[07:29:36] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:30:03] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [07:30:03] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [07:31:13] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:32:56] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server [07:32:56] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [07:33:03] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:35:27] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e poisonous_potato§a for §e$4 §a(1 items at $4 each). [07:35:40] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e feather§a for §e$0.10 §a(2 items at $0.05 each). [07:35:44] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.06 §a(2 items at $0.03 each). [07:35:49] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e dirt§a for §e$0.46 §a(46 items at $0.01 each). [07:36:25] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$26.40 §a(88 items at $0.30 each). [07:37:03] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$0.92 §a(46 items at $0.02 each). [07:37:32] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e white_wool§a for §e$0.10 §a(1 items at $0.10 each). [07:37:45] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e string§a for §e$2.50 §a(2 items at $1.25 each). [07:37:58] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e sugar_cane§a for §e$0.60 §a(10 items at $0.06 each). [07:50:21] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e poisonous_potato§a for §e$16 §a(4 items at $4 each). [07:51:40] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$22.80 §a(76 items at $0.30 each). [07:53:43] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [07:53:43] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [08:12:30] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:19:07] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [08:19:07] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [09:44:47] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:47:43] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [09:51:05] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [09:51:05] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [09:51:10] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:52:18] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:52:26] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: yeee [09:52:46] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: come to my bace [09:52:49] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: my farm has gotten sooooo big [09:53:18] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: coming [09:53:53] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: nice [09:54:12] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: did u see how much i claimed [09:54:20] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i saw [09:55:15] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$77 §a(14 items at $5.50 each). [09:55:34] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: what command do you use to claim more land [09:56:40] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: ./f claim square 1 kie [09:57:43] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -72 -94 using square. [09:57:43] Wilderness --> Friends [09:58:11] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -73 -94 using square. [09:58:11] Wilderness --> Friends [09:58:22] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -73 -95 using square. [09:58:22] Wilderness --> Friends [09:58:30] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -74 -95 using square. [09:58:30] Wilderness --> Friends [09:58:38] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -74 -96 using square. [09:58:38] Wilderness --> Friends [09:58:45] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -75 -96 using square. [09:58:45] Wilderness --> Friends [09:59:00] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -75 -95 using square. [09:59:00] Wilderness --> Friends [10:00:06] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -72 -95 using square. [10:00:06] Wilderness --> Friends [10:00:30] **Friends AnimeFreak_225 bought 1 chunk world -72 -93 using square. [10:00:30] Wilderness --> Friends [10:00:56] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i have so much land now [10:02:24] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: sleep [10:02:36] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: im mining\ [10:02:42] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: rip [10:03:11] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i set time to day [10:03:24] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: looks like i can do that [10:05:15] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.21 §a(7 items at $0.03 each). [10:05:31] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$0.76 §a(38 items at $0.02 each). [10:06:04] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$33 §a(6 items at $5.50 each). [10:08:23] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$0.30 §a(1 items at $0.30 each). [10:08:25] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: i got 8 dimonds\ [10:08:36] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: cool make aromor [10:09:31] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Cover Me With Diamonds] [10:11:46] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.09 §a(3 items at $0.03 each). [10:12:59] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: lol emma [10:13:04] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: what [10:13:30] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ?? [10:13:59] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: if u put /pay trickyeye007 you can pay me [10:14:07] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD [10:16:05] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e cactus§a for §e$0.05 §a(1 items at $0.05 each). [10:16:11] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: im going to the shop [10:16:18] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk [10:17:58] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e dirt§a for §e$0.02 §a(2 items at $0.01 each). [10:20:21] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: im hopping off for a bit [10:20:27] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk [10:20:31] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [10:20:31] trickyeye007 left the game [10:27:33] AnimeFreak_225 hit the ground too hard. Nice! [10:41:13] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Diamonds!] [10:41:28] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone_meal§a for §e$0.09 §a(9 items at $0.01 each). [10:41:33] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e string§a for §e$1.25 §a(1 items at $1.25 each). [10:41:38] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.09 §a(9 items at $0.01 each). [10:42:14] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e andesite§a for §e$0.09 §a(9 items at $0.01 each). [10:42:20] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$71.50 §a(13 items at $5.50 each). [10:42:23] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.45 §a(15 items at $0.03 each). [10:42:26] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e coal§a for §e$513.75 §a(137 items at $3.75 each). [10:42:31] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e diorite§a for §e$0.16 §a(16 items at $0.01 each). [10:42:38] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: 23 [10:42:43] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: 23 [10:42:53] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e cactus§a for §e$0.65 §a(13 items at $0.05 each). [10:43:11] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e dirt§a for §e$0.12 §a(12 items at $0.01 each). [10:43:14] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$4.20 §a(14 items at $0.30 each). [10:51:06] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.49 §a(49 items at $0.01 each). [10:52:08] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [10:52:12] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e string§a for §e$12.50 §a(10 items at $1.25 each). [10:58:59] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$103.50 §a(345 items at $0.30 each). [10:59:32] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone_meal§a for §e$6.03 §a(603 items at $0.01 each). [10:59:37] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.21 §a(7 items at $0.03 each). [10:59:40] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e redstone§a for §e$8 §a(1 items at $8 each). [10:59:43] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e oak_planks§a for §e$0.16 §a(4 items at $0.04 each). [11:11:04] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:19:31] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Voluntary Exile] [11:20:23] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Enchanter] [11:22:17] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$352 §a(64 items at $5.50 each). [11:22:29] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e coal§a for §e$105 §a(28 items at $3.75 each). [11:25:23] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.16 §a(16 items at $0.01 each). [11:34:23] AnimeFreak_225 was impaled by Drowned [11:34:50] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:35:08] AnimeFreak_225 was blown up by Creeper [11:35:22] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:35:42] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [11:36:12] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:36:43] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:36:54] AnimeFreak_225 was impaled by Drowned [11:37:11] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:37:42] AnimeFreak_225 was blown up by Creeper [11:37:54] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:38:29] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$55 §a(10 items at $5.50 each). [11:38:33] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e string§a for §e$2.50 §a(2 items at $1.25 each). [11:38:47] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$11 §a(2 items at $5.50 each). [11:38:52] trickyeye007 was impaled by Drowned [11:40:51] trickyeye007 got REKT by AnimeFreak_225 with Diamond Sword [11:43:47] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Iron Golem [11:44:38] trickyeye007 was slain by Iron Golem [11:44:56] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Iron Golem [11:45:04] trickyeye007 fell from a high place [11:45:28] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Iron Golem [11:50:17] trickyeye007 was shot by Pillager [11:50:39] trickyeye007 was shot by Pillager [11:51:42] trickyeye007 was shot by Pillager [11:51:49] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Voluntary Exile] [12:10:22] trickyeye007 discovered the floor was lava [12:34:30] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$1.48 §a(74 items at $0.02 each). [12:35:00] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e leather§a for §e$1 §a(20 items at $0.05 each). [12:35:11] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e sugar_cane§a for §e$1.98 §a(33 items at $0.06 each). [12:35:21] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e gold_ingot§a for §e$26.25 §a(1 items at $26.25 each). [12:35:26] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e feather§a for §e$0.35 §a(7 items at $0.05 each). [12:35:36] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e heart_of_the_sea§a for §e$100 §a(1 items at $100 each). [12:35:48] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e chicken§a for §e$1.20 §a(8 items at $0.15 each). [12:35:52] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e beef§a for §e$4.95 §a(33 items at $0.15 each). [12:35:55] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e porkchop§a for §e$3.60 §a(36 items at $0.10 each). [12:36:05] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e coal§a for §e$56.25 §a(15 items at $3.75 each). [12:36:09] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$77 §a(14 items at $5.50 each). [12:36:13] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e pumpkin§a for §e$2.90 §a(29 items at $0.10 each). [12:36:17] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e mutton§a for §e$1.60 §a(16 items at $0.10 each). [12:36:21] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e white_wool§a for §e$1.80 §a(18 items at $0.10 each). [12:36:24] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.01 §a(1 items at $0.01 each). [12:36:31] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$33 §a(6 items at $5.50 each). [12:36:39] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e gold_ingot§a for §e$131.25 §a(5 items at $26.25 each). [12:36:44] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e coal§a for §e$63.75 §a(17 items at $3.75 each). [12:37:39] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e diamond§a for §e$800 §a(8 items at $100 each). [12:39:57] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [12:39:57] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [12:40:02] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:42:39] AnimeFreak_225 was shot by Skeleton [12:44:30] trickyeye007 was blown up by Creeper [12:44:52] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie [12:45:08] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie [12:45:19] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie [12:45:36] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie [12:47:44] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [12:50:07] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e mutton§a for §e$0.90 §a(9 items at $0.10 each). [12:51:04] trickyeye007 got REKT by AnimeFreak_225 with Diamond Sword [12:54:12] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$0.52 §a(26 items at $0.02 each). [12:54:36] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.03 §a(3 items at $0.01 each). [12:54:50] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Fishy Business] [12:55:27] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Take Aim] [13:00:00] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [13:00:00] trickyeye007 left the game [13:02:29] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [13:02:29] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [13:30:55] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:35:54] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [13:35:54] trickyeye007 left the game [13:37:54] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:38:50] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:41:28] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e carrot§a for §e$0.09 §a(3 items at $0.03 each). [13:54:13] There are 2 out of maximum 20 players online. [13:54:13] default: [Peasant] trickyeye007 [13:54:13] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [13:54:20] **WarZone [Developer] Console: hallo [13:54:33] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: HOI [13:54:34] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: we have complants [13:55:10] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: fair ones [13:55:57] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: the game is very laggy to the point that we were spam killed by mobs because it made us fall threw the world [13:56:47] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: you there???? [13:57:21] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: not again!!! [13:57:39] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: freaking lagggg [13:58:24] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: Alex you still on [14:02:27] **WarZone [Developer] Console: back [14:03:08] **WarZone [Developer] Console: you'll have to deal with the lag [14:04:31] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: why does dimand only sell for 100 each thats not really fair [14:04:36] Error: Only in-game players can use hat. [14:04:59] **WarZone [Developer] Console: the economy syatem is op to begin with [14:05:12] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: no its not [14:05:28] **WarZone [Developer] Console: youre crazy [14:05:42] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: it sould cost the same amout that is is to buy [14:05:51] **WarZone [Developer] Console: no [14:06:06] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: this sever wack [14:06:25] **WarZone [Developer] Console: you know why it's like that? [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e dirt§a for §e$0.09 §a(9 items at $0.01 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e andesite§a for §e$0.13 §a(13 items at $0.01 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e gold_ingot§a for §e$472.50 §a(18 items at $26.25 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e gravel§a for §e$0.08 §a(4 items at $0.02 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e granite§a for §e$0.15 §a(15 items at $0.01 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.06 §a(2 items at $0.03 each). [14:06:26] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e diorite§a for §e$0.06 §a(6 items at $0.01 each). [14:06:46] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: can you at least give my 8 dimands back and take 800 dollers out of my account [14:06:56] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: its a total ripoff [14:07:06] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i call refund [14:08:42] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: Alex????????? [14:08:51] **WarZone [Developer] Console: back [14:09:02] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: can i get a refund [14:09:07] **WarZone [Developer] Console: no [14:09:20] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: this sever is wack [14:09:27] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: and unfair [14:09:37] **WarZone [Developer] Console: thia is basic economic balancing [14:10:00] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: tell that to litterly any good faction severs [14:10:08] **WarZone [Developer] Console: if it wasn't the way it was exploits would be everywhere [14:10:19] **WarZone [Developer] Console: thia isn't a factions server [14:10:31] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i just want my dimands back [14:10:48] **WarZone [Developer] Console: no, it's a pain in my ass [14:11:15] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [14:11:19] **WarZone [Developer] Console: especially when I have to use a phone to interact with an ssh terminal [14:11:28] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: its a pain to have dimand only sell for 100 but cost freaking 400 [14:11:42] **WarZone [Developer] Console: should sell for 50 [14:11:47] **WarZone [Developer] Console: whoops [14:12:33] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: just give my 8 dimands back and take 800 off my account [14:13:34] 'trusty' inherits the following groups: [14:13:34] default (rank 1000 @ default) [14:13:34] Group "trusty"'s permissions: [14:13:34] 1) modifyworld.* (own) [14:13:34] 2) worldguard.build.* (own) [14:13:34] 3) multiverse.portal.access.world_shop (own) [14:13:34] 4) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_exit (own) [14:13:34] 5) multiverse.portal.access.world_parkour (own) [14:13:34] 6) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_hard_smp (own) [14:13:34] 7) multiverse.portal.access.parkour_world (own) [14:13:34] 8) multiverse.hard_smp (own) [14:13:34] 9) multiverse.teleport.hard_smp (own) [14:13:34] 10) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [14:13:34] 11) multiverse.core.tp.self (own) [14:13:34] 12) multiverse.teleport.self.PublicWorld (own) [14:13:34] 13) multiverse.teleport.self.world (own) [14:13:34] 14) multiverse.access.world (own) [14:13:34] 15) multiverse.access.PublicWorld (own) [14:13:34] Group "trusty"'s Options: [14:13:34] rank = "999" [14:13:34] prefix = "&f[&3Trusty&f] " [14:15:36] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: alex [14:16:35] **WarZone [Developer] Console: hold up [14:16:48] **WarZone [Developer] Console: im doing my pension forms right now [14:18:51] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [14:18:51] trickyeye007 left the game [14:19:46] There are 1 out of maximum 20 players online. [14:19:46] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [14:19:56] Balance of [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: $17,755.92 [14:20:02] Manages the server economy. [14:20:02] /eco <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount> [14:20:35] $800 taken from [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 account. New balance: $16,955.92 [14:20:45] Giving 8 of diamond to [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225. [14:20:52] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: thanks [14:20:55] **WarZone [Developer] Console: this is the last thing I do for you [14:21:03] **WarZone [Developer] Console: before you sell something, do /worth [14:21:05] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ya ya [14:21:39] 'default' inherits the following groups: [14:21:39] Group "default"'s permissions: [14:21:39] 1) essentials.sell.* (own) [14:21:39] 2) essentials.sell (own) [14:21:39] 3) essentials.worth (own) [14:21:39] 4) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [14:21:39] 5) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [14:21:39] 6) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [14:21:39] 7) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [14:21:39] 8) essentials.warp.* (own) [14:21:39] 9) essentials.warp (own) [14:21:39] 10) worldguard.build.* (own) [14:21:39] 11) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [14:21:39] 12) essentials.list (own) [14:21:39] 13) essentials.coords (own) [14:21:39] 14) essentials.compass (own) [14:21:39] 15) essentials.pay (own) [14:21:39] 16) factions.faction (own) [14:21:39] 17) factions.list (own) [14:21:39] 18) essentials.help (own) [14:21:39] 19) essentials.heal (own) [14:21:39] 20) essentials.time.set (own) [14:21:39] 21) essentials.time (own) [14:21:39] 22) essentials.helpop (own) [14:21:39] 23) essentials.back.ondeath (own) [14:21:39] 24) essentials.suicide (own) [14:21:39] 25) essentials.mail.send (own) [14:21:39] 26) essentials.mail (own) [14:21:39] 27) essentials.balance (own) [14:21:39] 28) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [14:21:39] 29) essentials.warp.list (own) [14:21:39] 30) essentials.delhome (own) [14:21:39] 31) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [14:21:39] 32) essentials.msg (own) [14:21:39] 33) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [14:21:39] 34) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [14:21:39] 35) essentials.tpdeny (own) [14:21:39] 36) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [14:21:39] 37) multiverse.core.list (own) [14:21:39] 38) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [14:21:39] 39) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [14:21:39] 40) multiverse.access.world (own) [14:21:39] 41) essentials.tell (own) [14:21:39] 42) multiverse.core.info (own) [14:21:39] 43) essentials.tpahere* (own) [14:21:39] 44) essentials.tpahere (own) [14:21:39] 45) essentials.back (own) [14:21:39] 46) essentials.tpaccept (own) [14:21:39] 47) essentials.tpa.* (own) [14:21:39] 48) essentials.tpa (own) [14:21:39] 49) factions.leader.* (own) [14:21:39] 50) factions.leader (own) [14:21:39] 51) factions.kick (own) [14:21:39] 52) factions.join.* (own) [14:21:39] 53) factions.join (own) [14:21:39] 54) factions.invite (own) [14:21:39] 55) factions.home (own) [14:21:39] 56) factions.flag (own) [14:21:39] 57) factions.expansions (own) [14:21:39] 58) factions.disband (own) [14:21:39] 59) factions.description (own) [14:21:39] 60) factions.demote (own) [14:21:39] 61) factions.create (own) [14:21:39] 62) factions.access.* (own) [14:21:39] 63) factions.access (own) [14:21:39] 64) essentials.me.* (own) [14:21:39] 65) essentials.me (own) [14:21:39] 66) essentials.sethome.* (own) [14:21:39] 67) essentials.sethome (own) [14:21:39] 68) essentials.home (own) [14:21:39] 69) essentials.home.* (own) [14:21:39] 70) modifyworld.* (own) [14:21:39] Group "default"'s Options: [14:21:39] rank = "1000" [14:21:39] default = "true" [14:21:39] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [14:22:15] Permission "essentials.time.set" removed from group "default"! [14:22:22] Permission "essentials.time" removed from group "default"! [14:22:34] Permission "essentials.back.ondeath" removed from group "default"! [14:23:17] 'default' inherits the following groups: [14:23:17] Group "default"'s permissions: [14:23:17] 1) essentials.sell.* (own) [14:23:17] 2) essentials.sell (own) [14:23:17] 3) essentials.worth (own) [14:23:17] 4) multiverse.portal.access.* (own) [14:23:17] 5) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own) [14:23:17] 6) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own) [14:23:17] 7) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own) [14:23:17] 8) essentials.warp.* (own) [14:23:17] 9) essentials.warp (own) [14:23:17] 10) worldguard.build.* (own) [14:23:17] 11) multiverse.access.parkour (own) [14:23:17] 12) essentials.list (own) [14:23:17] 13) essentials.coords (own) [14:23:17] 14) essentials.compass (own) [14:23:17] 15) essentials.pay (own) [14:23:17] 16) factions.faction (own) [14:23:17] 17) factions.list (own) [14:23:17] 18) essentials.help (own) [14:23:17] 19) essentials.heal (own) [14:23:17] 20) essentials.helpop (own) [14:23:17] 21) essentials.suicide (own) [14:23:17] 22) essentials.mail.send (own) [14:23:17] 23) essentials.mail (own) [14:23:17] 24) essentials.balance (own) [14:23:17] 25) essentials.signs.use.* (own) [14:23:17] 26) essentials.warp.list (own) [14:23:17] 27) essentials.delhome (own) [14:23:17] 28) multiverse.access.freebuild (own) [14:23:17] 29) essentials.msg (own) [14:23:17] 30) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own) [14:23:17] 31) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own) [14:23:17] 32) essentials.tpdeny (own) [14:23:17] 33) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own) [14:23:17] 34) multiverse.core.list (own) [14:23:17] 35) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own) [14:23:17] 36) multiverse.access.world_nether (own) [14:23:17] 37) multiverse.access.world (own) [14:23:17] 38) essentials.tell (own) [14:23:17] 39) multiverse.core.info (own) [14:23:17] 40) essentials.tpahere* (own) [14:23:17] 41) essentials.tpahere (own) [14:23:17] 42) essentials.back (own) [14:23:17] 43) essentials.tpaccept (own) [14:23:17] 44) essentials.tpa.* (own) [14:23:17] 45) essentials.tpa (own) [14:23:17] 46) factions.leader.* (own) [14:23:17] 47) factions.leader (own) [14:23:17] 48) factions.kick (own) [14:23:17] 49) factions.join.* (own) [14:23:17] 50) factions.join (own) [14:23:17] 51) factions.invite (own) [14:23:17] 52) factions.home (own) [14:23:17] 53) factions.flag (own) [14:23:17] 54) factions.expansions (own) [14:23:17] 55) factions.disband (own) [14:23:17] 56) factions.description (own) [14:23:17] 57) factions.demote (own) [14:23:17] 58) factions.create (own) [14:23:17] 59) factions.access.* (own) [14:23:17] 60) factions.access (own) [14:23:17] 61) essentials.me.* (own) [14:23:17] 62) essentials.me (own) [14:23:17] 63) essentials.sethome.* (own) [14:23:17] 64) essentials.sethome (own) [14:23:17] 65) essentials.home (own) [14:23:17] 66) essentials.home.* (own) [14:23:17] 67) modifyworld.* (own) [14:23:17] Group "default"'s Options: [14:23:17] rank = "1000" [14:23:17] default = "true" [14:23:17] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f " [14:23:36] Permission "essentials.heal" removed from group "default"! [14:23:47] Permission "essentials.back" removed from group "default"! [14:24:18] Registered groups: [14:24:18] default #0 (rank: 1000@default) [] [14:24:18] Developer #0 [] [14:24:18] trusty #0 (rank: 999@default) [default] [14:24:18] moderator #0 (rank: 998@default) [trusty] [14:24:18] outsider #0 [] [14:24:18] superadmin #0 (rank: 996@default) [moderator] [14:24:52] 'superadmin' inherits the following groups: [14:24:52] moderator (rank 998 @ default) [14:24:52] Group "superadmin"'s permissions: [14:24:52] 1) worldedit.* (own) [14:24:52] 2) fawe.* (own) [14:24:52] 3) multiverse.teleport.* (own) [14:24:52] 4) multiverse.access.* (own) [14:24:52] 5) essentials.* (own) [14:24:52] Group "superadmin"'s Options: [14:24:52] prefix = "&6[&eSuper Admin&6]&c " [14:24:52] rank = "996" [14:28:46] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: brb [14:28:48] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [14:28:48] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [14:29:37] Stopping the server [14:29:37] Stopping server [14:29:37] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [14:29:37] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [14:29:37] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [14:29:37] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [14:29:37] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [14:29:37] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [14:29:37] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [14:29:37] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [14:29:37] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [14:29:37] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [14:29:37] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [14:29:37] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [14:29:37] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [14:29:37] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [14:29:37] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [14:29:38] Saving players [14:29:38] Saving worlds
[14:36:01] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [14:36:01] Loading properties [14:36:02] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [14:36:02] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [14:36:02] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [14:36:02] Debug logging is disabled [14:36:02] Generating keypair [14:36:03] Using epoll channel type [14:36:11] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@264f257f] [14:36:11] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [14:36:12] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [14:36:12] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [14:36:14] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [14:36:14] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [14:36:14] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 19ms. [14:36:15] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [14:36:15] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1477ms) === [14:36:15] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [14:36:16] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [14:36:19] Loaded 6 recipes [14:36:19] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [14:36:21] Time elapsed: 1779 ms [14:36:23] Time elapsed: 1529 ms [14:36:23] Time elapsed: 461 ms [14:36:24] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [14:36:25] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [14:36:25] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [14:36:25] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [14:36:25] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [14:36:27] Time elapsed: 1876 ms [14:36:28] Time elapsed: 1269 ms [14:36:30] Time elapsed: 1918 ms [14:36:31] Time elapsed: 249 ms [14:36:32] Time elapsed: 1345 ms [14:36:32] Time elapsed: 369 ms [14:36:33] Time elapsed: 243 ms [14:36:34] Time elapsed: 981 ms [14:36:34] Time elapsed: 339 ms [14:36:35] Time elapsed: 398 ms [14:36:36] Time elapsed: 1080 ms [14:36:37] Time elapsed: 1540 ms [14:36:38] Time elapsed: 1020 ms [14:36:39] Time elapsed: 416 ms [14:36:39] Time elapsed: 247 ms [14:36:40] Time elapsed: 887 ms [14:36:41] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [14:36:41] Using locale en_US [14:36:41] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [14:36:41] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [14:36:41] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [14:36:42] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [14:36:42] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [14:36:42] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [14:36:42] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [14:36:42] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 450ms) === [14:36:42] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [14:36:42] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [14:36:43] Done (27.523s)! For help, type "help" [14:36:44] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@15156b04[id=a9f6e1e3-d95e-40fb-97de-a9e5ea2aa8a4,name=AnimeFreak_225,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@2c7cb07a]},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected [14:37:07] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:37:08] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [14:37:27] **WarZone [Developer] Console: I literally just restarted the server lol [14:37:34] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: rip [14:37:36] **WarZone [Developer] Console: had to do some updates [14:37:47] **WarZone [Developer] Console: lucky you [14:37:58] Permission "essentials.silentjoin" added to group "Developer"! [14:38:01] Permission "essentials.silentjoin.vanish" added to group "Developer"! [14:38:06] Permission "essentials.silentquit" added to group "Developer"! [14:38:16] 'Developer' inherits the following groups: [14:38:16] Group "Developer"'s permissions: [14:38:16] 1) essentials.silentquit (own) [14:38:16] 2) essentials.silentjoin.vanish (own) [14:38:16] 3) essentials.silentjoin (own) [14:38:16] 4) essentials.silentjoin.* (own) [14:38:16] 5) * (own) [14:38:16] 6) worldguard.* (own) [14:38:16] 7) essentials.warp.hard_smp_admin (own) [14:38:16] Group "Developer"'s Options: [14:38:16] prefix = "&0[&8Developer&0]&2 " [14:38:38] Permission "essentials.silentjoin.*" removed from group "Developer"! [14:42:03] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:46:54] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:46:54] trickyeye007 joined the game [14:47:07] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [14:47:07] trickyeye007 left the game [14:47:16] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:47:16] trickyeye007 joined the game [14:47:33] There are 2/1 out of maximum 20 players online. [14:47:33] default: [Peasant] trickyeye007 [14:47:33] Developer: [HIDDEN]Cryotheus [14:47:33] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [14:47:43] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [14:47:43] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [14:48:44] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:48:44] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [14:49:01] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: minecraft died' [14:51:38] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [14:56:00] trickyeye007 hit the ground too hard [14:57:09] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: Alex you on? [14:57:59] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [14:59:13] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.05 §a(5 items at $0.01 each). [15:03:29] §cAnimeFreak_225 §4was denied access to command. [15:13:35] trickyeye007 fell from a high place [15:16:56] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: f u all im out [15:19:53] [Factions 3.2.3] The faction kie (a740854a-2c04-4aca-86c1-409ed1247a8a) was disbanded by [Peasant] trickyeye007. [15:21:10] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [15:21:10] trickyeye007 left the game [15:23:03] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Into Fire] [15:24:40] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [15:40:14] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [15:40:14] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [16:37:27] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:37:27] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [17:31:46] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [17:31:46] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [18:00:43] Removed 0/12 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 234327.88ms. [18:25:56] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:25:56] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [18:41:49] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [18:41:49] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [18:42:44] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:42:44] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [19:05:15] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie [19:05:45] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [19:05:45] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [19:42:31] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:42:31] AnimeFreak_225 joined the game [19:44:27] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected [19:44:27] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [20:12:03] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [20:13:53] Stopping the server [20:13:53] Stopping server [20:13:53] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [20:13:53] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [20:13:53] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [20:13:53] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [20:13:53] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [20:13:53] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [20:13:53] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [20:13:53] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [20:13:53] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [20:13:53] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [20:13:53] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [20:13:53] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [20:13:53] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [20:13:53] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [20:13:53] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [20:13:54] Saving players [20:13:54] Saving worlds
[20:19:52] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [20:19:52] Loading properties [20:19:52] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [20:19:52] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [20:19:52] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [20:19:52] Debug logging is disabled [20:19:52] Generating keypair [20:19:53] Using epoll channel type [20:20:01] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@58e700a4] [20:20:01] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [20:20:02] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [20:20:02] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [20:20:04] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [20:20:04] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [20:20:04] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 31ms. [20:20:05] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [20:20:05] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1334ms) === [20:20:05] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [20:20:05] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [20:20:06] Loaded 6 recipes [20:20:07] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [20:20:11] Time elapsed: 3696 ms [20:20:13] Time elapsed: 1825 ms [20:20:13] Time elapsed: 445 ms [20:20:13] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [20:20:14] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [20:20:14] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [20:20:15] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [20:20:15] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [20:20:17] Time elapsed: 1988 ms [20:20:18] Time elapsed: 1250 ms [20:20:20] Time elapsed: 1856 ms [20:20:20] Time elapsed: 220 ms [20:20:22] Time elapsed: 1272 ms [20:20:22] Time elapsed: 368 ms [20:20:22] Time elapsed: 242 ms [20:20:23] Time elapsed: 340 ms [20:20:24] Time elapsed: 865 ms [20:20:24] Time elapsed: 326 ms [20:20:25] Time elapsed: 907 ms [20:20:27] Time elapsed: 1652 ms [20:20:27] Time elapsed: 902 ms [20:20:28] Time elapsed: 346 ms [20:20:29] Time elapsed: 813 ms [20:20:42] Time elapsed: 13586 ms [20:20:43] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [20:20:43] Using locale en_US [20:20:43] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [20:20:44] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [20:20:44] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [20:20:44] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [20:20:44] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [20:20:44] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [20:20:44] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [20:20:45] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 521ms) === [20:20:45] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [20:20:45] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [20:20:45] Done (40.079s)! For help, type "help" [20:21:11] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:28:58] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 56, 72, 7] [20:30:17] ✔Cryotheus fell from a high place [20:30:57] [✔Cryotheus: Teleported ✔Cryotheus to 56.5, 72.0, 7.5] [20:31:09] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 56, 72, 7] [20:32:42] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 56, 72, -16] [20:40:25] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 59, 67, 7] [20:40:33] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 60, 66, 5] [21:04:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: wow [21:04:30] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 12,454,200 blocks [21:08:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: how to increase world size [21:08:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 1. use fawe [21:08:21] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 2. try to find a mushroom island [21:08:27] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 3. use fawe [21:08:35] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 4. full render a world with dynmap [21:08:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 5. use fawe [21:08:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 6. make a new multiverse world [21:08:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 7. use fawe [21:09:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 8. download a lot of torrents to help the community by seeding them [21:09:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 9. use fawe [21:16:01] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected