Unsafe mode: displaying logs over 100KB
Why are you in the iframe?
[17:12:10] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Suit Up]
[17:12:10] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[17:12:11] TRACE131 joined the game
[17:17:06] TRACE131 lost connection: Disconnected
[17:17:06] TRACE131 left the game
[17:39:11] ====[ Multiverse Help ]====
[17:39:11] Add a '?' after a command to see more about it.
[17:39:11] /mv [FILTER] [PAGE #]
[17:39:11] /mv version -[bh] [--include-plugin-list]
[17:39:11] /mv list
[17:39:11] /mv info [WORLD] [PAGE]
[17:39:11] /mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] -t [WORLDTYPE] [-n] -a [true|false]
[17:39:11] /mv clone {TARGET} {NAME} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]]
[17:39:11] /mv import {NAME} {ENV} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [-n]
[17:39:11] /mv reload
[17:39:11] /mv setspawn
[17:39:11] /mv coord
[17:39:11] /mv tp [PLAYER] {WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mv who [WORLD|--all]
[17:39:11] /mv spawn [PLAYER]
[17:39:11] /mv unload {WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mv load {WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mv remove {WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mv delete {WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mv regen {WORLD} [-s [SEED]]
[17:39:11] /mv confirm
[17:39:11] /mv modify {set|add|remove|clear} ...
[17:39:11] /mv purge [WORLD|all] {all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME}
[17:39:11] /mv modify add {VALUE} {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mv modify set {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mv modify remove {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mv modify clear {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mv config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[17:39:11] /mv anchor {name} [-d]
[17:39:11] /mv env
[17:39:11] /mv debug [1|2|3|off|silent]
[17:39:11] /mv silent [true|false|on|off]
[17:39:11] /mv generators
[17:39:11] /mv check {PLAYER} {DESTINATION}
[17:39:11] /mv script {script} [target]
[17:39:11] /mv gamerule {RULE} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mv gamerules [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mvp info {PORTAL}
[17:39:11] /mvp list [FILTER] [WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mvp create {NAME} [DESTINATION]
[17:39:11] /mvp debug [on|off]
[17:39:11] /mvp remove {NAME}
[17:39:11] /mvp modify {PROPERTY} [VALUE] -p [PORTAL]
[17:39:11] /mvp select {PORTAL}
[17:39:11] /mvp wand
[17:39:11] /mvp config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[17:39:11] /mvnp link {end|nether} [FROM_WORLD] {TO_WORLD}
[17:39:11] /mvnp unlink {nether|end}[FROM_WORLD]
[17:39:11] /mvnp show [type] [PAGE #]
[17:39:23] CONSOLE: Starting creation of world 'gangweed'...
[17:39:41] Time elapsed: 15263 ms
[17:39:41] CONSOLE: Complete!
[17:39:45] Usage:
[17:39:45] /pex - Display help
[17:39:45] /pex reload - Reload environment
[17:39:45] /pex report - Report an issue with PEX
[17:39:45] /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value]
[17:39:45] /pex backend - Print currently used backend
[17:39:45] /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!)
[17:39:45] /pex hierarchy [world] - Print complete user/group hierarchy
[17:39:45] /pex import <backend> - Import data from <backend> into currently selected backend
[17:39:45] /pex convert uuid - Bulk convert user data to UUID-based storage
[17:39:45] /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode
[17:39:45] /pex help [page] [count] - PermissionsEx commands help
[17:39:45] /pex users list - List all registered users
[17:39:45] /pex users - List all registered users (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex user - List all registered users (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> - List user permissions (list alias)
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> superperms - List user actual superperms
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <user> suffix
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> toggle debug - Toggle debug only for <user>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> check <permission> [world] - Checks player for <permission>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> get <option> [world] - Toggle debug only for <user>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from <user> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permissions> to <user> for [lifetime] seconds in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all <user> groups
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] - Add <user> to <group>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user>
[17:39:45] /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group>
[17:39:45] /pex users cleanup <group> [threshold] - Clean users of specified group, which last login was before threshold (in days). By default threshold is 30 days.
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself
[17:39:45] /pex groups list [world] - List all registered groups
[17:39:45] /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex group - List all registered groups (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> weight [weight] - Print or set group weight
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> toggle debug - Toggle debug mode for group
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix.
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group>
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group>
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> parents add <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> parents remove <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias)
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permissions> for <group> in [world]
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group>
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
[17:39:45] /pex default group [world] - Print default groups for specified world
[17:39:45] /pex set default group <group> <value> [world] - Set whether a group is default for specified worlds
[17:39:45] /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder]
[17:39:45] /pex promote <user> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group on [ladder]
[17:39:45] /pex demote <user> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder]
[17:39:45] /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds
[17:39:45] /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info
[17:39:45] /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world>
[17:39:49] Registered groups:
[17:39:49] default #0 (rank: 1000@default) []
[17:39:49] Developer #0 []
[17:39:49] trusty #0 (rank: 999@default) [default]
[17:39:49] moderator #0 (rank: 998@default) [trusty]
[17:39:49] outsider #0 []
[17:39:49] superadmin #0 (rank: 996@default) [moderator]
[17:40:15] Permission "multiverse.access.gangweed" added!
[17:41:35] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________
[17:41:35] /f documentation show documentation
[17:41:35] /f list [page=1] list all factions
[17:41:35] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about
[17:41:35] /f player [player=you] show player information
[17:41:35] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status
[17:41:35] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction
[17:41:35] /f leave leave your faction
[17:41:35] /f warp use warps
[17:41:35] /f vote vote in faction votes
[17:41:35] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map
[17:41:35] /f create,new <name> create new faction
[17:41:35] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name
[17:41:35] /f description <desc> change faction description
[17:41:35] /f motd [new=read] faction motd
[17:41:35] /f invite manage invites
[17:41:35] /f kick <player> kick player from faction
[17:41:35] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title
[17:41:35] /f rank manage/show ranks
[17:41:35] /f money manage faction money
[17:41:35] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top
[17:41:35] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in
[17:41:35] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in
[17:41:35] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles
[17:41:35] /f claim claim faction territory
[17:41:35] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory
[17:41:35] /f access manage access
[17:41:35] /f relation manage faction relations
[17:41:35] /f tax manage taxes
[17:41:35] /f perm change faction permissions
[17:41:35] /f flag manage faction flags
[17:41:35] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly
[17:41:35] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness
[17:41:35] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode
[17:41:35] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction
[17:41:35] /f powerboost manage powerboost
[17:41:35] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power
[17:41:35] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system
[17:41:35] /f config edit config
[17:41:35] /f clean clean the factions database
[17:41:35] /f version display plugin version
[17:41:37] _____.[ Help for command "config" [<] 1/3 [>] ]._______
[17:41:37] /f config ?,h,help [page=1]
[17:41:37] /f config show [page=1] show MConf
[17:41:37] /f config version show version
[17:41:37] /f config aliasesF edit aliasesF
[17:41:37] /f config worldsClaimingEnabled edit worldsClaimingEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config worldsPowerLossEnabled edit worldsPowerLossEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config worldsPowerGainEnabled edit worldsPowerGainEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config worldsPvpRulesEnabled edit worldsPvpRulesEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config playersWhoBypassAllProtection edit playersWhoBypassAllProtection
[17:41:37] /f config taskEconLandRewardMinutes [set=show] edit taskEconLandRewardMinutes
[17:41:37] /f config removePlayerWhenBanned [set=show] edit removePlayerWhenBanned
[17:41:37] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillis [set=show] edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillis
[17:41:37] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillisPlayerAgeToBonus edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillisPlayerAgeToBonus
[17:41:37] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillisFactionAgeToBonus edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillisFactionAgeToBonus
[17:41:37] /f config defaultPlayerFactionId [set=show] edit defaultPlayerFactionId
[17:41:37] /f config defaultPlayerPower [set=show] edit defaultPlayerPower
[17:41:37] /f config motdPriority [set=show] edit motdPriority
[17:41:37] /f config motdDelayTicks [set=show] edit motdDelayTicks
[17:41:37] /f config powerMax [set=show] edit powerMax
[17:41:37] /f config powerMin [set=show] edit powerMin
[17:41:37] /f config powerPerHour [set=show] edit powerPerHour
[17:41:37] /f config powerPerDeath [set=show] edit powerPerDeath
[17:41:37] /f config canLeaveWithNegativePower [set=show] edit canLeaveWithNegativePower
[17:41:37] /f config factionMemberLimit [set=show] edit factionMemberLimit
[17:41:37] /f config factionPowerMax [set=show] edit factionPowerMax
[17:41:37] /f config factionNameLengthMin [set=show] edit factionNameLengthMin
[17:41:37] /f config factionNameLengthMax [set=show] edit factionNameLengthMax
[17:41:37] /f config setRadiusMax [set=show] edit setRadiusMax
[17:41:37] /f config setFillMax [set=show] edit setFillMax
[17:41:37] /f config claimsMustBeConnected [set=show] edit claimsMustBeConnected
[17:41:37] /f config claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction [set=show] edit claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction
[17:41:37] /f config claimingFromOthersAllowed [set=show] edit claimingFromOthersAllowed
[17:41:37] /f config claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers [set=show] edit claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers
[17:41:37] /f config claimsRequireMinFactionMembers [set=show] edit claimsRequireMinFactionMembers
[17:41:37] /f config claimedLandsMax [set=show] edit claimedLandsMax
[17:41:37] /f config claimedWorldsMax [set=show] edit claimedWorldsMax
[17:41:37] /f config protectionLiquidFlowEnabled [set=show] edit protectionLiquidFlowEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild [set=show] edit handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild
[17:41:37] /f config warpsEnabled [set=show] edit warpsEnabled
[17:41:37] /f config warpsMax [set=show] edit warpsMax
[17:41:37] /f config warpsMustBeInClaimedTerritory [set=show] edit warpsMustBeInClaimedTerritory
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory [set=show] edit warpsTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathActive [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathActive
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathName [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathName
[17:41:37] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathPriority [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathPriority
[17:41:37] /f config territoryInfoTitlesDefault [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesDefault
[17:41:37] /f config territoryInfoTitlesMain [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesMain
[17:41:47] The sub command worldsNoPowerLoss couldn't be found.
[17:41:47] Use /f config to see all commands.
[17:41:59] .[ Help for command "worldsPowerLossEnabled" [<] 1/1 [>] ].
[17:41:59] /f config worldsPowerLossEnabled show [page=1] show worldsPowerLossEnabled
[17:41:59] /f config worldsPowerLossEnabled standard [set=show] edit standard
[17:41:59] /f config worldsPowerLossEnabled exceptions edit exceptions
[17:42:04] _.[ worldsPowerLossEnabled for config [<] 1/1 [>] ].___
[17:42:04] standard: True
[17:42:04] exceptions:
[17:42:04] 0 freebuild
[17:42:04] 1 PublicWorld
[17:42:13] _____.[ Help for command "config" [<] 1/3 [>] ]._______
[17:42:13] /f config ?,h,help [page=1]
[17:42:13] /f config show [page=1] show MConf
[17:42:13] /f config version show version
[17:42:13] /f config aliasesF edit aliasesF
[17:42:13] /f config worldsClaimingEnabled edit worldsClaimingEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config worldsPowerLossEnabled edit worldsPowerLossEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config worldsPowerGainEnabled edit worldsPowerGainEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config worldsPvpRulesEnabled edit worldsPvpRulesEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config playersWhoBypassAllProtection edit playersWhoBypassAllProtection
[17:42:13] /f config taskEconLandRewardMinutes [set=show] edit taskEconLandRewardMinutes
[17:42:13] /f config removePlayerWhenBanned [set=show] edit removePlayerWhenBanned
[17:42:13] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillis [set=show] edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillis
[17:42:13] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillisPlayerAgeToBonus edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillisPlayerAgeToBonus
[17:42:13] /f config cleanInactivityToleranceMillisFactionAgeToBonus edit cleanInactivityToleranceMillisFactionAgeToBonus
[17:42:13] /f config defaultPlayerFactionId [set=show] edit defaultPlayerFactionId
[17:42:13] /f config defaultPlayerPower [set=show] edit defaultPlayerPower
[17:42:13] /f config motdPriority [set=show] edit motdPriority
[17:42:13] /f config motdDelayTicks [set=show] edit motdDelayTicks
[17:42:13] /f config powerMax [set=show] edit powerMax
[17:42:13] /f config powerMin [set=show] edit powerMin
[17:42:13] /f config powerPerHour [set=show] edit powerPerHour
[17:42:13] /f config powerPerDeath [set=show] edit powerPerDeath
[17:42:13] /f config canLeaveWithNegativePower [set=show] edit canLeaveWithNegativePower
[17:42:13] /f config factionMemberLimit [set=show] edit factionMemberLimit
[17:42:13] /f config factionPowerMax [set=show] edit factionPowerMax
[17:42:13] /f config factionNameLengthMin [set=show] edit factionNameLengthMin
[17:42:13] /f config factionNameLengthMax [set=show] edit factionNameLengthMax
[17:42:13] /f config setRadiusMax [set=show] edit setRadiusMax
[17:42:13] /f config setFillMax [set=show] edit setFillMax
[17:42:13] /f config claimsMustBeConnected [set=show] edit claimsMustBeConnected
[17:42:13] /f config claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction [set=show] edit claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction
[17:42:13] /f config claimingFromOthersAllowed [set=show] edit claimingFromOthersAllowed
[17:42:13] /f config claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers [set=show] edit claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers
[17:42:13] /f config claimsRequireMinFactionMembers [set=show] edit claimsRequireMinFactionMembers
[17:42:13] /f config claimedLandsMax [set=show] edit claimedLandsMax
[17:42:13] /f config claimedWorldsMax [set=show] edit claimedWorldsMax
[17:42:13] /f config protectionLiquidFlowEnabled [set=show] edit protectionLiquidFlowEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild [set=show] edit handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild
[17:42:13] /f config warpsEnabled [set=show] edit warpsEnabled
[17:42:13] /f config warpsMax [set=show] edit warpsMax
[17:42:13] /f config warpsMustBeInClaimedTerritory [set=show] edit warpsMustBeInClaimedTerritory
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance [set=show] edit warpsTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory [set=show] edit warpsTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathActive [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathActive
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathName [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathName
[17:42:13] /f config warpsTeleportToOnDeathPriority [set=show] edit warpsTeleportToOnDeathPriority
[17:42:13] /f config territoryInfoTitlesDefault [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesDefault
[17:42:13] /f config territoryInfoTitlesMain [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesMain
[17:42:26] _____.[ Help for command "config" [<] 2/3 [>] ]._______
[17:42:26] /f config territoryInfoTitlesSub [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesSub
[17:42:26] /f config territoryInfoTitlesTicksIn [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesTicksIn
[17:42:26] /f config territoryInfoTitlesTicksStay [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitlesTicksStay
[17:42:26] /f config territoryInfoTitleTicksOut [set=show] edit territoryInfoTitleTicksOut
[17:42:26] /f config territoryInfoChat [set=show] edit territoryInfoChat
[17:42:26] /f config permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion [set=show] edit permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion
[17:42:26] /f config actionDeniedPainAmount [set=show] edit actionDeniedPainAmount
[17:42:26] /f config disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers [set=show] edit disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers
[17:42:26] /f config enablePVPBetweenFactionlessPlayers [set=show] edit enablePVPBetweenFactionlessPlayers
[17:42:26] /f config enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand [set=show] edit enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand
[17:42:26] /f config territoryShieldFactor [set=show] edit territoryShieldFactor
[17:42:26] /f config requireConfirmationForFactionDisbanding [set=show] edit requireConfirmationForFactionDisbanding
[17:42:26] /f config flySpeed [set=show] edit flySpeed
[17:42:26] /f config flyDisableOnPvp [set=show] edit flyDisableOnPvp
[17:42:26] /f config denyCommandsPermanentFactionMember edit denyCommandsPermanentFactionMember
[17:42:26] /f config denyCommandsTerritoryRelation edit denyCommandsTerritoryRelation
[17:42:26] /f config denyCommandsDistance [set=show] edit denyCommandsDistance
[17:42:26] /f config denyCommandsDistanceRelation edit denyCommandsDistanceRelation
[17:42:26] /f config denyCommandsDistanceBypassIn edit denyCommandsDistanceBypassIn
[17:42:26] /f config chatSetFormat [set=show] edit chatSetFormat
[17:42:26] /f config chatSetFormatAt [set=show] edit chatSetFormatAt
[17:42:26] /f config chatSetFormatTo [set=show] edit chatSetFormatTo
[17:42:26] /f config chatParseTags [set=show] edit chatParseTags
[17:42:26] /f config chatParseTagsAt [set=show] edit chatParseTagsAt
[17:42:26] /f config colorMember [set=show] edit colorMember
[17:42:26] /f config colorAlly [set=show] edit colorAlly
[17:42:26] /f config colorTruce [set=show] edit colorTruce
[17:42:26] /f config colorNeutral [set=show] edit colorNeutral
[17:42:26] /f config colorEnemy [set=show] edit colorEnemy
[17:42:26] /f config colorNoPVP [set=show] edit colorNoPVP
[17:42:26] /f config colorFriendlyFire [set=show] edit colorFriendlyFire
[17:42:26] /f config handleExploitObsidianGenerators [set=show] edit handleExploitObsidianGenerators
[17:42:26] /f config handleExploitEnderPearlClipping [set=show] edit handleExploitEnderPearlClipping
[17:42:26] /f config handleNetherPortalTrap [set=show] edit handleNetherPortalTrap
[17:42:26] /f config unstuckSeconds [set=show] edit unstuckSeconds
[17:42:26] /f config unstuckChunkRadius [set=show] edit unstuckChunkRadius
[17:42:26] /f config logFactionCreate [set=show] edit logFactionCreate
[17:42:26] /f config logFactionDisband [set=show] edit logFactionDisband
[17:42:26] /f config logFactionJoin [set=show] edit logFactionJoin
[17:42:26] /f config logFactionKick [set=show] edit logFactionKick
[17:42:26] /f config logFactionLeave [set=show] edit logFactionLeave
[17:42:26] /f config logLandClaims [set=show] edit logLandClaims
[17:42:26] /f config logMoneyTransactions [set=show] edit logMoneyTransactions
[17:42:26] /f config taxEnabled [set=show] edit taxEnabled
[17:42:26] /f config taxPlayerMinimum [set=show] edit taxPlayerMinimum
[17:42:26] /f config taxPlayerMaximum [set=show] edit taxPlayerMaximum
[17:42:26] /f config taxInactiveDays [set=show] edit taxInactiveDays
[17:42:26] /f config taxTaskLastMillis [set=show] edit taxTaskLastMillis
[17:42:26] /f config taxTaskInvocationOffsetMillis [set=show] edit taxTaskInvocationOffsetMillis
[17:42:26] /f config taxTaskPeriodMillis [set=show] edit taxTaskPeriodMillis
[17:42:36] "#" is not a number.
[17:42:38] _____.[ Help for command "config" [<] 3/3 [>] ]._______
[17:42:38] /f config materialsEditOnInteract edit materialsEditOnInteract
[17:42:38] /f config materialsEditTools edit materialsEditTools
[17:42:38] /f config materialsDoor edit materialsDoor
[17:42:38] /f config materialsContainer edit materialsContainer
[17:42:38] /f config entityTypesEditOnInteract edit entityTypesEditOnInteract
[17:42:38] /f config entityTypesEditOnDamage edit entityTypesEditOnDamage
[17:42:38] /f config entityTypesContainer edit entityTypesContainer
[17:42:38] /f config entityTypesMonsters edit entityTypesMonsters
[17:42:38] /f config entityTypesAnimals edit entityTypesAnimals
[17:42:38] /f config lwcMustHaveBuildRightsToCreate [set=show] edit lwcMustHaveBuildRightsToCreate
[17:42:38] /f config lwcRemoveIfNoBuildRights [set=show] edit lwcRemoveIfNoBuildRights
[17:42:38] /f config lwcRemoveOnChange edit lwcRemoveOnChange
[17:42:38] /f config worldguardCheckEnabled [set=show] edit worldguardCheckEnabled
[17:42:38] /f config worldguardCheckWorldsEnabled edit worldguardCheckWorldsEnabled
[17:42:38] /f config ventureChatFactionChannelName [set=show] edit ventureChatFactionChannelName
[17:42:38] /f config ventureChatAllyChannelName [set=show] edit ventureChatAllyChannelName
[17:42:38] /f config ventureChatAllowFactionchatBetweenFactionless [set=show] edit ventureChatAllowFactionchatBetweenFactionless
[17:42:38] /f config econEnabled [set=show] edit econEnabled
[17:42:38] /f config econUniverseAccount [set=show] edit econUniverseAccount
[17:42:38] /f config econChunkCost edit econChunkCost
[17:42:38] /f config econCostCreate [set=show] edit econCostCreate
[17:42:38] /f config econCostSethome [set=show] edit econCostSethome
[17:42:38] /f config econCostWarpAdd [set=show] edit econCostWarpAdd
[17:42:38] /f config econCostWarpRemove [set=show] edit econCostWarpRemove
[17:42:38] /f config econCostJoin [set=show] edit econCostJoin
[17:42:38] /f config econCostLeave [set=show] edit econCostLeave
[17:42:38] /f config econCostKick [set=show] edit econCostKick
[17:42:38] /f config econCostInvite [set=show] edit econCostInvite
[17:42:38] /f config econCostDeinvite [set=show] edit econCostDeinvite
[17:42:38] /f config econCostHome [set=show] edit econCostHome
[17:42:38] /f config econCostWarpGo [set=show] edit econCostWarpGo
[17:42:38] /f config econCostName [set=show] edit econCostName
[17:42:38] /f config econCostDescription [set=show] edit econCostDescription
[17:42:38] /f config econCostTitle [set=show] edit econCostTitle
[17:42:38] /f config econCostFlag [set=show] edit econCostFlag
[17:42:38] /f config econRelCost edit econRelCost
[17:42:38] /f config bankEnabled [set=show] edit bankEnabled
[17:42:38] /f config bankFactionPaysCosts [set=show] edit bankFactionPaysCosts
[17:42:38] /f config useNewMoneySystem [set=show] edit useNewMoneySystem
[18:24:51] The sub command reload couldn't be found.
[18:24:51] Use /f to see all commands.
[18:24:54] The sub command reload couldn't be found.
[18:24:54] Use /f config to see all commands.
[18:24:56] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________
[18:24:56] /f documentation show documentation
[18:24:56] /f list [page=1] list all factions
[18:24:56] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about
[18:24:56] /f player [player=you] show player information
[18:24:56] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status
[18:24:56] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction
[18:24:56] /f leave leave your faction
[18:24:56] /f warp use warps
[18:24:56] /f vote vote in faction votes
[18:24:56] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map
[18:24:56] /f create,new <name> create new faction
[18:24:56] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name
[18:24:56] /f description <desc> change faction description
[18:24:56] /f motd [new=read] faction motd
[18:24:56] /f invite manage invites
[18:24:56] /f kick <player> kick player from faction
[18:24:56] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title
[18:24:56] /f rank manage/show ranks
[18:24:56] /f money manage faction money
[18:24:56] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top
[18:24:56] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in
[18:24:56] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in
[18:24:56] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles
[18:24:56] /f claim claim faction territory
[18:24:56] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory
[18:24:56] /f access manage access
[18:24:56] /f relation manage faction relations
[18:24:56] /f tax manage taxes
[18:24:56] /f perm change faction permissions
[18:24:56] /f flag manage faction flags
[18:24:56] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly
[18:24:56] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness
[18:24:56] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode
[18:24:56] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction
[18:24:56] /f powerboost manage powerboost
[18:24:56] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power
[18:24:56] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system
[18:24:56] /f config edit config
[18:24:56] /f clean clean the factions database
[18:24:56] /f version display plugin version
[18:25:01] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online.
[18:25:15] _.[ Help for command "documentation" [<] 1/1 [>] ].____
[18:25:15] # More help can be found at https://www.muj.dk/factions
[18:25:15] /f documentation power show power documentation
[18:25:15] /f documentation ranks show rank documentation
[18:25:15] /f documentation warps show warp documentation
[18:25:15] /f documentation flags show flag documentation
[18:25:15] /f documentation perms show perms documentation
[18:25:19] 1) Permissions decide who can do what in your faction. Permissions can be given to a rank, a player, a relation, everyone in another faction or everyone with a specific rank in another faction.
[18:25:19] 2) Because perms can be given to all of these groups individually, it allows for extreme degrees of fine tuning.
[18:25:19] 3) To list all permissions type:
[18:25:19] /f perm list [page=1]
[18:25:19] 4) To see who has a specific perm type:
[18:25:19] /f perm show <perm> [faction=you]
[18:25:19] 5) Per default permissions are only granted to ranks within your faction and a few perms are given to allies, but if you have changed it that will be displayed by the command above.
[18:25:19] 6) When you create a new rank, you will have to set up their perms from scratch.
[18:25:19] 7) If you want to know what permissions are specifically given to someone do:
[18:25:19] /f perm view <rank/rel/player/faction> [faction=you]
[18:25:19] 8) To set perms do:
[18:25:19] /f perm set <perm> <rank/rel/player/faction> <yes/no> [faction=you]
[18:25:25] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:25] [ PerWorldInventoryCommands ]
[18:25:25] === Showing help for pwi ===
[18:25:25] perworldinventory help [help]
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group addworld <groupName> [world] - Add a world to a group
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group removeworld <groupName> [world] - Remove a world from a group
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group setrespawn <groupName> [world] - Set the default spawn world for a group
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group list - Shows all of the current group names
[18:25:25] perworldinventory convert - Convert inventory data from another plugin
[18:25:25] perworldinventory version - View the installed version of PerWorldInventory
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group delete <group> - Remove a group
[18:25:25] perworldinventory reload - Reload Configurations
[18:25:25] perworldinventory group info [groupName] - Display information about a group
[18:25:25] - Showing page 1 of 2 (12 results).
[18:25:25] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:30] » Configuration files reloaded!
[18:25:36] Group name: gangweed
[18:25:36] Number of worlds: 1
[18:25:36] Worlds:
[18:25:36] - gangweed
[18:25:36] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:25:39] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:39] [ PerWorldInventoryCommands ]
[18:25:39] === Showing help for pwi ===
[18:25:39] perworldinventory help [help]
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group addworld <groupName> [world] - Add a world to a group
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group removeworld <groupName> [world] - Remove a world from a group
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group setrespawn <groupName> [world] - Set the default spawn world for a group
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group list - Shows all of the current group names
[18:25:39] perworldinventory convert - Convert inventory data from another plugin
[18:25:39] perworldinventory version - View the installed version of PerWorldInventory
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group delete <group> - Remove a group
[18:25:39] perworldinventory reload - Reload Configurations
[18:25:39] perworldinventory group info [groupName] - Display information about a group
[18:25:39] - Showing page 1 of 2 (12 results).
[18:25:39] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:44] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:44] [ PerWorldInventoryCommands ]
[18:25:44] === Showing help for pwi ===
[18:25:44] perworldinventory group create <name> [defaultGameMode] [worlds] - Create a new world group
[18:25:44] perworldinventory migrate - Migrate old data to the latest data format
[18:25:44] - Showing page 2 of 2 (12 results).
[18:25:44] -----------------------------------------------------
[18:25:50] [ PerWorldInventory Groups ]
[18:25:51] 0: world
[18:25:51] 1: survival
[18:25:51] 2: restricted
[18:25:51] 3: freebuilding
[18:25:51] 4: idontknow
[18:25:51] 5: hub
[18:25:51] 6: ctf_well
[18:25:51] 7: rexys_world
[18:25:51] 8: world_edit
[18:25:51] 9: cmd_test
[18:25:51] 10: creative_worlds
[18:25:51] 11: market
[18:25:51] 12: gangweed
[18:26:07] Group name: survival
[18:26:07] Number of worlds: 6
[18:26:07] Worlds:
[18:26:07] - world
[18:26:07] - world_nether
[18:26:07] - world_the_end
[18:26:07] - hard_smp
[18:26:07] - hard_smp_nether
[18:26:07] - hard_smp_the_end
[18:26:07] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:26:09] Group name: world
[18:26:09] Number of worlds: 6
[18:26:09] Worlds:
[18:26:09] - world
[18:26:09] - world_nether
[18:26:09] - world_the_end
[18:26:09] - hard_smp
[18:26:09] - hard_smp_nether
[18:26:09] - hard_smp_the_end
[18:26:09] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:26:15] Group name: idontknow
[18:26:15] Number of worlds: 3
[18:26:15] Worlds:
[18:26:15] - idontknow
[18:26:15] - idontknow_nether
[18:26:15] - idontknow_the_end
[18:26:15] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:26:33] Group name: world_edit
[18:26:33] Number of worlds: 3
[18:26:33] Worlds:
[18:26:33] - world_edit
[18:26:33] - world_edit_nether
[18:26:33] - world_edit_the_end
[18:26:33] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:26:44] Group name: freebuilding
[18:26:44] Number of worlds: 4
[18:26:44] Worlds:
[18:26:44] - PublicWorld
[18:26:44] - test
[18:26:44] - freebuild
[18:26:44] - world_edit
[18:26:44] Default GameMode: CREATIVE
[18:26:50] Group name: creative_worlds
[18:26:50] Number of worlds: 2
[18:26:50] Worlds:
[18:26:50] - cmd_test
[18:26:50] - world_edit
[18:26:50] Default GameMode: SURVIVAL
[18:37:00] ====[ Multiverse World List ]====
[18:37:00] Golden Temple - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]Clash of Blocks - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Biscuit Clicker - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Rex's World - NORMAL
[18:37:00] World Edit Lab - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Normal SMP - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]world_nether - NETHER
[18:37:00] Free Build - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Parkour - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]hard_smp_the_end - THE_END
[18:37:00] Trustys' World - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]ctf_well - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Swaffy's World - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]hard_smp_nether - NETHER
[18:37:00] The Quack Shack - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]idontknow_the_end - THE_END
[18:37:00] gangweed - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Hard SMP - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Player Market - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]world_the_end - THE_END
[18:37:00] crys_realm_1 - NORMAL
[18:37:00] Hub - NORMAL
[18:37:00] [H]idontknow_nether - NETHER
[18:37:00] crys_realm_3 - NORMAL
[18:37:02] » Configuration files reloaded!
[18:37:34] ====[ Multiverse Help ]====
[18:37:34] Add a '?' after a command to see more about it.
[18:37:34] /mv [FILTER] [PAGE #]
[18:37:34] /mv version -[bh] [--include-plugin-list]
[18:37:34] /mv list
[18:37:34] /mv info [WORLD] [PAGE]
[18:37:34] /mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] -t [WORLDTYPE] [-n] -a [true|false]
[18:37:34] /mv import {NAME} {ENV} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [-n]
[18:37:34] /mv setspawn
[18:37:34] /mv coord
[18:37:34] /mv tp [PLAYER] {WORLD}
[18:37:34] /mv who [WORLD|--all]
[18:37:34] /mv spawn [PLAYER]
[18:37:34] /mv unload {WORLD}
[18:37:34] /mv remove {WORLD}
[18:37:34] /mv regen {WORLD} [-s [SEED]]
[18:37:34] /mv confirm
[18:37:34] /mv modify {set|add|remove|clear} ...
[18:37:34] /mv purge [WORLD|all] {all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME}
[18:37:34] /mv modify add {VALUE} {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mv modify set {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mv modify remove {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mv modify clear {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mv config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[18:37:34] /mv anchor {name} [-d]
[18:37:34] /mv debug [1|2|3|off|silent]
[18:37:34] /mv silent [true|false|on|off]
[18:37:34] /mv check {PLAYER} {DESTINATION}
[18:37:34] /mv gamerule {RULE} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mv gamerules [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mvp list [FILTER] [WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mvp create {NAME} [DESTINATION]
[18:37:34] /mvp debug [on|off]
[18:37:34] /mvp modify {PROPERTY} [VALUE] -p [PORTAL]
[18:37:34] /mvp wand
[18:37:34] /mvp config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[18:37:34] /mvnp link {end|nether} [FROM_WORLD] {TO_WORLD}
[18:37:34] /mvnp unlink {nether|end}[FROM_WORLD]
[18:37:34] /mvnp show [type] [PAGE #]
[18:37:36] ====[ Multiverse Help ]====
[18:37:36] Add a '?' after a command to see more about it.
[18:37:36] /mv [FILTER] [PAGE #]
[18:37:36] /mv version -[bh] [--include-plugin-list]
[18:37:36] /mv list
[18:37:36] /mv info [WORLD] [PAGE]
[18:37:36] /mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] -t [WORLDTYPE] [-n] -a [true|false]
[18:37:36] /mv import {NAME} {ENV} -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [-n]
[18:37:36] /mv setspawn
[18:37:36] /mv coord
[18:37:36] /mv tp [PLAYER] {WORLD}
[18:37:36] /mv who [WORLD|--all]
[18:37:36] /mv spawn [PLAYER]
[18:37:36] /mv unload {WORLD}
[18:37:36] /mv remove {WORLD}
[18:37:36] /mv regen {WORLD} [-s [SEED]]
[18:37:36] /mv confirm
[18:37:36] /mv modify {set|add|remove|clear} ...
[18:37:36] /mv purge [WORLD|all] {all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME}
[18:37:36] /mv modify add {VALUE} {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mv modify set {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mv modify remove {PROPERTY} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mv modify clear {PROPERTY} [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mv config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[18:37:36] /mv anchor {name} [-d]
[18:37:36] /mv debug [1|2|3|off|silent]
[18:37:36] /mv silent [true|false|on|off]
[18:37:36] /mv check {PLAYER} {DESTINATION}
[18:37:36] /mv gamerule {RULE} {VALUE} [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mv gamerules [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mvp list [FILTER] [WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mvp create {NAME} [DESTINATION]
[18:37:36] /mvp debug [on|off]
[18:37:36] /mvp modify {PROPERTY} [VALUE] -p [PORTAL]
[18:37:36] /mvp wand
[18:37:36] /mvp config {PROPERTY} {VALUE}
[18:37:36] /mvnp link {end|nether} [FROM_WORLD] {TO_WORLD}
[18:37:36] /mvnp unlink {nether|end}[FROM_WORLD]
[18:37:36] /mvnp show [type] [PAGE #]
[18:37:40] --- World Listing ---
[18:37:40] Displays a listing of all worlds that you can enter.
[18:37:40] /mv list
[18:37:40] Permission: multiverse.core.list.worlds
[18:37:40] Aliases: mv list, mvlist, mvl
[18:37:53] --- NetherPortal Links ---
[18:38:03] --- Portals ---
[18:38:03] parkour_world parkour_hard_smp world_parkour hub-parkour parkour_exit hubp1 hubp2 world_shop hub-PublicWorld world_cookie_v2 hub-quackshack hub-freebuild
[18:38:23] The sub command reload couldn't be found.
[18:38:23] Use /f to see all commands.
[18:38:48] Permission "multiverse.access.gangweed" added!
[18:44:03] NoorquackerBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[18:44:03] NoorquackerBot joined the game
[18:44:24] 'e63ab60e-4aad-404e-8005-9ecb720f43cc/NoorquackerBot' is a member of:
[18:44:24] default (rank 1000 @ default)
[18:44:24] NoorquackerBot's permissions:
[18:44:24] 1) multiverse.access.gangweed (own)
[18:44:24] NoorquackerBot's options:
[18:44:24] name = "NoorquackerBot"
[18:48:29] The sub command user couldn't be found.
[18:48:29] Use /f to see all commands.
[18:48:31] @console ENABLED override mode.
[18:48:31] [Factions 3.2.3] @console ENABLED override mode.
[18:48:34] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________
[18:48:34] /f documentation show documentation
[18:48:34] /f list [page=1] list all factions
[18:48:34] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about
[18:48:34] /f player [player=you] show player information
[18:48:34] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status
[18:48:34] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction
[18:48:34] /f leave leave your faction
[18:48:34] /f warp use warps
[18:48:34] /f vote vote in faction votes
[18:48:34] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map
[18:48:34] /f create,new <name> create new faction
[18:48:34] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name
[18:48:34] /f description <desc> change faction description
[18:48:34] /f motd [new=read] faction motd
[18:48:34] /f invite manage invites
[18:48:34] /f kick <player> kick player from faction
[18:48:34] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title
[18:48:34] /f rank manage/show ranks
[18:48:34] /f money manage faction money
[18:48:34] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top
[18:48:34] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in
[18:48:34] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in
[18:48:34] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles
[18:48:34] /f claim claim faction territory
[18:48:34] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory
[18:48:34] /f access manage access
[18:48:34] /f relation manage faction relations
[18:48:34] /f tax manage taxes
[18:48:34] /f perm change faction permissions
[18:48:34] /f flag manage faction flags
[18:48:34] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly
[18:48:34] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness
[18:48:34] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode
[18:48:34] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction
[18:48:34] /f powerboost manage powerboost
[18:48:34] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power
[18:48:34] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system
[18:48:34] /f config edit config
[18:48:34] /f clean clean the factions database
[18:48:34] /f version display plugin version
[18:48:39] You changed [Normie] NoorquackerBot's power from 0.00 to 10.00.
[18:48:42] [Normie] NoorquackerBot: yuh
[18:48:54] [Factions 3.2.3] NoorquackerBot created a new faction: gay
[18:51:36] Registered groups:
[18:51:36] default #0 (rank: 1000@default) []
[18:51:36] Developer #0 []
[18:51:36] trusty #0 (rank: 999@default) [default]
[18:51:36] moderator #0 (rank: 998@default) [trusty]
[18:51:36] outsider #0 []
[18:51:36] superadmin #0 (rank: 996@default) [moderator]
[18:51:42] 'default' inherits the following groups:
[18:51:42] @market:
[18:51:42] @hard_smp_nether:
[18:51:42] @world:
[18:51:42] @world_the_end:
[18:51:42] @world_nether:
[18:51:42] @hard_smp_the_end:
[18:51:42] @world_hard_smp:
[18:51:42] @hard_smp:
[18:51:42] Group "default"'s permissions:
[18:51:42] 1) multiverse.access.market (own)
[18:51:42] 2) essentials.signs.enchant.allowunsafe (own)
[18:51:42] 3) essentials.msg (own)
[18:51:42] 4) essentials.warps.spawn (own)
[18:51:42] 5) essentials.warps.trade (own)
[18:51:42] 6) essentials.warps.shop (own)
[18:51:42] 7) essentials.spawn (own)
[18:51:42] 8) essentials.balancetop (own)
[18:51:42] 9) multiverse.core.tp.self (own)
[18:51:42] 10) essentials.rules (own)
[18:51:42] 11) multiverse.access.hub (own)
[18:51:42] 12) essentials.worth (own)
[18:51:42] 13) multiverse.portal.access.* (own)
[18:51:42] 14) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own)
[18:51:42] 15) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own)
[18:51:42] 16) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own)
[18:51:42] 17) essentials.warp.* (own)
[18:51:42] 18) essentials.warp (own)
[18:51:42] 19) worldguard.build.* (own)
[18:51:42] 20) multiverse.access.parkour (own)
[18:51:42] 21) essentials.list (own)
[18:51:42] 22) essentials.coords (own)
[18:51:42] 23) essentials.compass (own)
[18:51:42] 24) essentials.pay (own)
[18:51:42] 25) factions.faction (own)
[18:51:42] 26) factions.list (own)
[18:51:42] 27) essentials.help (own)
[18:51:42] 28) essentials.helpop (own)
[18:51:42] 29) essentials.suicide (own)
[18:51:42] 30) essentials.mail.send (own)
[18:51:42] 31) essentials.mail (own)
[18:51:42] 32) essentials.balance (own)
[18:51:42] 33) essentials.signs.use.* (own)
[18:51:42] 34) essentials.warp.list (own)
[18:51:42] 35) essentials.delhome (own)
[18:51:42] 36) multiverse.access.freebuild (own)
[18:51:42] 37) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own)
[18:51:42] 38) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own)
[18:51:42] 39) essentials.tpdeny (own)
[18:51:42] 40) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own)
[18:51:42] 41) multiverse.core.list (own)
[18:51:42] 42) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own)
[18:51:42] 43) multiverse.access.world_nether (own)
[18:51:42] 44) multiverse.access.world (own)
[18:51:42] 45) essentials.tell (own)
[18:51:42] 46) multiverse.core.info (own)
[18:51:42] 47) essentials.tpahere* (own)
[18:51:42] 48) essentials.tpahere (own)
[18:51:42] 49) essentials.tpaccept (own)
[18:51:42] 50) essentials.tpa.* (own)
[18:51:42] 51) essentials.tpa (own)
[18:51:42] 52) essentials.me.* (own)
[18:51:42] 53) essentials.me (own)
[18:51:42] 54) essentials.sethome.* (own)
[18:51:42] 55) essentials.sethome (own)
[18:51:42] 56) essentials.home (own)
[18:51:42] 57) essentials.home.* (own)
[18:51:42] 58) modifyworld.* (own)
[18:51:42] Group "default"'s Options:
[18:51:42] rank = "1000"
[18:51:42] default = "true"
[18:51:42] prefix = "&8[&4Normie&8]&f "
[18:51:45] 'outsider' inherits the following groups:
[18:51:45] Group "outsider"'s permissions:
[18:51:45] Group "outsider"'s Options:
[18:51:50] Group "outsider" removed!
[18:52:34] §cNoorquackerBot §4was denied access to command.
[18:54:03] The time was set to 06:00 or 6:00 AM or 0ticks in: gangweed.
[18:54:07] NoorquackerBot was shot by Skeleton
[18:54:09] Error: You cannot heal someone who is dead!
[18:54:15] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: frocl
[18:54:18] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: frick*
[18:55:51] §cNoorquackerBot §4was denied access to command.
[18:57:09] 'default' inherits the following groups:
[18:57:09] @market:
[18:57:09] @hard_smp_nether:
[18:57:09] @world:
[18:57:09] @world_the_end:
[18:57:09] @world_nether:
[18:57:09] @hard_smp_the_end:
[18:57:09] @world_hard_smp:
[18:57:09] @hard_smp:
[18:57:09] Group "default"'s permissions:
[18:57:09] 1) multiverse.access.market (own)
[18:57:09] 2) essentials.signs.enchant.allowunsafe (own)
[18:57:09] 3) essentials.msg (own)
[18:57:09] 4) essentials.warps.spawn (own)
[18:57:09] 5) essentials.warps.trade (own)
[18:57:09] 6) essentials.warps.shop (own)
[18:57:09] 7) essentials.spawn (own)
[18:57:09] 8) essentials.balancetop (own)
[18:57:09] 9) multiverse.core.tp.self (own)
[18:57:09] 10) essentials.rules (own)
[18:57:09] 11) multiverse.access.hub (own)
[18:57:09] 12) essentials.worth (own)
[18:57:09] 13) multiverse.portal.access.* (own)
[18:57:09] 14) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own)
[18:57:09] 15) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own)
[18:57:09] 16) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own)
[18:57:09] 17) essentials.warp.* (own)
[18:57:09] 18) essentials.warp (own)
[18:57:09] 19) worldguard.build.* (own)
[18:57:09] 20) multiverse.access.parkour (own)
[18:57:09] 21) essentials.list (own)
[18:57:09] 22) essentials.coords (own)
[18:57:09] 23) essentials.compass (own)
[18:57:09] 24) essentials.pay (own)
[18:57:09] 25) factions.faction (own)
[18:57:09] 26) factions.list (own)
[18:57:09] 27) essentials.help (own)
[18:57:09] 28) essentials.helpop (own)
[18:57:09] 29) essentials.suicide (own)
[18:57:09] 30) essentials.mail.send (own)
[18:57:09] 31) essentials.mail (own)
[18:57:09] 32) essentials.balance (own)
[18:57:09] 33) essentials.signs.use.* (own)
[18:57:09] 34) essentials.warp.list (own)
[18:57:09] 35) essentials.delhome (own)
[18:57:09] 36) multiverse.access.freebuild (own)
[18:57:09] 37) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own)
[18:57:09] 38) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own)
[18:57:09] 39) essentials.tpdeny (own)
[18:57:09] 40) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own)
[18:57:09] 41) multiverse.core.list (own)
[18:57:09] 42) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own)
[18:57:09] 43) multiverse.access.world_nether (own)
[18:57:09] 44) multiverse.access.world (own)
[18:57:09] 45) essentials.tell (own)
[18:57:09] 46) multiverse.core.info (own)
[18:57:09] 47) essentials.tpahere* (own)
[18:57:09] 48) essentials.tpahere (own)
[18:57:09] 49) essentials.tpaccept (own)
[18:57:09] 50) essentials.tpa.* (own)
[18:57:09] 51) essentials.tpa (own)
[18:57:09] 52) essentials.me.* (own)
[18:57:09] 53) essentials.me (own)
[18:57:09] 54) essentials.sethome.* (own)
[18:57:09] 55) essentials.sethome (own)
[18:57:09] 56) essentials.home (own)
[18:57:09] 57) essentials.home.* (own)
[18:57:09] 58) modifyworld.* (own)
[18:57:09] Group "default"'s Options:
[18:57:09] rank = "1000"
[18:57:09] default = "true"
[18:57:09] prefix = "&8[&4Normie&8]&f "
[18:58:41] NoorquackerBot lost connection: Disconnected
[18:58:41] NoorquackerBot left the game
[18:59:12] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:00:32] Removed 0/10 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 5654.72ms.
[19:13:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: bruh
[19:23:49] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[21:00:41] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.2
[21:00:41] Loading properties
[21:00:42] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-800b93f-a0e88fb (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[21:00:42] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[21:00:42] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[21:00:42] Debug logging is disabled
[21:00:42] Generating keypair
[21:00:42] Using epoll channel type
[21:00:51] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@1d6c9780]
[21:00:51] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[21:00:52] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign
[21:00:52] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign
[21:00:54] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[21:00:54] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 32ms.
[21:00:55] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[21:00:55] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1162ms) ===
[21:00:55] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[21:00:58] Loaded 6 recipes
[21:00:59] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[21:01:01] Time elapsed: 1822 ms
[21:01:02] Time elapsed: 1536 ms
[21:01:03] Time elapsed: 487 ms
[21:01:03] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[21:01:04] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[21:01:04] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[21:01:06] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[21:01:06] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[21:01:08] Time elapsed: 1782 ms
[21:01:09] Time elapsed: 1256 ms
[21:01:11] Time elapsed: 1909 ms
[21:01:12] Time elapsed: 257 ms
[21:01:13] Time elapsed: 1365 ms
[21:01:13] Time elapsed: 395 ms
[21:01:18] Time elapsed: 4706 ms
[21:01:18] Time elapsed: 223 ms
[21:01:19] Time elapsed: 926 ms
[21:01:20] Time elapsed: 241 ms
[21:01:20] Time elapsed: 201 ms
[21:01:21] Time elapsed: 767 ms
[21:01:22] Time elapsed: 1505 ms
[21:01:23] Time elapsed: 408 ms
[21:01:24] Time elapsed: 1388 ms
[21:01:25] Time elapsed: 980 ms
[21:01:26] Time elapsed: 1005 ms
[21:01:27] Time elapsed: 1042 ms
[21:01:27] Time elapsed: 338 ms
[21:01:28] Time elapsed: 544 ms
[21:01:29] Time elapsed: 1292 ms
[21:01:30] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[21:01:30] Using locale en_US
[21:01:31] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[21:01:31] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[21:01:31] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[21:01:31] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[21:01:31] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[21:01:31] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[21:01:31] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[21:01:32] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 420ms) ===
[21:01:32] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[21:01:32] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[21:01:32] Done (37.209s)! For help, type "help"
[21:23:25] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:23:26] TRACE131 joined the game
[21:24:19] [Normie] TRACE131: bruh
[21:24:27] [Normie] TRACE131: bruh im a normie NO cringe@
[21:24:49] **WarZone [Developer] Console: bruh
[21:24:52] **WarZone [Developer] Console: /mvtp gangweed
[21:25:05] [Normie] TRACE131: oh yeah here we gang
[21:26:03] TRACE131 lost connection: Disconnected
[21:26:03] TRACE131 left the game
[21:36:59] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:36:59] TRACE131 joined the game
[21:37:39] TRACE131 lost connection: Disconnected
[21:37:39] TRACE131 left the game
[21:38:57] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:38:57] TRACE131 joined the game
[21:40:34] [Normie] TRACE131: ur mom
[21:45:58] §cTRACE131 §4was denied access to command.
[21:46:01] §cTRACE131 §4was denied access to command.
[21:47:36] TRACE131 has made the advancement [A Seedy Place]
[21:52:49] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams]
[21:58:22] TRACE131 lost connection: Disconnected
[21:58:22] TRACE131 left the game
[22:21:07] RockMatOc[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:21:07] RockMatOc joined the game
[22:21:07] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[22:21:45] [Normie] RockMatOc: v
[22:22:17] [Normie] RockMatOc: noor i cant go to gangweed
[22:24:21] RockMatOc lost connection: Disconnected
[22:24:21] RockMatOc left the game
[22:24:28] RockMatOc[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:24:28] RockMatOc joined the game
[22:30:03] RockMatOc lost connection: Disconnected
[22:30:03] RockMatOc left the game
[22:59:26] RockMatOc[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:59:26] RockMatOc joined the game
[23:00:03] RockMatOc fell from a high place
[23:02:17] RockMatOc lost connection: Disconnected
[23:02:17] RockMatOc left the game
[23:08:46] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:08:46] TRACE131 joined the game
[23:09:21] **WarZone [Developer] Console: peepee poopoo
[23:09:26] **WarZone [Developer] Console: i am here
[23:09:34] **WarZone [Developer] Console: hold on im on my phone
[23:09:42] [Normie] TRACE131: peepee
[23:09:47] [Normie] TRACE131: uwupeepeepoopoo
[23:09:58] Permission "multiverse.access.gangweed" added to group "default"!
[23:10:02] Permissions reloaded
[23:10:05] **WarZone [Developer] Console: ok try
[23:10:16] [Normie] TRACE131: its not me im in its the others
[23:11:19] RockMatOc[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:11:19] RockMatOc joined the game
[23:11:36] [Normie] TRACE131: who dis
[23:11:39] [Normie] TRACE131: new server
[23:12:15] TRACE131 lost connection: Disconnected
[23:12:15] TRACE131 left the game
[23:12:25] [Normie] RockMatOc: noor what did i find in spawn
[23:12:28] LilCalculations[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:12:28] LilCalculations joined the game
[23:12:28] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:12:46] TRACE131[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:12:46] TRACE131 joined the game
[23:13:23] [Normie] TRACE131: ./mvtp gangweed
[23:13:31] There are 3 out of maximum 20 players online.
[23:13:31] default: [Normie] LilCalculations, [Normie] RockMatOc, [Normie] TRACE131
[23:13:32] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:13:41] **WarZone [Developer] Console: what was in spawn
[23:13:44] LordDJDeeps has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:13:44] LordDJDeeps has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:13:44] LordDJDeeps[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:13:44] LordDJDeeps joined the game
[23:13:50] [Normie] TRACE131: idk this is cringe
[23:13:52] **WarZone [Developer] Console: CRINGE OHMYBIGZ
[23:13:53] [Normie] RockMatOc: a potion
[23:13:59] willamrik[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:13:59] willamrik joined the game
[23:13:59] willamrik has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:13:59] [Normie] TRACE131: its sydney noor
[23:14:05] **WarZone [Developer] Console: splash poyion of death?
[23:14:14] [Normie] RockMatOc: maybe....
[23:14:16] [Normie] LilCalculations: werwrwr
[23:14:20] [Normie] TRACE131: noor ryan is stealing stuff
[23:14:23] LordDJDeeps was shot by Skeleton
[23:14:56] [Normie] TRACE131: ./mvtp gangweed
[23:15:10] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:15:33] [Normie] RockMatOc: can you rename me noor its ryan idk why this is my name
[23:16:37] **WarZone [Developer] Console: lemme tey
[23:16:48] [Normie] willamrik: coochie
[23:16:52] Error: That nickname is too long.
[23:16:57] Nickname changed.
[23:16:59] **WarZone [Developer] Console: uhhh
[23:17:05] [Normie] ~whatshoulditbe: Trippmeister
[23:17:06] cjohnson558[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:17:06] cjohnson558 joined the game
[23:17:06] cjohnson558 has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:17:50] Nickname changed.
[23:17:55] **WarZone [Developer] Console: normie
[23:17:56] [Normie] ~Trippmeister: thanks noor
[23:18:04] There are 6 out of maximum 20 players online.
[23:18:04] default: [Normie] cjohnson558, [Normie] LilCalculations, [Normie] LordDJDeeps, [Normie] TRACE131, [Normie] willamrik, [Normie] ~Trippmeister
[23:18:10] **WarZone [Developer] Console: HOLY FRICK 6 PLAYERS
[23:18:13] [Normie] willamrik: ./mvtp gangweed
[23:18:17] [Normie] TRACE131: yeah we got liam coming too
[23:18:24] **WarZone [Developer] Console: so my upload bandwidth is a grand total of 256KB/s
[23:18:26] [Normie] willamrik: and hopefully a few others
[23:18:37] **WarZone [Developer] Console: my latency to Cloudflare dns is 45mz
[23:18:40] **WarZone [Developer] Console: ms
[23:18:58] **WarZone [Developer] Console: you guys are gomna have a bad time with ≥4 players
[23:19:07] [Normie] TRACE131: thats fine
[23:19:28] There are 6 out of maximum 20 players online.
[23:19:28] default: [Normie] cjohnson558, [Normie] LilCalculations, [Normie] LordDJDeeps, [Normie] TRACE131, [Normie] willamrik, [Normie] ~Trippmeister
[23:19:59] **WarZone [Developer] Console: so theres connor, cringedeep, cringeman, tripp, whos the other 2
[23:20:27] **WarZone [Developer] Console: ill join on my alt acc so that im not admin
[23:20:34] **WarZone [Developer] Console: and phone console sucks
[23:20:47] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:21:42] willamrik was slain by Zombie
[23:21:51] **WarZone [Developer] Console: nice
[23:21:56] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:22:02] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:22:13] NoorquackerBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:22:13] NoorquackerBot joined the game
[23:22:20] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: why is my name black
[23:22:24] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: oh nvm
[23:22:38] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: guys whats your coords help
[23:23:07] [Normie] TRACE131: noor join discoerd
[23:23:15] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: invite me
[23:23:20] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: i left the rainbow 6 discords
[23:23:29] LordDJDeeps has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:23:30] TRACE131 was shot by Skeleton
[23:23:34] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: cringe
[23:23:58] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: oops
[23:24:03] limabean85 has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:24:03] limabean85 has made the advancement [Suit Up]
[23:24:03] limabean85 has made the advancement [Cover Me With Diamonds]
[23:24:03] limabean85 has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
[23:24:03] limabean85 has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:24:03] limabean85[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:24:04] limabean85 joined the game
[23:24:09] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: hi liam
[23:24:52] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: can you add me to the discord
[23:24:54] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:25:31] NoorquackerBot has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:25:42] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:25:59] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
[23:26:12] LordDJDeeps was shot by Skeleton
[23:26:51] NoorquackerBot has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:27:45] cjohnson558 was slain by Spider
[23:27:47] §cNoorquackerBot §4was denied access to command.
[23:28:18] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
[23:28:40] willamrik has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:30:58] limabean85 has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:31:07] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:31:07] LilCalculations has made the advancement [Suit Up]
[23:32:12] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: ./tpaccept
[23:34:39] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:34:40] limabean85 has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:35:25] NoorquackerBot has made the advancement [A Seedy Place]
[23:37:13] LordDJDeeps has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:37:21] LordDJDeeps has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
[23:37:27] [Normie] TRACE131: ./tpdeny
[23:37:28] [Normie] LilCalculations: tpa
[23:37:32] [Normie] LilCalculations: tr
[23:37:46] [Normie] TRACE131: ./tpdeny
[23:37:55] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: ./tpaccept
[23:38:01] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: ./tpa NoorquackerBot
[23:38:05] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: ./tpdeny
[23:38:12] **gay [Normie] NoorquackerBot: ./tpahere TRACE131
[23:38:25] NoorquackerBot has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:39:39] NoorquackerBot lost connection: Disconnected
[23:39:39] NoorquackerBot left the game
[23:40:06] TRACE131 has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
[23:40:22] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:40:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: hi
[23:40:35] limabean85 was shot by Skeleton
[23:40:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./mv spawn
[23:41:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./mvtp gangweed
[23:42:05] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/18484, l='gangweed', x=-362.50, y=62.56, z=1383.32] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie'
[23:42:48] cjohnson558 was slain by Spider
[23:42:53] ✔Noorquacker has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:43:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./tpa
[23:43:34] [✔Noorquacker: Showing new title for 8 players]
[23:44:55] cjohnson558 was shot by Skeleton
[23:44:58] cjohnson558 lost connection: Disconnected
[23:44:58] cjohnson558 left the game
[23:45:07] ✔Noorquacker has made the advancement [Stone Age]
[23:45:11] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/18524, l='gangweed', x=-333.49, y=65.00, z=1356.30] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie'
[23:45:25] Villager EntityVillager['Villager'/18486, l='gangweed', x=-348.48, y=65.00, z=1363.65] died, message: 'Villager was slain by Zombie'
[23:45:39] willamrik has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[23:46:14] willamrik was shot by Skeleton
[23:47:07] Villager EntityVillager['Farmer'/18487, l='gangweed', x=-340.78, y=65.00, z=1354.19] died, message: 'Farmer was slain by Zombie'
[23:48:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./sethome
[23:49:05] ✔Noorquacker was slain by Enderman
[23:53:59] GoCrazyaGoStupid[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[23:53:59] GoCrazyaGoStupid joined the game
[23:53:59] GoCrazyaGoStupid has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
[23:54:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: who
[23:54:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: who the frick
[23:54:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: identify
[23:54:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: documentation
[23:54:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: visa
[23:54:33] [Normie] GoCrazyaGoStupid: Kamilla's sister
[23:54:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: green card
[23:54:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh
[23:54:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: ASA
[23:54:50] [Normie] willamrik: uwu
[23:57:56] RockMatOc has made the advancement [Suit Up]
[23:58:53] ✔Noorquacker has made the advancement [A Seedy Place]