusty] 0xE13000: do better [19:01:38] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: But I did indeed get maxed armor again [19:01:46] [Trusty] 0xE13000: gg [19:01:56] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Nothing can kill me [19:02:28] [Trusty] 0xE13000: you are omega [19:02:37] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: sigma [19:02:39] [Trusty] 0xE13000: possibly even subhuman [19:02:46] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: damn [19:02:54] [Trusty] 0xE13000: do you feel a need to erupt? [19:03:00] [Trusty] 0xE13000: or maybe control? [19:03:10] [Trusty] 0xE13000: is the devil on your back? [19:03:18] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: What bit is this? [19:04:49] [Trusty] 0xE13000: trident? [19:04:52] [Trusty] 0xE13000: spear even? [19:05:06] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: WhaT? [19:05:12] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I heard a trident noise [19:05:21] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: wI know [19:07:53] [Trusty] 0xE13000: wait are crossbows still op? [19:08:01] [Trusty] 0xE13000: like loading up 5 of them and doing rapid fire? [19:08:05] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Idk [19:08:10] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Try it out [19:08:12] [Trusty] 0xE13000: okay [19:08:14] [Trusty] 0xE13000: one sec [19:08:24] [Trusty] 0xE13000: let me just try one first [19:08:27] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: crystals are still the way to go [19:08:32] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Make one [19:08:42] [Trusty] 0xE13000: okay but without auto crystal it's kinda pointless [19:09:02] [Trusty] 0xE13000: and also flying counters it [19:09:08] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: You can kill someone maxed in 1 shot [19:09:14] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: with a crystal [19:09:18] [Trusty] 0xE13000: Prot X? [19:09:20] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: yes [19:09:22] [Trusty] 0xE13000: wtf [19:09:41] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: 2 shots, but if they're on it it's 1 [19:13:17] [Trusty] 0xE13000: nvm I thought piercing was a damage upgrade [19:13:21] [Trusty] 0xE13000: but it's not [19:13:23] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: It is [19:13:26] [Trusty] 0xE13000: no [19:13:34] [Trusty] 0xE13000: it just lets you get collateral shots [19:13:34] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: For max damage [19:13:36] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Overall [19:13:52] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: It still helps you damage more things [19:13:57] [Trusty] 0xE13000: okay but [19:14:03] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I'm focusing on 1v1s [19:14:05] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Just use firwworks [19:14:48] [Trusty] 0xE13000: doesn't even do 1 heart of damage [19:14:55] [Trusty] 0xE13000: or half [19:14:59] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Even with all the balls [19:15:10] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: damn [19:19:46] [Trusty] 0xE13000: no quick charge at shop [19:19:47] [Trusty] 0xE13000: sad [19:19:55] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: !1984 [19:20:12] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Flame is good [19:20:18] [Trusty] 0xE13000: for crossbow [19:20:20] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Stops healing pretty much [19:20:41] [Trusty] 0xE13000: we need quick charge V [19:22:14] [Trusty] 0xE13000: so I just found out if quick charge goes above V it starts to charge negatively [19:22:25] [Trusty] 0xE13000: and would take 69 years to charge [19:22:27] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: w h a t [19:22:41] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I love minecraft [19:24:14] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:24:14] Saved the game [19:24:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:24:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:26:16] [Trusty] 0xE13000: ancient ruins found [19:26:24] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: where? [19:26:29] [Trusty] 0xE13000: near spawn [19:26:41] [Trusty] 0xE13000: we may have raided this a long time ago [19:26:43] [Trusty] 0xE13000: but still [19:26:45] [Trusty] 0xE13000: cool house [19:27:02] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: TQS's OLDEST RUINS [19:27:32] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: preserved by the water cubing of John II [19:27:40] [Trusty] 0xE13000: indeed [19:29:19] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Haram. [19:29:25] [Trusty] 0xE13000: harem [19:29:32] [Trusty] 0xE13000: 128573 [19:29:35] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: N O [19:29:40] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I don't even know that one [19:29:41] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: NO HORNY POSTING till 12 [19:29:44] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I just did random numbers [19:30:26] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Bro I'ma be honest [19:30:33] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I don't even know if that's real [19:30:37] [Trusty] 0xE13000: what [19:33:03] [Trusty] 0xE13000: wait does this update have the special bookshelves? [19:33:13] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I think [19:33:33] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Fletcher found [19:33:42] [Trusty] 0xE13000: nice [19:33:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: by the ancient ruins [19:39:57] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I need looting [19:40:01] [Trusty] 0xE13000: for what [19:40:04] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Trident [19:40:27] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: You're joking [19:40:27] [Trusty] 0xE13000: any luck? [19:40:34] [Trusty] 0xE13000: oh [19:40:37] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: LOOTING 10 [19:40:39] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: AND NO DROP [19:40:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: See in bedrock it always drops [19:41:12] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Bedrock babbies get all the cool shit [19:46:41] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I love exercising my 2nd Amendment rights in minecraft [19:46:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Gun? [19:46:53] [Trusty] 0xE13000: yes [19:46:55] [Trusty] 0xE13000: essentially [19:47:20] [Trusty] 0xE13000: honestly I might make a macro for auto crossbow fire [19:47:31] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: It's called left click [19:47:35] [Trusty] 0xE13000: no like [19:47:43] [Trusty] 0xE13000: I hold a button and it automatically loads and fires [19:47:49] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: oh [19:47:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: instead of having to re click and time it myself [19:49:08] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: based [19:52:36] [Trusty] 0xE13000: okay so [19:52:42] [Trusty] 0xE13000: maxed out fireworks deal half a heart of damage [19:52:46] [Trusty] 0xE13000: which is like 19 damage [19:53:10] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: So insta kill fresh spawns? [19:53:13] [Trusty] 0xE13000: yes [19:53:15] [Trusty] 0xE13000: basically [19:53:17] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Very cheap [20:04:33] [Trusty] 0xE13000: it does nothing here [20:04:36] [Trusty] 0xE13000: go to base when you're done [20:04:47] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: wait [20:04:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: nvm [20:04:54] [Trusty] 0xE13000: uhhh [20:04:54] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: cant hurt faction member [20:05:31] [Trusty] 0xE13000: id kwhat to test it on [20:05:41] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: ere [20:05:42] [Trusty] 0xE13000: o k [20:05:45] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I left faction [20:05:51] [Trusty] 0xE13000: how much damage [20:05:57] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: half I think? [20:05:59] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Retry [20:06:00] [Trusty] 0xE13000: nice [20:06:07] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: BRUH [20:06:09] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: wait [20:06:19] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Okay I am full now [20:06:27] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: half heart [20:06:30] [Trusty] 0xE13000: okay [20:06:32] [Trusty] 0xE13000: good enough [20:06:37] [Trusty] 0xE13000: can fight low-mid tiers [20:08:14] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Wow! [20:08:21] [Trusty] 0xE13000: that's how mafia works [20:08:25] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: I was for a short second a Faction moderator [20:08:37] [Trusty] ~Turpentine: Just like discord [20:20:45] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [20:20:45] [Trusty] ~Turpentine has left the server [20:24:14] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:24:14] Saved the game [20:24:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:24:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:32:34] 0xE13000 lost connection: You have been kicked for idling more than 10 minutes. [20:32:34] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [21:24:14] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:24:14] Saved the game [21:24:14] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:24:14] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:45:55] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:45:55] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has joined the server [22:45:55] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:45:55] Saved the game [22:45:55] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:45:55] Automatic saving is now enabled [22:56:12] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [22:56:12] [Trusty] 0xE13000 has left the server [23:45:55] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:45:55] Saved the game [23:45:55] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:45:55] Automatic saving is now enabled