[15:00:32] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:00:33] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas joined the server [15:00:45] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: omg hi [15:18:04] Long_Hiraeth was killed by [Intentional Game Design] [15:22:40] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: forgot I didn't have my netherite on lmao [15:33:37] Long_Hiraeth tried to swim in lava [15:33:53] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: really no [15:34:03] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I'm gonna not log on for a couple days lmao [15:34:22] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: that was too much shit lost for me to want to play minecraft [15:34:25] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [15:34:25] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas left the server [16:00:33] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [16:00:33] Saved the game [16:00:33] Automatic saving is now disabled [16:00:33] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:54:21] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:54:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [18:55:08] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:55:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas joined the server [18:55:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: omg hi [18:55:17] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: h [18:55:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: aight whered i put it [18:57:12] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: love that you just misplaced an entire dimension [18:57:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: no it's not that, it's right there [18:57:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: just that i have to edit nbt for the seed [18:57:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and i found a cli nbt editor written in rust [18:59:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hold on i installed nbted on the wrong user [18:59:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: why don't you go uhhhh... Rust some bitches??? [19:00:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I couldn't think of anything else [19:01:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lmao [19:01:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: why don't you cargo install some maidens [19:03:36] Named entity EntityGhast['h'/153140, uuid='d1155aa9-3d43-4a7c-862a-f66e2e8d8bc5', l='ServerLevel[PublicWorld]', x=746.00, y=64.00, z=1018.00, cpos=[46, 63], tl=2179, v=true] died: h was slain by 0xE13000 [19:03:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOOOO THIS NBT EDITOR IS FIRE [19:04:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it turns nbt into an easy to edit text file and then just opens the output with your $EDITOR (nano ofc) and then when you exit it converts back [19:04:21] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: very convenient [19:04:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: alright it's ready to import [19:04:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: expect lag [19:04:52] Noorquacker: Starting import of world 'floatingislands'... [19:04:52] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:04:52] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:04:52] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [19:04:52] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [19:04:52] Simulation Distance: 10 [19:04:55] Time elapsed: 372 ms [19:05:00] Noorquacker: aComplete! [19:05:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: done [19:05:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOO [19:05:27] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:05:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: uh [19:05:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: turn right [19:05:45] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:05:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: right again [19:06:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it appears we've [19:06:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: run out of world [19:06:23] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:06:31] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: mlg pro [19:06:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: DANG [19:06:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER IN 1.18 [19:06:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: look at those shafts [19:06:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: holy shit thats cool with the chains [19:07:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: thanks [19:07:33] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:08:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: THE CAVES GO INSIDE THE ISLANDS [19:08:11] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 0xE13000 to 2oNoorquacker7o] [19:08:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [19:08:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: LOOK [19:08:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOo [19:08:55] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:09:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is so cool [19:09:27] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:09:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: mesa [19:09:50] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: damn [19:09:52] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: this bridge [19:10:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: shaders make this so much cooler [19:10:30] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: can't relate [19:10:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [19:10:40] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:10:42] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: tp [19:10:48] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: go down [19:10:59] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it's a single platform [19:11:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:11:30] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:11:53] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [19:11:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas left the server [19:12:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [19:12:55] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [19:13:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: xfce? [19:13:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: are you able to ctrl alt f2 [19:13:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: fun fact [19:13:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nether and end dimensions in a multiverse server have to be manually created [19:14:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: otherwise if you walk into a nether portal it will throw you out and say "This portal goes nowhere! No specific nether world has been linked to this world and 'floatingislands_nether' is not a world." [19:14:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: like throws you out with decent speed too lmao [19:15:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: enough to throw me off the island [19:16:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: sometimes i forget the cool stuff i have on my server [19:16:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH [19:16:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: I HAVE TO CHECK IF THE MINERLANCAMPUS SERVER IS STILL RUNNING [19:17:22] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [19:17:22] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [19:17:26] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:17:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [19:17:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mfw timed out [19:18:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: pffffffft it's still running [19:19:37] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [19:19:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [19:19:37] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:19:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [19:19:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait why did i just delete the entire server [19:19:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [19:19:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm really stupid [19:32:14] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [19:32:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [19:36:15] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:36:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [19:38:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the school one yeah [19:50:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:54:29] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:54:29] Saved the game [19:54:29] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:54:29] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:06:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: no [20:06:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i did rm -rf [20:26:15] aż5 added to 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackera account. New balance: ż18,448 [20:26:19] 6Givingc 1 6ofc emerald 6toc 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquacker6. [20:26:25] aż5 added to 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackera account. New balance: ż18,453 [20:26:40] aż5 added to 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackera account. New balance: ż18,458 [20:26:40] aż30 added to 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackera account. New balance: ż18,488 [20:33:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait wtf [20:34:09] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [20:34:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [20:54:29] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:54:29] Saved the game [20:54:29] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:54:29] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:58:00] robochan[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:58:00] f[bMemberf] ~Ningenr ehas joined the server [20:58:06] f[bMemberf] ~Ningenr: goddangit [20:58:17] 6Command Help: f/nick [20:58:17] 6Description: fChange your nickname or that of another player. [20:58:17] 6Usage(s); [20:58:17] /nick e<nickname>r 6- Changes your nickname to the given text [20:58:17] /nick off 6- Removes your nickname [20:58:17] /nick e<player>r e<nickname>r 6- Changes the specified player's nickname to the given text [20:58:17] /nick e<player>r off 6- Removes the given player's nickname [20:58:18] 6Nickname changed. [20:58:21] f[bMemberf] robochanr: there [20:58:54] aż5 added to f[bMemberf] robochana account. New balance: ż93,510 [20:59:08] aż5 added to f[bMemberf] robochana account. New balance: ż93,515 [20:59:18] aż5 added to f[bMemberf] robochana account. New balance: ż93,520 [20:59:18] aż30 added to f[bMemberf] robochana account. New balance: ż93,550 [20:59:26] 6Givingc 1 6ofc emerald 6toc f[bMemberf] robochan6. [21:00:36] Summoned new Fox [21:01:12] f[bMemberf] robochanr: hi [21:01:19] f[bMemberf] robochanr: yeah lmao [21:01:24] f[bMemberf] robochanr: my old co-dev icri made the skin [21:01:31] f[bMemberf] robochanr: i need an anime girl skin [21:01:39] f[bMemberf] robochanr: oh and i also have an email [21:01:44] f[bMemberf] robochanr: robochan@nqind com [21:01:47] f[bMemberf] robochanr: @everyone [21:02:14] f[bMemberf] robochanr: bruh [21:02:34] f[bMemberf] robochanr: wait i think i know what you mean now [21:02:40] f[bMemberf] robochanr: not actually pixel art [21:02:44] f[bMemberf] robochanr: just poorly downscaled [21:02:57] f[bMemberf] robochanr: PFFFFFFFFFFFFT [21:03:03] f[bMemberf] robochanr: that but ahegao [21:03:18] f[bMemberf] robochanr: i can't freaking open doors or anything in publicworld [21:03:22] f[bMemberf] robochanr: can't step on pressure plates [21:03:27] f[bMemberf] robochanr: can't flip levers [21:04:10] f[bMemberf] robochanr: yeah [21:04:23] f[bMemberf] robochanr: it's ya girl [21:05:50] f[bMemberf] robochanr: i forgor what i was trying to do [21:09:23] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:09:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [21:11:48] robochan was slain by 2Noorquacker [21:11:55] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: pfffft that's her first kill [21:12:08] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan [21:12:25] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan [21:12:37] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:38] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:39] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:39] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:40] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:41] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:42] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:42] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:44] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:46] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:47] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:51] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:52] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:54] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:12:56] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:03] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:04] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:05] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:07] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:08] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:09] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:13:13] 2Noorquackerr was slain by robochan using b[fworldeditorb] [21:14:34] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:35] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:36] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:37] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:37] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:38] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:39] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:39] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:40] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:40] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:41] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:41] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:42] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:43] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:48] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:48] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:49] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:50] 2Noorquackerr was shot by robochan using b[ofortnite gunb] [21:14:53] f[bMemberf] robochanr: 690 deaths [21:14:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: on this account*** [21:15:28] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: test [21:15:39] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: testing perms n crap [21:15:57] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and beating myself up [21:16:13] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: aight i think i'm done idk [21:16:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait no [21:17:35] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:17:35] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas joined the server [21:21:01] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: wtf is &dtest [21:21:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dtest [21:21:27] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 0test [21:21:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 0ltest [21:22:05] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: WHOA [21:22:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: someone with uuid a2b38f00-2d9f-3f6d-b9d5-2e8cbcdde94f had EVERY permission [21:22:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it says there's no account when i look it up [21:22:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that could've been DANGEROUS [21:22:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: tf [21:22:35] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: alright [21:22:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: finally, permissions fixed more [21:22:48] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you gotta find out who that was [21:22:50] robochan: wauit wtrasdfasfd [21:22:51] robochan: wtrf [21:22:53] robochan: aaaaaaaaaa [21:22:54] robochan: frick [21:22:56] robochan: wtf happene [21:22:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bruh [21:23:08] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: AAAAAAA [21:23:11] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: ok [21:23:20] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [21:23:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [21:23:30] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: omg hi [21:23:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: hello [21:23:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I'm looking for slaves [21:23:58] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: omg me [21:24:00] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr: anyways bye [21:24:01] robochan lost connection: Disconnected [21:24:01] f[4Outsiderf] robochanr ehas left the server [21:24:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: have fun [21:25:16] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [21:25:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas left the server [21:58:00] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:58:00] Saved the game [21:58:00] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:58:00] Automatic saving is now enabled