[07:31:41] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:37:26] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Night Vision to ✔Cryotheus] [07:38:57] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [08:07:53] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:08:37] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:10:17] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at -143, 90, 26] [08:10:30] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at -144, 80, 9] [08:11:23] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at -154, 71, 16] [08:11:39] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [08:13:10] Stopping server [08:13:10] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [08:13:10] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [08:13:10] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [08:13:10] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [08:13:10] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [08:13:10] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [08:13:10] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [08:13:10] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [08:13:10] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [08:13:10] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:13:10] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:13:10] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [08:13:10] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [08:13:10] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [08:13:10] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [08:13:11] Saving players [08:13:11] MyStudTrex lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by [08:13:11] MyStudTrex left the game [08:13:11] Cryotheus lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by [08:13:11] Cryotheus left the game [08:13:11] Saving worlds
[08:17:58] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [08:17:58] Loading properties [08:17:58] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [08:17:59] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [08:17:59] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [08:17:59] Debug logging is disabled [08:17:59] Generating keypair [08:17:59] Using epoll channel type [08:18:07] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@b60405] [08:18:07] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:18:08] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [08:18:08] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [08:18:09] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:18:09] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [08:18:09] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 45ms. [08:18:10] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [08:18:11] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1205ms) === [08:18:11] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [08:18:11] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [08:18:15] Loaded 6 recipes [08:18:16] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [08:18:18] Time elapsed: 1761 ms [08:18:19] Time elapsed: 1579 ms [08:18:20] Time elapsed: 455 ms [08:18:20] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [08:18:21] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [08:18:21] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [08:18:21] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [08:18:21] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [08:18:23] Time elapsed: 1017 ms [08:18:25] Time elapsed: 1306 ms [08:18:27] Time elapsed: 1908 ms [08:18:27] Time elapsed: 256 ms [08:18:28] Time elapsed: 1396 ms [08:18:29] Time elapsed: 343 ms [08:18:29] Time elapsed: 220 ms [08:18:30] Time elapsed: 904 ms [08:18:30] Time elapsed: 306 ms [08:18:31] Time elapsed: 408 ms [08:18:32] Time elapsed: 1000 ms [08:18:33] Time elapsed: 1789 ms [08:18:35] Time elapsed: 1051 ms [08:18:35] Time elapsed: 409 ms [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@64277987) at 13,130,-12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@3cfd9f04) at 12,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@36649677) at 11,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1ec70dc4) at 11,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@64365c79) at 10,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1905721c) at 10,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@24c159ac) at 9,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7e8c006a) at 0,128,-6 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@323e957a) at 9,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@38e316ae) at 8,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@74e1d81) at 0,129,-6 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1710be0b) at 10,127,-2 (Block{minecraft:barrier}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4fdb005c) at 13,129,-8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5e8dd18a) at 13,129,-9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@40691bf) at 13,130,-8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@60d1185) at 13,129,-10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@607b180a) at 13,130,-9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5cc0e36a) at 13,129,-11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@33d28c5e) at 13,130,-10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@20d9ebc0) at 13,129,-12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7ec5b5e) at 7,128,-7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5f0907ea) at 13,130,-11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: 0,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@46c6ee74) at -7,128,-7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@6ad30277) at -10,127,-2 (Block{minecraft:barrier}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@13b52d45) at -8,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@f7897ef) at -13,130,-8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5951a245) at -8,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@38a96bba) at -9,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntityBanner@2c69c160) at -13,129,-9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@6fc73a0) at -9,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@6cb7052f) at -13,130,-9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2574abb8) at -10,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@428034a2) at -13,129,-10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:35] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7170c2a) at -10,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:35] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4d2fb9c) at -13,130,-10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4e20bf6d) at -11,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntityBanner@3d7e078c) at -13,129,-11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4b63971a) at -11,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@30074644) at -13,130,-11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7bb90cca) at -12,129,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4fd02c30) at -12,130,-13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7ca13fa9) at -13,130,-12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@cb27858) at -11,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5bda319d) at -7,128,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySkull@5b842d99) at -12,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@331ff896) at -10,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4a7162a9) at -11,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@12e7a78b) at -9,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@78c46010) at -10,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@86334f2) at -8,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@6360ebef) at -9,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@6d9e989c) at -8,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4f3cdbf7) at -10,127,2 (Block{minecraft:barrier}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@75ad6355) at -6,129,0 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4c075bf0) at -13,130,8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySkull@47475249) at -13,129,8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5415b7a6) at -6,128,0 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@198b0fb8) at -13,130,9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1b841361) at -13,129,9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2089511a) at -13,130,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@50b3f9e9) at -13,129,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2856435d) at -13,130,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@33a1fc14) at -13,129,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@53a2c29) at -13,130,12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@544e0650) at -13,129,12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7995435d) at -12,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: -16,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2dbec27d) at 0,128,6 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4bcf1c) at 6,128,0 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySkull@f58c293) at 4,128,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@223f5012) at 5,128,8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@77ab541a) at 9,130,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@507cece2) at 7,128,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@31101906) at 10,130,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5262642a) at 7,130,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4bbdfb68) at 7,130,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1b9cdb28) at 11,130,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@65788cdf) at 12,130,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@374aedf7) at 8,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@595671a) at 13,130,8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@3ea9c437) at 9,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@643d1a85) at 13,130,9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2fe8009c) at 10,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@194248fc) at 13,130,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@2e706174) at 11,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@c7f8896) at 13,130,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7ba92680) at 12,130,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5b4299d) at 13,130,12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1d7989db) at 6,129,0 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@35f2be55) at 0,129,6 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@7ae0ae89) at 10,127,2 (Block{minecraft:barrier}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@3f22562f) at 10,131,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@5d399f58) at 9,129,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySkull@48b8198a) at 7,129,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@588b4ede) at 10,129,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySkull@44be32f) at 7,129,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@27c84890) at 11,129,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@34c776c4) at 12,129,7 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@72bf84b8) at 10,131,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@67018081) at 13,129,8 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@48f29e59) at 13,131,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@362664b1) at 8,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@1e2b994d) at 13,129,9 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@16f4723) at 9,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@3fff20b2) at 13,129,10 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@d35be31) at 10,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@57b4d196) at 11,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4437a82a) at 13,129,11 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@606e0f6b) at 13,129,12 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@67f996a3) at 12,129,13 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [08:18:36] Chunk coordinates: 0,0 [08:18:36] Time elapsed: 685 ms [08:18:37] Time elapsed: 884 ms [08:18:38] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [08:18:38] Using locale en_US [08:18:38] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:18:38] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:18:38] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [08:18:38] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [08:18:38] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [08:18:38] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [08:18:38] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [08:18:39] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 439ms) === [08:18:39] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [08:18:39] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [08:18:39] Done (28.598s)! For help, type "help" [08:18:41] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:18:48] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:19:06] MyStudTrex lost connection: Timed out [08:19:07] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at -154, 71, 16] [08:19:51] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:21:55] MyStudTrex has made the advancement [Stone Age] [08:40:58] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Night Vision to ✔Cryotheus] [08:46:36] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [08:48:41] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [08:53:10] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:03:13] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [09:05:43] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:05:57] Cryotheus: Starting creation of world 'world_edit'... [09:06:10] Time elapsed: 10460 ms [09:06:10] Cryotheus: Complete! [09:06:35] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doDaylightCycle is now set to: false] [09:06:40] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doWeatherCycle is now set to: false] [09:11:18] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Night Vision to ✔Cryotheus] [09:11:57] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doMobLoot is now set to: false] [09:12:02] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doMobSpawning is now set to: false] [09:12:35] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:12:53] MyStudTrex fell out of the world [09:12:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: nice [09:15:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: made a world to test world edit [09:15:56] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: called world_edit [09:16:01] **TheBest [Super Admin] MyStudTrex: ok [09:17:19] **Sourced Cryotheus bought 1 chunk world_edit -1 0. [09:17:19] Wilderness --> SafeZone [09:17:22] **Sourced Cryotheus bought 1 chunk world_edit -1 -1. [09:17:22] Wilderness --> SafeZone [09:17:25] **Sourced Cryotheus bought 1 chunk world_edit 0 -1. [09:17:25] Wilderness --> SafeZone [09:17:28] **Sourced Cryotheus bought 1 chunk world_edit 0 0. [09:17:28] Wilderness --> SafeZone [09:17:35] MyStudTrex lost connection: Timed out [09:18:43] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:26:09] **TheBest [Super Admin] MyStudTrex: gtg [09:26:11] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [09:27:14] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 0, 129, 5] [09:29:43] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [09:30:01] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [09:30:08] **Sourced Cryotheus moved you into the faction WarZone. [09:30:08] [Factions 3.2.3] Cryotheus moved the player @console into the faction WarZone. [09:30:19] **Sourced Cryotheus gave you the leadership of your faction. [09:30:26] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [09:32:05] [Factions 3.2.3] Cryotheus has set the power bonus for Sourced to 1880.00. [09:32:09] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [10:12:47] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [10:16:14] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:17:10] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:17:11] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [10:17:18] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hi [10:17:21] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hi [10:17:56] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: my farm is getting extremly big [10:19:31] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ive diched the idea of getting fourtune 10 [10:19:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: k [10:20:14] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: imma just store everything and not sell anything [10:20:27] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [10:20:28] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: k [10:20:47] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: come see my farm plz [10:23:50] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i have so many pets [10:34:05] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: You logged in from another location [10:34:05] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [10:34:06] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:34:06] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [10:34:47] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: my minecraft be wack [10:39:22] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [10:41:11] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [10:41:11] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [10:43:31] [✔Cryotheus: Modified entity data of Yuki] [10:44:07] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [10:50:41] There are 0/1 out of maximum 20 players online. [10:50:41] Developer: [AFK][HIDDEN]Cryotheus [10:50:47] Marks you as away-from-keyboard. [10:50:47] /afk [player/message...] [10:50:54] Unknown command [10:54:14] There are 0/1 out of maximum 20 players online. [10:54:14] Developer: [AFK][HIDDEN]Cryotheus [10:58:33] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [11:21:01] /ofc engine <1/2> - Set engine mode to 1 or 2 [11:21:01] /ofc initialradius [number] - Set Initial Radius [11:21:01] /ofc updateradius [number] - Set Update Radius [11:21:01] /ofc airgen [number] - Set AirGeneratorMaxChance value [11:21:01] /ofc <proximity|proximityhider> [number] - Set ProximityHiderDistance value [11:21:01] /ofc reload - Reload from config [11:21:01] /ofc status - Show plugin status [11:21:01] /ofc clearcache - Clear all cached chunks [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> - Toggle plugin state [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> darknesshide - Toggle Darkness obfuscation [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> op - Toggle Ops No-Obfuscation [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> <perms|permissions> - Toggle Permissions No-Obfuscation [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> cache - Toggle cache usage [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> axr - Toggle AntiTexturePackAndFreecam [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> notification - Toggle Login Notification [11:21:01] /ofc <enable/disable> <worldname> - Toggle world's obfuscation [11:21:01] /ofc use <blacklist/whitelist> - Toggle if Worlds list is using as blacklist or whitelist [11:55:41] Unknown command [11:56:16] Stopping the server [11:56:16] Stopping server [11:56:16] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [11:56:16] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [11:56:16] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [11:56:16] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [11:56:16] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [11:56:16] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [11:56:16] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [11:56:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [11:56:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [11:56:16] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [11:56:16] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [11:56:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [11:56:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [11:56:16] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [11:56:16] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [11:56:17] Saving players [11:56:17] Saving worlds
[11:58:34] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [11:58:34] Loading properties [11:58:35] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [11:58:35] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [11:58:35] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [11:58:35] Debug logging is disabled [11:58:35] Generating keypair [11:58:35] Using epoll channel type [11:58:43] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@57e96298] [11:58:43] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [11:58:44] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [11:58:44] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [11:58:45] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [11:58:45] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [11:58:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 9ms. [11:58:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [11:58:47] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1182ms) === [11:58:47] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [11:58:47] Loaded 6 recipes [11:58:51] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [11:58:53] Time elapsed: 1365 ms [11:58:54] Time elapsed: 1427 ms [11:58:54] Time elapsed: 407 ms [11:58:55] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [11:58:56] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [11:58:56] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [11:58:56] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [11:58:56] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [11:58:58] Time elapsed: 1811 ms [11:58:59] Time elapsed: 1266 ms [11:59:01] Time elapsed: 1748 ms [11:59:01] Time elapsed: 243 ms [11:59:03] Time elapsed: 1159 ms [11:59:03] Time elapsed: 362 ms [11:59:03] Time elapsed: 282 ms [11:59:04] Time elapsed: 911 ms [11:59:04] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.TileEntitySign@4d3623ec) at -14,20,-3 (Block{minecraft:air}) where there was no entity tile! [11:59:04] Chunk coordinates: -16,-16 [11:59:05] Time elapsed: 359 ms [11:59:05] Time elapsed: 662 ms [11:59:06] Time elapsed: 392 ms [11:59:07] Time elapsed: 907 ms [11:59:08] Time elapsed: 1604 ms [11:59:09] Time elapsed: 1029 ms [11:59:10] Time elapsed: 357 ms [11:59:10] Time elapsed: 515 ms [11:59:11] Time elapsed: 1054 ms [11:59:12] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [11:59:12] Using locale en_US [11:59:12] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [11:59:13] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [11:59:13] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [11:59:13] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [11:59:13] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [11:59:13] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [11:59:13] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [11:59:14] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 486ms) === [11:59:14] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [11:59:14] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [11:59:14] Done (27.579s)! For help, type "help" [11:59:15] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@a7e5fe0[id=99ab2165-b343-4e71-b8d9-e63e8fec05e7,name=MyStudTrex,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@504e1bfb]},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [11:59:16] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:00:02] Unknown command [12:09:44] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [15:58:33] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:58:33] trickyeye007 joined the game [16:00:07] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [16:00:07] trickyeye007 left the game [16:14:11] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [18:00:14] Removed 0/12 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 7365.05ms. [18:41:27] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [18:41:39] ====[ Multiverse World List ]==== [18:41:39] Swaffy's World - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]hard_smp_nether - NETHER [18:41:39] Golden Temple - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]Clash of Blocks - NORMAL [18:41:39] The Quack Shack - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]idontknow_the_end - THE_END [18:41:39] Biscuit Clicker - NORMAL [18:41:39] Hard SMP - NORMAL [18:41:39] Rex's World - NORMAL [18:41:39] World Edit Lab - NORMAL [18:41:39] Normal SMP - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]world_the_end - THE_END [18:41:39] [H]hub - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]world_nether - NETHER [18:41:39] [H]idontknow_nether - NETHER [18:41:39] Free Build - NORMAL [18:41:39] Parkour - NORMAL [18:41:39] [H]hard_smp_the_end - THE_END [18:41:39] ctf_well - NORMAL [18:41:39] Trustys' World - NORMAL [20:31:19] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [20:50:01] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online.