[00:03:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: h console [00:03:32] Error: Only in-game players can use hat. [00:03:33] [Developer] Console: h [00:03:54] [Trusty] ACC413: h console [00:03:58] [Developer] Console: h [00:04:03] [Trusty] ACC413: u look very handsome console [00:04:05] [Trusty] ACC413: meow meow [00:04:08] [Developer] Console: mraw [00:04:22] [Trusty] ACC413: mreow [00:04:31] [Developer] Console: meow [00:06:32] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [00:09:45] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [00:13:26] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [00:15:16] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [00:18:23] [Trusty] ACC413: tell them noor [00:18:28] [Trusty] ACC413: speak noorquacker [00:18:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: idk [00:18:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: uhhhhhhh [00:18:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: dead bush [00:18:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: lmao [00:18:37] [Trusty] ACC413: bruh [00:18:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: birch sapling [00:18:59] [Trusty] ACC413: cring [00:19:24] [Trusty] ACC413: i like lily of the valley :) [00:20:31] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [00:21:47] [Trusty] ACC413: bro's goofy [00:24:37] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/4286, uuid='ff495735-d795-437d-803b-677f8e54f1bc', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=833.30, y=65.75, z=1113.47, cpos=[52, 69], tl=1493085, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by ACC413' [00:32:50] ACC413 lost connection: Disconnected [00:32:50] [Trusty] ACC413 has left the server [00:39:06] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [00:39:06] Saved the game [00:39:06] Automatic saving is now disabled [00:39:06] Automatic saving is now enabled [22:01:23] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:01:42] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [22:08:00] Stopping the server [22:08:00] Stopping server [22:08:00] [LWC] Disabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:08:00] [LWC] Flushing protection updates (0) [22:08:00] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:08:00] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [22:08:00] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [22:08:00] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+14-879e70f [22:08:01] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.RateLimiter] Waiting for 1 bucket(s) to finish. Average queue size of 0 requests [22:08:01] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [22:08:01] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [22:08:01] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [22:08:01] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [22:08:01] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [22:08:01] [FreedomChat] Disabling FreedomChat v1.1.0 [22:08:01] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:08:01] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [22:08:01] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [22:08:01] Saving players [22:08:01] Saving worlds [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 1 block chunks, 105 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 0.03s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.00s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.00s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [22:08:01] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [22:08:02] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 16 block chunks, 247 entity chunks, 1 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.05s [22:08:02] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [22:08:02] Flushing Chunk IO [22:08:02] Closing Thread Pool [22:08:02] Closing Server
[22:08:26] Starting minecraft server version 1.19.3 [22:08:26] Loading properties [22:08:26] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 3331501) [22:08:27] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [22:08:27] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [22:08:27] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [22:08:27] Generating keypair [22:08:27] Using epoll channel type [22:08:27] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [22:08:27] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [22:08:35] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@3b1e9bf8] [22:08:35] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [22:08:35] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [22:08:36] __ [22:08:36] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.52 [22:08:36] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [22:08:36] [22:08:36] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [22:08:36] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [22:08:37] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [22:08:37] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [22:08:39] [LWC] Enabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:08:39] [LWC] Connecting to MySQL [22:08:39] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:39] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:39] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:39] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:39] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:40] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:40] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:40] Time elapsed: 142 ms [22:08:40] Time elapsed: 68 ms [22:08:40] Time elapsed: 45 ms [22:08:40] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:08:41] [FreedomChat] Enabling FreedomChat v1.3.1 [22:08:41] Initializing access controllers [22:08:41] Initializing block loggers [22:08:41] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [22:08:47] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:47] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:47] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:08:47] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:47] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:47] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:08:48] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:48] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:48] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:48] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:48] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] Time elapsed: 181 ms [22:08:48] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:08:48] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:48] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:08:49] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [22:08:49] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [22:08:49] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [22:08:50] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:08:51] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:08:51] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:08:51] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [22:08:51] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [22:08:52] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [22:08:53] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [22:08:54] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [22:08:54] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [22:08:54] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:08:54] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [22:08:54] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [22:08:54] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:08:55] Running delayed init tasks [22:08:55] Done (28.435s)! For help, type "help" [22:08:55] Timings Reset [22:09:03] Server version: 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) [22:09:03] Brand version: Paper [22:09:03] EssentialsX version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:09:03] LuckPerms version: 5.4.52 [22:09:03] Vault version: 1.7.3-b131 [22:09:03] EssentialsXGeoIP version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:09:03] EssentialsXChat version: 2.20.0-dev+22-6ec4c97 [22:09:03] EssentialsXDiscord version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:09:03] Economy Layer: None [22:09:03] Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version. [22:09:03] Fetching version information... [22:09:45] Unknown command [22:09:50] Plugins (27): ajParkour, ArmorStandTools, BlocksHub, ConsoleChat*, DropSpawner, dynmap, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsDiscord, EssentialsGeoIP, Factions, FreedomChat, LogBlock, LuckPerms, LWC, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals, Multiverse-Portals, Multiverse-SignPortals, PerWorldInventory, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, SurvivalInvisiframes, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldEditSUI, WorldGuard [22:10:53] Server version: 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) [22:10:53] Brand version: Paper [22:10:53] EssentialsX version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:10:53] LuckPerms version: 5.4.52 [22:10:53] Vault version: 1.7.3-b131 [22:10:53] EssentialsXGeoIP version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:10:53] EssentialsXChat version: 2.20.0-dev+22-6ec4c97 [22:10:53] EssentialsXDiscord version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:10:53] Economy Layer: None [22:10:53] Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version. [22:10:53] Fetching version information... [22:18:02] Stopping the server [22:18:02] Stopping server [22:18:02] [LWC] Disabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:18:02] [LWC] Flushing protection updates (0) [22:18:02] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:18:02] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [22:18:02] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [22:18:02] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:18:02] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.RateLimiter] Waiting for 1 bucket(s) to finish. Average queue size of 0 requests [22:18:02] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [22:18:02] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [22:18:02] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [22:18:02] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [22:18:03] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [22:18:03] [FreedomChat] Disabling FreedomChat v1.3.1 [22:18:03] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:18:03] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [22:18:03] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [22:18:03] Saving players [22:18:03] Saving worlds [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 1 block chunks, 27 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 0.01s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 15 block chunks, 153 entity chunks, 1 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.04s [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:18:03] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [22:18:03] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [22:18:03] Flushing Chunk IO [22:18:03] Closing Thread Pool [22:18:03] Closing Server
[22:18:14] Starting minecraft server version 1.19.3 [22:18:14] Loading properties [22:18:14] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 3331501) [22:18:14] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [22:18:14] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [22:18:14] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [22:18:14] Generating keypair [22:18:15] Using epoll channel type [22:18:15] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [22:18:15] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [22:18:21] [floodgate] Took 359ms to boot Floodgate [22:18:22] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@5a13c5ce] [22:18:22] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [22:18:22] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [22:18:23] __ [22:18:23] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.52 [22:18:23] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [22:18:23] [22:18:23] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [22:18:23] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [22:18:24] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [22:18:25] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [22:18:26] [LWC] Enabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:18:26] [LWC] Connecting to MySQL [22:18:26] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:26] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:26] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:26] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:26] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:27] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:27] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:27] Time elapsed: 133 ms [22:18:27] Time elapsed: 60 ms [22:18:27] Time elapsed: 48 ms [22:18:27] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:18:27] [FreedomChat] Enabling FreedomChat v1.3.1 [22:18:27] Initializing access controllers [22:18:27] Initializing block loggers [22:18:27] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (b74-4f36112) [22:18:28] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [22:18:34] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:34] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:34] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:18:34] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:34] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:18:34] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:34] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:34] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:18:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:18:35] Time elapsed: 20 ms [22:18:35] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [22:18:35] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [22:18:35] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [22:18:36] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:18:37] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:18:37] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:18:37] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [22:18:37] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [22:18:38] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [22:18:39] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [22:18:40] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [22:18:40] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [22:18:41] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:18:41] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [22:18:41] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [22:18:41] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:18:41] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [22:18:41] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:18:41] Running delayed init tasks [22:18:41] Done (27.430s)! For help, type "help" [22:18:41] Stopping server [22:18:41] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Disabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:18:41] [LWC] Disabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:18:41] [LWC] Flushing protection updates (0) [22:18:41] [ArmorStandTools] Disabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:18:41] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [22:18:41] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [22:18:41] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:19:02] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.RateLimiter] Waiting for 2 bucket(s) to finish. Average queue size of 0 requests [22:19:02] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [22:19:02] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [22:19:02] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been disabled! [22:19:02] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [22:19:09] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [22:19:09] [floodgate] Disabling floodgate v2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (b74-4f36112) [22:19:09] [FreedomChat] Disabling FreedomChat v1.3.1 [22:19:09] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Disabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:19:09] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [22:19:09] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [22:19:09] Saving players [22:19:09] Saving worlds [22:19:09] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world' [22:19:09] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world' [22:19:09] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 529 block chunks, 529 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world' in 1.19s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 220 block chunks, 220 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_nether' in 0.17s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'world_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'world_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'world_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 432 block chunks, 432 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'world_the_end' in 0.11s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_the_end' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_the_end' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'hub' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'hub' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'hub' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'hub' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'freebuild' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'freebuild' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'freebuild' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'freebuild' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'quackshack' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'quackshack' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'quackshack' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'quackshack' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'fortnite' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'fortnite' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'fortnite' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'fortnite' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'trusty_survival_nether' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'trusty_survival_nether' in 0.00s [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Waiting 60s for chunk system to halt for world 'PublicWorld' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Halted chunk system for world 'PublicWorld' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saving all chunkholders for world 'PublicWorld' [22:19:10] [ChunkHolderManager] Saved 0 block chunks, 0 entity chunks, 0 poi chunks in world 'PublicWorld' in 0.00s [22:19:10] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [22:19:10] Flushing Chunk IO [22:19:10] Closing Thread Pool [22:19:10] Closing Server
[22:19:22] Starting minecraft server version 1.19.3 [22:19:22] Loading properties [22:19:22] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 3331501) [22:19:22] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [22:19:22] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [22:19:22] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [22:19:22] Generating keypair [22:19:22] Using epoll channel type [22:19:22] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [22:19:22] Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [22:19:30] [floodgate] Took 331ms to boot Floodgate [22:19:30] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@58f18fa7] [22:19:31] [ArmorStandTools] Registered custom WorldGuard flag: ast [22:19:31] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [22:19:31] __ [22:19:31] | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.52 [22:19:31] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [22:19:31] [22:19:32] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [22:19:32] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [22:19:33] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [22:19:33] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [22:19:34] [LWC] Enabling LWC v2.2.9-dev-571e72d [22:19:34] [LWC] Connecting to MySQL [22:19:34] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:34] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:34] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:34] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:34] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:35] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:35] Time elapsed: 140 ms [22:19:35] Time elapsed: 64 ms [22:19:35] Time elapsed: 28 ms [22:19:35] [SurvivalInvisiframes] Enabling SurvivalInvisiframes v2.1.0 [22:19:35] [FreedomChat] Enabling FreedomChat v1.3.1 [22:19:36] Initializing access controllers [22:19:36] Initializing block loggers [22:19:36] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (b74-4f36112) [22:19:36] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [22:19:42] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:42] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:42] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:42] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:19:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] Could not set generator for world 'freebuild': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [22:19:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:44] Time elapsed: 42 ms [22:19:44] Simulation Distance: 10 [22:19:44] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:44] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:44] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:44] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [22:19:44] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [22:19:44] [us.ajg0702.parkour.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [22:19:44] ajParkour v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [22:19:45] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:19:46] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:19:46] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:19:46] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [22:19:46] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [22:19:47] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [22:19:48] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [22:19:49] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [22:19:49] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [22:19:49] [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v4.4.4 [22:19:49] [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support. [22:19:49] [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin found. WorldGuard support enabled. [22:19:49] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Enabling EssentialsDiscordLink v2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:19:49] [net.essentialsx.discordlink.EssentialsDiscordLink] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [22:19:49] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.2-b807] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [22:19:50] Running delayed init tasks [22:19:50] Done (28.011s)! For help, type "help" [22:19:50] Timings Reset [22:24:35] Plugins (29): ajParkour, ArmorStandTools, BlocksHub, ConsoleChat*, DropSpawner, dynmap, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsDiscord, EssentialsDiscordLink, EssentialsGeoIP, Factions, floodgate, FreedomChat, LogBlock, LuckPerms, LWC, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals, Multiverse-Portals, Multiverse-SignPortals, PerWorldInventory, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, SurvivalInvisiframes, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldEditSUI, WorldGuard [22:24:36] Server version: 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Paper-359 (MC: 1.19.3) [22:24:36] Brand version: Paper [22:24:36] EssentialsX version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:24:36] LuckPerms version: 5.4.52 [22:24:36] Vault version: 1.7.3-b131 [22:24:36] EssentialsXGeoIP version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:24:36] EssentialsXChat version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:24:36] EssentialsXDiscord version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:24:36] EssentialsXDiscordLink version: 2.20.0-dev+35-0936fe8 [22:24:36] Economy Layer: None [22:24:36] Fetching version information... [22:24:42] Available subcommands are: [22:25:13] Unknown command [22:25:15] Server tick times (avg/min/max) from last 5s, 10s, 1m: [22:25:15] ◴ 7.9/5.9/23.9, 7.6/5.7/23.9, 8.8/5.7/137.0 [22:25:20] Usage: /paper [debug | mobcaps | playermobcaps | version | dumpitem | chunkinfo | fixlight | reload | dumplisteners | syncloadinfo | holderinfo | heap | entity] [22:25:27] Must specify a player! ex: '/paper playermobcount playerName' [22:25:31] Checking version, please wait... [22:25:35] Chunks in world: [22:25:35] Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Border: 88 Ticking: 80 Entity: 361 [22:25:35] Chunks in world_nether: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in world_the_end: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in trusty_survival_the_end: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in hub: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in freebuild: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in quackshack: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in trusty_survival: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in fortnite: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in PublicWorld: [22:25:35] Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Border: 88 Ticking: 80 Entity: 361 [22:25:35] Chunks in trusty_survival_nether: [22:25:35] Total: 0 Inactive: 0 Border: 0 Ticking: 0 Entity: 0 [22:25:35] Chunks in all listed worlds: [22:25:35] Total: 1058 Inactive: 0 Border: 176 Ticking: 160 Entity: 722 [22:25:43] TPS from last 1m, 5m, 15m: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 [22:25:45] Server tick times (avg/min/max) from last 5s, 10s, 1m: [22:25:45] ◴ 7.4/5.6/10.5, 7.4/5.6/20.7, 8.7/5.6/137.0 [22:58:45] ACC413[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:58:45] [Trusty] ACC413 has joined the server [23:05:27] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:05:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [23:05:39] [Trusty] ACC413: h [23:05:42] ACC413 has completed the challenge [Great View From Up Here] [23:05:48] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:09:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: levitating 50 blocks high [23:09:16] [Trusty] ACC413: i went up [23:09:20] [Trusty] ACC413: to a significant height [23:09:24] [Trusty] ACC413: yes [23:09:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: getting high as a mf kite [23:09:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: i did [23:09:36] [Trusty] ACC413: noor ascend [23:09:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: hold on [23:09:37] [Trusty] ACC413: noor whore [23:09:39] [Trusty] ACC413: ascend [23:10:18] [Noorquacker: Revoked 1179 advancements from Noorquacker] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Who is Cutting Onions?] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [You've Got a Friend in Me] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [With Our Powers Combined!] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Oh Shiny] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Suit Up] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Very Very Frightening] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Whatever Floats Your Goat!] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Free the End] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Surge Protector] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [A Furious Cocktail] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Glow and Behold!] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Bring Home the Beacon] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [When the Squad Hops into Town] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Local Brewery] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has reached the goal [The Next Generation] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [It Spreads] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Fishy Business] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Hot Tourist Destinations] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Caves & Cliffs] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [This Boat Has Legs] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Sniper Duel] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Great View From Up Here] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [How Did We Get Here?] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Bullseye] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Spooky Scary Skeleton] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Two by Two] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Stone Age] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Two Birds, One Arrow] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Who's the Pillager Now?] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Light as a Rabbit] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Tactical Fishing] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has reached the goal [Zombie Doctor] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [The City at the End of the Game] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Remote Getaway] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Into Fire] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [War Pigs] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Take Aim] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Total Beelocation] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Arbalistic] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has reached the goal [The End... Again...] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [23:10:25] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Not Quite "Nine" Lives] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Cover Me with Diamonds] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has reached the goal [Sky's the Limit] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Bukkit Bukkit] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Wax Off] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has reached the goal [Hired Help] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Sneak 100] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Return to Sender] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has reached the goal [You Need a Mint] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Monsters Hunted] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Enchanter] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Voluntary Exile] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Eye Spy] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Is It a Bird?] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Serious Dedication] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has reached the goal [Postmortal] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Adventuring Time] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [A Seedy Place] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Those Were the Days] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [The Cutest Predator] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Birthday Song] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Is It a Plane?] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Feels Like Home] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Star Trader] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Wax On] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Sound of Music] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Hero of the Village] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Hidden in the Depths] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has reached the goal [Beaconator] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Withering Heights] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [A Balanced Diet] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Subspace Bubble] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Country Lode, Take Me Home] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Bee Our Guest] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [What a Deal!] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Is It a Balloon?] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Uneasy Alliance] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Diamonds!] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [The Healing Power of Friendship!] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [A Throwaway Joke] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Sticky Situation] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Ol' Betsy] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [Cover Me in Debris] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [The End?] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [23:10:26] Noorquacker has completed the challenge [A Complete Catalogue] [23:10:26] [Noorquacker: Granted 1179 advancements to Noorquacker] [23:10:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: is that better [23:10:32] [Trusty] ACC413: L [23:10:40] [Trusty] ACC413: cringle [23:10:46] [Trusty] ACC413: real and true [23:10:56] [Trusty] ACC413: we should get noor banned for hacking [23:13:10] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [23:15:15] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:15:21] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:15:51] [Trusty] ACC413: noor is griefing [23:15:53] [Trusty] ACC413: noor griefs [23:15:57] [Trusty] ACC413: noor is bad server owner [23:16:01] [Trusty] ACC413: ban noorquacker [23:16:26] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:16:37] ACC413 was slain by Noorquacker using [The King James Bible] [23:17:16] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [23:17:18] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:18:20] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [23:18:25] Noorquacker was killed by Noorquacker using magic [23:19:06] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [23:19:08] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:19:30] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [23:19:31] Noorquacker was killed by Noorquacker using magic [23:19:57] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [23:20:00] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:20:09] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [23:20:11] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:20:17] Noorquacker was killed by Noorquacker using magic [23:20:19] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:20:50] ACC413 was shot by Noorquacker using [fortnite gun] [23:20:52] Noorquacker was killed by Noorquacker using magic [23:21:17] Noorquacker was shot by ACC413 using [fortnite gun] [23:21:19] ACC413 was killed by ACC413 using magic [23:21:23] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [23:31:56] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:31:58] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:33:51] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Iron Golem] [23:34:03] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Warden] [23:35:47] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Wither] [23:37:40] ACC413 broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:38:04] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [23:41:00] ACC413 broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:43:51] ACC413 broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:51:35] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/1890, uuid='a7101753-ff4a-45d2-ba11-a3bc2f918e4a', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=899.69, y=64.00, z=1253.69, cpos=[56, 78], tl=178633, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by ACC413' [23:51:41] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/1908, uuid='2c398705-5f74-4ff4-8ae2-c07c99d954e5', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=860.72, y=64.00, z=1280.31, cpos=[53, 80], tl=272781, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by ACC413' [23:51:53] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:52:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [23:52:02] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:52:06] [Trusty] ACC413: h <3 [23:52:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: h [23:52:22] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/2287, uuid='f39a805f-4e9a-4db9-8262-502704421b46', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=929.50, y=64.00, z=1239.60, cpos=[58, 77], tl=80147, v=true] died, message: 'Villager was slain by ACC413' [23:52:41] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:52:52] Named entity EntityPig['noor'/2517, uuid='e5a3786f-c760-479b-9670-55136b43edb7', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=807.15, y=64.00, z=1192.57, cpos=[50, 74], tl=104, v=true] died: noor was slain by ACC413 [23:53:27] [Trusty] ACC413: h [23:53:29] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:54:42] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2523, uuid='d15580a4-7a50-4947-9917-fb8face8a246', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=803.93, y=64.00, z=1199.56, cpos=[50, 74], tl=1634, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:54:43] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2528, uuid='8d60264c-e8a5-4a7d-aa47-630fb96f8cb0', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=806.35, y=64.00, z=1197.31, cpos=[50, 74], tl=582, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:54:44] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2525, uuid='e63d508f-716d-4035-b33f-3b6b838c2978', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=808.25, y=64.00, z=1199.78, cpos=[50, 74], tl=1086, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:54:48] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2527, uuid='b36743b0-962a-4907-aa3f-e54e2317a6b3', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=815.21, y=64.00, z=1206.17, cpos=[50, 75], tl=826, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:54:50] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2521, uuid='d0de267e-92d4-40de-baea-3ce0070ea32c', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=824.25, y=64.00, z=1206.21, cpos=[51, 75], tl=1808, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:55:16] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2531, uuid='06d552fa-db9c-4c4f-9241-1426b6aa2920', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=812.81, y=64.00, z=1181.69, cpos=[50, 73], tl=900, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:55:18] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2524, uuid='63c6c8b9-5bbd-4f29-bcc4-2f95b4398d70', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=808.63, y=64.00, z=1188.63, cpos=[50, 74], tl=1762, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:56:03] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2546, uuid='0e10eb64-f069-454a-a4ce-eeb3911fade4', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=785.17, y=64.00, z=1212.79, cpos=[49, 75], tl=1389, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:56:25] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2566, uuid='ff48f9b6-d235-4a62-b8e0-77dfb880a012', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=798.76, y=64.00, z=1202.27, cpos=[49, 75], tl=243, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:56:39] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2553, uuid='b27c7a1e-f527-4221-9d5c-2748e2932508', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=784.73, y=64.00, z=1205.36, cpos=[49, 75], tl=1581, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:56:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: kid named acetone: [23:56:59] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2572, uuid='67b15ad2-230e-477f-8cec-a7fc96b7afed', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=802.04, y=64.00, z=1186.76, cpos=[50, 74], tl=438, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:56:59] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2522, uuid='c8a35050-4fa5-4141-aff3-848eef3a07bf', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=802.81, y=64.00, z=1185.17, cpos=[50, 74], tl=4393, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:57:05] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2568, uuid='78e37200-39c7-4d0c-a588-275bd5889cfe', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=806.61, y=64.00, z=1181.00, cpos=[50, 73], tl=837, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:57:11] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2588, uuid='4962093d-eeea-4bb4-b82c-477fb339b58c', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=805.39, y=64.00, z=1193.02, cpos=[50, 74], tl=124, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:57:16] Noorquacker broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:57:16] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2555, uuid='bf69b902-0371-4632-be75-05ec52b9bf48', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=810.09, y=64.00, z=1207.11, cpos=[50, 75], tl=2241, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:57:16] Noorquacker broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:57:20] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2560, uuid='51752e8d-15d2-4b16-a314-f1ca6dc3f799', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=816.82, y=64.00, z=1215.32, cpos=[51, 75], tl=1606, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:57:23] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2554, uuid='cd67dc85-037a-4147-93f8-65985ea2b8d6', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=823.16, y=64.00, z=1212.18, cpos=[51, 75], tl=2381, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:57:25] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2557, uuid='679c7281-98d6-40dc-b746-c4b9c4058a6d', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=853.91, y=64.00, z=1221.08, cpos=[53, 76], tl=2140, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:57:28] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2526, uuid='862ce97e-bc16-41a0-9ccc-9c9383c7c40c', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=825.59, y=64.00, z=1200.26, cpos=[51, 75], tl=4025, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by Wolf [23:58:17] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2592, uuid='5a0775f1-0d0e-4451-945b-f9134f8f9632', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=828.79, y=64.00, z=1209.25, cpos=[51, 75], tl=1370, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:58:20] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2599, uuid='93bb8f29-c878-434e-a3ab-2dc594ea62f2', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=811.73, y=64.00, z=1185.20, cpos=[50, 74], tl=1151, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:58:22] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2602, uuid='36caf42c-6fcb-43c6-874d-e0203de1c354', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=802.20, y=64.00, z=1192.26, cpos=[50, 74], tl=1174, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:58:24] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2610, uuid='a84805aa-151b-42ef-943c-640a2eaf6e29', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=797.89, y=64.00, z=1186.88, cpos=[49, 74], tl=373, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:58:25] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2609, uuid='3d384037-cda7-4cbf-a985-fd168519c653', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=801.81, y=64.00, z=1194.23, cpos=[50, 74], tl=419, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by ACC413 [23:58:26] Named entity EntitySheep['jeb_'/2608, uuid='8ed5bba5-f051-4dcf-a9d5-5c75d329e19b', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=799.81, y=64.00, z=1199.25, cpos=[49, 74], tl=945, v=true] died: jeb_ was slain by ACC413 [23:58:30] ACC413 broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:58:31] ACC413 broke a spawner but did not use a pickaxe. [23:58:31] Named entity EntityPig['Dinnerbone'/2539, uuid='673cc1f7-22dd-4a13-9e21-36c652f37d20', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=786.70, y=64.00, z=1160.27, cpos=[49, 72], tl=4540, v=true] died: Dinnerbone was slain by Noorquacker using [worldeditor] [23:58:45] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:58:45] Saved the game [23:58:45] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:58:45] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:59:12] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413] [23:59:48] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to ACC413]