[01:57:38] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [01:57:38] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas joined the server [02:57:38] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [02:57:38] Saved the game [02:57:38] Automatic saving is now disabled [02:57:38] Automatic saving is now enabled [03:57:33] Long_Hiraeth tried to swim in lava [03:57:38] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [03:57:38] Saved the game [03:57:38] Automatic saving is now disabled [03:57:38] Automatic saving is now enabled [03:57:57] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [03:57:57] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas left the server [04:57:38] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [04:57:38] Saved the game [04:57:38] Automatic saving is now disabled [04:57:38] Automatic saving is now enabled [17:06:51] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:06:51] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas joined the server [17:28:32] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:28:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [17:28:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: aaaaaaa shaders [17:28:52] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [17:29:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that lava lookin awfully tasty [17:29:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [17:29:57] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh holy frick you have another iron pickaxe even after this one [17:30:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: stayin strapped [17:30:11] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I've gone through 4 others [17:30:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: DANG [17:31:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: only 10 deaths so far [17:31:20] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: yeah? [17:31:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and zero pvp kills [17:31:38] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: yeah no one likes to piss off the builder ig [17:31:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nice [17:32:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait do i have keep inventory [17:32:05] 2Noorquackerr tried to swim in lava [17:32:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: sadly i do [17:32:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: why did i respawn in halfling's house [17:32:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and why were there 4 creepers outside [17:33:09] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I usually sleep when I'm up top, so idk the spawn rates of the buggers [17:33:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait why is the tick speed so freaking high again ugh [17:33:36] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [17:33:49] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Gamerule randomTickSpeed is now set to: 3] [17:34:14] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: windrose's cover of diggy diggy hole just came on and it's a masterpiece [17:34:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: diggy diggy hole is so nostalgic [17:35:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH ALSO [17:35:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you're leaving s&t??? [17:35:51] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: either doing a study abroad (so technically still at S&T, ig) or transferring. yeah [17:36:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: man :( have fun wherever you end up [17:36:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i mean it'll probably be easier to have fun there than here [17:36:18] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: still gonna b a terror on your minecraft server [17:36:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: BET [17:36:42] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: it's not the hardness of the classes, it's the cost and the admin [17:36:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [17:37:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: college really be costing a whole liver [17:37:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ok maybe not a liver but a kidne [17:37:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: kidney* [17:37:48] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: well and I'm out of state, so it's more like a whole ass heart [17:37:55] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH FRICK [17:38:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: where are you from? [17:38:05] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: Minnesota [17:38:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: one of my friends goes to a college in minnesota [17:38:24] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: what college? [17:38:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bethel [17:38:40] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: pretty good school [17:38:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: she's doing uhhhhhhhhhhh [17:38:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: frick [17:38:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: international relations or some political science thing [17:39:10] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I might technically have taken a class there. Idk what collection of colleges I have cause of college in the schools stuff [17:39:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh yeah dual credit [17:39:56] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: yep [17:40:07] 2Noorquackerr has made the advancement a[Fishy Business] [17:40:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait i have a bunch of lapis and xp why don't i just get a mending fishing rod [17:41:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: my laundry and dishes can wait [17:42:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: I ALREADY HAVE AN ENCHANTED FISHING ROD SMFH [17:42:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: whatever at least i got a better one [17:43:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: brb [17:46:34] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: welcome back [17:46:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ah my laundry [17:46:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i forgor [17:50:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: time to fisk [17:50:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: fish* [17:51:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: all this server stuff [17:51:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: all these shaders [17:51:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: all this gpu horsepower [17:51:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: all just to fish [17:52:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: luck of the sea definitely works [17:52:33] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: lmao [17:57:04] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: how can you rewrite over home set points? [17:57:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: just do `/sethome home_name` with the same home name as a currently set one [17:57:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it won't ask if you want to overwrite [17:57:35] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you can always see your list of homes with /homes [17:58:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i love how i just have a freaking polar bear imprisoned in my stronghold [18:00:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: pspspsps [18:00:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: how2 tame cat [18:00:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: PSPSPSPSP [18:00:38] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: throw fish on ground [18:00:41] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: raw fish [18:00:44] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: and stand still [18:01:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: successfully tames [18:01:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: tamed* but not by throwing fish [18:01:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: KITTY [18:01:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: I GOT CAT BABY [18:02:26] Long_Hiraeth tried to swim in lava [18:02:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [18:02:34] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: FUCJk [18:02:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: did you lose a lot of stuff [18:02:59] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: ye [18:03:16] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: only thing I'm angry about is the diamond pick lol [18:03:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: just realized i can just swim and kill actual fish [18:03:27] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: other stuff was just a shitton of iron [18:05:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait wtf my sword cooks fish [18:05:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i forgor it does that [18:06:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i can just jump in the water and get instant food man i love this sword [18:06:51] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [18:06:52] Saved the game [18:06:52] Automatic saving is now disabled [18:06:52] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:09:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: these fish don't stand a freaking chance [18:09:29] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Local Brewery] [18:09:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i don't even time my attacks and my axe still tears through all of them [18:09:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 11 attack damage moment [18:12:05] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[A Terrible Fortress] [18:14:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: MORE KITTY [18:23:29] Long_Hiraeth was blown up by Creeper [18:23:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [18:24:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: acquired sharpness 5 [18:24:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i am unstoppable [18:25:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: can't believe i forgot that my villager gives emeralds for paper and i have a sugar cane farm [18:29:19] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: why can't I find any magma cubes [18:29:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: who does this mother f'er think he is [18:29:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this villager raised his price from 27 paper for an emerald to 56 paper for an emerald [18:30:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: one shot with my sword can leave someone on fire enough for them to die [18:32:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm almost at the point where i can get infinite emeralds with this villager lmao [18:32:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: but it's dinner time so brb [18:52:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: back [18:55:18] Long_Hiraeth was slain by Zombified Piglin [18:55:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [18:55:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh hey you're in the nether [18:58:29] Long_Hiraeth was blown up by Ghast [18:58:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [18:59:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: why did i just get lava buckets for fuel when i have infinite bamboo [18:59:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: man [18:59:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: *has infinite resources of specific types* [18:59:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: *forgets and does an operation in bulk in a super inefficient way, wasting a ton of crap* [19:03:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bro [19:03:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: have you ever lived in a stronghold [19:03:36] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: one time, yeah. not very good structures tbh [19:03:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's so cool [19:03:46] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: too confusing for my taste [19:03:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i keep forgetting just how cool my house is [19:03:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah honestly same [19:04:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i only use this one section of this one wing that's like maybe 5 rooms total [19:04:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i should map all of this out [19:04:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: one of my friends didn't have a house so i gave her a room in my stronghold and it's literally across the entire thing [19:06:51] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:06:52] Saved the game [19:06:52] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:06:52] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:08:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: how tf do i map out an entire stronghold [19:08:43] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: signs [19:09:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i got an insane idea [19:09:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: PlantUML [19:09:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is gonna such [19:09:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: suck* [19:09:40] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I usually for caves explore one full tunnel, go back, and then block it off with a cross of cobblestone [19:09:48] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: so I know that shaft is barren [19:09:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:10:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i've explored nearly all of my stronghold but haven't mapped it anywhere [19:10:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: no room numbers or anything [19:10:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ltime to make a frickton of signs [19:12:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i should get a submarine and name it m'dick [19:12:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: "how does it feel riding m'dick" [19:12:52] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: no? [19:12:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i definitely didn't steal this from a youtube series [19:13:12] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: how unoriginal of you [19:13:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: thanks [19:13:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i stole it myself [19:13:34] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: LMAO [19:13:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: love how i have a cactus farm i don't need [19:13:57] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: time to destroy it [19:14:14] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: so you're not a cacti guy [19:14:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i made an automatic farm [19:14:24] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: you're more of a... fungi? [19:14:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i can be fun at times [19:14:47] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: ehehehehehh [19:17:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mother f'er i filled the other shulker with paper [19:17:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i shouldn't need more than like 64 signs right? [19:18:12] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: not if you find a system that doesn't use too many [19:18:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm gonna use them all [19:18:31] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I would recommend more like two stacks [19:18:45] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: but some strongholds are bigger than others [19:18:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 128 or 32? a stack of signs is 16 [19:22:19] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: at least 128 [19:22:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think i havev that much ish [19:22:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nope 90 [19:23:08] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: you can always make a start, but as a general rule make double you think you'll need [19:33:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: first stack done [19:43:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think that's all of my wing [19:43:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: well that was a frick ton of signs [19:43:44] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: told ya lol [19:43:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: worth it [19:45:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: *breaks wall between rooms to save a sign [19:49:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: finally mapped all the way to my friend's room on the other side of the stronghold [19:52:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: east wing done [19:52:41] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: ayy [19:53:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: test [19:53:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: heck [19:53:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: a message didn't sent [19:53:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: "south wing and west wing overlap smfh" [19:57:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: west wing is 4 rooms big now wtf [20:06:51] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:06:52] Saved the game [20:06:52] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:06:52] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:18:56] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: how do I know if the chunk in the nether is new enough for ancient debris [20:19:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: uhhh [20:19:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i just mine in crimson forests and warped forests [20:19:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i can check for you real quick though [20:19:20] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:19:25] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: just a sec [20:19:49] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: aight [20:19:55] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: is this new enough [20:19:57] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:20:22] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: frick [20:20:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: not sure. probably not [20:20:41] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: aight [20:23:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: why are there so many hidden entrances to my stronghold [20:24:48] Long_Hiraeth burned to death [20:24:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [20:26:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait is that everything [20:26:10] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: ? [20:26:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i mapped nearly all of the stronghold [20:26:20] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: ayy [20:26:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i just have to map caves that connect to it now [20:30:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: last stack of signs [20:34:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ow [20:34:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: drowning hurts [20:34:18] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: lmao [20:41:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think i did it [20:45:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this map is so confusing i love it [20:46:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lemme put the svg on my website [20:46:19] Long_Hiraeth has completed the challenge 5[Return to Sender] [20:46:29] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I just did that with an arrow shot bitch [20:46:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: based [20:47:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: https://mc.nqind.com/stronghold.html [20:47:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lthe entire stronghold including hidden caves [20:47:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and hidden entrances [20:49:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: maybe i should've limited stronghold rooms to 100 instead of 1000 [21:00:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: anyways [21:00:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i have homework and stuff [21:00:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i can't believe i've mapped out my entire stronghold though [21:00:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: good night [21:00:46] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [21:00:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [21:00:50] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I need to grab a package, so I'll b getting off too [21:02:15] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [21:02:15] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas left the server [21:06:51] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:06:51] Saved the game [21:06:51] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:06:51] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:32:01] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:32:01] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr ehas joined the server [22:21:37] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Hidden in the Depths] [22:32:01] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:32:02] Saved the game [22:32:02] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:32:02] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:03:13] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:03:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas joined the server [23:03:14] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:03:14] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas joined the server [23:03:23] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: h [23:03:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dang kap you're still here [23:03:30] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [23:04:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: let me get the stuff out of the shulkers rq since those are actually minw [23:04:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i can return the shulkers [23:04:45] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh that's true. forgot you had creative [23:04:57] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: shulkers are dirt cheap at the shop [23:05:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: they are? [23:05:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bro my inventory ain't big enough for this [23:05:15] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: well I'm cheaper than that [23:05:16] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: they're only like 300$ per shell [23:05:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: bro just get a shulker you're in creative [23:05:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ugh hold on [23:06:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: also if there was a no griefing sign why tf are there so man yruins [23:06:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it was meant for their village only [23:06:23] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh [23:06:30] 0xE13000 fell from a high place [23:06:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it was for one specific anarchy player that was also like you [23:07:08] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: tbf I'm ok with you griefing but I don't think other people in the commune are [23:07:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: since the commune was built with the knowledge of being in anarchy, they're not protected by me [23:07:42] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it wasn't griefing for the sake of griefing it was the only way to do a little thievery [23:07:52] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: go find my tower and blow it up [23:08:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: only reason I made spawn into the mess it is is for the joke [23:08:31] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: come to MAMA ancient debris [23:08:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lmao [23:09:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: we need to get some villagers in this commune [23:09:35] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: for the mending [23:10:16] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I would love to, but noor doesn't have villager spawn eggs for sale [23:10:35] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: they don't fit on signs [23:10:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i gotta figure out how to make it work [23:11:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: actually we have infinite homes I could just enslave a village rq [23:11:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that's what i did [23:11:27] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: if you want to go and find em be my guest [23:11:36] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: I'm getting full netherite gear atm [23:11:37] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah just not tonight [23:13:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lockettepro is so stupid [23:14:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: look at this [23:14:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: instantly expired [23:14:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf is this crap [23:14:12] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [23:14:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it doesn't say that for me [23:14:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh wtf [23:16:15] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: f l [23:16:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the houses you raided aren't active so whatever [23:16:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: did you take the beacons btw? [23:16:38] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 2 [23:16:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: gave those back [23:16:45] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: he must've taken the rest down [23:16:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: good noodle [23:16:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [23:17:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you raided 3 houses right? [23:17:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: uhhh [23:17:10] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I don't know [23:17:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: did you raid the big and tall one? [23:17:21] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no [23:17:25] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no chests in there [23:17:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh yeah [23:20:42] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I'm heading off [23:20:43] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: see ya [23:20:44] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [23:20:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r ehas left the server [23:20:47] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [23:20:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr ehas left the server [23:21:00] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: bye guys lmao [23:22:16] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: boom crash the sound of the beds [23:22:57] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: yeah tbh you touch my hoard of building material, you get the angry builder [23:29:24] CreeperslayerG[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:29:24] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr ehas joined the server [23:32:01] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:32:02] Saved the game [23:32:02] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:32:02] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:34:17] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: *evil cackle* [23:34:33] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: What's the evil cackle for? [23:35:38] Long_Hiraeth has completed the challenge 5[Cover Me in Debris] [23:35:48] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: that is what the evil cackle was for [23:35:55] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Hell yeah [23:43:07] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: sleep? [23:43:25] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: One minute, waiting on leaves to decompose [23:51:21] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: where are ya? [23:51:28] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Look up lol [23:51:36] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: look at my bow [23:51:52] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Niceeee [23:55:37] 7[3Trusty7]f ~Kapitanr: sleep?