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[09:01:43] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:08:49] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:14:31] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:29:18] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [09:29:58] Stopping the server [09:29:58] Stopping server [09:29:58] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV19 [09:29:58] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot [09:29:58] [Factions 2.10.0] Disabled [09:29:58] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [09:29:58] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [09:29:58] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [09:29:58] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [09:29:58] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [09:29:58] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [09:29:58] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [09:29:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [09:29:59] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [09:29:59] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Disabled [09:29:59] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:29:59] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:29:59] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [09:29:59] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [09:29:59] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks... [09:29:59] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable. [09:29:59] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [09:29:59] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [09:29:59] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [09:29:59] Saving players [09:29:59] Saving worlds
[09:30:26] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2 [09:30:26] Loading properties [09:30:26] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [09:30:26] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [09:30:26] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [09:30:26] Debug logging is disabled [09:30:26] Generating keypair [09:30:27] Using epoll channel type [09:30:33] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@7fe2b9a5] [09:30:34] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [09:30:34] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [09:30:35] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [09:30:35] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [09:30:35] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 23ms. [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:30:36] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [09:30:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 2632ms) === [09:30:38] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [09:30:38] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read. [09:30:38] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled [09:30:38] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [09:30:39] Loaded 524 recipes [09:30:39] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [09:30:41] Time elapsed: 1982 ms [09:30:41] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:30:42] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [09:30:43] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [09:30:43] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [09:30:43] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [09:30:43] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [09:30:43] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer [09:30:49] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [09:30:49] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [09:30:51] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [09:30:51] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:30:51] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:30:51] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [09:30:52] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [09:30:52] Using locale en_US [09:30:52] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [09:30:52] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect. [09:30:52] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:30:52] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [09:30:52] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [09:30:52] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [09:30:52] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 290ms) === [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:53] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [09:30:53] Done (14.610s)! For help, type "help" [09:30:53] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:55] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:55] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:55] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:57] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:57] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:58] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:58] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:59] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:30:59] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:00] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:00] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:01] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:01] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:02] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:03] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:03] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:03] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:04] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:04] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:05] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:05] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:06] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:06] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:07] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:08] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:08] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:08] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:09] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:09] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:10] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:10] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:11] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:11] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:12] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:12] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:13] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:13] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:14] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:14] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:15] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:15] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:16] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:16] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:17] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:17] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:18] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:18] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:19] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:19] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:20] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:20] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:21] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:21] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:22] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:22] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:23] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:23] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:24] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:25] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:25] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:26] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:26] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:27] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:27] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:28] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:28] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:29] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:29] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:30] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:30] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:31] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:31] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:33] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:33] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:34] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:34] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:35] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:35] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:36] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:36] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:37] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:37] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:38] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:38] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:38] Unknown command [09:31:39] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:39] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:40] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:40] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:41] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:41] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:42] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:42] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:43] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:43] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:45] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:45] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:46] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:46] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:47] Unknown command [09:31:47] Stopping the server [09:31:47] Stopping server [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activation IntegrationWorldGuard FAILED: [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV19 [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot [09:31:47] [Factions 2.10.0] Disabled [09:31:47] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [09:31:47] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [09:31:47] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [09:31:47] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [09:31:47] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [09:31:47] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [09:31:47] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [09:31:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Disabled [09:31:47] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:31:47] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:31:47] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [09:31:47] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [09:31:47] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks... [09:31:47] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable. [09:31:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [09:31:47] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [09:31:47] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [09:31:48] Saving players [09:31:48] Saving worlds
[09:52:57] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2 [09:52:57] Loading properties [09:52:57] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [09:52:57] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [09:52:57] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [09:52:57] Debug logging is disabled [09:52:57] Generating keypair [09:52:57] Using epoll channel type [09:53:05] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@1ce90715] [09:53:05] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [09:53:06] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [09:53:06] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [09:53:06] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 10ms. [09:53:07] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [09:53:07] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 945ms) === [09:53:07] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [09:53:07] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read. [09:53:07] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled [09:53:07] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [09:53:08] Loaded 524 recipes [09:53:08] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [09:53:11] Time elapsed: 2175 ms [09:53:12] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:53:12] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [09:53:13] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [09:53:13] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [09:53:13] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [09:53:13] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [09:53:13] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer [09:53:18] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [09:53:18] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [09:53:20] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [09:53:20] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:53:21] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:53:21] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [09:53:21] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [09:53:21] Using locale en_US [09:53:21] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [09:53:21] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect. [09:53:21] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:53:21] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [09:53:22] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [09:53:22] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [09:53:22] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [09:53:22] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [09:53:22] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard [09:53:22] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 460ms) === [09:53:22] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [09:53:23] Done (15.549s)! For help, type "help" [09:53:23] You left your faction. [09:53:23] [Factions 3.2.3] @console left the faction: SafeZone [09:53:23] Removed 1/2 (50.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 21987.12ms. [09:53:26] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [09:54:42] Unknown command [10:10:56] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [10:11:17] Unknown command [10:11:17] Stopping the server [10:11:17] Stopping server [10:11:17] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard [10:11:17] [Factions 3.2.3] Disabled [10:11:17] [AntiSwear] Disabling AntiSwear v5.2 [10:11:17] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear by brooky1010 is now disabled! [10:11:17] [AntiSwear] Website: themilkywalrus.com [10:11:17] [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [10:11:17] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [10:11:17] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [10:11:17] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [10:11:17] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [10:11:17] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Disabled [10:11:17] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [10:11:17] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [10:11:17] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [10:11:17] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [10:11:17] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks... [10:11:17] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable. [10:11:17] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown initiated... [10:11:17] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Shutdown completed. [10:11:17] Unregistering com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface from WorldEdit [10:11:18] Saving players [10:11:18] Saving worlds
[10:11:40] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2 [10:11:40] Loading properties [10:11:40] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [10:11:40] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [10:11:40] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [10:11:40] Debug logging is disabled [10:11:40] Generating keypair [10:11:41] Using epoll channel type [10:11:46] Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@7cfcd683] [10:11:47] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:11:48] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [10:11:48] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v3.2.3 [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Cachefile datas... [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Loading Registry datas... [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Saving Cachefile... [10:11:48] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Setup of IdUtil took 22ms. [10:11:49] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [10:11:49] [MassiveCore 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 988ms) === [10:11:49] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.4.3 [10:11:49] [OFC] World type 'Default' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World type 'Normal' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World type 'TheEnd' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World type 'Nether' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World name 'world' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World name 'world_nether' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] World name 'world_the_end' has been read. [10:11:49] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled [10:11:49] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [10:11:50] Loaded 524 recipes [10:11:50] Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [10:11:53] Time elapsed: 2300 ms [10:11:53] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [10:11:55] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Starting... [10:11:55] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [10:11:55] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v3.0.1 [10:11:55] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [10:11:55] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [10:11:55] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.12+ map captcha renderer [10:12:01] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [10:12:01] Could not set generator for world 'cookie_v2': Plugin 'CleanroomGenerator' does not exist [10:12:03] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [10:12:03] [Multiverse-SignPortals 4.1.0-b748] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:03] [Multiverse-Portals 4.1.0-b805] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:03] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [10:12:04] Loaded 20977 items from items.json. [10:12:04] Using locale en_US [10:12:04] [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.17.1.47 [10:12:04] [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect. [10:12:04] [Multiverse-NetherPortals 4.1.0-b763] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:12:04] [AntiSwear] Enabling AntiSwear v5.2 [10:12:04] [AntiSwear] There is an update available. This server is running Antiswear version 5.2, but version 5.4is available. [10:12:04] [AntiSwear] AntiSwear Version: 5.2 by brooky1010 is enabled! [10:12:04] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE START === [10:12:04] [Factions 3.2.3] Activated FactionColl [10:12:05] [Factions 3.2.3] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard [10:12:05] [Factions 3.2.3] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 413ms) === [10:12:05] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [10:12:06] Done (17.013s)! For help, type "help" [10:13:00] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:17:22] **Sourced [Developer] Cryotheus: sorry noor, they were outdated and there's no way to update them [10:23:45] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [14:00:03] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:08:33] Unknown command [14:13:23] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [14:14:31] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:20:51] [✔Cryotheus: Teleported 4 entities to ✔Cryotheus] [14:30:06] ✔Cryotheus has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [14:42:22] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §asold§e sugar§a for §eż4 §a(1 items at ż4 each). [14:43:56] §e§0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §asold§e leather§a for §eż350 §a(35 items at ż10 each). [14:50:19] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [14:50:21] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus ENABLED override mode. [15:13:35] [Factions 3.2.3] Cryotheus have set the power bonus for Cryotheus to 10.00. [15:15:19] **Sourced Cryotheus invited you to Sourced. [15:15:45] Not enough command input. You should use it like this: [15:15:45] /f join <faction> [player=you] [15:15:51] You successfully joined Sourced. [15:15:51] [Factions 3.2.3] @console joined the faction Sourced. [15:18:19] [OFC] Config for world 'world' is initialized. [15:21:35] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [18:00:50] Removed 0/2 (0.00%) entities from factions_mplayer took 1070.65ms. [20:05:18] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:05:43] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [20:07:13] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:33:17] Cryotheus lost connection: Timed out [20:44:19] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:46:48] [Factions 3.2.3] [Developer] Cryotheus DISABLED override mode. [20:54:36] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected