[20:20:42] S4dFrog[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:20:42] [Member] S4dFrog has joined the server [20:20:52] vulpieee[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:20:52] [Trusty] vulpieee has joined the server [20:21:00] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: hi [20:21:05] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: hello!! [20:21:30] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: so how's your day been? [20:21:37] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Okay I suppose [20:21:46] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: that's good [20:22:04] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: so how do we go about building the base? [20:22:17] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: so my plan for the build is to first build the basement and then use the stone from that to build the upper floors [20:22:32] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: alright [20:22:46] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I was thinking we could build a stone house out of Andesite, Cobblestone and Stone Bricks [20:23:00] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: oaky [20:23:14] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: this lag is awful [20:23:28] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: yeah new server lacking [20:23:58] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: ok so I think now that we've cleared some of the stone and flattened out a place we should plan the basement's shape [20:24:15] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I'll place some wood planks to outline my idea for the basement [20:25:10] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: btw can we make a redstone vault door thing please? :3 [20:25:14] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: i like those [20:25:35] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I don't think I have enough redstone for that, plus I would prefer to start the base relatively simple [20:25:40] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: okie okes [20:25:52] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: If we get too ahead of ourselves then finishing this will take forever [20:25:59] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: we can always upgrade the base to be larger [20:27:13] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: should i get more wood? [20:27:26] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: it would probably help, but I've still got enough for now [20:28:26] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: What if we built the house two floors tall? That way we could have one floor of the house for crafting stations and the other for bedrooms [20:28:48] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: that sounds like a good idea [20:29:01] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: i usually go with pyramids when making a base lol [20:29:41] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I've always prefered houses, they're pretty easy to build since they don't take as much detail as a castle or something like that [20:30:07] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: btw if you have any coal we could use that to make stone bricks [20:30:15] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: oh yeah i got some [20:31:04] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: so should i smelt the cobble? [20:31:26] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I would go with two stacks to start with and if we need more then we can make more [20:31:36] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: oki [20:32:24] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: We should skip to day [20:33:27] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: sorry if I'm a little slow this evening, the lag keeps slowing me down [20:33:42] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: all good, take your time [20:33:53] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: just tell me if there's anything i need to do please [20:34:17] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I would look for some andesite, I always use that to add detail to cobblestone walls [20:34:28] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: It always makes it look more natural [20:34:44] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: okay ill see if there's any [20:35:00] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: wait is andesite the white one? [20:35:07] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: no it's grey [20:35:18] vulpieee lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server [20:35:19] [Trusty] vulpieee has left the server [20:35:25] vulpieee[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:35:25] [Trusty] vulpieee has joined the server [20:35:32] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: sorry bout that [20:35:46] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Andesite looks kind of like a rougher version of stone [20:36:16] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: We can use it to make tiles along with adding extra detail to cobblestone structures. It's probably my favorite granite type [20:36:38] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: okay i found some [20:37:07] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: how much would you say we need? [20:37:23] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I usually just try to get two stacks and come back if I need more of it [20:37:50] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Usually I don't need much andesite, but maybe three stacks would be better since this house is bigger than usual [20:39:50] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: :oooooo [20:39:51] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: btw if you have any ideas for the house then I'm open to suggestion. This is both our house at least for now [20:39:55] vulpieee has made the advancement [The Cutest Predator] [20:40:37] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: honestly im not sure what you have in mind, but we can always edit the base later [20:40:45] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: yeah I guess [20:41:10] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: btw there's all kinds of blocks here if you need anything else [20:41:56] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I could also use Diorite or Deepslate for the house's roof [20:42:17] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: okay i can get those [20:42:50] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: goddamn this lag is insane [20:43:00] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Yeah it's crazy [20:43:32] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: how did it get laggier AFTER noor upgraded the server [20:43:52] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Maybe we should contact them idk [20:46:07] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: So did you get the Andesite yet? I'm almost ready to start putting in the basement floor [20:46:26] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: yep, 4 stacks :> [20:46:37] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: nice [20:48:40] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: oh wait I gotta put some of my stone away [20:56:12] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: man this lag is really crazy [20:56:23] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: yeah [20:56:27] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: its never been like this [20:57:13] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Do you play any other games? It's kind of hard to play like this [20:57:36] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: idk what do you play? [20:58:11] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Not much right now. I play Elden Ring and Smash Bros Ultimate. Not much else [20:58:30] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: dang [20:58:36] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I might be willing to try out another multiplayer game if you told me what you like to play [20:59:31] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: hi [20:59:33] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: NOOR [20:59:35] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: THE SERVER [20:59:43] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: ITS LAGGING LIKE CRAZY [20:59:53] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Server's all messed, lagging like crazy [21:00:04] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: And yeah we're on the anarchy server rn [21:00:38] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: I don't know tbh [21:00:41] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: 1220, 8347 [21:00:45] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: PRETTY FAR [21:00:48] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: sorry caps [21:01:19] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: yep [21:01:27] Unknown command [21:01:28] TPS from last 1m, 5m, 15m: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 [21:01:57] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: wha [21:02:25] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: so its our fault? [21:02:59] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Really? It wasn't doing this last night [21:03:01] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: that can't be right [21:03:12] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: lag was okay in hypixel [21:05:37] Terbcury[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:05:37] [Trusty] Terbcury has joined the server [21:06:00] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:06:00] [Trusty] ~Kaptain has joined the server [21:06:19] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: how is it? [21:06:24] [Not Secure] [Trusty] Terbcury: lag? [21:06:32] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Forgive me for sounding like a boomer, but "h" just means "hello", right? [21:06:35] [Not Secure] [Trusty] ~Kaptain: yeah this isn't the best atm [21:06:38] [Not Secure] [Trusty] Terbcury: Reminds me of 2b [21:06:44] [Not Secure] [Trusty] Terbcury: h means h [21:07:57] [Not Secure] [Trusty] Terbcury: God has hands? [21:08:33] [Not Secure] [Trusty] Terbcury: God about to be catching hands [21:10:09] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Ok vulpie I'm sorry but I don't know if I can play with the game this laggy, I'm getting killed by zombies because they can use the power of lag to teleport [21:10:40] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [21:10:40] [Trusty] ~Kaptain has left the server [21:10:40] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: shit sorry i was texting someone [21:10:51] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: yeah do you wanna play on another server? [21:10:58] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: or another game entirely? [21:11:03] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: What servers do you play on? [21:11:18] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: mostly hypixel [21:11:26] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: idk what other ones there are [21:11:31] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: Maybe we should chat over discord because the chat messages have like a 3 second delay [21:11:40] [Not Secure] [Trusty] vulpieee: oh yeah okay [21:11:46] vulpieee lost connection: Disconnected [21:11:46] [Trusty] vulpieee has left the server [21:11:50] [Not Secure] [Member] S4dFrog: bye everybody [21:11:52] S4dFrog lost connection: Disconnected [21:11:53] [Member] S4dFrog has left the server [21:15:32] Terbcury lost connection: Disconnected [21:15:32] [Trusty] Terbcury has left the server [21:20:42] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:20:42] Saved the game [21:20:42] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:20:42] Automatic saving is now enabled