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[06:58:58] Stopping the server [06:58:58] Stopping server [06:58:58] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [06:58:58] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [06:58:58] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [06:58:58] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [06:58:58] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [06:58:58] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [06:58:58] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [06:58:58] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [06:58:58] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [06:58:58] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [06:58:58] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [06:58:58] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [06:58:58] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [06:58:58] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [06:58:59] Saving players [06:58:59] Saving worlds
[06:59:32] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [06:59:32] Loading properties [06:59:33] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [06:59:33] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [06:59:33] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [06:59:33] Debug logging is disabled [06:59:33] Generating keypair [06:59:33] Using epoll channel type [06:59:41] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@12c943f3] [06:59:42] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [06:59:42] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [06:59:42] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [06:59:44] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [06:59:44] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [06:59:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 18ms. [06:59:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [06:59:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1398ms) === [06:59:45] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [06:59:46] Loaded 6 recipes [06:59:47] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [06:59:50] Time elapsed: 2700 ms [06:59:52] Time elapsed: 1670 ms [06:59:52] Time elapsed: 424 ms [06:59:52] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [06:59:53] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [06:59:53] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [06:59:54] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [06:59:54] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [06:59:55] Time elapsed: 1041 ms [06:59:57] Time elapsed: 1545 ms [06:59:59] Time elapsed: 1713 ms [06:59:59] Time elapsed: 218 ms [07:00:01] Time elapsed: 1191 ms [07:00:01] Time elapsed: 331 ms [07:00:01] Time elapsed: 201 ms [07:00:02] Time elapsed: 846 ms [07:00:02] Time elapsed: 307 ms [07:00:03] Time elapsed: 677 ms [07:00:03] Time elapsed: 372 ms [07:00:05] Time elapsed: 1070 ms [07:00:06] Time elapsed: 1505 ms [07:00:07] Time elapsed: 913 ms [07:00:07] Time elapsed: 321 ms [07:00:08] Time elapsed: 436 ms [07:00:09] Time elapsed: 858 ms [07:00:10] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [07:00:10] Using locale en_US [07:00:10] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [07:00:10] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [07:00:10] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [07:00:10] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [07:00:10] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [07:00:10] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [07:00:11] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [07:00:11] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 446ms) === [07:00:11] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [07:00:11] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [07:00:12] Done (26.411s)! For help, type "help" [07:05:16] Stopping the server [07:05:16] Stopping server [07:05:16] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [07:05:16] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [07:05:16] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [07:05:16] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [07:05:16] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [07:05:16] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [07:05:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [07:05:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [07:05:16] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [07:05:16] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [07:05:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [07:05:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [07:05:16] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [07:05:16] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [07:05:17] Saving players [07:05:17] Saving worlds
[08:15:17] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [08:15:17] Loading properties [08:15:18] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [08:15:18] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [08:15:18] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [08:15:18] Debug logging is disabled [08:15:18] Generating keypair [08:15:18] Using epoll channel type [08:15:27] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@5013553d] [08:15:27] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:15:28] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [08:15:28] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [08:15:29] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:15:29] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [08:15:29] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 27ms. [08:15:30] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [08:15:30] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1121ms) === [08:15:31] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [08:15:34] Loaded 6 recipes [08:15:35] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [08:15:36] Time elapsed: 1394 ms [08:15:38] Time elapsed: 1397 ms [08:15:38] Time elapsed: 428 ms [08:15:38] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:15:39] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [08:15:39] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [08:15:39] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [08:15:40] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [08:15:41] Time elapsed: 863 ms [08:15:43] Time elapsed: 1216 ms [08:15:44] Time elapsed: 1655 ms [08:15:45] Time elapsed: 256 ms [08:15:46] Time elapsed: 1228 ms [08:15:46] Time elapsed: 371 ms [08:15:47] Time elapsed: 275 ms [08:15:47] Time elapsed: 369 ms [08:15:48] Time elapsed: 817 ms [08:15:48] Time elapsed: 596 ms [08:15:49] Time elapsed: 337 ms [08:15:50] Time elapsed: 1037 ms [08:15:51] Time elapsed: 1480 ms [08:15:52] Time elapsed: 904 ms [08:15:53] Time elapsed: 351 ms [08:15:53] Time elapsed: 836 ms [08:15:54] Time elapsed: 459 ms [08:15:55] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [08:15:55] Using locale en_US [08:15:55] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:15:55] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:15:55] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [08:15:56] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [08:15:56] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [08:15:56] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [08:15:56] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [08:15:56] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 495ms) === [08:15:56] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:15:56] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [08:15:57] Done (26.538s)! For help, type "help" [09:14:24] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:23:14] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:36:11] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:42:49] Cryotheus broke a spawner succesfully. [09:42:49] Cryotheus got a spawn egg. [09:43:03] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:45:08] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:46:53] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e coal_block§a for §e$2,396.25 §a(71 items at $33.75 each). [09:48:10] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [11:24:08] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:24:08] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [11:25:38] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [11:25:39] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [11:25:48] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:25:48] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [11:26:30] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [11:26:30] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [11:26:33] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:26:38] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:26:38] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [11:27:22] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 sold 1 chunk world -73 -94. [11:27:22] Friends --> Wilderness [11:29:44] [✔Cryotheus: Gave 1 [Bow] to ✔Cryotheus] [11:30:15] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -70 -94. [11:30:15] Wilderness --> Friends [11:31:08] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Speed to ✔Cryotheus] [11:31:22] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Invisibility to ✔Cryotheus] [11:31:34] AnimeFreak_225 got REKT by Cryotheus with Diamond Axe [11:35:47] [✔Cryotheus: Removed every effect from ✔Cryotheus] [11:36:06] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Health Boost to ✔Cryotheus] [11:36:19] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Health Boost to ✔Cryotheus] [11:45:33] Cryotheus: Starting creation of world 'market'... [11:45:34] Time elapsed: 673 ms [11:45:34] Cryotheus: Complete! [11:47:19] Cryotheus lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server [11:47:25] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:47:47] [✔Cryotheus: Teleported ✔Cryotheus to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [11:47:52] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at 0, 0, 0] [11:56:24] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doDaylightCycle is now set to: false] [11:56:45] [✔Cryotheus: Set the time to 0] [11:56:49] [✔Cryotheus: Set the time to 6000] [12:07:06] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at -7, 16, 3] [12:15:52] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e sugar_cane§a for §e$10.92 §a(182 items at $0.06 each). [12:17:32] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [12:18:16] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [12:19:23] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [12:19:23] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [12:24:20] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:24:20] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [12:26:17] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [12:26:17] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [12:37:19] NoorquackerBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:37:19] NoorquackerBot joined the game [12:37:32] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: holy frick i did it [12:51:08] NoorquackerBot lost connection: Disconnected [12:51:08] NoorquackerBot left the game [15:28:47] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:28:47] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [15:32:18] 'default' inherits the following groups: [15:32:18] Group "default"'s permissions: [15:32:18] 1) essentials.rules (own) [15:32:18] 2) multiverse.access.hub (own) [15:32:18] 3) essentials.sell.* (own) [15:32:18] 4) essentials.sell (own) [15:32:18] 5) essentials.worth (own) [15:32:18] 6) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [15:32:18] 7) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [15:32:18] 8) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [15:32:18] 9) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [15:32:18] 10) essentials.warp.* (own) [15:32:18] 11) essentials.warp (own) [15:32:18] 12) worldguard.build.* (own) [15:32:18] 13) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [15:32:18] 14) essentials.list (own) [15:32:18] 15) essentials.coords (own) [15:32:18] 16) essentials.compass (own) [15:32:18] 17) essentials.pay (own) [15:32:18] 18) factions.faction (own) [15:32:18] 19) factions.list (own) [15:32:18] 20) essentials.help (own) [15:32:18] 21) essentials.helpop (own) [15:32:18] 22) essentials.suicide (own) [15:32:18] 23) essentials.mail.send (own) [15:32:18] 24) essentials.mail (own) [15:32:18] 25) essentials.balance (own) [15:32:18] 26) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [15:32:18] 27) essentials.warp.list (own) [15:32:18] 28) essentials.delhome (own) [15:32:18] 29) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [15:32:18] 30) essentials.msg (own) [15:32:18] 31) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [15:32:18] 32) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [15:32:18] 33) essentials.tpdeny (own) [15:32:18] 34) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [15:32:18] 35) multiverse.core.list (own) [15:32:18] 36) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [15:32:18] 37) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [15:32:18] 38) multiverse.access.world (own) [15:32:18] 39) essentials.tell (own) [15:32:18] 40) multiverse.core.info (own) [15:32:18] 41) essentials.tpahere* (own) [15:32:18] 42) essentials.tpahere (own) [15:32:18] 43) essentials.tpaccept (own) [15:32:18] 44) essentials.tpa.* (own) [15:32:18] 45) essentials.tpa (own) [15:32:18] 46) factions.leader.* (own) [15:32:18] 47) factions.leader (own) [15:32:18] 48) factions.kick (own) [15:32:18] 49) factions.join.* (own) [15:32:18] 50) factions.join (own) [15:32:18] 51) factions.invite (own) [15:32:18] 52) factions.home (own) [15:32:18] 53) factions.flag (own) [15:32:18] 54) factions.expansions (own) [15:32:18] 55) factions.disband (own) [15:32:18] 56) factions.description (own) [15:32:18] 57) factions.demote (own) [15:32:18] 58) factions.create (own) [15:32:18] 59) factions.access.* (own) [15:32:18] 60) factions.access (own) [15:32:18] 61) essentials.me.* (own) [15:32:18] 62) essentials.me (own) [15:32:18] 63) essentials.sethome.* (own) [15:32:18] 64) essentials.sethome (own) [15:32:18] 65) essentials.home (own) [15:32:18] 66) essentials.home.* (own) [15:32:18] 67) modifyworld.* (own) [15:32:18] Group "default"'s Options: [15:32:18] rank = "1000" [15:32:18] default = "true" [15:32:18] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [15:37:11] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server [15:37:11] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [15:37:16] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:37:16] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [15:37:45] There are 1 out of maximum 20 players online. [15:37:45] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [15:37:58] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [15:37:58] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [15:38:54] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:38:54] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [15:43:04] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:43:05] trickyeye007 joined the game [15:43:24] §ctrickyeye007 §4was denied access to command. [15:44:36] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [15:44:36] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [15:47:29] §ctrickyeye007 §4was denied access to command. [15:49:37] trickyeye007 lost connection: Timed out [15:49:37] trickyeye007 left the game [15:52:18] ABlissOfInsanity[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:52:18] ABlissOfInsanity joined the game [15:52:18] ABlissOfInsanity has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [15:55:48] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:55:48] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [16:01:16] 'default' inherits the following groups: [16:01:16] Group "default"'s permissions: [16:01:16] 1) essentials.rules (own) [16:01:16] 2) multiverse.access.hub (own) [16:01:16] 3) essentials.sell.* (own) [16:01:16] 4) essentials.sell (own) [16:01:16] 5) essentials.worth (own) [16:01:16] 6) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [16:01:16] 7) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [16:01:16] 8) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [16:01:16] 9) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [16:01:16] 10) essentials.warp.* (own) [16:01:16] 11) essentials.warp (own) [16:01:16] 12) worldguard.build.* (own) [16:01:16] 13) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [16:01:16] 14) essentials.list (own) [16:01:16] 15) essentials.coords (own) [16:01:16] 16) essentials.compass (own) [16:01:16] 17) essentials.pay (own) [16:01:16] 18) factions.faction (own) [16:01:16] 19) factions.list (own) [16:01:16] 20) essentials.help (own) [16:01:16] 21) essentials.helpop (own) [16:01:16] 22) essentials.suicide (own) [16:01:16] 23) essentials.mail.send (own) [16:01:16] 24) essentials.mail (own) [16:01:16] 25) essentials.balance (own) [16:01:16] 26) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [16:01:16] 27) essentials.warp.list (own) [16:01:16] 28) essentials.delhome (own) [16:01:16] 29) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [16:01:16] 30) essentials.msg (own) [16:01:16] 31) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [16:01:16] 32) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [16:01:16] 33) essentials.tpdeny (own) [16:01:16] 34) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [16:01:16] 35) multiverse.core.list (own) [16:01:16] 36) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [16:01:16] 37) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [16:01:16] 38) multiverse.access.world (own) [16:01:16] 39) essentials.tell (own) [16:01:16] 40) multiverse.core.info (own) [16:01:16] 41) essentials.tpahere* (own) [16:01:16] 42) essentials.tpahere (own) [16:01:16] 43) essentials.tpaccept (own) [16:01:16] 44) essentials.tpa.* (own) [16:01:16] 45) essentials.tpa (own) [16:01:16] 46) factions.leader.* (own) [16:01:16] 47) factions.leader (own) [16:01:16] 48) factions.kick (own) [16:01:16] 49) factions.join.* (own) [16:01:16] 50) factions.join (own) [16:01:16] 51) factions.invite (own) [16:01:16] 52) factions.home (own) [16:01:16] 53) factions.flag (own) [16:01:16] 54) factions.expansions (own) [16:01:16] 55) factions.disband (own) [16:01:16] 56) factions.description (own) [16:01:16] 57) factions.demote (own) [16:01:16] 58) factions.create (own) [16:01:16] 59) factions.access.* (own) [16:01:16] 60) factions.access (own) [16:01:16] 61) essentials.me.* (own) [16:01:16] 62) essentials.me (own) [16:01:16] 63) essentials.sethome.* (own) [16:01:16] 64) essentials.sethome (own) [16:01:16] 65) essentials.home (own) [16:01:16] 66) essentials.home.* (own) [16:01:16] 67) modifyworld.* (own) [16:01:16] Group "default"'s Options: [16:01:16] rank = "1000" [16:01:16] default = "true" [16:01:16] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [16:01:22] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: do /sethome house [16:01:42] 'trusty' inherits the following groups: [16:01:42] default (rank 1000 @ default) [16:01:42] Group "trusty"'s permissions: [16:01:42] 1) modifyworld.* (own) [16:01:42] 2) worldguard.build.* (own) [16:01:42] 3) multiverse.portal.access.world_shop (own) [16:01:42] 4) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_exit (own) [16:01:42] 5) multiverse.portal.access.world_parkour (own) [16:01:42] 6) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_hard_smp (own) [16:01:42] 7) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_world (own) [16:01:42] 8) multiverse.hard_smp (own) [16:01:42] 9) multiverse.teleport.hard_smp (own) [16:01:42] 10) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [16:01:42] 11) multiverse.core.tp.self (own) [16:01:42] 12) multiverse.teleport.self.PublicWorld (own) [16:01:42] 13) multiverse.teleport.self.world (own) [16:01:42] 14) multiverse.access.world (own) [16:01:42] 15) multiverse.access.PublicWorld (own) [16:01:42] Group "trusty"'s Options: [16:01:42] rank = "999" [16:01:42] prefix = "&f[&3Trusty&f] " [16:02:29] Permission "multiverse.core.tp.self" removed from group "trusty"! [16:02:34] Permission "multiverse.core.tp.self" added to group "default"! [16:02:52] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$2.24 §a(112 items at $0.02 each). [16:03:12] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$2.24 §a(112 items at $0.02 each). [16:03:17] There are 2 out of maximum 20 players online. [16:03:17] default: [Peasant] ABlissOfInsanity [16:03:17] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [16:03:23] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$0.36 §a(18 items at $0.02 each). [16:03:36] Currently registered users: [16:03:36] 99db1f8a-2565-39ed-91a1-6246ef472e1f (Last known username: Cryotheus) [Developer] [16:03:36] 20bf55ec-63e7-3503-89d2-cc3d62f63314 (Last known username: jt) [default] [16:03:36] 3da559ae-2e16-3487-8d86-ad006bc7cf4c (Last known username: logang2009) [default] [16:03:36] 04a16dbf-db6d-364d-9812-9e1753aecd4a (Last known username: MyStudTrex) [trusty] [16:03:36] 33912a9a-5ab7-34cb-bdd7-e877328b8e5a (Last known username: antedbell) [trusty] [16:03:36] 875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443 (Last known username: Noorquacker) [Developer] [16:03:36] * (Last known username: *) [default] [16:03:36] 99ab2165-b343-4e71-b8d9-e63e8fec05e7 (Last known username: MyStudTrex) [superadmin] [16:03:36] a2b38f00-2d9f-3f6d-b9d5-2e8cbcdde94f (Last known username: Noorquacker) [Developer] [16:03:36] a9f6e1e3-d95e-40fb-97de-a9e5ea2aa8a4 (Last known username: AnimeFreak_225) [trusty] [16:03:36] a66d6657-66fe-36cc-b512-b5df94095916 (Last known username: NoorquackerBot) [default] [16:03:36] 0acd6996-9ebc-303a-bb9b-21e1ab42fe35 (Last known username: BlowJackson) [trusty] [16:03:36] 2f0fe5c4-ad15-3250-b3ed-07cb701d4852 (Last known username: BoluptuousBoY) [default] [16:03:36] a50132c4-4467-41a7-8d66-d424d740fb9a (Last known username: ABlissOfInsanity) [default] [16:03:36] 83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 (Last known username: Cryotheus) [Developer] [16:03:36] 25966168-dc9c-360c-8f32-ed022bfa1070 (Last known username: Herobrine) [Developer] [16:03:36] f5137bc8-1fa8-307a-8915-1d460c0245f0 (Last known username: anarchymydear) [trusty] [16:03:36] 2b3af9e8-01e5-36b7-ae42-fc3a8ab46a87 (Last known username: ohBOY) [trusty] [16:03:36] 5028f1e1-166e-33bf-ab84-360fcddc0127 (Last known username: TRACE131) [trusty] [16:03:36] 6537499c-23bd-322e-bd22-f81d0e423026 (Last known username: RoyalZealot24) [moderator] [16:03:36] 25f56f16-91df-3cfb-81af-b18999442100 (Last known username: AnimeFreak_225) [trusty] [16:03:36] f0e824b4-ba92-37ae-8fbd-7dbf6fe78c8e (Last known username: o__cactus__o) [trusty] [16:03:36] 8c274ec5-d303-3f70-8d0a-9f2d9620ffe1 (Last known username: BJ83) [trusty] [16:03:36] 13f9633b-3fea-3b08-8ce2-3fc9eba87667 (Last known username: HetaKam) [trusty] [16:03:36] 768ffbc2-6e4e-308b-93d3-12a5aa548782 (Last known username: killed) [default] [16:03:36] f1ed3ef5-068f-365a-a629-522bc0b4d1e6 (Last known username: Axe_Of_Defiance) [trusty] [16:03:36] trusty (Last known username: trusty) [default] [16:03:40] Usage: [16:03:40] /pex - Display help [16:03:40] /pex reload - Reload environment [16:03:40] /pex report - Report an issue with PEX [16:03:40] /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value] [16:03:40] /pex backend - Print currently used backend [16:03:40] /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!) [16:03:40] /pex hierarchy [world] - Print complete user/group hierarchy [16:03:40] /pex import <backend> - Import data from <backend> into currently selected backend [16:03:40] /pex convert uuid - Bulk convert user data to UUID-based storage [16:03:40] /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode [16:03:40] /pex help [page] [count] - PermissionsEx commands help [16:03:40] /pex users list - List all registered users [16:03:40] /pex users - List all registered users (alias) [16:03:40] /pex user - List all registered users (alias) [16:03:40] /pex user <user> - List user permissions (list alias) [16:03:40] /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions [16:03:40] /pex user <user> superperms - List user actual superperms [16:03:40] /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix [16:03:40] /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <user> suffix [16:03:40] /pex user <user> toggle debug - Toggle debug only for <user> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> check <permission> [world] - Checks player for <permission> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> get <option> [world] - Toggle debug only for <user> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from <user> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex user <user> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself [16:03:40] /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permissions> to <user> for [lifetime] seconds in [world] [16:03:40] /pex user <user> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all <user> groups [16:03:40] /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] - Add <user> to <group> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user> [16:03:40] /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group> [16:03:40] /pex users cleanup <group> [threshold] - Clean users of specified group, which last login was before threshold (in days). By default threshold is 30 days. [16:03:40] /pex group <group> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself [16:03:40] /pex groups list [world] - List all registered groups [16:03:40] /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias) [16:03:40] /pex group - List all registered groups (alias) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> weight [weight] - Print or set group weight [16:03:40] /pex group <group> toggle debug - Toggle debug mode for group [16:03:40] /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix. [16:03:40] /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix [16:03:40] /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group> [16:03:40] /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group> [16:03:40] /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> parents add <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> parents remove <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias) [16:03:40] /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permissions> for <group> in [world] [16:03:40] /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group> [16:03:40] /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group> [16:03:40] /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group> [16:03:40] /pex default group [world] - Print default groups for specified world [16:03:40] /pex set default group <group> <value> [world] - Set whether a group is default for specified worlds [16:03:40] /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder] [16:03:40] /pex promote <user> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group on [ladder] [16:03:40] /pex demote <user> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder] [16:03:40] /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds [16:03:40] /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info [16:03:40] /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world> [16:04:03] User groups set! [16:04:05] There are 2 out of maximum 20 players online. [16:04:05] default: [Peasant] ABlissOfInsanity, [Peasant] AnimeFreak_225 [16:04:09] **WarZone [Developer] Console: sorry [16:04:18] **WarZone [Developer] Console: I just don't think you need that perms [16:04:26] **WarZone [Developer] Console: <3 [16:04:34] **Friends [Peasant] AnimeFreak_225: alex [16:04:35] **WarZone [Developer] Console: ^ [16:04:51] 'outsider' inherits the following groups: [16:04:51] Group "outsider"'s permissions: [16:04:51] [16:04:51] Group "outsider"'s Options: [16:04:57] **Friends [Peasant] AnimeFreak_225: give me my rank back you digus [16:04:57] 'default' inherits the following groups: [16:04:57] Group "default"'s permissions: [16:04:57] 1) multiverse.core.tp.self (own) [16:04:57] 2) essentials.rules (own) [16:04:57] 3) multiverse.access.hub (own) [16:04:57] 4) essentials.sell.* (own) [16:04:57] 5) essentials.sell (own) [16:04:57] 6) essentials.worth (own) [16:04:57] 7) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [16:04:57] 8) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [16:04:57] 9) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [16:04:57] 10) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [16:04:57] 11) essentials.warp.* (own) [16:04:57] 12) essentials.warp (own) [16:04:57] 13) worldguard.build.* (own) [16:04:57] 14) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [16:04:57] 15) essentials.list (own) [16:04:57] 16) essentials.coords (own) [16:04:57] 17) essentials.compass (own) [16:04:57] 18) essentials.pay (own) [16:04:57] 19) factions.faction (own) [16:04:57] 20) factions.list (own) [16:04:57] 21) essentials.help (own) [16:04:57] 22) essentials.helpop (own) [16:04:57] 23) essentials.suicide (own) [16:04:57] 24) essentials.mail.send (own) [16:04:57] 25) essentials.mail (own) [16:04:57] 26) essentials.balance (own) [16:04:57] 27) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [16:04:57] 28) essentials.warp.list (own) [16:04:57] 29) essentials.delhome (own) [16:04:57] 30) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [16:04:57] 31) essentials.msg (own) [16:04:57] 32) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [16:04:57] 33) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [16:04:57] 34) essentials.tpdeny (own) [16:04:57] 35) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [16:04:57] 36) multiverse.core.list (own) [16:04:57] 37) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [16:04:57] 38) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [16:04:57] 39) multiverse.access.world (own) [16:04:57] 40) essentials.tell (own) [16:04:57] 41) multiverse.core.info (own) [16:04:57] 42) essentials.tpahere* (own) [16:04:57] 43) essentials.tpahere (own) [16:04:57] 44) essentials.tpaccept (own) [16:04:57] 45) essentials.tpa.* (own) [16:04:57] 46) essentials.tpa (own) [16:04:57] 47) factions.leader.* (own) [16:04:57] 48) factions.leader (own) [16:04:57] 49) factions.kick (own) [16:04:57] 50) factions.join.* (own) [16:04:57] 51) factions.join (own) [16:04:57] 52) factions.invite (own) [16:04:57] 53) factions.home (own) [16:04:57] 54) factions.flag (own) [16:04:57] 55) factions.expansions (own) [16:04:57] 56) factions.disband (own) [16:04:57] 57) factions.description (own) [16:04:57] 58) factions.demote (own) [16:04:57] 59) factions.create (own) [16:04:57] 60) factions.access.* (own) [16:04:57] 61) factions.access (own) [16:04:57] 62) essentials.me.* (own) [16:04:57] 63) essentials.me (own) [16:04:57] 64) essentials.sethome.* (own) [16:04:57] 65) essentials.sethome (own) [16:04:57] 66) essentials.home (own) [16:04:57] 67) essentials.home.* (own) [16:04:57] 68) modifyworld.* (own) [16:04:57] Group "default"'s Options: [16:04:57] rank = "1000" [16:04:57] default = "true" [16:04:57] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [16:05:14] default's prefix has been set to "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [16:05:23] 'default' inherits the following groups: [16:05:23] Group "default"'s permissions: [16:05:23] 1) multiverse.core.tp.self (own) [16:05:23] 2) essentials.rules (own) [16:05:23] 3) multiverse.access.hub (own) [16:05:23] 4) essentials.sell.* (own) [16:05:23] 5) essentials.sell (own) [16:05:23] 6) essentials.worth (own) [16:05:23] 7) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [16:05:23] 8) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [16:05:23] 9) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [16:05:23] 10) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [16:05:23] 11) essentials.warp.* (own) [16:05:23] 12) essentials.warp (own) [16:05:23] 13) worldguard.build.* (own) [16:05:23] 14) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [16:05:23] 15) essentials.list (own) [16:05:23] 16) essentials.coords (own) [16:05:23] 17) essentials.compass (own) [16:05:23] 18) essentials.pay (own) [16:05:23] 19) factions.faction (own) [16:05:23] 20) factions.list (own) [16:05:23] 21) essentials.help (own) [16:05:23] 22) essentials.helpop (own) [16:05:23] 23) essentials.suicide (own) [16:05:23] 24) essentials.mail.send (own) [16:05:23] 25) essentials.mail (own) [16:05:23] 26) essentials.balance (own) [16:05:23] 27) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [16:05:23] 28) essentials.warp.list (own) [16:05:23] 29) essentials.delhome (own) [16:05:23] 30) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [16:05:23] 31) essentials.msg (own) [16:05:23] 32) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [16:05:23] 33) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [16:05:23] 34) essentials.tpdeny (own) [16:05:23] 35) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [16:05:23] 36) multiverse.core.list (own) [16:05:23] 37) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [16:05:23] 38) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [16:05:23] 39) multiverse.access.world (own) [16:05:23] 40) essentials.tell (own) [16:05:23] 41) multiverse.core.info (own) [16:05:23] 42) essentials.tpahere* (own) [16:05:23] 43) essentials.tpahere (own) [16:05:23] 44) essentials.tpaccept (own) [16:05:23] 45) essentials.tpa.* (own) [16:05:23] 46) essentials.tpa (own) [16:05:23] 47) factions.leader.* (own) [16:05:23] 48) factions.leader (own) [16:05:23] 49) factions.kick (own) [16:05:23] 50) factions.join.* (own) [16:05:23] 51) factions.join (own) [16:05:23] 52) factions.invite (own) [16:05:23] 53) factions.home (own) [16:05:23] 54) factions.flag (own) [16:05:23] 55) factions.expansions (own) [16:05:23] 56) factions.disband (own) [16:05:23] 57) factions.description (own) [16:05:23] 58) factions.demote (own) [16:05:23] 59) factions.create (own) [16:05:23] 60) factions.access.* (own) [16:05:23] 61) factions.access (own) [16:05:23] 62) essentials.me.* (own) [16:05:23] 63) essentials.me (own) [16:05:23] 64) essentials.sethome.* (own) [16:05:23] 65) essentials.sethome (own) [16:05:23] 66) essentials.home (own) [16:05:23] 67) essentials.home.* (own) [16:05:23] 68) modifyworld.* (own) [16:05:23] Group "default"'s Options: [16:05:23] rank = "1000" [16:05:23] default = "true" [16:05:23] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [16:05:34] default's prefix has been set to "&8[&4Outsider&8]&f " [16:05:37] There are 2 out of maximum 20 players online. [16:05:37] default: [Outsider] ABlissOfInsanity, [Outsider] AnimeFreak_225 [16:05:49] **Friends [Outsider] AnimeFreak_225: -_- [16:06:15] default's prefix has been set to "&8[&4Normie&8]&f " [16:06:24] **Friends [Normie] AnimeFreak_225: -_- [16:06:58] 'superadmin' inherits the following groups: [16:06:58] moderator (rank 998 @ default) [16:06:58] Group "superadmin"'s permissions: [16:06:58] 1) worldedit.* (own) [16:06:58] 2) fawe.* (own) [16:06:58] 3) multiverse.teleport.* (own) [16:06:58] 4) multiverse.access.* (own) [16:06:58] 5) essentials.* (own) [16:06:58] Group "superadmin"'s Options: [16:06:58] rank = "996" [16:06:58] prefix = "&6[&eSuper Admin&6]&c " [16:08:10] Permission "modifyworld.*" removed from group "trusty"! [16:08:12] ABlissOfInsanity was shot by Skeleton [16:08:20] Permission "modifyworld.*" removed from group "moderator"! [16:08:25] 'Developer' inherits the following groups: [16:08:25] Group "Developer"'s permissions: [16:08:25] 1) essentials.silentquit (own) [16:08:25] 2) essentials.silentjoin.vanish (own) [16:08:25] 3) essentials.silentjoin (own) [16:08:25] 4) * (own) [16:08:25] 5) worldguard.* (own) [16:08:25] 6) essentials.warp.hard_smp_admin (own) [16:08:25] Group "Developer"'s Options: [16:08:25] prefix = "&0[&8Developer&0]&2 " [16:08:39] 'default' inherits the following groups: [16:08:39] Group "default"'s permissions: [16:08:39] 1) multiverse.core.tp.self (own) [16:08:39] 2) essentials.rules (own) [16:08:39] 3) multiverse.access.hub (own) [16:08:39] 4) essentials.sell.* (own) [16:08:39] 5) essentials.sell (own) [16:08:39] 6) essentials.worth (own) [16:08:39] 7) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [16:08:39] 8) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [16:08:39] 9) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [16:08:39] 10) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [16:08:39] 11) essentials.warp.* (own) [16:08:39] 12) essentials.warp (own) [16:08:39] 13) worldguard.build.* (own) [16:08:39] 14) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [16:08:39] 15) essentials.list (own) [16:08:39] 16) essentials.coords (own) [16:08:39] 17) essentials.compass (own) [16:08:39] 18) essentials.pay (own) [16:08:39] 19) factions.faction (own) [16:08:39] 20) factions.list (own) [16:08:39] 21) essentials.help (own) [16:08:39] 22) essentials.helpop (own) [16:08:39] 23) essentials.suicide (own) [16:08:39] 24) essentials.mail.send (own) [16:08:39] 25) essentials.mail (own) [16:08:39] 26) essentials.balance (own) [16:08:39] 27) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [16:08:39] 28) essentials.warp.list (own) [16:08:39] 29) essentials.delhome (own) [16:08:39] 30) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [16:08:39] 31) essentials.msg (own) [16:08:39] 32) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [16:08:39] 33) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [16:08:39] 34) essentials.tpdeny (own) [16:08:39] 35) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [16:08:39] 36) multiverse.core.list (own) [16:08:39] 37) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [16:08:39] 38) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [16:08:39] 39) multiverse.access.world (own) [16:08:39] 40) essentials.tell (own) [16:08:39] 41) multiverse.core.info (own) [16:08:39] 42) essentials.tpahere* (own) [16:08:39] 43) essentials.tpahere (own) [16:08:39] 44) essentials.tpaccept (own) [16:08:39] 45) essentials.tpa.* (own) [16:08:39] 46) essentials.tpa (own) [16:08:39] 47) factions.leader.* (own) [16:08:39] 48) factions.leader (own) [16:08:39] 49) factions.kick (own) [16:08:39] 50) factions.join.* (own) [16:08:39] 51) factions.join (own) [16:08:39] 52) factions.invite (own) [16:08:39] 53) factions.home (own) [16:08:39] 54) factions.flag (own) [16:08:39] 55) factions.expansions (own) [16:08:39] 56) factions.disband (own) [16:08:39] 57) factions.description (own) [16:08:39] 58) factions.demote (own) [16:08:39] 59) factions.create (own) [16:08:39] 60) factions.access.* (own) [16:08:39] 61) factions.access (own) [16:08:39] 62) essentials.me.* (own) [16:08:39] 63) essentials.me (own) [16:08:39] 64) essentials.sethome.* (own) [16:08:39] 65) essentials.sethome (own) [16:08:39] 66) essentials.home (own) [16:08:39] 67) essentials.home.* (own) [16:08:39] 68) modifyworld.* (own) [16:08:39] Group "default"'s Options: [16:08:39] rank = "1000" [16:08:39] default = "true" [16:08:39] prefix = "&8[&4Normie&8]&f " [16:09:05] ABlissOfInsanity has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [16:10:03] ABlissOfInsanity has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [16:10:20] Error in command syntax. Check command help. [16:10:31] Permission "essentials.balancetop" added to group "default"! [16:11:02] Permission "essentials.spawn" added to group "default"! [16:11:05] There are 2 out of maximum 20 players online. [16:11:05] default: [Normie] ABlissOfInsanity, [Normie] AnimeFreak_225 [16:11:54] ABlissOfInsanity got REKT by AnimeFreak_225 with Diamond Sword [16:13:09] ABlissOfInsanity is stupid and tried to swim...in lava... [16:13:47] Permission "essentials.compact" added to group "trusty"! [16:14:48] Permission "essentials.compact" removed from group "trusty"! [16:14:54] Permission "essentials.condense" added to group "trusty"! [16:15:50] §e§8[§4Normie§8]§f AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e poisonous_potato§a for §e$8 §a(2 items at $4 each). [16:16:24] Permission "essentials.warps.*" removed from group "default"! [16:16:39] Warps: hard_smp_admin, shop, spawn, trade [16:16:43] Unknown command [16:16:53] Unknown command [16:16:57] Unknown command [16:17:13] Permission "essentials.warps.shop" added to group "default"! [16:17:16] Permission "essentials.warps.trade" added to group "default"! [16:17:22] Permission "essentials.warps.spawn" added to group "default"! [16:17:35] ABlissOfInsanity got REKT by AnimeFreak_225 with Diamond Sword [16:17:42] ABlissOfInsanity lost connection: Disconnected [16:17:42] ABlissOfInsanity left the game [16:19:34] ABlissOfInsanity[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:19:34] ABlissOfInsanity joined the game [16:21:06] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________ [16:21:06] /f documentation show documentation [16:21:06] /f list [page=1] list all factions [16:21:06] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about [16:21:06] /f player [player=you] show player information [16:21:06] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status [16:21:06] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction [16:21:06] /f leave leave your faction [16:21:06] /f warp use warps [16:21:06] /f vote vote in faction votes [16:21:06] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map [16:21:06] /f create,new <name> create new faction [16:21:06] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name [16:21:06] /f description <desc> change faction description [16:21:06] /f motd [new=read] faction motd [16:21:06] /f invite manage invites [16:21:06] /f kick <player> kick player from faction [16:21:06] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title [16:21:06] /f rank manage/show ranks [16:21:06] /f money manage faction money [16:21:06] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top [16:21:06] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in [16:21:06] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in [16:21:06] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles [16:21:06] /f claim claim faction territory [16:21:06] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory [16:21:06] /f access manage access [16:21:06] /f relation manage faction relations [16:21:06] /f tax manage taxes [16:21:06] /f perm change faction permissions [16:21:06] /f flag manage faction flags [16:21:06] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly [16:21:06] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness [16:21:06] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode [16:21:06] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction [16:21:06] /f powerboost manage powerboost [16:21:06] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power [16:21:06] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system [16:21:06] /f config edit config [16:21:06] /f clean clean the factions database [16:21:06] /f version display plugin version [16:21:30] _____.[ Status of Sourced. [<] 1/1 [>] ].________ [16:21:30] **Cryotheus Power: 28/690 Last active: 4h3min14s [16:21:40] You changed Cryotheus's power from 27.58 to 690.00. [16:21:46] _____.[ Status of Sourced. [<] 1/1 [>] ].________ [16:21:46] **Cryotheus Power: 690/690 Last active: 4h3min30s [16:22:06] _____.[ Status of TheBest. [<] 1/1 [>] ].________ [16:22:06] **MyStudTrex Power: 2/10 Last active: 2days4h12min [16:22:20] The sub command MyStudTrex couldn't be found. [16:22:20] Use /f powerboost to see all commands. [16:22:27] ___.[ Help for command "powerboost" [<] 1/1 [>] ]._____ [16:22:27] /f powerboost player manage player powerboost [16:22:27] /f powerboost faction manage faction powerboost [16:22:29] _____.[ Help for command "player" [<] 1/1 [>] ]._______ [16:22:29] /f powerboost player show <player> show player powerboost [16:22:29] /f powerboost player set <player> <amount> set player powerboost [16:22:29] /f powerboost player add <player> <amount> add to player powerboost [16:22:29] /f powerboost player take <player> <amount> take player powerboost [16:22:29] /f powerboost player multiply <player> <amount> multiply player powerboost [16:22:52] **TheBest MyStudTrex now has a power bonus of 56.00 to min and max power levels. [16:22:52] [Factions 3.2.3] @console has set the power bonus for MyStudTrex to 56.00. [16:23:30] You changed MyStudTrex's power from 1.92 to 39.00. [16:23:50] Incorrect argument for command [16:23:50] ...coreboard o<--[HERE] [16:23:54] Unknown command [16:23:54] ...objectives<--[HERE] [16:24:11] Cleared any objectives in display slot sidebar [16:30:03] **WarZone [Developer] Console: use google [16:30:05] **WarZone [Developer] Console: if you ask [16:30:09] **Friends [Normie] AnimeFreak_225: ask alex [16:30:16] **WarZone [Developer] Console: I will ban you and your friend for an hour [16:31:29] **WarZone [Developer] Console: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+use+factions+in+minecraft [16:37:33] Error in command syntax. Check command help. [16:37:35] Usage: [16:37:35] /pex - Display help [16:37:35] /pex reload - Reload environment [16:37:35] /pex report - Report an issue with PEX [16:37:35] /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value] [16:37:35] /pex backend - Print currently used backend [16:37:35] /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!) [16:37:35] /pex hierarchy [world] - Print complete user/group hierarchy [16:37:35] /pex import <backend> - Import data from <backend> into currently selected backend [16:37:35] /pex convert uuid - Bulk convert user data to UUID-based storage [16:37:35] /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode [16:37:35] /pex help [page] [count] - PermissionsEx commands help [16:37:35] /pex users list - List all registered users [16:37:35] /pex users - List all registered users (alias) [16:37:35] /pex user - List all registered users (alias) [16:37:35] /pex user <user> - List user permissions (list alias) [16:37:35] /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions [16:37:35] /pex user <user> superperms - List user actual superperms [16:37:35] /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix [16:37:35] /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <user> suffix [16:37:35] /pex user <user> toggle debug - Toggle debug only for <user> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> check <permission> [world] - Checks player for <permission> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> get <option> [world] - Toggle debug only for <user> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from <user> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex user <user> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself [16:37:35] /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permissions> to <user> for [lifetime] seconds in [world] [16:37:35] /pex user <user> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all <user> groups [16:37:35] /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] - Add <user> to <group> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user> [16:37:35] /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group> [16:37:35] /pex users cleanup <group> [threshold] - Clean users of specified group, which last login was before threshold (in days). By default threshold is 30 days. [16:37:35] /pex group <group> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself [16:37:35] /pex groups list [world] - List all registered groups [16:37:35] /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias) [16:37:35] /pex group - List all registered groups (alias) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> weight [weight] - Print or set group weight [16:37:35] /pex group <group> toggle debug - Toggle debug mode for group [16:37:35] /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix. [16:37:35] /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix [16:37:35] /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group> [16:37:35] /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group> [16:37:35] /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> parents add <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> parents remove <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias) [16:37:35] /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permissions> for <group> in [world] [16:37:35] /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group> [16:37:35] /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group> [16:37:35] /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group> [16:37:35] /pex default group [world] - Print default groups for specified world [16:37:35] /pex set default group <group> <value> [world] - Set whether a group is default for specified worlds [16:37:35] /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder] [16:37:35] /pex promote <user> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group on [ladder] [16:37:35] /pex demote <user> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder] [16:37:35] /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds [16:37:35] /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info [16:37:35] /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world> [16:37:55] **WarZone [Developer] Console: don't be a dick to him lol [16:38:10] **WarZone [Developer] Console: then he can have fun [16:38:20] **WarZone [Developer] Console: what [16:38:30] **WarZone [Developer] Console: I'm not making a rule [16:39:02] **WarZone [Developer] Console: ahem you have access to mvtp [16:39:15] **WarZone [Developer] Console: you can make a faction [16:39:22] **WarZone [Developer] Console: and then truce with her's [16:39:24] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________ [16:39:24] /f documentation show documentation [16:39:24] /f list [page=1] list all factions [16:39:24] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about [16:39:24] /f player [player=you] show player information [16:39:24] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status [16:39:24] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction [16:39:24] /f leave leave your faction [16:39:24] /f warp use warps [16:39:24] /f vote vote in faction votes [16:39:24] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map [16:39:24] /f create,new <name> create new faction [16:39:24] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name [16:39:24] /f description <desc> change faction description [16:39:24] /f motd [new=read] faction motd [16:39:24] /f invite manage invites [16:39:24] /f kick <player> kick player from faction [16:39:24] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title [16:39:24] /f rank manage/show ranks [16:39:24] /f money manage faction money [16:39:24] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top [16:39:24] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in [16:39:24] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in [16:39:24] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles [16:39:24] /f claim claim faction territory [16:39:24] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory [16:39:24] /f access manage access [16:39:24] /f relation manage faction relations [16:39:24] /f tax manage taxes [16:39:24] /f perm change faction permissions [16:39:24] /f flag manage faction flags [16:39:24] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly [16:39:24] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness [16:39:24] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode [16:39:24] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction [16:39:24] /f powerboost manage powerboost [16:39:24] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power [16:39:24] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system [16:39:24] /f config edit config [16:39:24] /f clean clean the factions database [16:39:24] /f version display plugin version [16:39:39] ____.[ Help for command "relation" [<] 1/1 [>] ].______ [16:39:39] /f relation set <faction> <relation> set relation wish to another faction [16:39:39] /f relation list [page=1] [faction=you] [relations=all] list all factions with certain relation [16:39:39] /f relation wishes [page=1] [faction=you] list the relation wishes [16:39:50] @console DISABLED override mode. [16:39:50] [Factions 3.2.3] @console DISABLED override mode. [16:39:54] The sub command admkin couldn't be found. [16:39:54] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] [16:39:54] Use /f to see all commands. [16:39:55] @console ENABLED override mode. [16:39:55] [Factions 3.2.3] @console ENABLED override mode. [16:40:09] [Normie] ABlissOfInsanity: what's mvtp? [16:40:15] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:40:24] [✔Cryotheus: Removed every effect from ✔Cryotheus] [16:41:21] **WarZone [Developer] Console: my gosh she is playing you so hard [16:43:01] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [16:43:41] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [16:46:31] ABlissOfInsanity was slain by Spider [16:47:00] Cryotheus broke a spawner succesfully. [16:47:00] Cryotheus got a spawn egg. [16:52:33] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Speed to ✔Cryotheus] [16:55:08] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Invisibility to ✔Cryotheus] [16:56:58] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [16:56:58] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [16:57:34] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [16:58:14] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e wheat§a for §e$1.36 §a(17 items at $0.08 each). [16:58:16] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e potato§a for §e$1.12 §a(28 items at $0.04 each). [17:01:02] ABlissOfInsanity was slain by Zombie [17:02:39] ABlissOfInsanity lost connection: Disconnected [17:02:39] ABlissOfInsanity left the game [17:05:41] [✔Cryotheus: Removed every effect from ✔Cryotheus] [17:07:59] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$4.20 §a(14 items at $0.30 each). [17:08:03] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e wheat§a for §e$0.08 §a(1 items at $0.08 each). [17:08:18] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e cooked_porkchop§a for §e$0.72 §a(6 items at $0.12 each). [17:11:27] Cryotheus broke a spawner succesfully. [17:11:27] Cryotheus got a spawn egg. [17:12:50] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e porkchop§a for §e$0.70 §a(7 items at $0.10 each). [17:12:58] Cryotheus broke a spawner succesfully. [17:12:58] Cryotheus got a spawn egg. [17:18:57] [✔Cryotheus: The difficulty has been set to Hard] [17:22:58] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [17:30:01] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:36:10] [✔Cryotheus: Removed Cryotheus from any team] [17:36:24] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [17:37:18] [✔Cryotheus: Removed Cryotheus from any team] [17:37:29] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [17:41:02] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [18:00:03] Removed 0/13 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 3452.61ms. [18:11:34] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [18:11:38] **WarZone [Developer] Console: mememememem [18:52:33] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:54:43] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Regeneration to ✔Cryotheus] [19:03:52] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [21:12:24] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:12:49] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [21:13:09] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:13:14] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [21:13:34] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:16:42] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.02 §a(2 items at $0.01 each). [21:16:42] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e oak_sapling§a for §e$0.04 §a(1 items at $0.04 each). [21:16:42] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e sand§a for §e$0.02 §a(1 items at $0.02 each). [21:17:35] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e flint§a for §e$0.20 §a(1 items at $0.20 each). [21:17:35] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e dirt§a for §e$0.01 §a(1 items at $0.01 each). [21:17:35] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e phantom_membrane§a for §e$400 §a(1 items at $400 each). [21:17:35] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e andesite§a for §e$0.06 §a(6 items at $0.01 each). [21:17:35] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e granite§a for §e$0.22 §a(22 items at $0.01 each). [21:18:16] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.04 §a(4 items at $0.01 each). [21:18:16] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 §2Cryotheus§r §asold§e spider_eye§a for §e$0.01 §a(1 items at $0.01 each). [21:20:05] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [21:21:16] You left your faction. [21:21:16] [Factions 3.2.3] @console left the faction: WarZone [21:21:22] You successfully joined TheBest. [21:21:22] [Factions 3.2.3] @console joined the faction TheBest. [21:21:36] Sourced is now an allied faction. [21:21:40] You left your faction. [21:21:40] [Factions 3.2.3] @console left the faction: TheBest [21:21:44] You successfully joined WarZone. [21:21:44] [Factions 3.2.3] @console joined the faction WarZone. [21:21:49] ______.[ Help for command "rank" [<] 1/1 [>] ].________ [21:21:49] /f rank set <player> <rank> [faction=their] set rank [21:21:49] /f rank show <player> show rank [21:21:49] /f rank list [page=1] [faction=you] list ranks [21:21:49] /f rank edit edit ranks [21:21:57] A server admin gave you the leadership of your faction. [21:22:01] ___.[ Status of Your faction. [<] 1/1 [>] ]._____ [21:22:01] **@console Power: 0/10 Online right now. [21:22:06] Not enough command input. You should use it like this: [21:22:06] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> [21:22:11] You changed @console's power from 0.00 to 10.00. [21:22:15] ___.[ Status of Your faction. [<] 1/1 [>] ]._____ [21:22:15] **@console Power: 10/10 Online right now. [21:32:08] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out