[08:16:55] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:16:55] J joined the game [08:20:34] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [08:20:34] BJ83 joined the game [08:29:54] J has made the advancement [Remote Getaway] [09:08:46] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [09:08:46] BJ83 left the game [09:09:42] J lost connection: Disconnected [09:09:42] J left the game [11:31:33] JT[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:31:33] JT joined the game [11:32:34] JT lost connection: Disconnected [11:32:34] JT left the game [11:33:47] eye[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:33:47] eye joined the game [11:35:44] eye burned to death [11:36:25] eye fell from a high place [11:38:10] EHProgHat[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:38:10] EHProgHat joined the game [11:40:40] eye fell from a high place [11:41:10] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:41:10] o__cactus__o joined the game [11:41:18] EHProgHat lost connection: Disconnected [11:41:18] EHProgHat left the game [11:42:10] eye tried to swim in lava [11:43:50] eye tried to swim in lava [11:43:57] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [11:43:57] o__cactus__o left the game [11:44:19] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:44:19] J joined the game [11:45:02] J lost connection: Disconnected [11:45:02] J left the game [11:50:29] EHProgHat[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:50:29] EHProgHat joined the game [11:52:23] eye was shot by Skeleton [11:52:33] JackB[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:52:33] JackB joined the game [11:53:10] eye was slain by Zombie [11:53:17] **Jack [Peasant] JackB: is there still phantoms at night? [11:53:34] [Peasant] eye: yes [11:53:44] [Peasant] eye: I have no idea [11:54:18] [Peasant] eye: everything is dead [11:54:53] EHProgHat has made the advancement [Stone Age] [11:55:02] EHProgHat has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [11:55:22] EHProgHat lost connection: Disconnected [11:55:22] EHProgHat left the game [11:55:36] eye was shot by Skeleton [11:55:41] dg17[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:55:41] dg17 joined the game [11:55:49] [Peasant] eye: hi [11:55:52] EHProgHat[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:55:52] EHProgHat joined the game [11:59:07] Geoffrey[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [11:59:07] Geoffrey joined the game [12:01:48] EHProgHat lost connection: Disconnected [12:01:48] EHProgHat left the game [12:01:56] [Peasant] Geoffrey: jack is gay [12:02:08] [Dynmap]: understandable [12:02:12] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@318a99f[id=1d941d4e-9d56-341b-8c8c-cca72329c83c,name=pussy licker,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: [LoginSecurity] Your username contains illegal characters! [12:02:15] [Peasant] eye: k [12:02:19] **Jack [Peasant] JackB: *son [12:02:28] [Peasant] Geoffrey: hes looking for a mna on this server [12:02:32] EHProgHat[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:02:32] EHProgHat joined the game [12:02:35] [Peasant] Geoffrey: man* [12:03:01] JackB fell from a high place [12:03:27] [Peasant] Geoffrey: so why are you guys on this old seever [12:03:33] [Peasant] eye: hi [12:03:45] [Dynmap]: hello [12:03:50] [Peasant] Geoffrey: bye [12:04:00] jlonigro795[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:04:00] jlonigro795 joined the game [12:04:57] [Peasant] eye: hi [12:05:54] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:05:54] o__cactus__o joined the game [12:06:50] eye has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [12:07:10] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [12:07:10] o__cactus__o left the game [12:07:35] [Peasant] eye: hello? [12:07:43] [Peasant] Geoffrey: HI [12:07:47] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:07:47] o__cactus__o joined the game [12:07:48] [Dynmap]: hi [12:07:54] EHProgHat has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [12:07:54] [Peasant] Geoffrey: are yall in school rn [12:08:17] **ThePricks [Trusty] o__cactus__o: ye [12:08:29] CactusBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:08:29] CactusBot joined the game [12:09:04] [Peasant] eye: why is everything destrodyed? [12:09:19] [Peasant] eye: parden my speeling [12:09:30] [Factions 2.10.0] CactusBot created a new faction: ThePricks2 [12:09:31] dg17 has made the advancement [Stone Age] [12:09:32] [Peasant] eye: *spelling [12:09:41] [Peasant] Geoffrey: JACKB STOP [12:10:49] dg17 has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [12:11:21] eye was shot by Skeleton [12:13:29] [Peasant] eye: hi [12:13:37] **ThePricks [Trusty] o__cactus__o: hello [12:14:09] §cEHProgHat §4was denied access to command. [12:14:09] CactusBot has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [12:14:41] dg17 has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [12:14:56] eye fell from a high place [12:15:37] Jackson[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:15:37] Jackson joined the game [12:16:02] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [12:16:02] o__cactus__o left the game [12:16:39] jlonigro795 was slain by Zombie [12:17:03] eye fell from a high place [12:18:51] eye suffocated in a wall [12:20:02] Geoffrey has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [12:20:29] Geoffrey has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [12:22:21] jlonigro795 lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:21] jlonigro795 left the game [12:22:21] Geoffrey lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:21] Geoffrey left the game [12:22:34] CactusBot lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:34] CactusBot left the game [12:22:40] Jackson lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:40] Jackson left the game [12:22:40] JackB lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:40] JackB left the game [12:22:43] EHProgHat lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:43] EHProgHat left the game [12:22:55] dg17 lost connection: Disconnected [12:22:55] dg17 left the game [12:24:49] eye lost connection: Disconnected [12:24:49] eye left the game [13:56:06] jt[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:56:06] jt joined the game [13:57:15] BoluptuousBoY[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:57:15] BoluptuousBoY joined the game [13:57:58] ohBOY[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:57:58] ohBOY joined the game [13:58:59] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [13:58:59] BJ83 joined the game [14:01:27] ohBOY has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [14:02:39] runitbackturbo[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:02:39] runitbackturbo joined the game [14:08:18] [Peasant] runitbackturbo: bed pls [14:09:58] [Peasant] runitbackturbo: bed [14:10:45] [Peasant] runitbackturbo: rawr xd [14:11:02] **FAQ [Trusty] ohBOY: \ [14:11:35] **BBOY [Peasant] BoluptuousBoY: yeet yeet [14:12:18] [Peasant] runitbackturbo: now [14:12:25] **BBOY [Peasant] BoluptuousBoY: sleepy time [14:16:45] BJ83 has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [14:18:32] ohBOY lost connection: Disconnected [14:18:32] ohBOY left the game [14:18:35] runitbackturbo lost connection: Disconnected [14:18:35] runitbackturbo left the game [14:19:11] jt lost connection: Disconnected [14:19:11] jt left the game [14:19:19] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [14:19:19] BJ83 left the game [14:19:30] BoluptuousBoY lost connection: Disconnected [14:19:30] BoluptuousBoY left the game [14:47:04] BHJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:47:04] BHJ83 joined the game [14:47:17] BHJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [14:47:17] BHJ83 left the game [14:48:01] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [14:48:01] BJ83 joined the game [15:02:14] BJ83 has made the advancement [Cover Me With Diamonds] [15:44:41] [Factions 2.10.0] BJ83 created a new faction: MTNMen [15:46:46] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -77 -318. [15:46:46] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:46:51] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -78 -318. [15:46:51] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:46:55] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -79 -318. [15:46:55] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:46:56] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -79 -317. [15:46:56] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:04] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -79 -316. [15:47:04] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:07] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -78 -317. [15:47:07] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:11] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -77 -317. [15:47:11] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:15] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -76 -317. [15:47:15] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:20] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -76 -316. [15:47:20] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:47:36] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -77 -319. [15:47:36] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:49:15] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [15:49:15] BJ83 left the game [15:50:30] BlowJackson[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:50:30] BlowJackson joined the game [15:51:27] *Tornados BlowJackson gave **Tornados jt the leadership of Tornados. [15:51:35] [Factions 2.10.0] BlowJackson left the faction: Tornados [15:51:54] [Factions 2.10.0] BlowJackson joined the faction MTNMen. [15:52:01] BlowJackson lost connection: Disconnected [15:52:01] BlowJackson left the game [15:52:50] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:52:50] BJ83 joined the game [15:53:34] **MTNMen BJ83 bought 1 chunk world -77 -320. [15:53:34] Wilderness --> MTNMen [15:54:37] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [15:54:37] BJ83 left the game [15:55:14] BlowJackson[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:55:14] BlowJackson joined the game [15:56:25] BlowJackson lost connection: Disconnected [15:56:25] BlowJackson left the game [15:57:01] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:57:01] BJ83 joined the game [15:58:09] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [15:58:09] BJ83 left the game [15:58:46] BlowJackson[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [15:58:46] BlowJackson joined the game [16:09:56] BlowJackson lost connection: Disconnected [16:09:56] BlowJackson left the game [16:11:34] BJ83[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:11:34] BJ83 joined the game [16:20:25] BJ83 lost connection: Disconnected [16:20:25] BJ83 left the game [17:08:28] JackB[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:08:28] JackB joined the game [17:35:12] JackB lost connection: Disconnected [17:35:12] JackB left the game [19:28:50] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:28:50] o__cactus__o joined the game [19:29:21] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:29:21] J joined the game [19:30:23] J lost connection: Disconnected [19:30:23] J left the game [20:19:24] BlowJackson[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:19:24] BlowJackson joined the game [20:20:17] BlowJackson lost connection: Disconnected [20:20:17] BlowJackson left the game [20:20:46] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [20:20:46] o__cactus__o left the game [20:20:53] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:20:53] o__cactus__o joined the game [20:21:41] CactusBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:21:41] CactusBot joined the game [20:24:50] CactusBot has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [20:27:25] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [20:27:29] CactusBot is stupid and tried to swim...in lava... [20:27:36] CactusBot is stupid and tried to swim...in lava... [20:27:44] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [20:27:54] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [20:28:04] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [20:34:27] **ThePricks o__cactus__o bought 1 chunk world -1 -6. [20:34:27] Wilderness --> ThePricks [20:34:35] **ThePricks o__cactus__o conquered 1 chunk world -2 -6. [20:34:35] Tornados --> ThePricks [20:34:56] **ThePricks o__cactus__o conquered 1 chunk world -3 -6. [20:34:56] Tornados --> ThePricks [20:35:01] **ThePricks o__cactus__o sold 1 chunk world -3 -6. [20:35:01] ThePricks --> Wilderness [20:35:09] **ThePricks o__cactus__o sold 1 chunk world -2 -6. [20:35:09] ThePricks --> Wilderness [20:35:23] **ThePricks o__cactus__o pillaged 1 chunk world -2 -7. [20:35:23] Tornados --> Wilderness [20:35:45] **ThePricks o__cactus__o pillaged 1 chunk world -1 -7. [20:35:45] Tornados --> Wilderness [20:35:52] **ThePricks o__cactus__o sold 1 chunk world -1 -6. [20:35:52] ThePricks --> Wilderness [20:36:17] **ThePricks o__cactus__o conquered 1 chunk world -1 -8. [20:36:17] Tornados --> ThePricks [20:36:22] **ThePricks o__cactus__o sold 1 chunk world -1 -8. [20:36:22] ThePricks --> Wilderness [20:37:35] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [20:37:35] o__cactus__o left the game [20:38:07] CactusBot lost connection: Disconnected [20:38:07] CactusBot left the game [20:38:51] CactusBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:38:51] CactusBot joined the game [20:39:33] CactusBot1[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:39:33] CactusBot1 joined the game [20:40:38] [Factions 2.10.0] CactusBot1 joined the faction ThePricks2. [20:50:52] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:50:52] o__cactus__o joined the game [20:52:28] CactusBot hit the ground too hard. Nice! [20:52:31] CactusBot1 hit the ground too hard. Nice! [20:56:21] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [20:56:21] o__cactus__o left the game [21:01:58] [Dynmap]: /f show ThePricks2 [21:23:45] CactusBot1 has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper] [21:57:03] CactusBot1 lost connection: Disconnected [21:57:03] CactusBot1 left the game [21:57:20] CactusBot lost connection: Disconnected [21:57:20] CactusBot left the game [21:58:18] o__cactus__o[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:58:18] o__cactus__o joined the game [22:02:15] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:02:15] J joined the game [22:04:15] J lost connection: Login timed out! [22:04:15] J left the game [22:05:18] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:05:18] J joined the game [22:07:18] J lost connection: Login timed out! [22:07:18] J left the game [22:07:27] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:07:27] J joined the game [22:09:27] J lost connection: Login timed out! [22:09:27] J left the game [22:09:39] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:09:39] J joined the game [22:09:49] J lost connection: Disconnected [22:09:49] J left the game [22:10:05] J[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:10:05] J joined the game [22:10:16] J lost connection: Disconnected [22:10:16] J left the game [22:11:40] CactusBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:11:40] CactusBot joined the game [22:12:20] CactusBot hit the ground too hard. Nice! [22:12:24] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [22:12:38] CactusBot tried to swim in lava [22:12:46] CactusBot is stupid and tried to swim...in lava... [22:12:55] CactusBot is stupid and tried to swim...in lava... [22:12:56] CactusBot lost connection: Disconnected [22:12:56] CactusBot left the game [22:13:29] CactusBot[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:13:29] CactusBot joined the game [22:20:04] **ThePricks2 CactusBot bought 1 chunk world -78 -316. [22:20:04] Wilderness --> ThePricks2 [22:20:09] CactusBot lost connection: Disconnected [22:20:09] CactusBot left the game [22:22:54] o__cactus__o lost connection: Disconnected [22:22:54] o__cactus__o left the game