[00:14:40] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [00:14:40] Long_Hiraeth ehas joined the server [00:21:41] CreeperslayerG[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [00:21:41] CreeperslayerG ehas joined the server [00:31:59] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Hello server member I have not met yet [00:32:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: hullo [00:38:47] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: So how's things with you? (delayed message I know but I was busy lol) [00:39:44] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: not very good if I've gone back to minecraft for distraction [00:39:50] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: which it seems I have [00:40:32] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: and yourself? [00:40:36] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: That's fair, hopefully things get better [00:41:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: eh, until the doctors find a cure for migraines I doubt it [00:41:06] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I've been stressed but otherwise good, thanks for asking [00:41:12] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Oh I feel that [00:41:52] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: In univerisity are ya? [00:42:04] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Yeah, you? [00:42:10] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: aye [00:42:41] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: What's your major? If you don't mind me asking [00:42:52] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Nuclear Engineering. And yourself? [00:43:10] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Nice, Aerospace Engineering [00:47:04] CreeperslayerG broke a spawner but did not use silk touch. [00:49:13] CreeperslayerG broke a spawner but did not use silk touch. [00:52:31] CreeperslayerG broke a spawner but did not use silk touch. [00:53:39] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Hot Stuff] [00:57:36] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Congrats on the achievement [00:57:46] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I'm in the creative bit [00:57:56] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Ah, I'm in anarchy [00:58:32] CreeperslayerG has made the advancement a[Hot Stuff] [01:05:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: whut [01:05:24] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Yo [01:05:37] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: done ya homework then?' [01:05:57] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: burh [01:07:06] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Lmao [01:07:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: we already did a bit of a chat [01:07:51] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I am when I'm worried bout shit [01:08:23] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I am in general, if I'm worried about shit I become a 4am person [01:09:31] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I switch between this and netflix [01:09:35] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I mean it lets me live out one of my dreams of running an anarcho-socialist commune so yeah lol [01:11:23] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Now I want tea lol [01:12:01] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: long's it not in TJ [01:14:40] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [01:14:40] Saved the game [01:14:40] Automatic saving is now disabled [01:14:41] Automatic saving is now enabled [01:16:43] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I mean that's fair [01:22:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: well, ta for now [01:22:36] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Nice meeting you! [01:23:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Aye, you as well [01:23:47] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [01:23:47] Long_Hiraeth ehas left the server [01:57:53] CreeperslayerG lost connection: Disconnected [01:57:53] CreeperslayerG ehas left the server [02:06:17] CreeperslayerG[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [02:06:17] CreeperslayerG ehas joined the server [02:14:40] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [02:14:40] Saved the game [02:14:40] Automatic saving is now disabled [02:14:40] Automatic saving is now enabled [02:31:41] CreeperslayerG lost connection: Disconnected [02:31:41] CreeperslayerG ehas left the server [03:14:40] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [03:14:40] Saved the game [03:14:40] Automatic saving is now disabled [03:14:40] Automatic saving is now enabled [12:47:47] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:47:47] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [12:57:02] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [12:57:02] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [13:47:47] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [13:47:47] Saved the game [13:47:47] Automatic saving is now disabled [13:47:47] Automatic saving is now enabled [16:46:14] Stopping the server [16:46:14] Stopping server [16:46:14] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [16:46:14] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [16:46:14] [EssentialsDiscord] Disabling EssentialsDiscord v2.19.4 [16:46:15] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.RateLimiter] Waiting for 1 bucket(s) to finish. Average queue size of 0 requests [16:46:15] cajParkour 4v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been cdisabled! [16:46:15] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [16:46:16] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [16:46:16] [floodgate] Disabling floodgate v2.1.0-SNAPSHOT [16:46:16] [ImageMaps] Disabling ImageMaps v1.0.6 [16:46:16] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [16:46:16] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [16:46:16] Saving players [16:46:16] Saving worlds [16:46:18] ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved [16:46:18] Flushing Chunk IO [16:46:18] Closing Thread Pool [16:46:18] Closing Server
[16:46:44] Starting minecraft server version 1.18.2 [16:46:44] Loading properties [16:46:44] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-299 (MC: 1.18.2) (Implementing API version 1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 76ed156) [16:46:44] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [16:46:44] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [16:46:44] Generating keypair [16:46:44] Using epoll channel type [16:46:44] Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [16:46:44] Paper: Using OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [16:46:51] [floodgate] Took 393ms to boot Floodgate [16:46:52] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@63019391] [16:46:52] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [16:46:52] b 3 __ [16:46:52] b | 3|__) 2LuckPermsr bv5.3.51 [16:46:52] b |___ 3| 8Running on Bukkit - Paper [16:46:52] [16:46:52] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [16:46:52] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [16:46:53] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [16:46:53] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [16:46:55] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:46:55] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:46:55] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:46:55] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:46:55] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:00] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:00] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:00] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:00] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:00] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:01] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:01] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:01] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:01] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:01] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:01] Time elapsed: 350 ms [16:47:01] Time elapsed: 182 ms [16:47:01] Time elapsed: 175 ms [16:47:01] [ImageMaps] Enabling ImageMaps v1.0.6 [16:47:01] Initializing access controllers [16:47:01] Initializing block loggers [16:47:01] [floodgate] Enabling floodgate v2.1.0-SNAPSHOT [16:47:02] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [16:47:06] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:06] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:06] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:06] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:06] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:07] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:07] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:07] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:07] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:07] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:13] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:13] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:13] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:13] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:13] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:19] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:19] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:19] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:19] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:19] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:24] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:24] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:24] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:30] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:30] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:30] Time elapsed: 362 ms [16:47:30] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:30] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:30] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:31] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:36] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:36] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:36] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:36] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:36] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:42] Time elapsed: 162 ms [16:47:42] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:42] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:42] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:43] Time elapsed: 157 ms [16:47:43] TwistingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] WeepingVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] CaveVines Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] GlowBerry Growth Modifier: 100% [16:47:43] Simulation Distance: 10 [16:47:43] Time elapsed: 124 ms [16:47:43] aajParkour 2v2.12.10 by ajgeiss0702 has been aenabled! [16:47:45] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.2.0-b762] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [16:47:45] [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.1-b834] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [16:47:45] [EssentialsDiscord] Enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.19.4 [16:47:45] [EssentialsDiscord] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [16:47:45] [EssentialsDiscord] Attempting to login to Discord... [16:47:46] [net.essentialsx.dep.net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA] Login Successful! [16:47:47] [EssentialsDiscord] Successfully logged in as ロボちゃん#3452 [16:47:48] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [16:47:48] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [16:47:49] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.2.1-b786] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [16:47:49] Running delayed init tasks [16:47:49] aNew version of 3Factionsa available: [16:47:49] Done (65.782s)! For help, type "help" [16:47:49] Timings Reset [16:50:01] 6Reloading all Multiverse Plugin configs... [16:50:01] Multiverse-Core - config.yml [16:50:01] Multiverse-Core - worlds.yml [16:50:01] Multiverse-Core - anchors.yml [16:50:01] Multiverse-Portals - portals.yml [16:50:01] Multiverse-Portals - config.yml [16:50:01] Multiverse-NetherPortals - config.yml [16:50:01] aReload Complete! [17:24:58] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:24:58] Long_Hiraeth ehas joined the server [17:35:14] Long_Hiraeth fell from a high place [17:38:39] Long_Hiraeth was blown up by Creeper [17:45:49] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Stone Age] [17:49:36] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Getting an Upgrade] [17:53:27] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Acquire Hardware] [18:01:02] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Isn't It Iron Pick] [18:07:58] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Monster Hunter] [18:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [18:24:58] Saved the game [18:24:58] Automatic saving is now disabled [18:24:58] Automatic saving is now enabled [18:25:17] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Not Today, Thank You] [18:27:32] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Take Aim] [18:28:20] Long_Hiraeth was slain by Zombie [18:37:50] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: magic, bitch [18:40:05] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:40:05] Noorquacker ehas joined the server [18:40:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i have 2 links for my discord when people join my server smfh [18:41:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOOOOO i see the building you're doing [18:41:10] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: what [18:41:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: in the creative world [18:41:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: oh gotcha [18:41:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: on top of the road [18:41:27] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: aye [18:41:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: normally i don't condone taking down infrastructure but this looks like it's gonna be really cool [18:41:47] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: gonna be a path through it [18:42:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: if it's unfinished and abandoned it'll be moved with WorldEdit elsewhere [18:42:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: nah [18:42:25] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Just wanted to do survival [18:43:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the term "abandoned" really means "idk i show up in a year and realize maybe i should move it and do it a year later" [18:43:11] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [18:43:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: lmao [18:43:35] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: where are we [18:43:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mom come pick me up i'm scared [18:43:44] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: away from spawn [18:43:52] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: surface is alpine mountains [18:44:01] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: wanted to find a ravine to mine and here I have [18:44:10] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:44:10] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [18:44:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOOOOOOO [18:44:17] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: h [18:44:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hi elijah [18:44:24] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: hello [18:45:26] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [18:45:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: careful of elijah [18:45:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: he's a true anarchy player [18:46:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lava casted my spawn lmao [18:46:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: *never even stepped on 2b* [18:46:08] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I'd like him to find me first thanks [18:46:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey elijah her coordinates are uhhhhh [18:46:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: y=49 [18:46:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: and Noor don't you dare fucking give him my coords [18:46:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: LMAO [18:46:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: too late [18:46:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I will never come to another tea time [18:46:36] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I have your y [18:47:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: whatever happened to tea time [18:47:27] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: nobody aside from me wanted to organize it [18:47:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: understandable [18:47:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: and I already am pres of one org [18:47:57] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: pr lead of another [18:47:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i might just be like "yall free on saturday" [18:48:13] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: gonna b playing amogus [18:48:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: sus [18:48:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: omg construction [18:48:59] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: imagine that [18:49:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: in a building game of all things [18:49:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: in the latest news [18:49:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: man decides to steal parent's electricity and internet for block game [18:49:59] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: that's nothing new [18:50:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: true [18:50:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nearly 6 year old news [18:50:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yo this library is FIRE [18:51:04] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: did you find the hidden room? [18:51:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: can ya magic me to have a look see [18:51:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that was the first thing i found [18:51:14] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nice [18:51:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: can I go back after though [18:51:26] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [18:51:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'll stand where you are rn [18:51:56] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to -509.500000, 48.000000, -1266.500000] [18:51:58] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to -509.500000, 48.000000, -1266.500000] [18:52:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: aight i saved your coords [18:52:06] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [18:52:22] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: if you do /back i think it'll take you back but idk [18:52:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i mean it works really well when it works [18:52:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey elijah are you renting out the apartments in your building [18:52:59] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Well that's snazzy [18:53:00] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [18:53:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: based [18:53:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm gonna put up signs advertising [18:53:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you can give them to people just make sure they don't mess with the walls/floor [18:53:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ayo i'm gonna be a landlord? [18:53:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: based [18:54:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain [18:54:46] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [18:55:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey kap did /back work for you [18:55:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I already am here [18:55:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: pog [18:55:26] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Suit Up] [18:56:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: who tf left a chest in the middle of the world with random stuff [18:56:57] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: creative or anarchy? [18:57:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: creative [18:57:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mfs wildin [18:57:12] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I've kept to my little space thanks [18:57:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lmao if it were either of y'all it would show up [18:57:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's before my building logs meaning uhhhh at least like a year ago [18:57:54] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: 2nd ramen cup time [18:58:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey elijah let's race [18:58:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: think my roommate just went to go make ramen [18:58:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you flying and me on horse [18:58:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: did you mod its speed? [18:58:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: perhaps [18:58:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: start flying [18:58:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: easily beat [18:58:48] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wtf [18:59:33] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: he show you Durendal? [18:59:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yep [18:59:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [18:59:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the name of the horse is durendal [18:59:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh [19:02:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: happy 4/20 btw [19:03:27] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: ramen acquired [19:03:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: drugs plugin [19:03:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: now [19:03:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bruh [19:03:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lemme check [19:04:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh wow there is a 1.18 drugs plugin [19:04:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: not gonna install it [19:04:40] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nice [19:04:43] Long_Hiraeth was blown up by Creeper [19:04:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [19:04:49] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: damn bro [19:05:03] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: falling from the skies like fatboy [19:05:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: "hmmm what do i name a short little connecting road" [19:05:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: "Short Road" [19:05:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: acondroplasia [19:05:57] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [19:06:10] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: think that's the correct spelling [19:07:01] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: actually might be an extra H in there [19:07:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: uhhhhhh where [19:07:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: achondroplasia [19:07:15] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: it's a type of genetic dwarfism [19:07:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: acondhroplalsia [19:07:22] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hacondroplasia [19:07:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: where tf [19:07:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: acondroplasiah [19:07:30] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: first one [19:07:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nailed it [19:07:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: acrondrhoplasia [19:07:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ahcondroplasia [19:08:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: acohndroplasia [19:08:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: can't i make a python script to do this [19:10:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: are these benches [19:10:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [19:10:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wheres the anti homeless bars [19:11:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: happy? [19:11:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: LMAO [19:11:12] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: there a way I can warp to the creative bit on my own [19:11:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ./warp trusty_creative [19:11:35] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:11:42] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: lovely, ta [19:11:43] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:11:57] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:19] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:30] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Noor can this little farm be move back a few hundred paces [19:12:39] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hold on [19:12:46] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:49] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:52] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:12:55] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:05] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:08] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:11] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:16] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:20] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:24] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:30] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:33] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:36] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:41] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:43] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:45] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Summoned new Minecart] [19:13:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: aight what's going on [19:13:51] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [19:13:57] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: that bit [19:13:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh yeah probably uhhhhhhh [19:14:03] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: want to make something bigger [19:15:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: my freaking co developer world edited too much sand [19:15:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: smfh icri [19:15:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: @<140189511526252544> [19:16:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait what [19:16:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: @<201114385765105675> [19:16:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: @Noorquacker#9147 [19:16:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: <@201114385765105675> [19:16:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ah there it is [19:16:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: <@140189511526252544> [19:18:46] CreeperslayerG[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:18:46] CreeperslayerG ehas joined the server [19:18:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wb [19:18:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yoooooo [19:18:54] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Yooo [19:19:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: whole squad up in here [19:19:10] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 4 players, damn [19:19:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: haven't had this many players on in months [19:19:26] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Lmao [19:20:22] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to CreeperslayerG] [19:20:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ayo? rail? [19:20:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: high speed rail network? [19:20:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: based af [19:20:55] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: in anarchy? [19:20:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:21:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh frick [19:21:01] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nice [19:21:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: anarcho-somethingpolitical meets anarchy minecraft player [19:21:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait elijah you've never been on 2b2t? [19:21:35] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no [19:21:40] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I even made the anarcho-syndicalist flag as a banner and put it on the welcome center I'm building for my commmune [19:21:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I was only a 9b player [19:21:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dang even i've been on 2b2t [19:22:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I have technically been on it but it was back when it was dead [19:22:13] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: so I stayed for maybe 10 minutes [19:22:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait really? [19:22:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [19:22:25] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it was before I entirely knew what anarchy servers were [19:22:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dang [19:22:40] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: but 9b is my real home [19:22:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: started a cult and everything [19:22:49] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I think I was on 2b at least once [19:23:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: to be on 2b2t nowadays i basically have to use 2bored2wait [19:23:03] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: but it was such a long time ago I dunno if I'm misremembering [19:23:27] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [19:23:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i wonder what the park looks like with shaderss [19:24:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: damn I can barely run Optifine as-is [19:24:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: pretty fancy [19:24:46] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wait [19:24:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i forget how amazing things look with shaders [19:24:48] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: if I'm playing minecraft I don't give a shit about graphics lol [19:24:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: set it to night rq [19:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [19:24:58] Saved the game [19:24:58] Automatic saving is now disabled [19:24:58] Automatic saving is now enabled [19:24:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you can use /time in creative [19:25:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh cool [19:27:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ngl increasing fov makes things weirdly bigger [19:28:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah be like "yeah lemme just pump out another super cool building" [19:28:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I just took a physics test [19:28:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: samme [19:28:38] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I have extra stress to get out and that comes in the form of pumping out Minjecraft builds [19:28:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: my favorite game [19:28:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: minjecraft [19:28:51] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [19:28:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: minjeclaraft [19:29:46] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: minjeclerft [19:33:24] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Don't mind me, casually working on my commune while listening to labor union and socialist songs [19:33:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: based af [19:34:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: the Red Army Choir slaps [19:34:52] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Agreed, though atm I'm listening to mostly David Rovics and Tom Morello [19:36:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC1CqyCN9Q0 [19:36:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah you would like this [19:37:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: one sec [19:38:04] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [19:38:04] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [19:38:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [19:38:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i was just about to say that [19:38:42] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Rip [19:38:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: waterfall says connection reset [19:39:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i love how gavin's been on longer but only has 1 death [19:39:52] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I don't even remember dying tbh [19:40:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it might've been me with a splash potion of death in creative [19:40:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: optiplex moment [19:40:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: :fax: [19:42:23] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:42:23] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [19:42:37] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I like my i9 processor and my RTX 2070 thanks [19:43:20] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Anyone wanna help me with my tunnel? Two iron picks will be provided [19:43:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: sure [19:44:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yo [19:44:23] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: thanks [19:44:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: which way? [19:44:54] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Np, it goes each way until the end, it's gonna be 5 wide by 4 high [19:45:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: geez [19:45:12] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: that's gonna be a lot of mining [19:45:32] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Any ore you find you can keep, and also food is available at the commune if you need it [19:45:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: aight thanks [19:45:58] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I don't suppose you have a book by any chance? [19:46:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I could get us an enchanting table [19:46:14] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I can make one [19:46:27] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I'll brb with the book [19:46:38] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh wait no obby [19:46:55] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ah well if we find lava somehow then we can [19:47:03] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I know where some obsidian is, I don't have a diamond pick though [19:47:48] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: didn't realize this was so close to spawn [19:48:25] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nice [19:48:44] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: While you're getting that I'll get the book [19:50:10] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Ran out of leather lol [19:50:12] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ah [19:50:43] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[The Parrots and the Bats] [19:51:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: thanks [19:51:06] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Np [19:51:50] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I'll put it in here for now [19:51:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: sounds good [19:52:45] CreeperslayerG has made the advancement a[Enchanter] [19:52:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: killing my pc rn [19:52:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: doing? [19:52:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ray traced shaders take a toll on my poor gpu [19:53:06] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Oof lol [19:53:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 18 fps lmao [19:53:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh I forgot you were doing that [19:53:22] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Also lapis in the chest if you need it [19:53:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 80 degrees ain't the worst right? [19:53:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh, yeah thanks [19:53:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 80 C? [19:53:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:53:46] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: uh probably not [19:53:50] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[Enchanter] [19:54:23] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: My one request with the farm is that you leave the massive sugarcane [19:54:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: fair enough [19:55:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: so many lighting glitches [19:55:19] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: just don't use lighting [19:55:24] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: fullbright everything [19:57:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i gave it the beans [19:57:46] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: has the end been touched in anarchy? [19:57:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 11 fps [19:57:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [19:57:51] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: dammit [19:57:57] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bruh [19:58:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's like 3 years old [19:58:04] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: still [19:58:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you never know [19:58:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: quartz is a literal mirror with this shader [20:00:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i am convinced [20:00:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the shader gives you schizophrenia [20:00:45] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nah I think that's just you [20:03:55] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm so glad i have better internet [20:03:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the server loads so fast [20:04:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey any y'all wanna play a little minigame [20:04:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: holy crap [20:04:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: what [20:04:34] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Damn [20:04:53] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: That explains why I was hearing mobs [20:05:26] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Holy shit that scared me [20:05:31] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: not much down here but coal [20:05:38] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: and some gold looks like [20:05:52] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Found some iron [20:06:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait did you create the "gods land" and "deeper mines" signs gavin? [20:06:17] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: do piglins trade pearls? [20:06:26] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: What? No? [20:06:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: y'all are in ancient territory [20:07:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [20:07:13] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: where are the sings [20:07:14] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: signs* [20:07:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it looks like many players have been here before y'all [20:07:23] CreeperslayerG tried to swim in lava to escape Zombie [20:07:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: f [20:07:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the signs are kinda far in cave distance but like maybe 100 blocks away [20:07:37] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Fucking zombies [20:08:01] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I can get you a tp here if you want [20:08:15] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I can get there pretty easily [20:08:19] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Wait [20:08:19] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: aight [20:08:23] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: just /back [20:08:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yoooooo [20:09:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is pretty epic [20:09:00] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Okay I'm here but I'm stuck because I have nothing lol [20:10:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey wait i have an idea [20:10:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i should make it where if you fall in the water you get transported to uhhhhhh something [20:10:39] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [20:10:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: what water [20:10:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hiraeth's building [20:10:51] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: sure [20:10:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh [20:11:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: alright i made it but it doesn't do anything because it has no destination lmao [20:11:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: uhhhhhhhhhhhh [20:12:23] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Imma go grab some stuff from the commune [20:12:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: good enough [20:12:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: aight [20:14:12] CreeperslayerG has made the advancement a[Diamonds!] [20:14:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nice [20:14:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ok i made a destination [20:14:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think it's kinda cool [20:14:25] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:14:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mother f'er it doesn't work right [20:14:42] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:14:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh nvm it worked that time [20:15:02] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey kap fall in the water [20:15:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [20:16:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dang you really said f birch [20:16:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: NO [20:16:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: KAP WTF [20:17:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: whoops [20:17:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: gavin you didn't see a thing [20:18:05] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Lmao I see everything, what's with the purple text? [20:18:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's the /me command [20:18:29] Person01[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:18:29] Person01 ehas joined the server [20:18:36] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: what a name [20:18:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait who tf [20:18:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i've seen you before [20:18:48] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: you have have you [20:18:49] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [20:18:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: who are you again [20:18:59] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: IT IS I [20:19:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh whoops [20:19:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: sorry [20:19:08] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: HALFLING [20:19:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH [20:19:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: YOOOOOOOOO [20:19:41] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: If anyone would like to sleep, apartment 101 in the commune has a bed [20:19:50] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: kap's in trusty_creative [20:20:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: she's making cool creative stuff [20:20:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think creeperslayer and 0xe3112348124 are making uhhhh tunnels in survival [20:20:23] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [20:20:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: damn you're just gonna diss my cool color like that [20:20:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh it's a color? [20:21:00] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: bruh it's literally just like reddish orange isn't it [20:21:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [20:21:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: called it [20:21:38] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: There was a damn horde of creepers and now I have a hole in my ground [20:21:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you better fill it in!!! [20:22:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: imagine caring about the terrain in anarchy [20:22:17] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I'm going to! It was in the middle of the path! [20:22:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: f it [20:22:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i filled most of it [20:22:32] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Currently focused on tunneling though [20:22:39] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: most of the tunnel is dug [20:22:43] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Ah, grazie mi amiche [20:22:46] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: my pick broke so the rest is yoursw [20:22:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i hate it when people don't fill in their creeper holes [20:22:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: <@450093487853928458> [20:23:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: am done [20:23:09] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:23:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: nice [20:24:14] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [20:24:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: a confused halfling in his natural habitat [20:24:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ah yes i remember when i had staff [20:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [20:24:59] Saved the game [20:24:59] Automatic saving is now disabled [20:24:59] Automatic saving is now enabled [20:25:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: and rules [20:25:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: yeee [20:25:15] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: noor how do the chair thing [20:25:23] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:25:29] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: chair? [20:25:30] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: 1. Be respectful. 2. Be ethical. 3. Use common sense. [20:25:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [20:25:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah what command was that [20:25:47] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [20:25:50] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: default rules? [20:26:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: heh? [20:26:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh nvm [20:26:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i have /rules changed to something else [20:26:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you have to put the stairs first kap [20:26:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lmao [20:26:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: also it can be inconsistent at times [20:27:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: tree [20:28:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: there, now your road is fixed Noor [20:28:15] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yaaaaaaaaay [20:28:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is actually really cool [20:29:05] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: thankies [20:29:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: what road is this? bishop? [20:29:16] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: dunno [20:29:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: should've named it something actually unique [20:29:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wAIT [20:30:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lWHERE ARE MY TEA MAKING SUPPLIES [20:30:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: brb [20:30:11] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [20:30:11] Noorquacker ehas left the server [20:30:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: TEA [20:30:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: oh no Noor is gone [20:30:27] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Thank you so much for the tunnel help [20:30:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: np [20:31:09] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: We've got pillagers [20:31:19] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: do it [20:31:21] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: make the tea [20:31:29] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: make tea for all of us sir [20:31:43] CreeperslayerG has made the advancement a[Voluntary Exile] [20:31:58] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Like the commune? [20:32:01] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you really need to light this place up [20:32:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [20:32:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: reminds me of the early days of mc [20:33:31] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: Noor says hello @halfling [20:33:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: hello [20:33:40] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Glad you like it, as for the lighting, it's a work in progress lol [20:35:38] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Noor says to call Captain hi [20:35:46] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: *tell [20:36:12] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I'm Captain btw [20:36:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: or Kap [20:36:24] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: Kap [20:36:27] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Ah, cool [20:37:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: home h [20:38:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Why am I here [20:39:08] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: guess I'm back at spawn [20:39:15] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:39:15] Noorquacker ehas joined the server [20:39:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: noor [20:39:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait wdym back at spawn [20:39:24] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:39:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: why am here [20:39:32] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: idk hold on [20:39:51] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lemme look at logs dangti [20:39:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it says haram if i try to hit you [20:40:08] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: ye [20:40:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that's hilarious [20:40:30] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh you did /back? [20:40:34] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: where tunnel? [20:40:45] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: diggy diggy hole [20:40:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: idk [20:40:54] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ask elijah [20:40:57] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it's [20:41:00] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: at the commune [20:41:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I am asking him [20:41:11] Person01 has made the advancement a[Stone Age] [20:41:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: where the everloving fuck is the commune [20:41:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: noor [20:41:22] 2Noorquackerr was shot by 2Noorquackerr using b[4police brutalityb] [20:41:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: gibe wither skulls plz [20:41:26] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: heh [20:41:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: MOTHER F'ER I SHOT MYSELF [20:41:39] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: can have infinity bow? [20:41:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it bounces off [20:41:52] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Almost at the start if y'all wanna find me [20:41:56] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: bow is only thing that not different [20:42:06] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: what is this stupid cooldown shit [20:42:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: 1.9 [20:42:30] 2Noorquackerr was shot by 2Noorquackerr using b[4police brutalityb] [20:42:37] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: S&T boys tryna shoot their shot smh [20:42:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: LMAO [20:43:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I really like this totally original build btw [20:43:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: stfu [20:43:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: look at the face [20:43:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: am bored [20:43:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: can go back? [20:43:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hold on look at this [20:43:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: can you see that [20:43:44] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: No <3 [20:43:50] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Who wants to see the commune? [20:43:58] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported Long_Hiraeth to 2oNoorquacker7o] [20:44:00] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I can see like a quarter of it [20:44:03] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I want to dig hole since I was taken from my own hole [20:44:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i think hiraeth wanted to see the commune idk [20:44:27] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wow [20:44:37] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: this truly changed me for the better [20:44:40] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: they weren't very creative were they [20:44:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: a spiritual experience [20:44:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: who [20:44:53] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Whoever wants to, lmk where you are and I'll bring you to it [20:45:14] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: we're at the shitty piece of interior decorating [20:45:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: <@747176675548332123> [20:45:20] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:45:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh this [20:45:31] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Where's that at? [20:45:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: temple z [20:45:40] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Noor where the fuck is this [20:45:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: spawn [20:45:52] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is literally right by spawn [20:46:02] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: so this doesn't have a name? [20:46:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's temple z [20:46:17] Person01 has made the advancement a[Monster Hunter] [20:46:33] Person01 has made the advancement a[Sweet Dreams] [20:46:46] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [20:46:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: where tf are you [20:47:01] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh this place! [20:47:06] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: oh hi [20:47:11] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Hi [20:47:13] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I'm at the manifestation of Noor's love of hentai [20:47:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: WHERE [20:47:19] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:47:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: heh [20:47:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh this isn't it [20:47:30] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh ncm [20:47:31] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: nvm [20:47:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait i've told the goblins that much about hentai? [20:47:49] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: yes [20:47:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: frick [20:48:10] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: look at your fuckin status and ask me something else bitch [20:48:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH [20:48:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i forgor :skull: [20:48:27] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Let's go boys [20:48:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: remember that time i accidentally @ everyone'd in my discord from minecraft [20:48:56] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: @everyone [20:49:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you can't do it [20:49:12] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: wow imagine using @everyone [20:49:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: we going to commune [20:49:23] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: L + ratio + <@846292904992571392> [20:49:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: discord shows it as blue even if you don't have the perm [20:49:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: @everyone [20:49:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: if you do have the perm then the whole message is yellow [20:49:43] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: huh [20:49:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: strange [20:49:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: like this <@846292904992571392> [20:50:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait halfling i think this is by my old house [20:50:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: wait really [20:50:27] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: interesting [20:50:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i lived in a swamp [20:50:32] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [20:50:37] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [20:50:37] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [20:50:39] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: ok Shrek [20:50:44] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: lmao [20:50:51] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: should I get out of your swamp [20:51:05] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah actually left [20:51:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: no lmao [20:51:41] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:51:41] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [20:51:44] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: What happened to the person following me? [20:51:53] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you mean elijah? [20:51:57] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Wanted to see if I could nap these pants of a skellie [20:52:19] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I found a very long dug out hole though [20:52:20] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: It was Hiraeth. Ah, okay [20:52:28] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [20:52:28] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [20:52:32] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: oooh ravine [20:52:34] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: is elijah oj? [20:52:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ok*? [20:52:42] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:52:42] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [20:52:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: are you doing alright elijah [20:52:55] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [20:53:00] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: am I on the right track if I follow this then [20:53:04] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: not my 2010 DELL [20:53:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: optiplex moment [20:53:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: one sec [20:53:23] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [20:53:23] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [20:53:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: still runs minecraft better than an m1 mac [20:53:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I reckon so [20:53:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: whoa is there big server lag??? [20:53:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: tps is 20 [20:53:48] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Am on a llama [20:53:59] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [20:54:15] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Welcome to my anarcho-socialist commune [20:54:16] Person01 has made the advancement a[Getting an Upgrade] [20:54:31] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: WHAT THE FUCK [20:55:18] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: come here motherfucker [20:55:24] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: There's beds if you'd like to sleep [20:56:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: What the fuck are these bitches [20:56:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i found a map to halfling's house [20:56:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: https://mc.nqind.com/dynmap/?worldname=trusty_survivalmapname=flat&zoom=6&x=269&y=64&z=-151 [20:56:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wtf [20:56:20] 0xE13000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:56:20] 0xE13000 ehas joined the server [20:56:21] 2[Dynmap]f: https://mc.nqind.com/dynmap/?worldname=trusty_survival&mapname=flat&zoom=6&x=269&y=64&z=-151 [20:56:27] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Specters or whatever [20:56:43] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: They show up if you go too long without sleeping [20:56:43] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: what do these phantom membranes do then [20:56:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: they repair elytras [20:56:55] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: that it? [20:56:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [20:57:04] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: well these fuckers useless [20:57:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: but elytras are super fragile and super fun [20:57:20] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: two words: mending book [20:57:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ok yeah [20:57:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i didn't get that until later [20:57:41] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I cannot come in [20:57:51] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I know I'm pale but I'm not a vampire [20:57:54] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [20:57:57] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: Noor I thought you were a spider lol [20:58:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: funky [20:58:08] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: It's my house lol, if you want an apartment I have an apartment complex [20:58:08] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: racism [20:58:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: in my minecraft server? [20:58:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it's more likely than you think [20:58:21] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I want to build a castle [20:58:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey do y'all wanna play a minigame [20:58:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: here ya go [20:58:42] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Thank you [20:58:51] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: What's the minigame? [20:58:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: imagine fortnite but minecraft [20:59:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: no [20:59:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I have never played fortnite [20:59:14] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: and for good reason [20:59:18] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: good [20:59:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you just shoot each other in a battle royale [20:59:33] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i just called it fortnite because i thought it was funny [20:59:33] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I've never played fortnite either [21:00:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey gavin did you notice the castle thing next to you? [21:00:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: northwest of you [21:01:08] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: On top of the mountain? [21:01:10] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yeah [21:01:29] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: I've seen it every day lol [21:01:41] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: have you been in it [21:01:45] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: No [21:01:50] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: oooh tp me Noor [21:01:54] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I wanna kill some shit [21:01:58] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm not doxxing my homie [21:02:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ask gavin to tp you [21:02:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: (also it's already been raided but still a cool house) [21:02:29] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: smh [21:03:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: welcome to the castle of uhhhhhhh [21:03:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it was owned by my high school tennis team [21:03:34] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Cool [21:03:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait there's a house all the way over there [21:04:15] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: whichever one of you is Gavin can I come back to the commune [21:04:42] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: You have free reign of it as long as you respect the posted signs [21:04:42] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [21:04:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'll find the commune [21:05:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you can set infinite homes btw [21:05:15] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: jazzy [21:05:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: do you need wood? [21:05:44] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Thank you [21:05:46] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: have wood [21:06:11] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Anything you wanna give the commune you can put in the building over in the corner [21:06:31] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: this one? [21:06:35] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Ye [21:07:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: what kinda madlad walks 100,000 blocks in the overworld instead of walking 12,500 blocks in the nether [21:07:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: back me up here elijah [21:07:15] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: who tf did that? [21:07:19] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: KingOfCards02 [21:07:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: an old player [21:07:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: bruh [21:07:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: just make a nether highway what [21:07:37] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: a person who doesn't wanna dig through 12k blocks of netherrack [21:07:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ngl he's a kinda strange guy [21:07:45] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: And I would walk 500 miles [21:07:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: And I would walk 500 more [21:07:57] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: netherrack is instamine at eff 5 [21:08:11] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Someone gets it! Lol [21:08:24] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[Oh Shiny] [21:08:24] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: now name the band [21:08:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: Proclaimers? [21:08:42] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: yep [21:08:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: who tf burned down asa's house [21:09:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: <@644157627710046219> your house got burned down [21:10:20] Person01 was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Zombie [21:10:29] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Rip [21:10:40] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: extra bed> [21:10:43] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: where? [21:10:49] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: tthe first of many deaths i will probably have [21:11:02] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Apartment 101 in the building by the farm [21:11:12] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: It goes down underground [21:11:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: holy frick, one of the most well hidden stashes i know of on the server got raided [21:11:50] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[Sweet Dreams] [21:12:05] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Okay you found it [21:12:17] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: aye [21:12:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: me? [21:12:40] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Nah, I was talking to Hiraeth about the bed [21:12:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh [21:12:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: damn this place looks untouched [21:13:03] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: holy frick a valley of wheat! [21:13:04] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:13:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: oh you found the house of KingOfCards02 [21:13:21] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: more like his colony [21:13:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: no sleep I guess [21:13:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: might do a bit of tomfoolery [21:13:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: llavacast [21:13:43] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Yo my bed just full on glitched out of existence [21:13:58] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to CreeperslayerG] [21:14:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: you look fine to me [21:14:06] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: rip [21:14:17] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah have you seen the dynmap [21:14:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no [21:14:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: mc.nqind.com/dynmap [21:14:31] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I didn't know we had one [21:14:39] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: really good for base hunting [21:14:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: hmm [21:14:52] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: does it show players by default? [21:14:54] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to CreeperslayerG] [21:15:10] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Thank you [21:15:12] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: np lmao [21:15:20] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: a rejoin might fix stuff like that [21:15:23] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: No idea what happened lmao [21:15:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: dynmap doesn't show players anymore [21:15:26] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:15:29] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it used to [21:15:34] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: good [21:15:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: elijah isn't sleeping btw [21:15:48] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yoooo [21:15:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: just got some good shit [21:15:59] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: this is one of my best friend's stash [21:16:06] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hmmmm do i tell him he got raided [21:16:29] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: to be fair he could have privated all of this [21:16:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: he literally did though [21:16:42] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: the signs are right there [21:16:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: t o o b a d [21:16:46] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: they're just broken [21:16:55] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it would be a shame if someone tagged <@664506902742433813> [21:17:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: he's probably high as balls rn [21:18:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I'm keeping the anime map [21:18:07] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: have yall dug to 1.18 caves yet [21:18:08] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:18:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: WHERE [21:18:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no [21:18:17] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: invsee me and copy it [21:18:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i was literally doing that rn lmao [21:18:31] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: OH [21:18:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: HOW IS IT STILL WORKING [21:19:11] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: it shouldn't be [21:19:40] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: cocaine [21:19:45] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: ... [21:19:56] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: what [21:19:57] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: so many rare artifacts here [21:20:14] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i'm gonna break the map elijah [21:20:18] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: look i'm breaking it [21:20:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: noo [21:20:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: no more anime tiddies [21:20:28] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: only i can have them [21:20:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it's not even a tid [21:20:38] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: you aren't sharing Noor :( [21:20:44] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it's like the shoulder [21:20:51] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: well now it's the ocean [21:21:16] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: hey cap i found a castle [21:21:25] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: do you want it [21:21:33] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I make my own castles thanks [21:21:37] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: that's a flex [21:21:39] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: and this mountain offended [21:21:43] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait should we just voice chat [21:21:47] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: i just realized we can do that [21:21:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: wow [21:22:00] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: you... [21:22:09] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: stfu halfling i'm trying my best [21:22:26] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: https://discord.gg/83WEbqSD [21:22:27] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: join [21:22:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Person01r: are you? try harder, but you're doing great [21:22:43] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Honestly I should go do homework lol, but if y'all are still on vc when I'm done I'll hop on [21:23:17] CreeperslayerG lost connection: Disconnected [21:23:17] CreeperslayerG ehas left the server [21:23:23] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I'm hopping off after I level this mountain [21:23:24] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: F [21:23:25] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wait speak [21:23:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: rq [21:23:30] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: oh okay [21:23:32] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: good [21:23:34] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [21:23:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: join the voice chat halfling [21:24:41] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [21:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [21:24:59] Saved the game [21:24:59] Automatic saving is now disabled [21:24:59] Automatic saving is now enabled [21:29:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you're welcome [21:29:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: natural rain [21:31:13] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: -40 -121 [21:31:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: okay [21:31:28] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I have no bombs yet [21:31:54] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: yes [21:33:20] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: Noor said the Gobbo serv would die [21:34:05] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [21:34:23] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: castle [21:34:43] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[Hidden in the Depths] [21:35:20] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Person01] [21:35:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: just have it in your off hand [21:35:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: yuh [21:36:06] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: can also mine some coal [21:36:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: coal gives exp [21:37:26] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: give [21:37:38] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: where? [21:37:45] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ./warp trusty_survival [21:38:30] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: where? [21:39:24] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: passing a class is a W [21:40:54] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: am leaving [21:41:12] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: why am back at spawn [21:41:16] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: argh [21:41:19] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Long_Hiraeth] [21:41:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: -40 ~ -121 [21:41:40] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: did you try /home bed [21:41:48] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: wait that takes you to the commune [21:42:29] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: am leaving. sound ouch [21:42:37] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: bye [21:42:39] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: see ya [21:42:44] Long_Hiraeth lost connection: Disconnected [21:42:44] Long_Hiraeth ehas left the server [21:43:36] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: good night [21:44:33] Person01 lost connection: Disconnected [21:44:33] Person01 ehas left the server [21:45:15] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: hello [21:45:32] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:45:34] 2Noorquackerr fell from a high place [21:45:40] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: my bad [21:45:40] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:46:02] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: my conquest has only just begun [21:46:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wtf [21:46:27] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: what do you have to sell for that [21:46:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: one sec [21:46:38] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah but like [21:49:27] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [21:49:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: real gamer moment [21:51:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [21:51:26] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I need ender pearls [21:51:34] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: tbh [21:52:03] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [21:52:04] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: yes [21:52:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I am mute [21:52:48] CreeperslayerG[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:52:48] CreeperslayerG ehas joined the server [21:56:02] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to CreeperslayerG] [21:56:04] Jefpy[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:56:04] Jefpy ehas joined the server [21:56:08] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Jefpy] [21:56:54] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: you dont [21:57:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I gotta find a good dupe [21:57:47] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: which probably wont happen [21:57:51] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Jefpy] [21:58:16] Jefpy tried to swim in lava [21:59:32] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [21:59:43] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [21:59:46] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: ? [21:59:49] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: ? [21:59:49] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ./mvtp world_the_end [21:59:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: ?? [21:59:58] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wait is it anarchy end? [22:00:05] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: don't make it a warp [22:00:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: make them EARN it [22:00:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: make a terraria server noor [22:00:23] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: 2d minecraft fun [22:00:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: POGGERS [22:01:12] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to CreeperslayerG] [22:01:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: food [22:02:25] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: not for long [22:02:45] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: dream? [22:02:52] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [22:03:19] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: uh [22:03:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: not hard just tedious [22:03:37] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: just get looting [22:03:39] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: and make a farm [22:04:10] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[Remote Getaway] [22:04:12] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [22:04:24] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [22:04:27] Jefpy has made the advancement a[Getting an Upgrade] [22:04:41] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: this all looks raided [22:05:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: brb walking to world border [22:05:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: minecraft grindr [22:05:43] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: thats me [22:06:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: shit I still got calc 2 [22:06:28] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: i failed pre-calc [22:07:08] Jefpy has made the advancement a[Isn't It Iron Pick] [22:08:11] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: well I don't need them now [22:08:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: since you made the end too easy [22:08:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: to get to [22:08:49] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: hold on noor has an idea [22:09:01] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: stay back guys [22:09:10] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: fr anyone can just warp here and get enchanted diamond shit [22:09:13] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: and elytras [22:10:05] Noorquacker lost connection: Kicked from server. [22:10:05] Noorquacker ehas left the server [22:10:05] Player Console kicked Noorquacker for Kicked from server.. [22:10:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: f [22:11:23] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:11:23] Noorquacker ehas joined the server [22:11:38] 0[8Developer0]2 Noorquackerr: ./mvtp world [22:11:51] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no perms [22:11:57] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: good job [22:12:05] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [22:12:09] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: I set home [22:12:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: it works [22:13:07] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [22:13:08] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [22:13:10] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: checking out shop [22:13:26] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: yoo this tree is cut in half [22:13:30] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to Jefpy] [22:16:23] 7o[2oNoorquacker7o: Teleported 2oNoorquacker7o to 0xE13000] [22:16:33] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: good [22:16:37] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: actually bad [22:16:43] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: your mom [22:16:46] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [22:16:53] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: her house doesn't seem to be here [22:16:54] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: is a nice lady [22:17:10] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yeah [22:17:22] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: fucking hell [22:17:47] 0xE13000 has made the advancement a[The City at the End of the Game] [22:18:08] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: no [22:18:47] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: genocide is based [22:19:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: bruh [22:19:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: someone left one on the floor [22:19:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: wtf [22:20:09] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: just shear a shulker to make a shulker box [22:20:18] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: yes [22:20:53] Jefpy fell from a high place [22:21:16] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: okay [22:21:20] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: then drop them and leave them there [22:21:31] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: i have so much raw meat inside of me rn [22:21:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: what [22:21:53] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: aight ima head out -noor [22:21:56] 7[3Trusty7]f 0xE13000r: see ya [22:21:58] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [22:21:58] Noorquacker ehas left the server [22:23:25] 0xE13000 lost connection: Disconnected [22:23:25] 0xE13000 ehas left the server [22:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [22:24:59] Saved the game [22:24:59] Automatic saving is now disabled [22:24:59] Automatic saving is now enabled [22:28:25] Jefpy has made the advancement a[Best Friends Forever] [22:38:47] Jefpy was blown up by Creeper [22:41:24] Jefpy has made the advancement a[Not Today, Thank You] [22:45:25] Jefpy has made the advancement a[Diamonds!] [22:48:42] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: ? [22:50:04] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: make it so u can ping people through mc [22:50:32] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: oh wow [22:50:35] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: loser [22:52:11] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: :flushed: [22:55:00] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: ? [22:55:07] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: ? [22:56:13] CreeperslayerG broke a spawner but did not use silk touch. [22:58:01] CreeperslayerG was slain by Cave Spider [22:58:03] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: f [22:58:29] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: rewrite it in scratch [23:05:31] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Alright I'm hopping off [23:05:36] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: alright cya [23:05:41] 7[3Trusty7]f CreeperslayerGr: Cya [23:05:45] CreeperslayerG lost connection: Disconnected [23:05:45] CreeperslayerG ehas left the server [23:06:20] 7[3Trusty7]f Jefpyr: [23:08:06] Jefpy lost connection: Disconnected [23:08:06] Jefpy ehas left the server [23:13:02] Long_Hiraeth[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [23:13:02] Long_Hiraeth ehas joined the server [23:24:58] Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [23:24:58] Saved the game [23:24:58] Automatic saving is now disabled [23:24:59] Automatic saving is now enabled [23:28:17] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[A Seedy Place] [23:52:40] Long_Hiraeth has made the advancement a[We Need to Go Deeper] [23:56:22] 7[3Trusty7]f Long_Hiraethr: I wanna find a mooshroom island