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[17:35:57] Stopping the server [17:35:57] Stopping server [17:35:57] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV19 [17:35:57] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot [17:35:57] [Factions 2.10.0] Disabled [17:35:57] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [17:35:57] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [17:35:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Disabled [17:35:57] Saving players [17:35:57] Saving worlds
[18:54:36] Starting minecraft server version 1.13 [18:54:36] Loading properties [18:54:37] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9 (MC: 1.13) (Implementing API version 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [18:54:37] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [18:54:37] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [18:54:37] Debug logging is disabled [18:54:37] Generating keypair [18:54:38] Using epoll channel type [18:54:44] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable [18:54:45] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [18:54:45] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [18:54:45] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [18:54:45] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 64ms. [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [18:54:46] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [18:54:47] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [18:54:49] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 4105ms) === [18:54:49] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time **** [18:54:50] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [18:54:50] Loaded 524 recipes [18:55:13] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [18:55:15] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [18:55:15] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [18:55:15] git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9 (MC: 1.13) [18:55:15] 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [18:55:15] Using locale en_US [18:55:15] Using locale en_US [18:55:15] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [18:55:15] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [18:55:15] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v2.1.8 [18:55:16] [LoginSecurity] Connection to database.... [18:55:16] DataSourcePool [LoginSecurityDB] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] [18:55:16] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] [18:55:21] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.ActionEntry but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [18:55:21] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerLocation but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [18:55:21] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerProfile but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [18:55:21] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.Migration but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [18:55:21] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerInventory but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [18:55:21] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[5] [18:55:21] [LoginSecurity] Checking database version... [18:55:22] [LoginSecurity] Applied 0 missing database upgrades. [18:55:22] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [18:55:22] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [18:55:22] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.13 map captcha renderer [18:55:22] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [18:55:22] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [18:55:31] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [18:55:31] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [18:55:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [18:55:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [18:55:32] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 590ms) === [18:55:32] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [18:55:32] [MVPLogging] 0 - Portals(s) loaded [18:55:32] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [18:55:33] Time elapsed: 40384 ms [18:55:33] Done (43.007s)! For help, type "help"
[19:18:49] Starting minecraft server version 1.13 [19:18:49] Loading properties [19:18:50] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9 (MC: 1.13) (Implementing API version 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [19:18:50] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [19:18:50] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [19:18:50] Debug logging is disabled [19:18:50] Generating keypair [19:18:51] Using epoll channel type [19:18:55] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable [19:18:57] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [19:18:57] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [19:18:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 83ms. [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:18:58] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [19:19:02] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 5020ms) === [19:19:02] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time **** [19:19:05] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [19:19:06] Loaded 524 recipes [19:19:15] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [19:19:16] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [19:19:16] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [19:19:16] git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-162bda9 (MC: 1.13) [19:19:16] 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [19:19:16] Using locale en_US [19:19:17] Using locale en_US [19:19:17] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [19:19:17] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [19:19:17] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v2.1.8 [19:19:17] [LoginSecurity] Connection to database.... [19:19:17] DataSourcePool [LoginSecurityDB] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] [19:19:17] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] [19:19:19] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerProfile but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:19:19] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerLocation but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:19:19] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.ActionEntry but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:19:20] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.Migration but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:19:20] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerInventory but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:19:20] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[5] [19:19:20] [LoginSecurity] Checking database version... [19:19:20] [LoginSecurity] Applied 0 missing database upgrades. [19:19:20] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [19:19:20] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [19:19:20] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.13 map captcha renderer [19:19:20] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [19:19:20] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [19:19:27] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [19:19:27] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:19:28] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [19:19:28] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [19:19:28] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 1262ms) === [19:19:28] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:19:29] [MVPLogging] 0 - Portals(s) loaded [19:19:29] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [19:19:29] Time elapsed: 21279 ms [19:19:29] Done (25.620s)! For help, type "help" [19:39:32] Stopping the server [19:39:32] Stopping server [19:39:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV19 [19:39:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot [19:39:32] [Factions 2.10.0] Disabled [19:39:32] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [19:39:32] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [19:39:32] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Disabled [19:39:32] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [19:39:32] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [19:39:32] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [19:39:32] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [19:39:32] [LoginSecurity] Disabling LoginSecurity v2.1.8 [19:39:32] [LoginSecurity] Waiting for queued tasks... [19:39:32] [LoginSecurity] ExecutorService shut down, ready to disable. [19:39:32] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [19:39:32] Saving players [19:39:32] Saving worlds
[19:46:47] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2 [19:46:47] Loading properties [19:46:48] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-b0f4c22-d5e9688 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [19:46:48] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [19:46:48] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [19:46:48] Debug logging is disabled [19:46:48] Generating keypair [19:46:49] Using epoll channel type [19:46:56] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [19:46:56] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [19:46:56] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 49ms. [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:46:57] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [19:47:00] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 4515ms) === [19:47:01] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [19:47:02] Loaded 524 recipes [19:47:08] Time elapsed: 5150 ms [19:47:08] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [19:47:09] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [19:47:09] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [19:47:09] git-Spigot-b0f4c22-d5e9688 (MC: 1.13.2) [19:47:09] 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [19:47:09] Using locale en_US [19:47:09] Using locale en_US [19:47:09] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [19:47:09] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [19:47:09] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v2.1.8 [19:47:09] [LoginSecurity] Connection to database.... [19:47:09] DataSourcePool [LoginSecurityDB] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] [19:47:09] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] [19:47:10] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerLocation but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:47:10] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerProfile but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:47:10] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.ActionEntry but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:47:10] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerInventory but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:47:10] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.Migration but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:47:10] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[5] [19:47:10] [LoginSecurity] Checking database version... [19:47:10] [LoginSecurity] Applied 0 missing database upgrades. [19:47:10] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [19:47:10] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [19:47:10] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.13 map captcha renderer [19:47:10] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [19:47:10] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [19:47:19] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [19:47:19] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:47:19] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [19:47:19] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [19:47:19] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 199ms) === [19:47:19] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:47:19] [MVPLogging] 0 - Portals(s) loaded [19:47:19] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [19:47:20] Done (19.411s)! For help, type "help" [19:47:23] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:48:31] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:48:31] HetaKam joined the game [19:48:56] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [19:48:56] HetaKam left the game [19:49:04] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:49:04] HetaKam joined the game [19:49:29] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [19:49:29] HetaKam left the game [19:49:40] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:49:40] HetaKam joined the game [19:51:22] **gods [Developer] ~God: f [19:51:25] [Peasant] HetaKam: f [19:51:33] **gods [Developer] ~God: g [19:51:41] **gods [Developer] ~God: test [19:52:19] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Async Chat Thread - #0
[19:52:30] Starting minecraft server version 1.13.2 [19:52:30] Loading properties [19:52:30] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-b0f4c22-d5e9688 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [19:52:30] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [19:52:30] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [19:52:30] Debug logging is disabled [19:52:30] Generating keypair [19:52:31] Using epoll channel type [19:52:38] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [19:52:38] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [19:52:38] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 40ms. [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [19:52:39] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [19:52:42] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [19:52:42] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [19:52:42] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [19:52:42] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [19:52:42] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [19:52:43] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 4388ms) === [19:52:43] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit [19:52:44] Loaded 524 recipes [19:52:48] Time elapsed: 2536 ms [19:52:48] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [19:52:49] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [19:52:49] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [19:52:49] git-Spigot-b0f4c22-d5e9688 (MC: 1.13.2) [19:52:49] 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [19:52:49] Using locale en_US [19:52:49] Using locale en_US [19:52:49] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [19:52:49] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [19:52:49] [LoginSecurity] Enabling LoginSecurity v2.1.8 [19:52:49] [LoginSecurity] Connection to database.... [19:52:49] DataSourcePool [LoginSecurityDB] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] [19:52:49] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] [19:52:50] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerProfile but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:52:50] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerLocation but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:52:50] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.Migration but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:52:50] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.PlayerInventory but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:52:50] Explicit Identity on com.lenis0012.bukkit.loginsecurity.storage.ActionEntry but not supported by DB Platform - ignored [19:52:50] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[5] [19:52:50] [LoginSecurity] Checking database version... [19:52:50] [LoginSecurity] Applied 0 missing database upgrades. [19:52:50] [LoginSecurity] Registering commands... [19:52:50] [LoginSecurity] Registering listeners... [19:52:50] [LoginSecurity] Using 1.13 map captcha renderer [19:52:50] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [19:52:50] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [19:52:54] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [19:52:54] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [19:52:54] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [19:52:54] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [19:52:54] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 251ms) === [19:52:55] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [19:52:55] [MVPLogging] 0 - Portals(s) loaded [19:52:55] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [19:52:55] Done (12.446s)! For help, type "help" [19:52:58] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:53:08] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:53:08] HetaKam joined the game [19:53:33] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [19:53:33] HetaKam left the game [19:53:53] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:53:53] HetaKam joined the game [19:54:18] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [19:54:18] HetaKam left the game [19:54:58] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:54:58] HetaKam joined the game [19:55:23] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [19:55:23] HetaKam left the game [19:55:31] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:55:31] HetaKam joined the game [19:57:35] **gods [Developer] ~God: hey [19:57:37] **gods [Developer] ~God: i am god [20:02:20] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f create FACTIONNAME [20:02:23] [Peasant] HetaKam: f create new [20:02:33] [Factions 2.10.0] HetaKam created a new faction: ethreal [20:02:54] [Factions 2.10.0] The faction ethreal (08d63a92-8231-47eb-8951-036d957385c1) was disbanded by [Developer] ~God. [20:02:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Non existing factionId 08d63a92-8231-47eb-8951-036d957385c1 requested. Cleaning all boards and mplayers. [20:02:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Non existing factionId 08d63a92-8231-47eb-8951-036d957385c1 requested. Cleaning all boards and mplayers. [20:02:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Reset data for [Peasant] HetaKam . Unknown factionId 08d63a92-8231-47eb-8951-036d957385c1 [20:03:03] [Factions 2.10.0] HetaKam created a new faction: ethereal [20:03:22] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: hey [20:03:25] **gods [Developer] ~God: noob [20:03:36] **gods [Developer] ~God: ur mum gay [20:04:37] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f claim [20:05:18] **gods [Developer] ~God: f3+g [20:05:19] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -16 -15. [20:05:19] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:08] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -15 -15. [20:06:08] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:14] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -14 -15. [20:06:14] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:16] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -14 -16. [20:06:16] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:19] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -14 -17. [20:06:19] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:19] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -15 -17. [20:06:19] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:24] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -14 -18. [20:06:24] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:25] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:06:25] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:30] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -16 -18. [20:06:30] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:30] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -16 -17. [20:06:30] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:06:52] Noorquacker died [20:07:28] [Factions 2.10.0] Noorquacker has set the power bonus/penalty for Player "HetaKam" to 100.0. [20:07:59] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -15 -16. [20:07:59] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:08:22] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [20:08:22] HetaKam left the game [20:08:27] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -16 -16. [20:08:27] Wilderness --> Gods [20:08:35] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:08:35] HetaKam joined the game [20:08:47] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -16. [20:08:47] Ethereal --> Gods [20:08:52] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -15. [20:08:52] Ethereal --> Gods [20:08:53] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -16 -15. [20:08:53] Ethereal --> Gods [20:08:55] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -16 -17. [20:08:55] Ethereal --> Gods [20:08:56] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -17. [20:08:56] Ethereal --> Gods [20:08:57] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:08:57] Ethereal --> Gods [20:09:00] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [20:09:00] HetaKam left the game [20:09:06] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:09:06] HetaKam joined the game [20:09:14] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:09:14] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:17] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -15 -17. [20:09:17] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:18] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -16 -17. [20:09:18] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:25] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -16 -16. [20:09:25] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:27] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -15 -16. [20:09:27] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:27] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -16 -15. [20:09:27] Gods --> Wilderness [20:09:28] **gods Noorquacker sold 1 chunk world -15 -15. [20:09:28] Gods --> Wilderness [20:10:26] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -15 -15. [20:10:26] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:31] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -16 -15. [20:10:31] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:31] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -16 -16. [20:10:31] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:31] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -15 -16. [20:10:31] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:32] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -15 -17. [20:10:32] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:33] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -16 -17. [20:10:33] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:35] **gods Noorquacker bought 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:10:35] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:10:38] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:10:38] Ethereal --> Gods [20:10:47] **gods Noorquacker conquered 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:10:47] Gods --> Ethereal [20:11:35] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -16 -18. [20:11:35] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:11:37] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -15 -18. [20:11:37] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:11:41] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -15 -17. [20:11:41] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:11:51] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -15 -16. [20:11:51] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:11:54] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -14 -16. [20:11:54] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:11:55] **ethereal HetaKam sold 1 chunk world -14 -15. [20:11:55] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:12:14] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f unclaim all [20:13:37] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f unclaim all all [20:13:57] **ethereal HetaKam sold 6 chunks using unclaim all. [20:13:57] Ethereal --> Wilderness [20:15:27] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f claim auto [20:15:33] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -12 -19. [20:15:33] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:39] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -12 -20. [20:15:39] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:45] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -12 -18. [20:15:45] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:48] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -11 -18. [20:15:48] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:56] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -10 -18. [20:15:56] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:57] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -10 -19. [20:15:57] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:15:58] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -11 -19. [20:15:58] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:16:00] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -11 -20. [20:16:00] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:16:03] **ethereal HetaKam bought 1 chunk world -10 -20. [20:16:03] Wilderness --> Ethereal [20:16:36] **gods [Developer] ~God: ./f claim auto [20:17:42] **gods [Developer] ~God: \ [20:17:50] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: \ [20:17:57] **gods [Developer] ~God: test [20:18:03] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: test [20:18:21] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: f& test [20:18:26] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: f6 test [20:18:27] **gods [Developer] ~God: $f [20:18:30] **gods [Developer] ~God: [20:18:33] **gods [Developer] ~God: hey [20:18:42] **gods [Developer] ~God: \ [20:18:47] **gods [Developer] ~God: &\4 [20:18:50] **gods [Developer] ~God: & 4 [20:18:56] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: &4 hey [20:19:08] **gods [Developer] ~God: peasant [20:20:25] HetaKam has made the advancement [Stone Age] [20:24:58] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: gay [20:27:22] Noorquacker has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [20:28:30] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: f [20:29:22] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: hijo [20:29:41] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: mi hija [20:31:46] HetaKam has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [20:33:01] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Creeper] [20:33:09] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Creeper] [20:33:14] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Creeper] [20:33:20] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Creeper] [20:33:36] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Creeper] [20:34:24] [Noorquacker: Teleported Enderman to Noorquacker] [20:45:51] HetaKam was slain by Zombie [20:46:52] **gods [Developer] ~God: test [20:47:29] [Noorquacker: Summoned new Zombie] [20:48:24] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: pop team epic [20:52:29] [Noorquacker: Removed every effect from Noorquacker] [20:53:30] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: apyr [20:53:37] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: drug [20:53:45] **gods [Developer] ~God: druug [20:53:46] **gods [Developer] ~God: druuk [20:55:50] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: ADIT [20:57:25] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [20:57:25] HetaKam left the game [20:57:37] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:57:37] HetaKam joined the game [20:58:03] HetaKam lost connection: Timed out [20:58:03] HetaKam left the game [20:58:15] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:58:15] HetaKam joined the game [21:03:35] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: word_girl [21:04:02] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: 11037 [21:16:06] antedbell[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:16:06] antedbell joined the game [21:16:21] **gods [Developer] ~God: hello [21:16:27] [Peasant] antedbell: hi [21:16:36] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: hey [21:16:39] **gods [Developer] ~God: thats kam [21:16:48] [Peasant] antedbell: Sup [21:16:49] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: kamilla! kami or kam for short [21:16:54] **gods [Developer] ~God: now shes freaking out bc you're named andersen petersen [21:17:01] [Peasant] antedbell: .... why? [21:17:02] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: my last name is anderson [21:17:06] [Peasant] antedbell: niceeeeee [21:17:21] [Peasant] antedbell: btw noor i hate u [21:17:21] **gods [Developer] ~God: hey you're a good creative builder [21:17:23] **gods [Developer] ~God: no u [21:17:38] [Peasant] antedbell: I do hate myself too... [21:17:40] **gods [Developer] ~God: wanna go to a creative world [21:18:26] [Peasant] antedbell: NOOR [21:18:32] [Peasant] antedbell: DONT TAKE MY HORSE [21:18:32] **gods [Developer] ~God: i won't run away ok [21:18:48] [Peasant] antedbell: gross i hate being steve [21:18:49] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: if we marry- technically but in a figurative sense- you would become Andersen Anderson [21:18:56] [Peasant] antedbell: well [21:18:57] [Peasant] antedbell: no [21:19:01] **gods [Developer] ~God: this some lesbian stuff here [21:19:08] [Peasant] antedbell: CAUSE I DONT GO BY ANDERSEN [21:19:12] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: and what about it homophobe! [21:19:13] [Peasant] antedbell: NOOOOOOR [21:19:19] [Peasant] antedbell: hahahah [21:19:37] **gods [Developer] ~God: god has felt henerious [21:19:40] **gods [Developer] ~God: generous* [21:19:47] [Peasant] antedbell: ?? [21:19:49] **gods [Developer] ~God: heres 64 wood [21:20:03] [Peasant] antedbell: thx noor [21:20:07] **gods [Developer] ~God: np [21:20:12] **gods [Developer] ~God: wanna join a creative world with kam [21:20:17] [Peasant] antedbell: I love how he calls himself god [21:20:19] [Peasant] antedbell: sure [21:20:24] **gods [Developer] ~God: aight hol u [21:20:29] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: ;o? [21:20:30] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: oh [21:20:35] [Peasant] antedbell: cool [21:20:37] **gods [Developer] ~God: btw kam is a turbo weeb [21:20:41] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: HEY! [21:20:42] **gods [Developer] ~God: the one who got me into anime*** [21:20:43] [Peasant] antedbell: oh jeex [21:20:45] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: ok and what about it [21:20:46] [Peasant] antedbell: oh jeex [21:20:47] **gods [Developer] ~God: the one learning japanese [21:20:49] [Peasant] antedbell: jeez* [21:20:58] [Peasant] antedbell: Ok thats cool [21:21:03] **gods [Developer] ~God: the one wanting to go to university of tokyo [21:21:09] [Peasant] antedbell: thats also cool [21:21:11] **gods [Developer] ~God: ok maybe not that much [21:21:14] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: I LITERALLY NEVER SAID THAT! [21:21:22] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: but whos denying. [21:21:34] **gods [Developer] ~God: "i wanna take those university programs where you get to go to a different country..." [21:21:43] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: OK OK OK!!!!! [21:21:48] **gods [Developer] ~God: got em [21:21:54] [Peasant] antedbell: hahahahah [21:33:03] **gods [Developer] ~God: holy F R I C K [21:33:18] [Peasant] antedbell: what? [21:33:21] [Noorquacker: Removed every effect from 3 targets] [21:33:24] **gods [Developer] ~God: fancy house [21:33:28] [Peasant] antedbell: thx [21:33:47] **gods [Developer] ~God: yah what seems to be the situaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation [21:33:55] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: what seams the be the situaetion [21:34:06] [Peasant] antedbell: ? [21:34:12] **gods [Developer] ~God: inside joke [21:34:16] [Peasant] antedbell: ummm ok [21:34:19] **gods [Developer] ~God: "what seems to be the situaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation" [21:34:26] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: 9/11 was an inside job [21:35:06] **gods [Developer] ~God: we dont talk about that on here [21:35:22] [Peasant] antedbell: imma just ignore this all [21:35:43] **gods [Developer] ~God: situaaaaaaaaaaaaation [21:35:54] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: situAEtion [21:37:03] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [21:37:40] **gods [Developer] ~God: aight uh [21:37:51] [Peasant] antedbell: ? [21:37:53] **gods [Developer] ~God: andi we're in an insta video call wanna join [21:38:04] [Peasant] antedbell: uhhh sure [21:38:06] **gods [Developer] ~God: yeet [21:38:15] [Peasant] antedbell: umm ok [21:41:08] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [21:41:33] [Noorquacker: Removed every effect from 3 targets] [21:41:41] HetaKam lost connection: §4frick outta here [21:41:41] HetaKam left the game [21:41:41] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 ~God§r §6kicked HetaKam for §4frick outta here. [21:41:57] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [21:42:01] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:42:01] HetaKam joined the game [21:42:13] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:43:26] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: floor [21:43:30] **gods [Developer] ~God: flooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor [21:43:47] **gods [Developer] ~God: you need a flooring andi [21:49:32] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [21:49:32] HetaKam left the game [21:49:45] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:49:45] HetaKam joined the game [21:51:42] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: looks [21:51:47] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: exactly [21:51:49] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: like [21:51:50] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: my [21:51:52] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: hous [21:51:53] **gods [Developer] ~God: yes i got the house part [21:51:58] **gods [Developer] ~God: but also looks like what [21:52:00] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: but smaller for my pet rabbit [21:52:02] **gods [Developer] ~God: oh ok [21:58:09] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [21:58:09] HetaKam left the game [21:58:16] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:58:16] HetaKam joined the game [22:01:37] HetaKam fell out of the world [22:01:37] [Noorquacker: Killed HetaKam] [22:01:38] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [22:01:38] HetaKam left the game [22:01:45] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:01:45] HetaKam joined the game [22:02:10] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [22:02:10] HetaKam left the game [22:02:20] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:02:20] HetaKam joined the game [22:13:39] HetaKam lost connection: Kicked from server. [22:13:39] HetaKam left the game [22:13:39] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 ~God§r §6kicked HetaKam for Kicked from server.. [22:13:48] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:13:48] HetaKam joined the game [22:25:44] **gods [Developer] ~God: Aug 16 2015 [22:25:45] **gods [Developer] ~God: [18:35:00] Starting minecraft server version 1.8.8 [22:26:20] **gods [Developer] ~God: May 15 2016 [22:26:36] **gods [Developer] ~God: [20:01:08] <gamer_girl45> panics [22:26:49] **gods [Developer] ~God: [20:01:26] <gamer_girl45> i havnt played this is years[m [22:27:02] **gods [Developer] ~God: [20:01:47] <gamer_girl45> oh my theres alot more things[m [22:27:04] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: [m [22:27:13] **gods [Developer] ~God: <Noorquacker> It's taken my 2 years to get this server up [22:27:31] **gods [Developer] ~God: <gamer_girl45> i was such a weeaboo in 2011 [22:28:05] **gods [Developer] ~God: <gamer_girl45> why dont you just have a comand block with a daylight senser with redstone signals [22:28:23] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: command [22:28:30] **gods [Developer] ~God: sensor [22:28:32] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: sensor [22:28:38] **gods [Developer] ~God: automaticly [22:34:03] **gods [Developer] ~God: peasant [22:36:07] HetaKam has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [22:36:33] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: f [22:36:35] **gods [Developer] ~God: F [22:37:36] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [22:38:02] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [22:38:23] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [22:38:26] §cHetaKam §4was denied access to command. [22:40:09] **ethereal [Peasant] HetaKam: fuck [22:42:57] **gods [Developer] ~God: [17:04:41] <gamer_girl45> im bisexua; [22:55:05] HetaKam has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [22:55:43] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [22:55:43] HetaKam left the game [22:56:09] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:56:09] HetaKam joined the game [22:59:20] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [22:59:20] HetaKam left the game [22:59:45] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:59:45] HetaKam joined the game [23:00:39] **gods [Developer] ~God: https://mc.nqind.com/kam.txt [23:02:26] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [23:02:26] HetaKam left the game [23:08:02] [Peasant] antedbell: Noor why u still here [23:08:08] **gods [Developer] ~God: oh oops [23:08:09] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [23:08:14] [Peasant] antedbell: BYE VIRGIN [23:08:22] <God> later virgins