Unsafe mode: displaying logs over 100KB
Why are you in the iframe?
[08:35:59] /dynmap - Control execution of dynmap.
[08:35:59] Valid subcommands: add-id-for-ip cancelrender del-id-for-ip fullrender hide ids-for-ip ips-for-id pause purgemap purgequeue purgeworld quiet radiusrender render resetstats sendtoweb show stats triggerstats updaterender version webregister
[08:36:16] Command can only be issued by player.
[08:36:29] World name is required
[08:36:34] Full render starting on world 'world'...
[08:36:39] Unknown command
[09:22:52] TPS from last 1m, 5m, 15m: 19.94, 19.92, 19.91
[10:13:09] Unknown command
[11:30:41] [Dynmap]: haha penny weeny
[11:30:55] [Developer] Console: funi jok
[11:39:08] Unknown command
[11:39:09] Unknown command
[11:39:09] Unknown command
[11:39:09] Unknown command
[11:39:10] Unknown command
[11:39:10] Unknown command
[11:39:10] Unknown command
[11:39:10] Unknown command
[11:39:11] Unknown command
[11:39:11] Unknown command
[11:39:11] Unknown command
[11:39:12] Unknown command
[11:39:12] Unknown command
[11:39:12] Unknown command
[11:39:12] Unknown command
[11:39:13] Unknown command
[12:34:28] Unknown command
[12:34:32] Unknown command
[12:52:15] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[12:57:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 1/2^r
[12:57:35] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[13:22:35] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[13:22:35] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Peasant] MyStudTrex
[13:23:38] [Developer] Console: I am god
[13:23:42] Usage:
[13:23:42] /pex - Display help
[13:23:42] /pex reload - Reload environment
[13:23:42] /pex report - Report an issue with PEX
[13:23:42] /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value]
[13:23:42] /pex backend - Print currently used backend
[13:23:42] /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!)
[13:23:42] /pex hierarchy [world] - Print complete user/group hierarchy
[13:23:42] /pex import <backend> - Import data from <backend> into currently selected backend
[13:23:42] /pex convert uuid - Bulk convert user data to UUID-based storage
[13:23:42] /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode
[13:23:42] /pex help [page] [count] - PermissionsEx commands help
[13:23:42] /pex users list - List all registered users
[13:23:42] /pex users - List all registered users (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex user - List all registered users (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> - List user permissions (list alias)
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> superperms - List user actual superperms
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <user> suffix
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> toggle debug - Toggle debug only for <user>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> check <permission> [world] - Checks player for <permission>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> get <option> [world] - Toggle debug only for <user>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from <user> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permissions> to <user> for [lifetime] seconds in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all <user> groups
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] - Add <user> to <group>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user>
[13:23:42] /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group>
[13:23:42] /pex users cleanup <group> [threshold] - Clean users of specified group, which last login was before threshold (in days). By default threshold is 30 days.
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> swap <permission> <targetPermission> [world] - Swap <permission> and <targetPermission> in permission list. Could be number or permission itself
[13:23:42] /pex groups list [world] - List all registered groups
[13:23:42] /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex group - List all registered groups (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> weight [weight] - Print or set group weight
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> toggle debug - Toggle debug mode for group
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix.
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group>
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group>
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> parents add <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> parents remove <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias)
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permissions> for <group> in [world]
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group>
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
[13:23:42] /pex default group [world] - Print default groups for specified world
[13:23:42] /pex set default group <group> <value> [world] - Set whether a group is default for specified worlds
[13:23:42] /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder]
[13:23:42] /pex promote <user> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group on [ladder]
[13:23:42] /pex demote <user> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder]
[13:23:42] /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds
[13:23:42] /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info
[13:23:42] /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world>
[13:23:43] [Peasant] MyStudTrex: poop
[13:23:53] User 04a16dbf-db6d-364d-9812-9e1753aecd4a/MyStudTrex promoted to trusty group
[13:24:09] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: y
[13:24:33] MyStudTrex was blown up by Creeper
[13:25:20] 'trusty' inherits the following groups:
[13:25:20] default (rank 1000 @ default)
[13:25:20] Group "trusty"'s permissions:
[13:25:20] 1) multiverse.core.tp.self (own)
[13:25:20] 2) multiverse.teleport.self.PublicWorld (own)
[13:25:20] 3) multiverse.teleport.self.world (own)
[13:25:20] 4) multiverse.access.world (own)
[13:25:20] 5) multiverse.access.PublicWorld (own)
[13:25:20] Group "trusty"'s Options:
[13:25:20] rank = "999"
[13:25:20] prefix = "&f[&3Trusty&f] "
[13:25:53] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command.
[13:26:32] Permission "multiverse.access.hard_smp" added to group "trusty"!
[13:26:44] Permission "multiverse.teleport.hard_smp" added to group "trusty"!
[13:26:58] MyStudTrex is stupid and tried to swim...in lava...
[13:27:17] Permission "multiverse.teleport.hard_smp" added to group "trusty"!
[13:27:23] MyStudTrex burned to death
[13:27:32] World name is required
[13:27:45] Cancelled render for 'world'
[13:28:05] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[13:28:14] MyStudTrex hit the ground too hard. Nice!
[13:30:46] MyStudTrex drowned
[13:31:53] MyStudTrex drowned
[13:33:41] MyStudTrex burned to death
[13:37:36] MyStudTrex is an idiot and doesn't know what the space bar does and drowned
[13:40:53] --- Portals ---
[13:40:53] parkour_world parkour_hard_smp world_parkour parkour_exit world_shop world_cookie_v2
[13:41:14] MyStudTrex went up in flames
[13:41:17] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: gonna use console
[13:41:26] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: too much processing to sit here and do it
[13:41:28] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[13:41:29] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: lag
[13:41:51] Error in command syntax. Check command help.
[13:42:02] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: did you increase tick speed
[13:42:05] Error in command syntax. Check command help.
[13:42:08] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: also toggledownfall
[13:42:14] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.parkour_world" added to group "trusty"!
[13:42:28] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.parkour_hard_smp" added to group "trusty"!
[13:42:39] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.world_parkour" added to group "trusty"!
[13:42:46] §cMyStudTrex §4was denied access to command.
[13:42:47] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.parkour_exit" added to group "trusty"!
[13:42:57] MyStudTrex hit the ground too hard
[13:43:01] [Developer] Console: oof
[13:43:05] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: u still on
[13:43:09] --- Portals ---
[13:43:09] parkour_world parkour_hard_smp world_parkour parkour_exit world_shop world_cookie_v2
[13:43:15] [Developer] Console: yeah
[13:43:19] [Developer] Console: kind of
[13:43:24] [Developer] Console: Im in the console
[13:43:26] Unknown command
[13:43:26] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: can u turn off rain
[13:43:29] Unknown command
[13:43:45] You set the weather to sun in world.
[13:43:55] [Developer] Console: adding perms still
[13:43:59] Unknown command
[13:44:01] --- Portals ---
[13:44:01] parkour_world parkour_hard_smp world_parkour parkour_exit world_shop world_cookie_v2
[13:44:14] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.world_shop" added to group "trusty"!
[13:45:02] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected
[13:45:02] MyStudTrex left the game
[14:03:53] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[14:03:53] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Trusty] MyStudTrex
[14:04:06] [Developer] Console: still hard at work
[14:04:41] [Trusty] MyStudTrex: still cantinteract
[14:08:41] [Developer] Console: it's worlguard
[14:09:32] [Developer] Console: gonna work on it during free time
[14:10:16] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected
[14:10:16] MyStudTrex left the game
[15:58:21] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[15:59:43] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[16:01:01] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:15:46] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:15:46] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Peasant] AnimeFreak_225
[16:18:26] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Zombie
[16:20:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: f
[16:20:48] [Peasant] AnimeFreak_225: f
[16:21:13] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: f
[16:22:00] AnimeFreak_225 was slain by Spider
[16:23:02] AnimeFreak_225 has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
[16:23:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: g
[16:32:46] Unknown command
[16:32:46] Stopping the server
[16:32:46] Stopping server
[16:32:47] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard
[16:32:47] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[16:32:47] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[16:32:47] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[16:32:47] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[16:32:47] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[16:32:47] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[16:32:47] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[16:32:47] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[16:32:47] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[16:32:47] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[16:32:47] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:32:47] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:32:47] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[16:32:47] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[16:32:47] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[16:32:47] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[16:32:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[16:32:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[16:32:47] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[16:32:48] Saving players
[16:32:48] Cryotheus lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[16:32:48] Cryotheus left the game
[16:32:48] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[16:32:48] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[16:32:48] Saving worlds
[16:34:42] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[16:34:42] Loading properties
[16:34:43] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[16:34:43] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[16:34:43] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[16:34:43] Debug logging is disabled
[16:34:43] Generating keypair
[16:34:43] Using epoll channel type
[16:34:50] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@49b313d9]
[16:34:51] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[16:34:52] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[16:34:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 15ms.
[16:34:53] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[16:34:53] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1041ms) ===
[16:34:53] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[16:34:53] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[16:34:53] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[16:34:53] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[16:34:54] Loaded 524 recipes
[16:34:54] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[16:34:57] Time elapsed: 2606 ms
[16:34:57] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:34:58] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[16:34:59] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[16:34:59] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[16:34:59] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[16:34:59] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[16:34:59] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[16:35:04] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[16:35:05] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[16:35:08] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[16:35:08] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:35:08] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:35:08] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[16:35:08] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[16:35:08] Using locale en_US
[16:35:09] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[16:35:09] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect.
[16:35:09] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:35:09] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[16:35:09] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[16:35:09] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[16:35:09] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[16:35:09] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[16:35:09] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard
[16:35:09] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 468ms) ===
[16:35:09] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[16:35:10] Done (16.710s)! For help, type "help"
[16:35:34] Unknown command
[16:35:43] Stopping the server
[16:35:43] Stopping server
[16:35:43] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard
[16:35:43] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[16:35:43] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[16:35:43] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[16:35:43] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[16:35:43] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[16:35:43] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[16:35:43] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[16:35:43] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[16:35:43] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[16:35:43] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[16:35:43] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:35:43] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:35:43] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[16:35:43] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[16:35:43] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[16:35:43] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[16:35:43] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[16:35:43] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[16:35:43] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[16:35:45] Saving players
[16:35:45] Saving worlds
[16:36:15] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[16:36:15] Loading properties
[16:36:15] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[16:36:15] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[16:36:15] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[16:36:15] Debug logging is disabled
[16:36:15] Generating keypair
[16:36:16] Using epoll channel type
[16:36:22] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@5b0a0237]
[16:36:23] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[16:36:24] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[16:36:24] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 18ms.
[16:36:25] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[16:36:25] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1037ms) ===
[16:36:25] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[16:36:25] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[16:36:25] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[16:36:25] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[16:36:25] Loaded 524 recipes
[16:36:26] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[16:36:28] Time elapsed: 2197 ms
[16:36:29] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[16:36:29] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[16:36:30] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[16:36:30] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[16:36:30] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[16:36:30] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[16:36:30] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[16:36:35] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[16:36:35] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[16:36:38] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[16:36:38] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:36:38] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:36:38] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[16:36:39] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[16:36:39] Using locale en_US
[16:36:39] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[16:36:39] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect.
[16:36:39] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[16:36:39] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[16:36:39] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[16:36:39] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[16:36:39] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[16:36:39] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[16:36:40] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard
[16:36:40] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 481ms) ===
[16:36:40] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[16:36:40] Done (15.565s)! For help, type "help"
[16:37:41] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:37:53] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[16:39:52] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized.
[16:39:53] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:39:53] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225
[16:41:56] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:42:57] AnimeFreak_225 was shot by Skeleton
[16:43:12] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Regeneration to AnimeFreak_225]
[16:43:27] [✔Cryotheus: Applied effect Strength to AnimeFreak_225]
[16:44:35] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Timed out
[16:44:35] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[16:44:36] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out
[16:44:56] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:54:14] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out
[17:05:01] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[17:16:36] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §asold§e pumpkin§a for §eż320 §a(64 items at ż5 each).
[17:17:36] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[18:00:48] Removed 0/4 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 288754.84ms.
[19:07:14] Full render starting on world 'hard_smp'...
[19:13:17] World name is required
[19:13:21] Cancelled render for 'hard_smp'
[19:13:28] Unknown command
[19:13:42] Purged 0 tiles from queue
[19:13:42] World purge starting on world 'hard_smp'...
[19:13:47] Full render starting on world 'hard_smp'...
[19:17:57] MyStudTrex[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:17:57] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Trusty] MyStudTrex
[19:18:12] MyStudTrex lost connection: Disconnected
[19:18:12] MyStudTrex left the game
[19:19:04] [Developer] Console: ey
[19:19:07] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online.
[19:25:55] Unknown command
[19:25:57] There are 0 out of maximum 20 players online.
[19:33:26] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:33:26] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225
[19:33:54] [Developer] Console: hey
[19:33:56] There are 1 out of maximum 20 players online.
[19:33:56] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225
[19:34:01] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hey
[19:34:14] [Developer] Console: server might be a bit laggy, I'm generating a map of the hard_smp world
[19:34:26] [Developer] Console: also, are you able to break blocks outside of spawn?
[19:34:27] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: kk
[19:35:04] [Developer] Console: I think I got it to work
[19:35:20] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: i cant mine anyone
[19:35:28] [Developer] Console: ffs
[19:35:36] Unknown command
[19:35:40] [Developer] Console: one sec
[19:35:44] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ok
[19:35:45] [Developer] Console: let me manually add you
[19:35:51] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ok
[19:35:53] Please specify the world with -w world_name.
[19:35:57] /region <select|flag|migrateuuid|setpriority|teleport|flags|save|addowner|removeowner|list|remove|addmember|redefine|load|removemember|define|claim|setparent|migratedb|info>
[19:36:11] Too few arguments.
[19:36:11] /region addmember [-n] <id> <members...>
[19:36:25] Please specify the world with -w world_name.
[19:36:34] Too few arguments.
[19:36:34] /region addmember [-n] <id> <members...>
[19:36:42] No world by that exact name found.
[19:36:49] Please specify the world with -w world_name.
[19:36:53] Unknown command
[19:36:57] [Developer] Console: uhhhh
[19:36:59] There are 1 out of maximum 20 players online.
[19:36:59] trusty: [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225
[19:37:02] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: what
[19:37:20] [Developer] Console: commands are difficult without autocomplete
[19:37:30] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: rip
[19:37:33] [Developer] Console: so Ima do this
[19:37:35] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:37:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeet
[19:37:57] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: what
[19:38:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: use the in game console instead
[19:38:22] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: huh
[19:38:31] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: okay
[19:38:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: let's test
[19:38:57] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: want me to try to break block
[19:39:00] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah's
[19:39:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[19:39:16] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: no luck
[19:39:19] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I'm just gonna purge world guard
[19:39:27] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: rip
[19:39:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: prepare
[19:39:49] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: for server restart
[19:39:54] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: oh yea can i get some food imma die of hunger
[19:39:59] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: oh rip
[19:40:16] Unknown command
[19:40:16] Stopping the server
[19:40:16] Stopping server
[19:40:16] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard
[19:40:16] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[19:40:16] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[19:40:16] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[19:40:16] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[19:40:16] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[19:40:16] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[19:40:16] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[19:40:16] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[19:40:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[19:40:16] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[19:40:16] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:40:16] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:40:16] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[19:40:16] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[19:40:16] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[19:40:16] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[19:40:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[19:40:16] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[19:40:16] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[19:40:17] Saving players
[19:40:17] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[19:40:17] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[19:40:17] Cryotheus lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[19:40:17] Cryotheus left the game
[19:40:17] Saving worlds
[19:40:54] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[19:40:54] Loading properties
[19:40:54] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[19:40:54] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[19:40:54] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[19:40:54] Debug logging is disabled
[19:40:54] Generating keypair
[19:40:55] Using epoll channel type
[19:41:00] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@3ebde655]
[19:41:02] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[19:41:03] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 13ms.
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[19:41:03] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 892ms) ===
[19:41:03] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[19:41:04] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[19:41:04] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[19:41:04] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[19:41:04] Loaded 524 recipes
[19:41:05] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[19:41:07] Time elapsed: 2263 ms
[19:41:08] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:41:09] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[19:41:09] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[19:41:09] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[19:41:09] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[19:41:09] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[19:41:09] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[19:41:14] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[19:41:14] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[19:41:17] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[19:41:17] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:41:17] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:41:17] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[19:41:18] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[19:41:18] Using locale en_US
[19:41:18] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[19:41:18] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect.
[19:41:18] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:41:18] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[19:41:18] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[19:41:18] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[19:41:18] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[19:41:18] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[19:41:19] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 408ms) ===
[19:41:19] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[19:41:19] Done (15.666s)! For help, type "help"
[19:41:31] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:41:53] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode.
[19:42:22] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized.
[19:50:09] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:50:09] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225
[19:50:32] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode.
[19:51:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: can you break blocks?
[19:51:12] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: ;-;
[19:51:21] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: nope
[19:51:24] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: brah
[19:51:26] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: WAT
[19:52:14] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: you are not permitted to interact wit GRASS_BLOCK
[19:52:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hm
[19:52:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: try now
[19:52:58] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: nope
[19:54:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: also the server comews back faster than you think
[19:55:01] Unknown command
[19:55:01] Stopping the server
[19:55:01] Stopping server
[19:55:01] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[19:55:01] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[19:55:01] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[19:55:01] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[19:55:01] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[19:55:01] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[19:55:01] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[19:55:01] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[19:55:01] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[19:55:01] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[19:55:01] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:55:01] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:55:01] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[19:55:01] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[19:55:01] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[19:55:01] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[19:55:01] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[19:55:01] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[19:55:01] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[19:55:07] Saving players
[19:55:07] Cryotheus lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[19:55:07] Cryotheus left the game
[19:55:07] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Server machine [B]roke please stand by
[19:55:07] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[19:55:07] Saving worlds
[19:55:42] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2
[19:55:42] Loading properties
[19:55:42] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[19:55:42] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[19:55:42] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[19:55:42] Debug logging is disabled
[19:55:42] Generating keypair
[19:55:43] Using epoll channel type
[19:55:49] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@40835ae7]
[19:55:50] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[19:55:51] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 21ms.
[19:55:51] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[19:55:52] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 986ms) ===
[19:55:52] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[19:55:52] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[19:55:52] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[19:55:52] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[19:55:52] Loaded 524 recipes
[19:55:53] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[19:55:55] Time elapsed: 2162 ms
[19:55:56] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[19:55:56] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[19:55:57] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[19:55:57] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[19:55:57] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[19:55:57] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[19:55:57] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[19:56:02] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[19:56:02] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[19:56:04] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[19:56:04] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:56:04] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:56:04] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[19:56:04] Creating config from template: /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/plugins/Essentials/config.yml
[19:56:04] Creating config from template: /home/cryotheum/Minecraft/plugins/Essentials/kits.yml
[19:56:05] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[19:56:05] Using locale en_US
[19:56:05] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[19:56:05] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect.
[19:56:05] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[19:56:05] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[19:56:05] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[19:56:05] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[19:56:05] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[19:56:05] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[19:56:06] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 441ms) ===
[19:56:06] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[19:56:06] Done (14.553s)! For help, type "help"
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: You logged in from another location
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:56:09] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[19:56:24] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:57:04] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized.
[20:00:32] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode.
[20:00:34] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode.
[20:01:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: abcdef
[20:01:31] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 12345678
[20:01:53] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:02:18] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: meme
[20:02:30] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: that was quick
[20:02:31] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: all player names broke lol
[20:02:40] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD
[20:02:41] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah it takes like a minute to restart
[20:03:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: can you break blocks?
[20:03:20] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: nope ;-;
[20:03:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: WTF
[20:03:44] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hey your banned for swearinh
[20:03:51] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: swearing
[20:04:02] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: no swearing alowed
[20:04:08] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD
[20:04:59] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ALLL THE PERMS ARE $oFUCKED
[20:05:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: uh
[20:05:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I mean
[20:05:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: FUCKED
[20:05:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: there we go
[20:05:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I
[20:05:43] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I'm just gonna complain to noor and watch some yt vids
[20:06:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: alternatively, if you'd like, you can host a LAN server of your 1.15 world
[20:06:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: kek
[20:06:23] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD
[20:06:51] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: idk how to make sever
[20:07:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: no, a LAN server
[20:07:26] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: huh
[20:07:28] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: go on 1.15 and load you world
[20:07:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: press esc
[20:07:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: to open the menu
[20:07:37] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: why
[20:07:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and click the button that says host on LAN
[20:07:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: then I can join you
[20:07:52] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Disconnected
[20:07:52] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[20:08:19] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[20:08:19] Cryotheus left the game
[20:10:32] [Developer] Console: i have arrived
[20:11:32] [Developer] Console: AND IN THE SAME DAY
[20:11:35] [Developer] Console: YOU HIT ME UP
[20:13:00] [Developer] Console: well i can kinda type because dynmap is rendering and showing up in log
[20:13:25] [Developer] Console: imma join lemme fire up minecraft
[20:14:15] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:14:30] [Developer] Console: ey
[20:14:39] [Developer] Noorquacker: why did you change color of dev
[20:14:45] Unknown command
[20:14:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: this is outsider color
[20:14:55] Unknown command
[20:15:02] World name is required
[20:15:08] Cancelled render for 'hard_smp'
[20:15:20] Unknown command
[20:15:30] [Developer] Console: the groups are there
[20:15:36] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:16:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: aight
[20:16:16] [Developer] Noorquacker: so i've thinking about this for a while ngl
[20:16:24] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: RECREATE
[20:16:29] AnimeFreak_225[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:16:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: we can throw away the pex config and move to mysql basing it off of the old server's pex config
[20:16:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: oh boy oh boy
[20:16:49] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: but what about outdated permissions?
[20:16:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and crap
[20:16:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: the essentials you were using
[20:17:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: i dont friggin care they're close enough
[20:17:06] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: wasn't even being developed tho
[20:17:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh cool factions shows a title now
[20:17:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:17:17] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I updated it
[20:17:27] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because it too, was no longer being developed
[20:17:27] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: hi
[20:17:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: so it's factions3
[20:17:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: who are you
[20:17:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hi
[20:17:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: she's a gurl at my school
[20:17:47] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD
[20:17:47] [Developer] Noorquacker: kam but icri edition
[20:17:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: basically
[20:18:00] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: same level in every aspect
[20:18:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: even anime levels
[20:18:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: in a little while she'll change her username to something because i bet that's been her username for years
[20:18:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: because that's exactly how it was for kam
[20:18:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: this world is a mess
[20:18:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: gamer_girl45 -> HetaKam
[20:18:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh yea
[20:18:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: this was made in super haste
[20:19:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I can tell
[20:19:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: lemme actually explain why this server sucks so much
[20:19:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: that's why I made hard_smp
[20:19:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: so in summer of uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[20:19:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: 2016
[20:19:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yonder
[20:19:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: i think
[20:19:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: it was between my freshman and sophomore year
[20:19:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: i looked like a snack
[20:19:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: i went to NOAC
[20:19:42] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: wait did you say I have to change my username??????
[20:19:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: and i had the time of my life
[20:19:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: no
[20:19:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: no
[20:19:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: i'm predicting that you will
[20:20:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: when she understands its cringe level
[20:20:27] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: discussion table
[20:20:34] [Trusty] AnimeFreak_225: XD ik its cringe
[20:20:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: aight so NOAC
[20:20:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: server specs:
[20:20:54] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: oooh
[20:20:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: idk i think i3-2120, 8gb or 16gb ram
[20:21:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: and one 3tb hdd
[20:21:03] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 16 gb
[20:21:13] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it's running 100gb somethin tho?
[20:21:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: ???
[20:21:30] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: everytime I login I see 42% of 101GB used
[20:21:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: that's disk
[20:21:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: 120gb ssd for now
[20:21:41] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ah
[20:21:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: gonna move to iSCSI virtual disk located on another server someday
[20:21:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: someday
[20:22:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: eventually
[20:22:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways
[20:22:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: 1 3tb hdd
[20:22:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: that 1 3tb hdd
[20:22:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: gosh dangit
[20:22:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: is /pex group Developer add *
[20:22:35] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: a thing
[20:22:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: it's sitting under my bed with "dead" on it
[20:22:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: yes you can do that i thought i already did that
[20:22:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: it's already there
[20:23:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I can
[20:23:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways that drive friggin spat out errors while i was at noac
[20:23:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: *ca't
[20:23:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: do /global
[20:23:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: i did it
[20:23:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh
[20:23:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: why can't I :/
[20:23:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: you don't have * per user
[20:23:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: there
[20:23:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: oh
[20:23:38] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: nope
[20:24:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: huh
[20:24:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: daint workl
[20:24:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: try again
[20:24:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: nope
[20:25:00] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: You do not have the permissions to perform this action!
[20:25:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: well it is bungee cord
[20:25:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: so
[20:25:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: ??????
[20:25:18] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: probably doesn't use pex
[20:25:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: bungeecord shouldn't be interfering
[20:25:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: wait
[20:25:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: are you trying to do /global
[20:25:37] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: pretty sure it's bungee cord
[20:25:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah i can't do that either
[20:25:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: it's bungee nvm
[20:25:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yes /global <text>
[20:26:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: bungee doesn't do the prems like spigot
[20:26:13] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: or should I say pex?
[20:26:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: pex
[20:26:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways
[20:26:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: so the hard drive broke
[20:26:53] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:26:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: right before noac i backed up nearly everything important
[20:27:01] AnimeFreak_225 lost connection: Flying is not enabled on this server
[20:27:01] AnimeFreak_225 left the game
[20:27:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: and it wasn't that dead so i got the server out in time
[20:27:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: so uh what next
[20:27:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh yea
[20:28:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: i bought the same hard drive but refurbished because $25 for 3tb
[20:28:06] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: who is the other dev
[20:28:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: oh
[20:28:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: no one else?
[20:28:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways
[20:28:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: uh
[20:28:22] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: excent
[20:28:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: ?
[20:28:29] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: idk
[20:28:37] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: he was destroying the economy
[20:28:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: uhhh
[20:28:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: ??????????????
[20:28:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: what
[20:28:43] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: he had like 1 billion
[20:28:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: ok i should finish this story so i can actually get to fixing
[20:29:03] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:29:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: continue
[20:29:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: so coming back to NOAC i had like 4 days left of summer break
[20:29:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: i did nothing
[20:29:16] [Developer] Noorquacker: i just like
[20:29:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: installed ubuntu server on the new drive and thats like it
[20:29:56] [Developer] Noorquacker: maybe i set up nginx (website) and mariadb (mysql but stable) and php but yeah thats like it
[20:30:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: so when i got into computer science I HAD TO GET MINECRAFT SERVER BACK
[20:30:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: for some reason the old one wasn't very happy with having zero permissions
[20:30:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: so i say screw it and start over with this world
[20:30:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: i added factions quickly and pex and essentials and that was it
[20:30:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: this was an anarchy server and it was done
[20:30:53] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:30:58] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hen you ported the other servers
[20:31:02] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: but not the one that was good
[20:31:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: ported?
[20:31:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: migrated
[20:31:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: what ever
[20:31:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: other servers?
[20:31:17] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: worlds
[20:31:18] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: fak
[20:31:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh
[20:31:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah
[20:31:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: it's been that way for a year and a half now
[20:31:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: that world with the temple for my mother and the other dude's mother
[20:31:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah, "idontknow"
[20:31:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: swaffy's world
[20:31:56] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:32:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: my favorite world aside from quackshack
[20:32:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: nice
[20:32:21] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Noorquacker ENABLED override mode.
[20:32:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah they broketh
[20:32:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: baka
[20:32:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: case sensitive
[20:32:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I did some work
[20:32:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: like I upgraded the parkour world
[20:33:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: thanks for the note
[20:33:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I addeda tele pad
[20:33:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: in a few spots
[20:33:44] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: like here
[20:33:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: OH nice
[20:34:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because ladders suck
[20:34:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: true
[20:34:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I did a tele zone
[20:34:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: in the lava
[20:34:56] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: AHHHHH
[20:35:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: bruh
[20:35:05] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I MISPROGRAMMED
[20:35:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: try it now
[20:35:21] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because it was teleporting me instead of you
[20:35:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: functional
[20:36:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: very functional
[20:36:03] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:36:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: i might make some sort of api for minecraft in code
[20:36:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: like a python api to make a player in a minecraft server
[20:36:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: i need to remove that news
[20:36:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: i made it a year ago already
[20:36:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: that's the bug you experienced just now
[20:37:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: no cmd block spam?
[20:37:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because @p is local to the command block
[20:37:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah no spam
[20:37:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: N I C E J O B I C R I !
[20:37:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh i get it
[20:37:19] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it's supposed to be to the at
[20:37:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: yeah
[20:37:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: i see
[20:37:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: 1.13.2 bug
[20:37:38] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: fixed in 1.14
[20:37:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways
[20:37:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: after the python api for a player
[20:37:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: maybe i can make a simulator for it
[20:38:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: so that instead of testing in a real mc world it can be fake
[20:38:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: so that you can increase how fast time flows
[20:38:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: lol minecarts
[20:38:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: and when you turn it all the way up
[20:38:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: you add machine learning
[20:39:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: also
[20:39:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: what's wrong with the server again
[20:39:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: players
[20:39:46] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: can't play
[20:39:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: ?
[20:39:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: litteraly can't do ANYTHING
[20:40:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: can't break blocks
[20:40:06] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: can't place
[20:40:07] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: use
[20:40:09] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: etc.
[20:40:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: lemme join as NoorquackerBot
[20:40:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: brb
[20:40:21] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[20:40:21] Noorquacker left the game
[20:40:24] **Sourced Cryotheus: test
[20:40:30] [Developer] Console: no thats poo poo method
[20:40:37] [✔Cryotheus: Made Cryotheus no longer a server operator]
[20:40:54] **Sourced Cryotheus: You are not permitted to interact with GRASS_BLOCK
[20:41:11] [Developer] Console: i forgot the password to my alt mc account
[20:41:13] [Developer] Console: kek
[20:41:19] Made Cryotheus a server operator
[20:41:27] User groups set!
[20:41:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: g
[20:41:35] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: okay
[20:41:47] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I can't use a fake alt
[20:41:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because MAC
[20:42:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I'm at forman school so I have to use a mac
[20:42:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: a MacBook Air to be exact
[20:42:26] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: which is chrome book level specs
[20:43:09] [Developer] Console: you use a school computer for minecraft?
[20:43:25] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: no
[20:43:27] [Developer] Console: i reset the password yay
[20:43:28] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I had to buy it
[20:43:34] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it had to be a frickin mac
[20:43:37] [Developer] Console: what the frick?
[20:43:46] NoorquackerBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:43:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: macbook air, macbook pro, or iPad with 64 gb of mem
[20:43:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: Meem
[20:43:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: *MeeM
[20:44:04] §cNoorquackerBot §4was denied access to command.
[20:44:11] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: oh
[20:44:13] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: that...
[20:44:19] [✔Cryotheus: Added NoorquackerBot to team [N-Word Pass Owner]]
[20:44:21] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: worldguard?
[20:44:24] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: no
[20:44:24] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i think?
[20:44:27] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: frick
[20:44:27] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it doesn't exist
[20:44:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I thougth it was that
[20:44:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and nothing I did worked
[20:44:44] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: ESSENTIALSPROTECT
[20:44:45] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: so I rem oved it
[20:44:46] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: BECAUSE I NEVER USED IT
[20:44:49] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: OH
[20:44:51] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: ICRI
[20:44:54] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: YOU BUTT
[20:44:57] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: jnsfkjndfgkjngsdfkjnsdgrljnagrljnsgdfr
[20:45:03] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i'll do it
[20:45:04] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: dont do it
[20:45:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I CANT KICK MYSELF
[20:45:23] ✔Cryotheus died
[20:45:32] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: lel
[20:45:55] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode.
[20:46:05] [Developer] Console: why do you have htop in a tmux session
[20:46:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because I was using it so frequently
[20:46:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: you can close it
[20:46:37] [Developer] Console: imma reload, ready?
[20:46:40] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: go
[20:46:41] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[20:46:41] Cryotheus left the game
[20:46:42] CONSOLE: Please note that this command is not supported and may cause issues when using some plugins.
[20:46:42] CONSOLE: If you encounter any issues please use the /stop command to restart your server.
[20:46:42] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[20:46:42] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[20:46:42] Debug logging is disabled
[20:46:42] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[20:46:42] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[20:46:42] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[20:46:42] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[20:46:42] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47
[20:46:42] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[20:46:42] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[20:46:42] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[20:46:42] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[20:46:42] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[20:46:42] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:46:42] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:46:42] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[20:46:42] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[20:46:42] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[20:46:42] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[20:46:42] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[20:46:42] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[20:46:42] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[20:46:43] Loaded 524 recipes
[20:46:43] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[20:46:43] Loaded 524 recipes
[20:46:44] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@2024ae62]
[20:46:44] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[20:46:45] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[20:46:45] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 4ms.
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[20:46:45] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 250ms) ===
[20:46:45] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[20:46:45] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[20:46:45] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[20:46:45] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:46:46] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[20:46:46] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[20:46:46] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[20:46:46] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[20:46:46] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[20:46:46] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[20:46:46] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[20:46:46] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[20:46:51] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[20:46:52] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[20:46:52] Using locale en_US
[20:46:52] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:46:52] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:46:52] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[20:46:53] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[20:46:53] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[20:46:53] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[20:46:53] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[20:46:53] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 427ms) ===
[20:46:53] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:46:53] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[20:46:54] CONSOLE: Reload complete.
[20:47:05] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:47:15] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized.
[20:47:32] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: what the-
[20:47:37] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: frick
[20:47:45] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: what the frick?
[20:48:04] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: what the actual frick
[20:48:07] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no this is bad
[20:48:09] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: frick
[20:48:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: wat
[20:48:16] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: friggin loginsecurity
[20:48:21] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: is shiet
[20:48:24] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: thankfully i dont share this password with other accounts
[20:48:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and it wiped my inventory
[20:48:33] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: but IT SHOWS THE /LOGIN COMMAND IN CONSOLE
[20:48:43] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: oh god
[20:48:44] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: that might be perworldinventory too
[20:48:47] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: 4041525
[20:48:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:49:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I'm smart enough to make my own password for mc
[20:49:10] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i was planning on disclosing log files
[20:49:14] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: now i cant
[20:49:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because I can't trust people
[20:49:15] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: ;-;
[20:49:24] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: python script
[20:49:28] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: yeah ik
[20:49:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: split b y line
[20:49:53] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: but php would be more guaranteed because they'd be displayed on a website
[20:49:58] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: find /login
[20:50:01] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: sub
[20:50:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: split by space
[20:50:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and replace the first entry
[20:50:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: with [REDACTED]
[20:50:22] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: or just
[20:50:48] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: for i in explode(log,"\n"):
[20:50:58] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: if "/login" in i:
[20:51:02] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: dont print
[20:51:04] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: else:
[20:51:06] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: print(i)
[20:51:10] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: good enough
[20:51:11] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah...
[20:51:13] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: write
[20:51:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: but yeah
[20:51:17] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: lmao use stdout
[20:51:24] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: lmao use end=
[20:51:41] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: safezone my ass
[20:51:45] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: nah because explode() will separate the log by strings
[20:52:05] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: its still not working
[20:52:07] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: wtf
[20:52:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: rm EssentialsProtect
[20:52:15] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: EssentialsAntiBuild
[20:52:18] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: brb
[20:52:22] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: AH
[20:52:40] [Developer] Console: aight
[20:52:42] [Developer] Console: reloading again
[20:52:43] CONSOLE: Please note that this command is not supported and may cause issues when using some plugins.
[20:52:43] CONSOLE: If you encounter any issues please use the /stop command to restart your server.
[20:52:43] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[20:52:43] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[20:52:43] Debug logging is disabled
[20:52:43] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled
[20:52:43] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2
[20:52:43] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled!
[20:52:43] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com
[20:52:43] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[20:52:43] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[20:52:43] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[20:52:43] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault
[20:52:43] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled
[20:52:43] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:52:43] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:52:43] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[20:52:43] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks...
[20:52:43] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable.
[20:52:43] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated...
[20:52:43] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed.
[20:52:43] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit
[20:52:43] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[20:52:44] Loaded 524 recipes
[20:52:44] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[20:52:44] Loaded 524 recipes
[20:52:45] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@1c5840de]
[20:52:45] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[20:52:46] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[20:52:46] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas...
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas...
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile...
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 4ms.
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault
[20:52:46] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 235ms) ===
[20:52:46] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3
[20:52:46] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read.
[20:52:46] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled
[20:52:46] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[20:52:47] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03
[20:52:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting...
[20:52:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed.
[20:52:47] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1
[20:52:47] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands...
[20:52:47] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners...
[20:52:47] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer
[20:52:47] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[20:52:52] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist
[20:52:53] Loaded 20977 items from items.json.
[20:52:53] Using locale en_US
[20:52:53] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:52:53] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:52:53] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2
[20:52:53] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available.
[20:52:53] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled!
[20:52:53] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START ===
[20:52:53] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl
[20:52:54] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 359ms) ===
[20:52:54] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[20:52:54] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[20:52:55] CONSOLE: Reload complete.
[20:53:03] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized.
[20:53:11] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: works
[20:53:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: how do you do a reload like that
[20:53:18] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: ./reload
[20:53:40] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: also I did a full flat render of world ;D
[20:53:44] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: rip like 2GB
[20:53:44] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: yeah ik
[20:53:49] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: more probably
[20:53:51] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: lemme check
[20:53:54] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it no longer has blank artifacts
[20:54:01] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: `du -sh plugins/dynmap` for it
[20:54:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: but the 3d and caves one wasn't done
[20:54:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: and I need to redo hard_smp
[20:54:17] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: 17gb total
[20:54:29] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: also come check the shop
[20:54:42] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: warp trade
[20:54:49] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: don't have access
[20:54:51] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: frick
[20:54:53] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: kekekekekek
[20:54:55] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: pex
[20:55:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: WTF
[20:55:18] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: MY INVENTORY GOT WIPED
[20:55:27] Permission "essentials.warp" added to group "default"!
[20:55:35] Permissions reloaded
[20:55:40] Permission "essentials.warp.*" added to group "default"!
[20:55:46] Permissions reloaded
[20:55:54] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I'm gonna pull the life insurance card
[20:56:30] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: bal
[20:56:36] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i have $25
[20:56:44] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: where is trade
[20:56:45] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: can you tp
[20:57:05] **Cryotheus invited -NoorquackerBot to your faction.
[20:57:05] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: WHAT WORLD IS IT
[20:57:10] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hard_smp
[20:57:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: mvlist
[20:57:24] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: normal, free build, parkour
[20:57:28] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: did you make another?
[20:57:30] ====[ Multiverse World List ]====
[20:57:30] [H]hard_smp_nether - NETHER
[20:57:30] Golden Temple - NORMAL
[20:57:30] The Quack Shack - NORMAL
[20:57:30] Biscuit Clicker - NORMAL
[20:57:30] Hard SMP - NORMAL
[20:57:30] Normal SMP - NORMAL
[20:57:30] [H]world_the_end - THE_END
[20:57:30] [H]world_nether - NETHER
[20:57:30] Free Build - NORMAL
[20:57:30] Parkour - NORMAL
[20:57:30] [H]hard_smp_the_end - THE_END
[20:57:30] Trustys' World - NORMAL
[20:57:31] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: hard_smp
[20:57:35] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: it's hidden lol
[20:57:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: frick
[20:57:38] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: oh
[20:57:47] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no allowed
[20:57:50] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: there is a perm for the world being listed
[20:58:08] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: you forgot per world perm
[20:58:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah
[20:58:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ahem
[20:58:39] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: gonna be brave
[20:58:47] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: minecraft:give > essentials give
[20:58:57] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: do whatever
[20:59:01] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: you can override in aliases
[20:59:16] [✔Cryotheus: Gave 1 [Golden Shovel] to ✔Cryotheus]
[20:59:34] Permission "multiverse.access.hard_smp" added to group "default"!
[20:59:36] Permission "multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether" added to group "default"!
[20:59:39] Permission "multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end" added to group "default"!
[20:59:41] ====[ Multiverse World List ]====
[20:59:41] [H]hard_smp_nether - NETHER
[20:59:41] Golden Temple - NORMAL
[20:59:41] The Quack Shack - NORMAL
[20:59:41] Biscuit Clicker - NORMAL
[20:59:41] Hard SMP - NORMAL
[20:59:41] Normal SMP - NORMAL
[20:59:41] [H]world_the_end - THE_END
[20:59:41] [H]world_nether - NETHER
[20:59:41] Free Build - NORMAL
[20:59:41] Parkour - NORMAL
[20:59:41] [H]hard_smp_the_end - THE_END
[20:59:41] Trustys' World - NORMAL
[20:59:48] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: there
[20:59:58] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no wait
[21:00:02] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: lemem test something
[21:00:11] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: warp works
[21:00:12] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ALL THE BUY SIGNS
[21:00:14] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ARE BROKEN
[21:00:15] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ...
[21:00:22] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: WE NEED TO ENABLE IT IN THE CONF
[21:00:23] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: FUCK
[21:00:29] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I mean
[21:00:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: FRICK
[21:00:58] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: signs are broke
[21:01:00] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: ????????
[21:01:02] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: need ot enable them
[21:01:03] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: why are some in zbucks
[21:01:07] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: why are others in dollars
[21:01:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: because I didn't finish touching up the text
[21:01:23] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no wait
[21:01:25] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no like
[21:01:30] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: the enchant signs always do $
[21:01:31] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: if you have the zbuck symbol
[21:01:32] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: instead of z
[21:01:45] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: you can change it in config to use zbuck symbol instead of $
[21:01:47] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I have to do /data block ~ ~ ~
[21:01:51] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I know
[21:01:56] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: does it still not work?
[21:01:56] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: doesn't affect the enchant sign
[21:01:59] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: frick
[21:02:16] NoorquackerBot tried to swim in lava
[21:02:23] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: anta baka
[21:02:33] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: name's black
[21:02:35] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: name's black
[21:02:35] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: nether portal doesnt work
[21:02:40] NoorquackerBot is stupid and tried to swim...in lava...
[21:02:40] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: feck
[21:02:49] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: death messages
[21:02:53] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: huh
[21:02:56] NoorquackerBot tried to swim in lava
[21:03:12] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i love "tried to swim in lava"
[21:03:18] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: IM SO &uFUCKING TIRED
[21:03:20] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ah
[21:03:21] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: it makes you sound stupid after you lose all your stuff
[21:03:28] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: wrong character huh
[21:03:29] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: is this nether portal set right
[21:03:34] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: did you do correct perms
[21:03:40] 'default' inherits the following groups:
[21:03:40] Group "default"'s permissions:
[21:03:40] 1) multiverse.access.hard_smp_the_end (own)
[21:03:40] 2) multiverse.access.hard_smp_nether (own)
[21:03:40] 3) multiverse.access.hard_smp (own)
[21:03:40] 4) essentials.warp.* (own)
[21:03:40] 5) essentials.warp (own)
[21:03:40] 6) worldguard.build.* (own)
[21:03:40] 7) multiverse.access.parkour (own)
[21:03:40] 8) essentials.list (own)
[21:03:40] 9) essentials.coords (own)
[21:03:40] 10) essentials.compass (own)
[21:03:40] 11) essentials.pay (own)
[21:03:40] 12) factions.faction (own)
[21:03:40] 13) factions.list (own)
[21:03:40] 14) essentials.help (own)
[21:03:40] 15) essentials.heal (own)
[21:03:40] 16) essentials.time.set (own)
[21:03:40] 17) essentials.time (own)
[21:03:40] 18) essentials.helpop (own)
[21:03:40] 19) essentials.back.ondeath (own)
[21:03:40] 20) essentials.suicide (own)
[21:03:40] 21) essentials.mail.send (own)
[21:03:40] 22) essentials.mail (own)
[21:03:40] 23) essentials.balance (own)
[21:03:40] 24) essentials.signs.use.* (own)
[21:03:40] 25) essentials.warp.list (own)
[21:03:40] 26) essentials.delhome (own)
[21:03:40] 27) multiverse.access.freebuild (own)
[21:03:40] 28) essentials.msg (own)
[21:03:40] 29) multiverse.core.spawn.self (own)
[21:03:40] 30) multiverse.teleport.self.w (own)
[21:03:40] 31) essentials.tpdeny (own)
[21:03:40] 32) multiverse.core.list.worlds (own)
[21:03:40] 33) multiverse.core.list (own)
[21:03:40] 34) multiverse.access.world_the_end (own)
[21:03:40] 35) multiverse.access.world_nether (own)
[21:03:40] 36) multiverse.access.world (own)
[21:03:40] 37) essentials.tell (own)
[21:03:40] 38) multiverse.core.info (own)
[21:03:40] 39) essentials.tpahere* (own)
[21:03:40] 40) essentials.tpahere (own)
[21:03:40] 41) essentials.back (own)
[21:03:40] 42) essentials.tpaccept (own)
[21:03:40] 43) essentials.tpa.* (own)
[21:03:40] 44) essentials.tpa (own)
[21:03:40] 45) factions.leader.* (own)
[21:03:40] 46) factions.leader (own)
[21:03:40] 47) factions.kick (own)
[21:03:40] 48) factions.join.* (own)
[21:03:40] 49) factions.join (own)
[21:03:40] 50) factions.invite (own)
[21:03:40] 51) factions.home (own)
[21:03:40] 52) factions.flag (own)
[21:03:40] 53) factions.expansions (own)
[21:03:40] 54) factions.disband (own)
[21:03:40] 55) factions.description (own)
[21:03:40] 56) factions.demote (own)
[21:03:40] 57) factions.create (own)
[21:03:40] 58) factions.access.* (own)
[21:03:40] 59) factions.access (own)
[21:03:40] 60) essentials.me.* (own)
[21:03:40] 61) essentials.me (own)
[21:03:40] 62) essentials.sethome.* (own)
[21:03:40] 63) essentials.sethome (own)
[21:03:40] 64) essentials.home (own)
[21:03:40] 65) essentials.home.* (own)
[21:03:40] 66) modifyworld.* (own)
[21:03:40] Group "default"'s Options:
[21:03:40] rank = "1000"
[21:03:40] default = "true"
[21:03:40] prefix = "&8[&4Peasant&8]&f "
[21:03:40] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: where?dw
[21:04:04] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode.
[21:04:48] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: join my faction
[21:05:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ./f join Sourced
[21:05:52] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: I put console in my faction too
[21:06:38] [Developer] Console: back
[21:06:47] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: join me faction
[21:06:54] [Developer] Console: you have to add perm multiverse.portal.access.*
[21:07:04] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: ahem
[21:07:05] Permission "multiverse.portal.access.*" added to group "default"!
[21:07:06] [Developer] Console: done
[21:07:08] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: quackshack portal
[21:07:16] -NoorquackerBot joined your faction.
[21:07:16] [Factions 3.2.3] NoorquackerBot joined the faction Sourced.
[21:07:19] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: test
[21:07:31] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: portal works now
[21:08:00] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: can you add selling too
[21:08:04] *Cryotheus gave you the leadership of your faction.
[21:08:20] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: no
[21:08:21] *Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: HUH
[21:08:23] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i'm not noorquacker
[21:08:26] -Sourced [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i'm noorquackerbot
[21:08:33] [Dynmap]: Ik
[21:08:36] -NoorquackerBot left your faction.
[21:08:36] [Factions 3.2.3] NoorquackerBot left the faction: Sourced
[21:08:52] A server admin gave **Cryotheus the leadership of your faction.
[21:09:11] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i'm supposed to be the least privileged user
[21:09:11] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: g
[21:09:16] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: lol
[21:09:17] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: and noorquacker is most privileged
[21:09:19] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: for permissions testing
[21:09:26] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i am the least privileged
[21:09:28] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i am a gamer
[21:09:36] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i am the most oppressed minority
[21:09:36] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: nword pass tho
[21:09:45] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: noorquacker has the n word pass
[21:09:56] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: i made an Official N Word Pass for my really pale friend
[21:09:56] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: you have the nwordpass scoreboard team :D
[21:10:21] [Peasant] NoorquackerBot: brb
[21:11:14] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected
[21:11:14] Cryotheus left the game
[21:18:14] NoorquackerBot lost connection: Disconnected
[21:18:14] NoorquackerBot left the game