[05:56:18] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [06:14:59] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [06:21:36] §ctrickyeye007 §4was denied access to command. [06:22:18] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [06:22:25] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: heyo [06:22:33] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: hoi [06:22:52] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [06:22:57] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [06:23:18] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: is there a way to sell eggs [06:23:31] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hold an egg in your hand [06:23:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and do /sell hand [06:23:40] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: or have them in your inventory [06:23:44] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and do /sell egg [06:23:48] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: ok thx [06:24:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: f [06:24:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I need to put access on default [06:24:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hol' up [06:24:34] §ctrickyeye007 §4was denied access to command. [06:24:47] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: o ok [06:24:50] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [06:24:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: there [06:24:55] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: you can do it now [06:25:05] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hi [06:25:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hi [06:25:23] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: emma can u call me? [06:25:31] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk [06:26:11] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$2.18 §a(109 items at $0.02 each). [06:27:20] [✔Cryotheus: Created team [Clash of Blocks]] [06:27:37] [✔Cryotheus: Collision rule for team [Clash of Blocks] is now "Never"] [06:27:45] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [06:27:45] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [06:28:04] [✔Cryotheus: Disabled friendly fire for team [Clash of Blocks]] [06:28:37] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.01 §a(1 items at $0.01 each). [06:29:15] trickyeye007 was slain by Zombie [06:30:16] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e rotten_flesh§a for §e$0.09 §a(9 items at $0.01 each). [06:30:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: gonna go to dining hall [06:30:33] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [06:30:33] Cryotheus left the game [06:30:53] §ctrickyeye007 §4was denied access to command. [06:44:04] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Into Fire] [06:44:57] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [06:47:42] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [06:47:42] Cryotheus left the game [06:49:11] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [06:49:11] trickyeye007 left the game [06:50:03] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [06:50:21] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doWeatherCycle is now set to: false] [06:51:45] [✔Cryotheus: Gamerule doWeatherCycle is now set to: false] [07:03:44] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: -1 1 0 [07:05:23] [✔Cryotheus: Successfully filled 16384 blocks] [07:05:25] [✔Cryotheus: Successfully filled 15876 blocks] [07:12:46] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:23:28] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [07:23:28] Cryotheus left the game [07:24:13] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [07:24:13] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [07:29:31] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [07:34:03] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [07:34:03] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [08:11:37] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online. [08:11:59] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:14:17] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: g [08:15:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: setblock 0 0 0 redstone_block [08:17:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: setblock 0 0 0 redstone_block [08:22:46] [✔Cryotheus: Added 0 to [Clash of Blocks] for Players (now 0)] [08:25:30] [Cryotheus: Updated the color for team [Clash of Blocks] to blue] [08:25:42] [Cryotheus: Updated the color for team [Clash of Blocks] to light_purple] [08:26:25] [Cryotheus: Set display slot sidebar.team.blue to show objective Clash of Blocks] [08:26:35] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [08:26:49] [Cryotheus: Set display slot sidebar to show objective Clash of Blocks] [08:27:38] [Cryotheus: Gamerule commandBlockOutput is now set to: false] [08:35:42] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:35:50] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [08:37:12] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [08:37:38] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: yo [08:37:41] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hey [08:38:41] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: is there a way i can get into creative in the world or do i have to spawn in blocks [08:38:47] [Cryotheus: Removed 0 from [Clash of Blocks] for Level (now 0)] [08:38:56] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: i found out i can use fly [08:39:03] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: let me give you perms [08:39:27] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: try the /gamemode command [08:39:30] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: or /gm [08:39:40] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: yay!!!!! [08:39:49] [Cryotheus: Reset all scores for Level] [08:39:52] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: i am awll powerfull [08:39:52] [Cryotheus: Reset all scores for Players] [08:40:02] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: i can be a BUILDER [08:40:10] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for players to 0] [08:40:16] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for level to 0] [08:40:22] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 0] [08:42:04] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: what did u say that you use instead of world edit [08:43:37] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: fawe [08:43:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it's the same as world edit [08:43:49] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: fast asynchronous world edit [08:44:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: do //wand and then do what you normally would with world edit [08:45:17] [Cryotheus: Added 0 to [Clash of Blocks] for ticks (now 0)] [08:45:32] [Cryotheus: Added 0 to [Clash of Blocks] for state (now 0)] [08:48:09] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [08:48:09] Cryotheus left the game [08:48:14] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: i see u [08:48:20] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: sneeky boi [08:52:51] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:53:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: basis of all world edit [08:53:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: left click one block [08:53:16] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: .//set [08:53:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yea [08:53:46] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: do i have to put the item id [08:53:54] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I guess [08:54:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: like //set grass_block [08:54:45] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: it says opperation complete [08:54:50] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: but no do [08:55:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hm [08:55:58] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: does it work for u [08:56:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: do stone [08:56:23] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: .//set stone [08:56:28] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah [08:56:36] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: nope [08:56:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: are you at the assembly [08:56:51] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: nope [08:56:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: wat [08:56:58] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: i go now [08:57:20] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [08:57:20] Cryotheus left the game [08:57:29] MyStudTrex lost connection: Timed out [08:57:29] MyStudTrex left the game [09:13:46] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:15:42] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.33 §a(11 items at $0.03 each). [09:15:49] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e bread§a for §e$9.90 §a(33 items at $0.30 each). [09:16:02] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$110 §a(20 items at $5.50 each). [09:16:07] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e string§a for §e$16.25 §a(13 items at $1.25 each). [09:16:10] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e glass§a for §e$0.90 §a(30 items at $0.03 each). [09:16:22] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e white_wool§a for §e$0.90 §a(9 items at $0.10 each). [09:18:51] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:19:00] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hi [09:19:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hi [09:28:37] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:28:46] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:28:46] Cryotheus left the game [09:33:01] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server [09:33:01] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [09:44:09] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:45:22] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:45:25] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:45:41] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 0] [09:46:25] [Cryotheus: Created new objective [constants]] [09:46:36] [Cryotheus: Set [constants] for 1 to 1] [09:47:24] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for ticks to 0] [09:47:31] [Cryotheus: Removed objective [clashob_players]] [09:47:42] [Cryotheus: Reset [Clash of Blocks] for 1] [09:48:18] [Cryotheus: Removed objective [Biscuits]] [09:48:32] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:48:57] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:49:40] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 15] [09:51:36] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [09:53:16] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 15] [09:53:36] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 3] [09:53:54] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 3] [09:54:02] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 3] [09:55:17] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [09:55:17] Cryotheus left the game [09:55:41] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:57:13] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:57:13] Cryotheus left the game [09:57:19] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:58:39] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:58:39] Cryotheus left the game [09:58:43] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:59:09] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 4] [10:02:59] [Cryotheus: Gamerule commandBlockOutput is now set to: true] [10:11:26] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [10:11:26] Cryotheus left the game [10:11:32] Stopping the server [10:11:32] Stopping server [10:11:32] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [10:11:32] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [10:11:32] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [10:11:32] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [10:11:32] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [10:11:32] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [10:11:32] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [10:11:32] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [10:11:32] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [10:11:32] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:11:32] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:11:32] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [10:11:32] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [10:11:32] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [10:11:32] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [10:11:32] Saving players [10:11:32] Saving worlds
[10:11:54] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [10:11:54] Loading properties [10:11:54] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [10:11:54] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [10:11:54] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [10:11:54] Debug logging is disabled [10:11:55] Generating keypair [10:11:55] Using epoll channel type [10:12:04] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@5c4fdf70] [10:12:04] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:12:04] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [10:12:04] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [10:12:06] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:12:06] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [10:12:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 18ms. [10:12:07] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [10:12:08] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1158ms) === [10:12:08] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [10:12:08] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [10:12:08] Loaded 6 recipes [10:12:09] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [10:12:13] Time elapsed: 3258 ms [10:12:14] Time elapsed: 1521 ms [10:12:15] Time elapsed: 414 ms [10:12:15] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:12:16] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [10:12:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [10:12:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [10:12:17] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [10:12:19] Time elapsed: 987 ms [10:12:20] Time elapsed: 1325 ms [10:12:22] Time elapsed: 1885 ms [10:12:22] Time elapsed: 218 ms [10:12:23] Time elapsed: 1354 ms [10:12:24] Time elapsed: 355 ms [10:12:24] Time elapsed: 219 ms [10:12:25] Time elapsed: 1034 ms [10:12:25] Time elapsed: 310 ms [10:12:26] Time elapsed: 510 ms [10:12:27] Time elapsed: 940 ms [10:12:28] Time elapsed: 1593 ms [10:12:30] Time elapsed: 1043 ms [10:12:30] Time elapsed: 356 ms [10:12:30] Time elapsed: 271 ms [10:12:31] Time elapsed: 917 ms [10:12:32] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [10:12:32] Using locale en_US [10:12:32] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:33] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:33] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [10:12:33] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [10:12:33] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [10:12:33] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [10:12:33] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [10:12:33] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 513ms) === [10:12:33] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:33] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [10:12:34] Done (26.395s)! For help, type "help" [10:12:45] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:18:26] [Cryotheus: Successfully filled 7 blocks] [10:22:49] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [10:23:12] [Cryotheus: Gamerule commandBlockOutput is now set to: false] [10:23:14] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 10] [10:26:55] [Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 27 blocks] [10:27:15] [Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 27 blocks] [10:31:57] [Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 27 blocks] [10:38:21] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [10:38:21] Cryotheus left the game [11:18:35] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:22:15] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Suit Up] [11:43:09] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [11:43:09] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [12:16:27] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:16:35] MyStudTrex fell out of the world [12:26:31] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:29:12] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [12:29:41] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$1.26 §a(63 items at $0.02 each). [12:44:32] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [12:44:32] MyStudTrex left the game [12:49:33] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [12:49:33] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [12:51:50] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:56:21] There are 1 out of maximum 20 players online. [12:56:21] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225 [12:57:29] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [12:57:29] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [13:11:00] Unknown command [13:11:10] Unknown command [13:12:20] _______.[ Help for command "f" [<] 1/1 [>] ].__________ [13:12:20] /f documentation show documentation [13:12:20] /f list [page=1] list all factions [13:12:20] /f faction,f,show,who [faction=you] the faction to show info about [13:12:20] /f player [player=you] show player information [13:12:20] /f status [page=1] [faction=you] [sort=time] show status [13:12:20] /f join <faction> [player=you] join faction [13:12:20] /f leave leave your faction [13:12:20] /f warp use warps [13:12:20] /f vote vote in faction votes [13:12:20] /f map [on/off=once] show territory map [13:12:20] /f create,new <name> create new faction [13:12:20] /f name <new name> [faction=you] set faction name [13:12:20] /f description <desc> change faction description [13:12:20] /f motd [new=read] faction motd [13:12:20] /f invite manage invites [13:12:20] /f kick <player> kick player from faction [13:12:20] /f title <player> [title=none] set player title [13:12:20] /f rank manage/show ranks [13:12:20] /f money manage faction money [13:12:20] /f top <Topcategory> [page=1] show faction top [13:12:20] /f seeChunk,sc [active=toggle] see the chunk you stand in [13:12:20] /f seeChunkOld,sco see the chunk you stand in [13:12:20] /f territorytitles,tt [on|off=toggle] toggle territory titles [13:12:20] /f claim claim faction territory [13:12:20] /f unclaim unclaim faction territory [13:12:20] /f access manage access [13:12:20] /f relation manage faction relations [13:12:20] /f tax manage taxes [13:12:20] /f perm change faction permissions [13:12:20] /f flag manage faction flags [13:12:20] /f fly [on|off=toggle] faction fly [13:12:20] /f unstuck teleport to nearest wilderness [13:12:20] /f override,admin [on/off=flip] enable override mode [13:12:20] /f disband <faction> [confirmation=] disband faction [13:12:20] /f powerboost manage powerboost [13:12:20] /f setpower,sp <player> <power> set power [13:12:20] /f moneyconvert [confirmation=] convert to the new money system [13:12:20] /f config edit config [13:12:20] /f clean clean the factions database [13:12:20] /f version display plugin version [13:13:04] Lumalina[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:13:12] Stopping the server [13:13:12] Stopping server [13:13:12] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [13:13:12] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [13:13:12] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [13:13:12] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [13:13:12] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [13:13:12] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [13:13:12] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [13:13:12] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [13:13:12] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [13:13:12] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [13:13:12] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [13:13:12] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [13:13:12] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [13:13:12] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [13:13:12] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [13:13:13] Saving players [13:13:13] Lumalina lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by [13:13:13] Lumalina left the game [13:13:13] Saving worlds
[13:56:32] Starting minecraft server version 1.15.1 [13:56:32] Loading properties [13:56:33] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-037559e-752cf95 (MC: 1.15.1) (Implementing API version 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [13:56:33] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [13:56:33] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [13:56:33] Debug logging is disabled [13:56:33] Generating keypair [13:56:33] Using epoll channel type [13:56:42] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@11b037b7] [13:56:42] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [13:56:43] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:sign [13:56:43] Ignoring invalid block minecraft:wall_sign [13:56:44] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [13:56:44] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [13:56:44] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 26ms. [13:56:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [13:56:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1579ms) === [13:56:46] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [13:56:46] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [13:56:50] Loaded 6 recipes [13:56:50] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [13:56:52] Time elapsed: 1516 ms [13:56:53] Time elapsed: 1514 ms [13:56:54] Time elapsed: 441 ms [13:56:54] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [13:56:55] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [13:56:55] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [13:56:55] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [13:56:55] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [13:56:58] Time elapsed: 986 ms [13:56:59] Time elapsed: 1316 ms [13:57:01] Time elapsed: 1779 ms [13:57:01] Time elapsed: 226 ms [13:57:02] Time elapsed: 1283 ms [13:57:03] Time elapsed: 327 ms [13:57:03] Time elapsed: 219 ms [13:57:03] Time elapsed: 301 ms [13:57:04] Time elapsed: 1002 ms [13:57:05] Time elapsed: 341 ms [13:57:06] Time elapsed: 1148 ms [13:57:07] Time elapsed: 1498 ms [13:57:08] Time elapsed: 1019 ms [13:57:09] Time elapsed: 362 ms [13:57:10] Time elapsed: 912 ms [13:57:10] Time elapsed: 260 ms [13:57:11] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [13:57:11] Using locale en_US [13:57:11] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [13:57:11] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [13:57:11] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [13:57:12] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [13:57:12] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [13:57:12] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [13:57:12] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [13:57:12] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 448ms) === [13:57:12] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [13:57:12] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [13:57:13] Done (26.920s)! For help, type "help" [13:58:52] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:01:05] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 3] [14:01:13] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:02:43] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: does it work [14:02:53] [Cryotheus: Set [Clash of Blocks] for seconds to 3] [14:03:14] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: nope [14:03:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: do //set grass_block [14:03:48] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: it says -1 block replace [14:03:51] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: it says -1 block replaced [14:03:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: don't replace air [14:04:00] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: don't use the replace command [14:04:11] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it's buggy in this version [14:04:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I think the only problem with it is replacing air [14:04:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hm [14:04:41] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: it says opperation complete [14:04:53] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: with set [14:08:02] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [14:08:02] Cryotheus left the game [14:08:59] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [14:08:59] MyStudTrex left the game [16:06:55] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:27:15] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e egg§a for §e$0.38 §a(19 items at $0.02 each). [16:32:13] §e§f[§3Trusty§f] AnimeFreak_225§r §asold§e poisonous_potato§a for §e$4 §a(1 items at $4 each). [16:33:36] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:33:48] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: my computer about to die [16:33:54] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: ok [16:34:11] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: look at how big my farm is now [16:34:41] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: yyyyyyyy [16:34:50] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i need money [16:34:55] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: lol [16:35:03] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: bread only 30 cents [16:35:38] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: ok im going mining [16:35:45] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk [16:39:50] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: i still cant use your stuf [16:40:05] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hmmmmmmm [16:40:38] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: keep it [16:41:02] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: should i sell it [16:41:04] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: to make your armor than you give after you have good armor and tools [16:41:26] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: sleep now [16:42:25] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: come here [16:42:35] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: keep it [16:42:51] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: save up for dimands [16:46:20] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: should i sell the coal and iorn [16:46:28] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: yes [16:46:42] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e gold_ingot§a for §e$367.50 §a(14 items at $26.25 each). [16:47:01] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e coal§a for §e$157.50 §a(42 items at $3.75 each). [16:47:29] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$38.50 §a(7 items at $5.50 each). [16:47:56] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e iron_ingot§a for §e$99 §a(18 items at $5.50 each). [16:48:35] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: want to see the secret place [16:48:43] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: not now [16:49:08] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: im going to start making it my bace [16:49:18] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk [16:49:35] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: how do i make a faction [16:49:48] **Friends [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: alex made mine for me [16:50:06] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: o ok [16:51:29] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out [16:51:29] AnimeFreak_225 left the game [17:00:58] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e bone§a for §e$0.06 §a(2 items at $0.03 each). [17:09:10] trickyeye007 has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [17:10:03] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [17:10:03] trickyeye007 left the game [18:00:13] Removed 0/12 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 4719.62ms. [18:02:57] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:04:31] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:05:17] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [18:06:44] MyStudTrex fell out of the world [18:11:54] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [18:16:13] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [18:16:13] MyStudTrex left the game [18:16:13] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:17:09] MyStudTrex fell out of the world [18:20:00] MyStudTrex was sent down below [18:21:41] MyStudTrex was shot by Skeleton [18:21:42] trickyeye007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:22:47] §e§8[§4Peasant§8]§f trickyeye007§r §asold§e obsidian§a for §e$130 §a(2 items at $65 each). [18:26:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: d [18:26:48] [Moderator] MyStudTrex: no [18:26:51] MyStudTrex hit the ground too hard [18:27:10] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [18:27:12] [Moderator] MyStudTrex: yeee [18:27:41] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: how do i start a faction [18:27:55] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: talk to emma [18:28:02] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: i did [18:28:14] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: she dusent know [18:28:18] [Factions 3.2.3] MyStudTrex created a new faction: new [18:28:19] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: welp I will help when I am not busy [18:28:34] **new [Moderator] MyStudTrex: type /f create [faction name] [18:28:46] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: o ok thx [18:29:03] [Factions 3.2.3] The faction new (17d0cea0-a3d6-4898-93f2-b260bf49c2cf) was disbanded by [Moderator] MyStudTrex. [18:29:09] [Broken]MyStudTrex: lol [18:29:23] [Factions 3.2.3] MyStudTrex created a new faction: not [18:29:25] **not [Broken]MyStudTrex: lol [18:29:31] **not [Broken] MyStudTrex: lol [18:29:43] **not [Broken] MyStudTrex: lol [18:31:17] **not [Superadmin] MyStudTrex: i want stuff [18:31:20] **not [Superadmin] MyStudTrex: gimme [18:31:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: sadasd [18:31:48] MyStudTrex hit the ground too hard. Nice! [18:31:49] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: how do i leav a faction [18:31:54] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: masdoi[jdsa [18:32:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: test1 [18:32:03] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: ghrejdnfhvufjendhdf [18:32:07] **not [Superadmin] MyStudTrex: ./faction disban [18:32:10] **not [Superadmin] MyStudTrex: ./faction disband [18:33:55] [Cryotheus: Added Cryotheus to team [Editor]] [18:34:18] -Friends [Peasant] trickyeye007: that wont work [18:35:11] **not [Superadmin] MyStudTrex: t [18:35:50] [Factions 3.2.3] The faction not (83723a58-e8ec-4d8d-aca4-5a9cc6567ee8) was disbanded by [Superadmin] MyStudTrex. [18:35:58] [Factions 3.2.3] MyStudTrex created a new faction: TheBest [18:36:37] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command. [18:38:25] [Factions 3.2.3] trickyeye007 left the faction: Friends [18:39:24] [Factions 3.2.3] trickyeye007 created a new faction: kie [18:39:40] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [18:39:40] Cryotheus left the game [18:39:45] MyStudTrex lost connection: Timed out [18:39:45] MyStudTrex left the game [18:40:24] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -66 -89 using square. [18:40:24] Wilderness --> Kie [18:41:01] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -67 -89 using square. [18:41:01] Wilderness --> Kie [18:43:21] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:45:48] ✔Cryotheus died [18:47:42] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -65 -89 using square. [18:47:42] Wilderness --> Kie [18:49:40] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -67 -90 using circle. [18:49:40] Wilderness --> Kie [18:50:04] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -65 -90 using square. [18:50:04] Wilderness --> Kie [18:50:43] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:50:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: heyo [18:50:56] **kie trickyeye007 bought 1 chunk world -66 -90 using square. [18:50:56] Wilderness --> Kie [18:51:08] MyStudTrex lost connection: Timed out [18:51:08] MyStudTrex left the game [18:51:31] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:51:58] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected [18:51:58] MyStudTrex left the game [18:52:11] [✔Cryotheus: Gave 1 [Skeleton Skull] to ✔Cryotheus] [18:52:31] [✔Cryotheus: Gave 1 [MyStudTrex's Head] to ✔Cryotheus] [18:54:03] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: your boring ass head has been added to the hub [18:54:39] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: ? [18:54:53] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: talkin to trex [18:54:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: he's vanished [18:55:02] **kie [Peasant] trickyeye007: o ok [18:55:27] trickyeye007 lost connection: Disconnected [18:55:27] trickyeye007 left the game [19:03:59] [✔Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 1 blocks] [19:04:12] [✔Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 1 blocks] [19:19:44] [✔Cryotheus: Gave 1 [Mushroom Stem] to ✔Cryotheus] [19:24:02] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 1046, 152, 1190] [19:24:09] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 1046, 152, 1190] [19:28:08] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 1046, 152, 1188] [19:28:19] [✔Cryotheus: Modified block data of 1046, 152, 1188] [19:29:20] [✔Cryotheus: Successfully cloned 1 blocks] [19:29:32] [✔Cryotheus: Changed the block at 1047, 152, 1193] [19:31:36] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [19:31:36] Cryotheus left the game