[00:04:01] [Trusty] eastslayer1: hey where is your stuff? [00:04:07] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: in terms of? [00:04:25] [Trusty] eastslayer1: the chests there all empty [00:04:58] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: omw [00:05:28] [Trusty] eastslayer1: wut am i being stupid? [00:05:36] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: idk lol [00:06:12] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: gonna find out [00:06:22] eastslayer1 has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [00:06:36] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: okay i am at house [00:06:48] [Trusty] eastslayer1: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:06:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: you broke the e chest? lol [00:06:57] [Trusty] eastslayer1: i did an oooopsie [00:07:06] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: its fine lol pass the obi [00:07:52] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: you know how ender chests work? [00:08:02] [Trusty] eastslayer1: are these all empty? [00:08:17] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: no, you only see what you put in there your self [00:08:20] [Trusty] eastslayer1: and yeah but i forgot you cant break em [00:08:39] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: you gotta use silk touch [00:09:04] [Trusty] eastslayer1: i need oak [00:09:12] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: uuuuhhh [00:09:40] eastslayer1 has reached the goal [Sky's the Limit] [00:09:44] [Trusty] eastslayer1: nothing but birch out here [00:09:45] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: go north and find some lol [00:09:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: use /sethome at your house [00:10:18] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: I would go for you but my computer lags cause I am far from my router [00:10:25] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: sleep first [00:10:55] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: sleep [00:11:25] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: here pass my stuff [00:11:36] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: Ima go find some, Im not lagging rn [00:12:25] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: about how many logs? [00:12:32] [Trusty] eastslayer1: as many as i can get [00:16:36] [Trusty] eastslayer1: thank you [00:17:02] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: go like north west and there is a forest under the big bridge [00:17:08] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: if you need more [00:17:24] [Trusty] eastslayer1: ok [00:17:45] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: ready for next netherite ingot/ [00:17:59] [Trusty] eastslayer1: for me? [00:18:16] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: yeah, we are sharing, we are the rulers of the city now [00:18:36] [Trusty] eastslayer1: yea [00:18:39] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: noor, kyle and nick make up the counci; [00:18:42] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: council [00:19:28] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: a black shovel [00:19:37] [Trusty] eastslayer1: why tho [00:19:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: cause it's the only thing other than my pick with good enchants [00:20:05] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: will you give it back if I let you see? [00:20:14] [Trusty] eastslayer1: yeah [00:20:27] [Trusty] eastslayer1: jk [00:20:28] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: steal it and you die with a burning house [00:20:46] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: oh and do /warp shop [00:23:07] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: store lol [00:23:12] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: check the lower area [00:23:16] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: upper is exits [00:23:39] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: lol 36k [00:23:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: and shulker shells here too [00:24:13] [Trusty] eastslayer1: how do i check my currency or better yet how do i get it? [00:24:35] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: see the top sign, that is used for selling the item if it is in your inventory [00:24:46] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: you hold right click to sell [00:24:58] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: and to check your balence do /bal [00:25:20] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: i'm at 24.4k because I bought mending on my pickaxe lol [00:25:38] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: and you can sell xp at a 1:1 ratio [00:26:04] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: lol half a level is all i got now [00:26:26] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: you did /home? [00:26:29] [Trusty] eastslayer1: yes [00:26:40] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: sexy, want some shulker stuff? [00:26:47] [Trusty] eastslayer1: yes [00:26:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: how many shulkers? [00:27:59] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: three it is [00:28:12] [Trusty] eastslayer1: oh woops wasnt paying attention [00:29:01] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: shulker shells are in your chest [00:29:12] [Trusty] eastslayer1: thx my dude [00:29:39] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: mob drops sell too [00:29:53] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: and nametags, saddles and tridents [00:30:07] [Trusty] eastslayer1: oh [00:30:28] [Trusty] eastslayer1: sand? [00:30:34] [Trusty] eastslayer1: have any? [00:30:46] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: ima be making more e chests later on so there's one in your chest and I will have stashes hidden [00:30:52] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: and no, I have no sand [00:31:32] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: btw come inside the block house down here [00:31:52] [Trusty] eastslayer1: yeah i already saw [00:32:06] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: yup [00:32:15] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: the mine is in here too [00:32:30] [Trusty] eastslayer1: i thought this was your house at first [00:32:34] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: nope [00:32:44] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: fine ignore my mine then [00:32:58] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: really? [00:33:02] [Trusty] eastslayer1: huh? [00:33:08] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: go somewhere else to take sand lmao [00:33:22] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: sleep [00:33:28] [Trusty] eastslayer1: no [00:33:35] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: okay [00:50:55] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: btw use the cow pit if you need to sell leather for money [00:51:03] [Trusty] eastslayer1: oh ok [00:51:23] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: its my living wallet [00:55:04] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: dude I just got a four deposit of debris [00:55:23] [Trusty] eastslayer1: noice [00:55:35] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: i thought it was only as much as three [00:58:28] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: I almost good for 3 more ingots [00:59:27] [Trusty] eastslayer1: alr well im gonna get off for the night [00:59:33] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: damn lol [00:59:42] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: send a screenshot of your house [01:00:24] [Trusty] eastslayer1: ok well ill see if i can hop on tommorow [01:00:27] [Trusty] eastslayer1: gn [01:00:33] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: alright awesome just let me know [01:00:35] [Trusty] KingOfCards02: night [01:00:38] eastslayer1 lost connection: Disconnected [01:00:38] [Trusty] eastslayer1 has left the server [01:08:00] KingOfCards02 tried to swim in lava [02:08:14] KingOfCards02 lost connection: Disconnected [02:08:14] [Trusty] KingOfCards02 has left the server
[18:49:19] Starting minecraft server version 1.16.4 [18:49:19] Loading properties [18:49:19] This server is running Paper version git-Paper-344 (MC: 1.16.4) (Implementing API version 1.16.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [18:49:19] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [18:49:19] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [18:49:19] Debug logging is disabled [18:49:19] Generating keypair [18:49:19] Using epoll channel type [18:49:27] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@c0f6582] [18:49:27] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [18:49:27] __ [18:49:27] | |__) LuckPerms v5.1.73 [18:49:27] |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [18:49:27] [18:49:27] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting... [18:49:27] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [18:49:28] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [18:49:29] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [18:49:29] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [18:49:29] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [18:49:30] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world world [18:49:30] Time elapsed: 783 ms [18:49:30] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world world_nether [18:49:31] Time elapsed: 717 ms [18:49:31] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world world_the_end [18:49:31] Time elapsed: 140 ms [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 79170 ms [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 79365 ms [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 79401 ms [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 79443 ms [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 79473 ms [18:49:32] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world fortnite [18:49:32] Time elapsed: 125 ms [18:49:32] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world PublicWorld [18:49:33] Time elapsed: 889 ms [18:49:33] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world ctf_well [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 506 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81274 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81308 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81343 ms [18:49:34] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world estate [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 37 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81531 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81580 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81638 ms [18:49:34] Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world hub [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 87 ms [18:49:34] Time elapsed: 81799 ms [18:49:35] [ImageMaps] Enabling ImageMaps v1.0.3 [18:49:36] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [18:49:36] Initializing access controllers [18:49:36] Initializing block loggers [18:49:36] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [18:49:36] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [18:49:39] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [18:49:40] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [18:49:40] [de.diddiz.lib.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [18:49:40] ajParkour v2.10.9 by ajgeiss0702 has been enabled! [18:49:41] Running delayed init tasks [18:49:41] Done (22.072s)! For help, type "help" [18:49:41] Timings Reset [19:28:56] KingOfCards02[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:28:57] [Trusty] KingOfCards02 has joined the server [19:51:49] KingOfCards02 burned to death [21:19:52] KingOfCards02 lost connection: Disconnected [21:19:52] [Trusty] KingOfCards02 has left the server