[00:00:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:00:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:00:22] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:18] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:18] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:19] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:19] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:19] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:19] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:20] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:20] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:20] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:01:21] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:05:41] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [00:13:52] §cSticks395 §4was denied access to command. [00:13:55] §cSticks395 §4was denied access to command. [00:15:48] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [00:16:27] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Sticks395] [00:16:37] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team Editor: Sticks395] [00:16:57] [Developer] Cryotheus: do /gm 1 [00:17:00] §cSticks395 §4was denied access to command. [00:17:02] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.chicken.egg' to Cryotheus] [00:17:02] [Cryotheus: Playing effect heart for 5 times] [00:17:04] [Trusty] Sticks395: I dont access [00:17:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.chicken.egg' to Cryotheus] [00:17:05] [Cryotheus: Playing effect heart for 5 times] [00:17:07] [Developer] Cryotheus: rly [00:17:10] §cSticks395 §4was denied access to command. [00:17:36] [Developer] Cryotheus: try now [00:17:43] [Trusty] Sticks395: There we go [00:17:57] [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah [00:17:59] [Trusty] Sticks395: Wats this [00:18:08] [Developer] Cryotheus: just an idea of the cookie converter [00:18:11] [Trusty] Sticks395: Ahh [00:18:12] [Developer] Cryotheus: do /gm 2 [00:18:20] [Developer] Cryotheus: come ere [00:18:41] [Developer] Cryotheus: hold tab [00:18:50] [Trusty] Sticks395: Whats each cookie worth [00:18:53] [Developer] Cryotheus: 10 biscuits per cookies [00:18:57] [Trusty] Sticks395: Cool [00:19:14] [Trusty] Sticks395: Also whats the always hungry thing? [00:19:17] [Developer] Cryotheus: oh lol [00:19:22] [Developer] Cryotheus: makes sure you can always eat [00:19:29] [Developer] Cryotheus: so you can heal up [00:19:37] [Trusty] Sticks395: So like [00:19:41] [Developer] Cryotheus: because full hunger bar does not heal you [00:19:43] [Developer] Cryotheus: eating does [00:19:47] [Trusty] Sticks395: Ahhhh [00:19:56] [Trusty] Sticks395: We can make reskins for HP kits or whatever? [00:20:01] [Trusty] Sticks395: I guess thats potions. . . [00:20:07] [Developer] Cryotheus: let's avoid reskins [00:20:10] [Trusty] Sticks395: kk [00:20:17] [Developer] Cryotheus: here [00:20:26] [Developer] Cryotheus: watch [00:20:40] [Developer] Cryotheus: eat [00:20:44] [Developer] Cryotheus: see? [00:20:49] §2Sticks395§r was killed by §2Cryotheus§r using magic [00:20:52] [Developer] Cryotheus: oh shet [00:21:07] [Developer] Cryotheus: um [00:21:17] [Developer] Cryotheus: UHHHH [00:21:27] [Developer] Cryotheus: SERVER BROKE [00:21:48] [Developer] Cryotheus: nothing is working [00:22:02] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Async Chat Thread - #4
[09:31:01] Starting minecraft server version 1.12.2 [09:31:01] Loading properties [09:31:02] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-9b8bba4-bd30843 (MC: 1.12.2) (Implementing API version 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [09:31:02] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [09:31:02] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [09:31:02] Debug logging is disabled [09:31:02] Generating keypair [09:31:02] Using epoll channel type [09:31:03] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable [09:31:04] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [09:31:04] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - is starting. [09:31:05] ====== USE PAPER ====== [09:31:05] DOWNLOAD: https://ci.destroystokyo.com/job/PaperSpigot/ [09:31:05] GUIDE: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/21726/ [09:31:05] - This is only a recommendation [09:31:05] ============================== [09:31:05] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [09:31:05] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 10ms. [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [09:31:06] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 698ms) === [09:31:06] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.3.0 [09:31:06] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled [09:31:06] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time **** [09:31:09] [SignManager] Enabling SignManager v2.0.1 [09:31:09] [SignManager] Loaded SignManager by RezzedUp [09:31:18] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [09:31:18] git-Spigot-9b8bba4-bd30843 (MC: 1.12.2) [09:31:18] 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [09:31:18] Using locale en_US [09:31:18] Using locale en_US [09:31:18] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [09:31:18] [NQIPlugin] Enabling NQIPlugin v1.0 [09:31:18] [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.9 [09:31:18] [Votifier] Loaded vote listener: FlatfileVoteListener [09:31:18] [Votifier] Votifier enabled. [09:31:39] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT [09:31:39] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT [09:31:39] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers. [09:31:39] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [09:31:40] [VoxelSniper] Enabling VoxelSniper v5.172.0-SNAPSHOT [09:31:40] [VoxelSniper] Registered 75 Sniper Brushes with 149 handles. [09:31:40] [VoxelSniper] Registered Sniper Listener. [09:31:40] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [09:31:40] [ImageOnMap] Enabling ImageOnMap v2.99 [09:31:40] [ImageOnMap] Loaded 1 player map files. [09:31:43] [MVPLogging] 26 - Portals(s) loaded [09:31:43] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [09:31:43] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [09:31:43] [Dynmap-Essentials] Enabling Dynmap-Essentials v0.91-SNAPSHOT [09:31:43] [Dynmap-Essentials] initializing [09:31:43] [Dynmap-Essentials] version 0.91-SNAPSHOT is activated [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [09:31:44] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 209ms) === [09:31:44] [KeepChunks] Enabling KeepChunks v1.3.8 [09:31:44] [09:31:44] _ _ _______ _ _ [09:31:44] (_) | | (_______) | | | v1.3.8 [09:31:44] _____| |_____ _____ ____ _ | |__ _ _ ____ | | _ ___ [09:31:44] | _ _) ___ | ___ | _ \| | | _ \| | | | _ \| |_/ )/___) [09:31:44] | | \ \| ____| ____| |_| | |_____| | | | |_| | | | | _ (|___ | [09:31:44] |_| \_)_____)_____) __/ \______)_| |_|____/|_| |_|_| \_|___/ [09:31:44] |_| [09:31:44] [09:31:44] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v4.3.2 [09:31:45] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] Enabling Dynmap-WorldGuard v0.90 [09:31:45] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] initializing [09:31:45] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] Custom flag 'dynmap-boost' not registered - WGCustomFlags not found [09:31:45] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] version 0.90 is activated [09:31:46] Done (39.519s)! For help, type "help" or "?" [09:31:46] Starting GS4 status listener [09:31:46] (FAWE) Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now. [09:31:46] (FAWE) Plugin 'Factions' found. Using it now. [12:44:14] Sticks395[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:44:14] Player [Trusty] Sticks395 connected. [12:47:05] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:48:13] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:26] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:27] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:27] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:28] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:29] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:29] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:30] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:32] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:50:35] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:51:07] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:51:14] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:51:19] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [12:51:27] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [13:01:58] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [13:03:08] [VoxelSniper] Player "Sticks395" used /u [16:58:25] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:58:36] [Developer] Cryotheus: oh hey [16:58:43] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Sticks395] [16:59:16] [Cryotheus: Given Night Vision (ID 16) * 0 to Cryotheus for 1000000 seconds] [17:06:25] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [17:11:24] Cryotheus: Please note that this command is not supported and may cause issues when using some plugins. [17:11:24] Cryotheus: If you encounter any issues please use the /stop command to restart your server. [17:11:24] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [17:11:24] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [17:11:24] Debug logging is disabled [17:11:24] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] Disabling Dynmap-WorldGuard v0.90 [17:11:24] [TreeAssist] Disabling TreeAssist v4.3.2 [17:11:24] [KeepChunks] Disabling KeepChunks v1.3.8 [17:11:24] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationWorldGuard [17:11:24] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationV19 [17:11:24] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationSpigot [17:11:24] [Factions 2.10.0] Disabled [17:11:24] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - is closing down. [17:11:24] [Dynmap-Essentials] Disabling Dynmap-Essentials v0.91-SNAPSHOT [17:11:24] [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.3.0 [17:11:24] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [17:11:24] [MassiveCore] Disabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Deactivated IntegrationVault [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [17:11:24] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Disabled [17:11:24] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [17:11:24] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [17:11:24] [ImageOnMap] Disabling ImageOnMap v2.99 [17:11:24] [VoxelSniper] Disabling VoxelSniper v5.172.0-SNAPSHOT [17:11:24] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [17:11:24] [Evelyn] Disabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT [17:11:25] [Votifier] Disabling Votifier v1.9 [17:11:25] [Votifier] Votifier disabled. [17:11:25] [NQIPlugin] Disabling NQIPlugin v1.0 [17:11:25] [SignManager] Disabling SignManager v2.0.1 [17:11:25] [SignManager] Unloaded. [17:11:28] TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE: 60000 [17:11:28] LogBlock-Connection-Pool - is starting. [17:11:28] (FAWE) plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/clipboard/875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443.bd has been deleted. [17:11:29] (FAWE) ====== LZ4 COMPRESSION BINDING NOT FOUND ====== [17:11:29] (FAWE) java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported OS/arch, cannot find /linux/amd64/liblz4-java.so. Please try building from source. [17:11:29] (FAWE) =============================================== [17:11:29] (FAWE) FAWE will work but compression will be slower [17:11:29] (FAWE) - Try updating your JVM / OS [17:11:29] (FAWE) - Report this issue if you cannot resolve it [17:11:29] (FAWE) =============================================== [17:11:29] ====== USE PAPER ====== [17:11:29] DOWNLOAD: https://ci.destroystokyo.com/job/PaperSpigot/ [17:11:29] GUIDE: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/21726/ [17:11:29] - This is only a recommendation [17:11:29] ============================== [17:11:29] [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v2.10.0 [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Cachefile datas... [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas... [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Loading Registry datas... [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Saving Cachefile... [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Setup of IdUtil took 7ms. [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBasics set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsBoard set to Minecraft 1.9.0+ [1_9_R1+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsChat set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityDamageEvent set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsEntityGet set to Fallback (Generic and Weaker) [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsItemStackTooltip set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPermissions set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsPlayerInventoryCreate set to Minecraft 1.7.10+ [1_7_R4+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin NmsSkullMeta set to Minecraft 1.8.0+ [1_8_R1+] [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationVault [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinEvent set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActionbar set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinActual set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinCommand set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinDisplayName set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinGamemode set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinInventory set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinKick set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinLog set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMassiveCraftPremium set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinMessage set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinModification set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinPlayed set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinSenderPs set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTeleport set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinTitle set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinVisibility set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] Mixin MixinWorld set to Default [17:11:29] [MassiveCore 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 333ms) === [17:11:29] [Orebfuscator4] Enabling Orebfuscator4 v4.3.0 [17:11:29] [OFC] Proximity Hider is Enabled [17:11:29] [SignManager] Enabling SignManager v2.0.1 [17:11:29] [SignManager] Loaded SignManager by RezzedUp [17:11:37] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [17:11:37] git-Spigot-9b8bba4-bd30843 (MC: 1.12.2) [17:11:37] 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [17:11:37] Using locale en_US [17:11:37] Using locale en_US [17:11:38] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [17:11:38] [NQIPlugin] Enabling NQIPlugin v1.0 [17:11:38] [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.9 [17:11:38] [Votifier] Loaded vote listener: FlatfileVoteListener [17:11:38] [Votifier] Votifier enabled. [17:11:51] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT [17:11:51] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT [17:11:51] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers. [17:11:51] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [17:11:51] [VoxelSniper] Enabling VoxelSniper v5.172.0-SNAPSHOT [17:11:52] [VoxelSniper] Registered 75 Sniper Brushes with 149 handles. [17:11:52] [VoxelSniper] Registered Sniper Listener. [17:11:52] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [17:11:52] [ImageOnMap] Enabling ImageOnMap v2.99 [17:11:52] [ImageOnMap] Loaded 1 player map files. [17:11:54] [MVPLogging] 26 - Portals(s) loaded [17:11:54] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [17:11:55] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [17:11:55] [Dynmap-Essentials] Enabling Dynmap-Essentials v0.91-SNAPSHOT [17:11:55] [Dynmap-Essentials] initializing [17:11:55] [Dynmap-Essentials] version 0.91-SNAPSHOT is activated [17:11:56] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE START === [17:11:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationWorldGuard [17:11:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationV19 [17:11:56] [Factions 2.10.0] Integration Activated IntegrationSpigot [17:11:56] [Factions 2.10.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 241ms) === [17:11:56] [KeepChunks] Enabling KeepChunks v1.3.8 [17:11:56] [17:11:56] _ _ _______ _ _ [17:11:56] (_) | | (_______) | | | v1.3.8 [17:11:56] _____| |_____ _____ ____ _ | |__ _ _ ____ | | _ ___ [17:11:56] | _ _) ___ | ___ | _ \| | | _ \| | | | _ \| |_/ )/___) [17:11:56] | | \ \| ____| ____| |_| | |_____| | | | |_| | | | | _ (|___ | [17:11:56] |_| \_)_____)_____) __/ \______)_| |_|____/|_| |_|_| \_|___/ [17:11:56] |_| [17:11:56] [17:11:56] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v4.3.2 [17:11:56] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] Enabling Dynmap-WorldGuard v0.90 [17:11:56] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] initializing [17:11:56] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] Custom flag 'dynmap-boost' not registered - WGCustomFlags not found [17:11:56] [Dynmap-WorldGuard] version 0.90 is activated [17:11:57] Cryotheus: Reload complete. [17:11:58] (FAWE) Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now. [17:11:58] (FAWE) Plugin 'Factions' found. Using it now. [17:24:47] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZExp' successfully] [17:24:59] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZExp'] [17:28:26] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZKills' successfully] [17:28:52] [Cryotheus: Given [Bottle o' Enchanting] * 1 to Cryotheus] [17:29:43] [Cryotheus: Given [Bottle o' Enchanting] * 1 to Cryotheus] [17:30:22] [Cryotheus: Taken 2 levels from Cryotheus] [17:30:33] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [17:30:59] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'ZExp' successfully] [17:32:27] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZExp' successfully] [17:32:46] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZExp'] [17:32:51] [Cryotheus: Taken 2 levels from Cryotheus] [17:32:55] [Cryotheus: Given 2 levels to Cryotheus] [17:35:19] [Cryotheus: Taken 1 levels from Cryotheus] [17:35:26] [Cryotheus: Given 1 levels to Cryotheus] [17:35:28] [Cryotheus: Cannot give player negative experience points] [17:39:09] [Cryotheus: The objective 'ZExp' is read-only and cannot be set] [17:45:38] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'score_ZL5=0' successfully] [17:45:42] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'score_ZL10=0' successfully] [17:45:45] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'score_ZL15=0' successfully] [17:45:47] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'score_ZL20\=0' successfully] [17:45:51] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'score_ZL20=0' successfully] [17:46:15] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'score_ZL5=0' successfully] [17:46:19] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'score_ZL10=0' successfully] [17:46:22] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'score_ZL15=0' successfully] [17:46:25] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'score_ZL20\=0' successfully] [17:46:26] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'score_ZL20=0' successfully] [17:46:39] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZL5' successfully] [17:46:42] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'Z10' successfully] [17:46:44] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'Z15' successfully] [17:46:48] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'Z20' successfully] [17:47:00] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'Z10' successfully] [17:47:02] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'Z15' successfully] [17:47:04] [Cryotheus: Removed objective 'Z20' successfully] [17:47:10] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZL10' successfully] [17:47:13] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZL15' successfully] [17:47:16] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZL20' successfully] [17:51:19] [Cryotheus: Taken 5 levels from Cryotheus] [17:51:22] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [17:51:26] [Cryotheus: Taken 5 levels from Cryotheus] [17:51:49] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZL5'] [17:51:52] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZL5'] [17:56:19] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZSet' successfully] [18:03:10] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZSet'] [18:05:19] [Cryotheus: Objective ZSet is not a trigger] [18:05:54] Sticks395 lost connection: Kicked from server. [18:05:54] Player [Trusty] Sticks395 disconnected. [18:05:54] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §6kicked Sticks395 for Kicked from server.. [18:06:46] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZSet for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:06:49] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZSet for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:10:16] [Cryotheus: Given 4 levels to Cryotheus] [18:10:20] [Cryotheus: Given 1 levels to Cryotheus] [18:16:09] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZL5'] [18:16:23] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:16:38] [Cryotheus: Taken 5 levels from Cryotheus] [18:16:41] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:16:45] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:17:21] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [18:17:39] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [18:26:11] [Cryotheus: 8 blocks cloned] [18:26:20] [Cryotheus: 8 blocks cloned] [18:26:23] [Cryotheus: 8 blocks cloned] [18:26:25] [Cryotheus: 8 blocks cloned] [18:32:18] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZExp'] [19:10:53] [Cryotheus: Cleared objective display slot 'sidebar'] [19:18:42] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [19:18:47] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [19:18:56] [Cryotheus: Taken 5 levels from Cryotheus] [19:19:00] [Cryotheus: Set score of ZL5 for player Cryotheus to 0] [19:19:13] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'ZL10'] [19:19:15] [Cryotheus: Cleared objective display slot 'sidebar'] [19:19:22] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar.team.dark_green' to 'ZL10'] [19:19:25] [Cryotheus: Cleared objective display slot 'sidebar.team.dark_green'] [19:19:56] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [19:20:07] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [19:20:39] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [19:20:50] [Cryotheus: Given 5 levels to Cryotheus] [19:42:53] [Cryotheus: Given [Command Block] * 1 to Cryotheus] [19:49:17] [Cryotheus: '6' is not a state for block minecraft:piston] [19:49:24] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:49:42] [Cryotheus: '6' is not a state for block minecraft:piston] [19:50:05] [Cryotheus: '6' is not a state for block minecraft:piston] [20:05:18] [Cryotheus: 128 blocks cloned] [20:12:15] [Cryotheus: The target block is not a data holder block] [20:12:21] [Cryotheus: The target block is not a data holder block] [20:12:25] [Cryotheus: The data tag did not change: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:stone",Count:1b,Damage:0s}],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:""}] [20:12:45] [Cryotheus: The data tag did not change: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[{Slot:9b,id:"minecraft:stone",Count:1b,Damage:0s}],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:""}] [20:13:01] [Cryotheus: The data tag did not change: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:""}] [20:13:09] [Cryotheus: Block data updated to: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:"AAA"}] [20:13:17] [Cryotheus: Block data updated to: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:"Cryotheus"}] [20:13:25] [Cryotheus: Block data updated to: {x:-436,y:4,z:-455,Items:[],id:"minecraft:chest",Lock:""}] [20:17:59] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [20:18:05] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [20:18:22] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [20:21:12] [Cryotheus: There is no such item with name display:{name:biscuit,lore:["you] [20:21:23] [Cryotheus: Data tag parsing failed: Expected '{' but got 'd' at: d<--[HERE]] [20:21:29] [Cryotheus: Given [Biscuit] * 1 to Cryotheus] [20:22:48] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'ZBiscuitsWasted' successfully] [20:26:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:26:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:26:30] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:26:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:26:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:26:36] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:29:57] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:29:57] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:29:57] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:30:14] [Cryotheus: Set score of CookieUpgrade for player Cryotheus to 0] [20:31:07] [Cryotheus: Set score of CookieUpgrade for player Cryotheus to 1] [20:31:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:31:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:31:07] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:31:29] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:31:29] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:31:29] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:45:51] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:45:51] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:45:51] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:03] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:03] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:03] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:17] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:29] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:29] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:29] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:39] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:39] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:39] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:47] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:46:56] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:56] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:46:56] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:47:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:07] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:47:19] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:19] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:19] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:47:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:30] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:47:43] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:43] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:47:43] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:48:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:48:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:48:14] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:48:24] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:48:24] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:48:24] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:49:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:49:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:49:11] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:49:22] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:49:22] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:49:22] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:49:53] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [20:50:01] [Cryotheus: Given [Cake] * 1 to Cryotheus] [20:50:04] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:50:04] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:59:30] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [20:59:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:59:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:59:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [20:59:47] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [21:01:08] [Cryotheus: Given [Cake] * 1 to Cryotheus] [21:01:22] [Cryotheus: Given [Cake] * 1 to Cryotheus] [21:01:26] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [21:01:26] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [21:01:32] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Cryotheus] [21:01:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [21:01:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.upgrade1' to Cryotheus] [21:01:37] [Cryotheus: Playing effect totem for 200 times] [21:05:46] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected