[16:24:31] RoyalZealot24[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:24:31] Welcome back to the Quack Shack, [Peasant] RoyalZealot24 [16:25:33] [Developer] Console: hey homosexual [16:25:51] [Peasant] RoyalZealot24: nani the frick is this [16:26:02] [Developer] Console: i saw ur mums pp [16:26:21] RoyalZealot24 has made the advancement [Stone Age] [16:26:21] [Developer] Console: nani [16:33:10] Registered groups: [16:33:10] default #0 (rank: 1000@default) [] [16:33:10] Developer #0 [] [16:33:10] trusty #0 (rank: 999@default) [default] [16:33:10] moderator #0 (rank: 998@default) [trusty] [16:33:18] 'moderator' inherits the following groups: [16:33:18] trusty (rank 999 @ default) [16:33:18] Group "moderator"'s permissions: [16:33:18] 1) essentials.fly (own) [16:33:18] Group "moderator"'s Options: [16:33:18] rank = "998" [16:33:41] User 6537499c-23bd-322e-bd22-f81d0e423026/RoyalZealot24 promoted to trusty group [16:33:48] [Trusty] RoyalZealot24: bruh [16:33:51] User 6537499c-23bd-322e-bd22-f81d0e423026/RoyalZealot24 promoted to moderator group [16:33:55] [Trusty] RoyalZealot24: bruh [16:33:59] [Trusty] RoyalZealot24: bruh [16:35:12] RoyalZealot24 lost connection: Disconnected [16:35:12] RoyalZealot24 left the game