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[16:46:56] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:48:01] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [16:48:01] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443 [16:56:20] CONSOLE: Please note that this command is not supported and may cause issues when using some plugins. [16:56:20] CONSOLE: If you encounter any issues please use the /stop command to restart your server. [16:56:20] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [16:56:20] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [16:56:20] Debug logging is disabled [16:56:21] [TreeAssist] Disabling TreeAssist v4.3.2 [16:56:21] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Disabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16 [16:56:21] ConsoleChat has been disabled! [16:56:21] [PlayerParticles] Disabling PlayerParticles v4.1 [16:56:21] [QuackTestPlugin] Disabling QuackTestPlugin v1.0 [16:56:21] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [16:56:21] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [16:56:21] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [16:56:21] [SketchMapUpdated] Disabling SketchMapUpdated v1.0 [16:56:21] [Morphy] Disabling Morphy v1.7 [16:56:21] [SuperSaiyanQUACKER] Disabling SuperSaiyanQUACKER v11.5 [16:56:21] [SuperSaiyanQUACKER] Super Saiyan Plugin has been DISBLED [16:56:21] [CustomDeathMessages] Disabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [16:56:21] [Evelyn] Disabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT [16:56:21] [LibsDisguises] Disabling LibsDisguises v9.2.4 [16:56:21] [RemoteBukkit] Disabling RemoteBukkit v4.0.0 [16:56:24] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. [16:56:24] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked. [16:56:24] git-Spigot-7d78b81-e2a288c (MC: 1.11.2) [16:56:24] 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [16:56:25] Using locale en_US [16:56:25] Using locale en_US [16:56:25] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions. [16:56:25] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users. [16:56:25] [RemoteBukkit] Enabling RemoteBukkit v4.0.0 [16:56:25] RemoteBukkit v4.0.0 is enabled! By Keeley Hoek (escortkeel) [16:56:52] [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.2.4 [16:56:52] [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_11_R1 [16:56:52] [LibsDisguises] Loaded custom disguise libraryaddict [16:56:52] [LibsDisguises] Loaded 1 custom disguise [16:56:52] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT [16:56:52] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT [16:56:52] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers. [16:56:52] [CustomDeathMessages] Enabling CustomDeathMessages v2.03 [16:56:52] [SuperSaiyanQUACKER] Enabling SuperSaiyanQUACKER v11.5 [16:56:52] [SuperSaiyanQUACKER] Super Saiyan Plugin has been ENABLED 11.5 [16:56:52] [Morphy] Enabling Morphy v1.7 [16:56:52] [SketchMapUpdated] Enabling SketchMapUpdated v1.0 [16:56:52] | | [16:56:52] | SketchMap 1.0 has been Enabled! | [16:56:52] | Authors: SlipsWhitley & Fyrinlight. Updated by SmokingIsBadMkay | [16:56:52] | | [16:56:53] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [16:56:54] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [16:56:54] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. [16:56:54] [QuackTestPlugin] Enabling QuackTestPlugin v1.0 [16:56:55] [MVPLogging] 28 - Portals(s) loaded [16:56:55] [PlayerParticles] Enabling PlayerParticles v4.1 [16:56:55] [PlayerParticles] [PlayerParticles] An update (v4.2) is available! You are running v4.1 [16:56:55] ConsoleChat has been enabled! [16:56:55] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16 [16:56:55] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Initializing for the first time. [16:56:56] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v4.3.2 [16:56:56] CONSOLE: Reload complete. [17:49:42] [Morph] Creating new user file a6497e05-3b3f-42f9-bccd-709bca874901for user Axe_Of_Defiance [17:49:42] Axe_Of_Defiance[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:49:43] [Member] Axe_Of_Defiance has joined the fray [17:52:52] Axe_Of_Defiance lost connection: Disconnected [17:52:52] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Axe_Of_Defiance:a6497e05-3b3f-42f9-bccd-709bca874901 [17:52:52] [Member] Axe_Of_Defiance has left the fray [17:54:38] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:57:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: heck [17:57:20] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:57:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [17:57:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: heck [17:57:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: heck [17:57:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: no really though [17:57:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'm getting errors on you [17:57:50] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: haha caught you playing [17:57:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: Is your IP [17:58:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no [17:58:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: it is [17:58:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: ... [17:58:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i think [17:58:31] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what are the errors [17:58:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: are you actually serious [17:58:36] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no [17:58:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: It's serverside errors [17:58:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i know its my ip [17:58:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: It's ProtocolLib errors [17:59:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: I just updated it and it's giving me duplicate handler errors [17:59:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: brb [17:59:16] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer [17:59:16] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [17:59:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [17:59:20] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to 25627.99052810397, 76.0, 311.34589885718384] [17:59:23] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to 25628.17034014153, 76.0, 349.7025543512] [17:59:25] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to 25628.180606730264, 76.0, 311.42533377738414] [17:59:44] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [17:59:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [17:59:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: I sensed your presence of joining [17:59:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: (aka I got errors) [18:00:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh so its still going? [18:00:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: And my friend beside me said he can smell your hormones [18:00:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'll fix it later [18:00:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: Anyways I'm on my brother's amazing PC for now and shaders are AMAZING [18:00:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: is it one of your millions of friend i dont know [18:00:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: That I don't have? [18:00:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you dont have any friends? [18:00:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: darnit xander [18:01:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: you messed it up [18:01:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: messed what up [18:01:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what is going on [18:01:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: ... [18:01:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: othing [18:01:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: nothing [18:01:53] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: your website looks unfinished [18:02:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: Also what IP are you using? [18:02:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: the 24 [18:02:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: 24? [18:02:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: idk [18:02:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: Is it 96.19...? [18:02:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no [18:02:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: Or thequackshack.ddns.net or thequackshack.us.to? [18:03:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh that [18:03:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: They don't work anymore [18:03:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: Use nqind.com [18:03:32] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ik [18:03:36] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: was talking about that one [18:03:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: Did icri tell you? [18:03:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yea, he was talking about tnt wars and he needed help [18:04:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: so he told me the ip [18:04:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: weeee [18:05:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: eh lost the chat [18:06:33] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [18:06:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: aw [18:06:36] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [18:07:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wonder if i should edit my skin online or offline [18:15:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [18:16:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: ohai [18:16:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: brb again [18:16:15] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer [18:16:15] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [18:16:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [18:16:29] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to 25628.049577883514, 76.0, 349.6034897146455] [18:16:53] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:16:53] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [18:17:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there we go [18:17:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: all fixed [18:18:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: are there gonna be more server [18:19:24] Xandertron5000 drowned [18:19:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: noice [18:19:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh yeah [18:19:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: there might [18:19:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cool drowned myself in the hub [18:21:52] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: "dispenser failed" [18:21:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: heck [18:21:57] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: nice subtitle to see [18:22:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cant even hear lol [18:22:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: it [18:31:28] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:31:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: heck [18:31:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: nu [18:31:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: i'm on my brother's pc [18:32:19] [Developer] Cryotheus: hello xander [18:32:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: hi [18:32:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: was watching youtube you jerk [18:33:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [18:33:05] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:33:05] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:33:06] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:33:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:33:07] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:08] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:08] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [18:33:28] [Developer] Cryotheus: um [18:33:58] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:33:58] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:58] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:33:58] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:34:01] [Developer] Cryotheus: xander [18:34:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what [18:34:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: heck [18:34:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: Xandertron5000 placed: TNT at: tntwars,-3,130,-50 [18:34:27] [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah [18:34:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: its called tnt wars [18:34:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: spammy [18:34:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: probably not comsole spammybot [18:35:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: anyways so my brothers gpu is at its pinnacle of rendering [18:35:13] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team Editor: Cryotheus] [18:35:47] [Developer] Cryotheus: g [18:35:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ahahahaaha your bother has more money [18:35:51] Cryotheus lost connection: You logged in from another location [18:35:51] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [18:35:51] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:35:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: Because he wastes it? [18:36:01] [Developer] Cryotheus: ? [18:36:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: Icri did you see that error? [18:36:20] [Developer] Cryotheus: no [18:36:23] [Developer] Cryotheus: I died [18:36:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: Anyways I'mma go [18:36:54] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: noooo [18:36:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: Too much fun with the GTX 1070 [18:37:07] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to -8.772586393377606, 241.29508831903235, -5.501727995579131] [18:37:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: only have a 650 :( [18:37:16] [Developer] Noorquacker: Minecraft(with its high CPU) + Shaders [18:37:17] [Developer] Cryotheus: 750 [18:37:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: WHile shaders have BM+POM [18:37:43] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to -14.178973448431005, 241.0, -12.029148617927937] [18:37:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: So, yeah, it's pretty much the most demanding game on my brother's PC [18:38:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: Eating away at 8 GB of RAM [18:38:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wow [18:38:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: Don't worry, this has 22 [18:38:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: only 1 gb for me god [18:38:47] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected [18:38:47] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443 [18:39:25] [Developer] Cryotheus: yee [18:39:51] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [18:40:18] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what [18:40:28] [Developer] Cryotheus: NO [18:40:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: trololol [18:41:10] [Developer] Cryotheus: there [18:41:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: aw [18:41:24] [Developer] Cryotheus: if you touched anything id murder yo u [18:41:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i cant mess with command blocks [18:42:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh god [18:42:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im in spectator [18:42:15] [Developer] Cryotheus: mhm [18:42:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry stop [18:42:53] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im not gonna mess with anything [18:42:57] [Developer] Cryotheus: ok [18:43:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i cant right click any of them [18:43:18] [Developer] Cryotheus: dont place anything [18:43:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ./fly [18:43:41] [Developer] Cryotheus: xD [18:43:46] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you can still hit me [18:43:55] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wait to go cry [18:43:57] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: way* [18:44:21] Cryotheus was sent down below [18:44:21] [Cryotheus: Killed §2Cryotheus§r] [18:44:29] [Developer] Cryotheus: there names where [18:44:31] [Developer] Cryotheus: there names were [18:44:34] [Developer] Cryotheus: Blunt [18:44:37] [Developer] Cryotheus: Grunt [18:44:48] [Developer] Cryotheus: and Cu-- I cant remeber the last one [18:44:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh god i see the map template [18:45:02] [Developer] Cryotheus: no [18:45:05] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [18:45:05] [Developer] Cryotheus: get out [18:45:18] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry can we play [18:45:22] [Developer] Cryotheus: sure [18:45:34] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:45:34] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:45:34] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:45:34] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:45:35] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:45:35] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:45:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:45:36] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:45:37] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Xandertron5000] [18:45:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [18:45:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rly [18:45:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: smh [18:45:42] [Developer] Cryotheus: um [18:46:02] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: suicide! [18:46:03] Cryotheus was sent down below [18:46:03] [Cryotheus: Killed §9Cryotheus§r] [18:46:29] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:46:29] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:06] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: stop [18:47:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: pls [18:47:14] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:15] [Developer] Cryotheus: xD [18:47:17] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:26] [Developer] Cryotheus: go here [18:47:28] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:28] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:31] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:31] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:32] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:32] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:33] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:33] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:37] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:37] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:41] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:41] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:43] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:43] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:44] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:47:46] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:47:46] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:48:00] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:48:00] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:48:02] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:48:02] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:48:08] [Developer] Cryotheus: you arent gaining money [18:48:21] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:48:21] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:48:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ahhaha [18:48:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ahhaha [18:48:32] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: stay [18:48:33] Xandertron5000 lost connection: §cYou have been banned: [18:48:33] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [18:48:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [18:48:33] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §6banned§c Xandertron5000 §6for: §c§cYou have been banned: [18:48:36] Cryotheus was sent down below [18:48:40] Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7766d7ea[id=f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45,name=Xandertron5000,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@4a970362]},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN): You are banned from this server! [18:48:41] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7766d7ea[id=f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45,name=Xandertron5000,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@4a970362]},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: You are banned from this server! [18:48:49] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §6unbanned§c Xandertron5000. [18:49:01] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [18:49:01] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [18:49:04] [Developer] Cryotheus: dont do that [18:49:18] [Developer] Cryotheus: next time it will be 3 days [18:49:31] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team Editor: Cryotheus] [18:49:49] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:49:52] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:49:54] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:49:58] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:49:58] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:50:01] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:50:05] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:50:07] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:10] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:11] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:12] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:13] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:16] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:18] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:20] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:23] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:25] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:27] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:29] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:30] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:32] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:34] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:35] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:36] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:38] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:39] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:39] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:40] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:46] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:49] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:51] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:50:59] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:51:01] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why does tnt not hurt me [18:51:06] [Developer] Cryotheus: no idea [18:51:12] [Cryotheus: Couldn't take any effects from Xandertron5000 as they do not have any] [18:51:15] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:51:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [18:51:20] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:51:21] [Cryotheus: Couldn't take any effects from Xandertron5000 as they do not have any] [18:51:22] [Cryotheus: Couldn't take any effects from Xandertron5000 as they do not have any] [18:51:23] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:51:25] [Xandertron5000: Object successfully summoned] [18:51:25] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:51:25] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:51:31] Xandertron5000 was sent down below [18:52:08] [Developer] Cryotheus: youre breaking the game [18:52:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no? [18:52:18] [Developer] Cryotheus: yes [18:52:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you removed the timer [18:52:24] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:24] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:52:24] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:24] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:52:25] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:25] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:52:26] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:52:26] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:27] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:27] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [18:52:31] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: to set gm [18:52:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: I never had one [18:52:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:52:47] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:52:48] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:52:48] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:13] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:53:13] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:53:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:53:14] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [18:53:15] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:16] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [18:53:16] [Xandertron5000: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Xandertron5000] [18:53:29] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team TWRed: Cryotheus] [18:53:37] §9Xandertron5000§r was slain by §cCryotheus§r [18:53:38] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.player.levelup' to Cryotheus] [18:53:42] [Developer] Cryotheus: MUAHAHA [18:53:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why did you do that [18:53:57] [Developer] Cryotheus: I cant gety hu 0qae p [18:54:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: god mode [18:54:53] [Developer] Cryotheus: ui [18:55:24] [Developer] Cryotheus: youre not supposed to use /fly /god or anything in here [18:55:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: then why are you? [18:55:38] [Developer] Cryotheus: BECAUSE I BUILT IT [18:56:08] [Cryotheus: Removed 1 player(s) from their teams: Cryotheus] [18:56:13] [Cryotheus: Removed 1 player(s) from their teams: Xandertron5000] [18:56:19] [Developer] Cryotheus: so [18:56:26] [Developer] Cryotheus: gotta add the fill [18:56:45] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh yea it doesnt work anymore [18:56:46] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: awww [18:56:49] [Developer] Cryotheus: ? [18:57:04] [Developer] Cryotheus: what [18:57:16] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (127160 > 32768)] [18:57:21] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (126004 > 32768)] [18:57:25] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (69360 > 32768)] [18:57:31] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (46240 > 32768)] [18:57:34] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (34680 > 32768)] [18:57:41] [Cryotheus: Too many blocks in the specified area (33524 > 32768)] [18:57:46] [Developer] Cryotheus: ./fill 16 141 -17 -17 168 16 air [18:57:48] [Developer] Cryotheus: wow [18:58:01] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [18:58:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wonder if add the permission *.*.*.*.* would work [18:58:36] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: adding* [18:58:40] [Developer] Cryotheus: xander [18:58:52] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: pls dont [18:59:26] [Developer] Cryotheus: how to give xander a heart attack [18:59:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rip [18:59:39] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you closed it [18:59:45] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rip [19:00:03] [Developer] Cryotheus: wow [19:00:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: fixed it [19:00:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [19:01:28] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:01:33] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:01:45] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:01:50] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:01:56] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:00] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:04] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:07] [Developer] Cryotheus: hm [19:02:18] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:21] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:23] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:25] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:27] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:30] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:33] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:02:39] [Developer] Cryotheus: :3 [19:02:43] [Developer] Cryotheus: :3 [19:02:45] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:00] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:04] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:09] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:13] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:17] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:19] [Cryotheus: The block couldn't be placed] [19:03:20] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:23] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:25] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:27] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:29] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:52] [Cryotheus: The block couldn't be placed] [19:03:55] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:03:59] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [19:04:31] [Developer] Cryotheus: noiseiest machine [19:05:11] [Developer] Cryotheus: huh [19:05:16] [Developer] Cryotheus: useless but cool [19:05:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh crap [19:05:46] [Developer] Cryotheus: ? [19:06:36] [Developer] Cryotheus: Idea [19:07:15] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [19:07:23] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what is near apart off [19:07:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: of* [19:07:49] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [19:08:19] [Developer] Cryotheus: ? [19:08:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cough [19:09:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: laggiest machine ever built [19:09:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh my god [19:09:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: are you getting the lag? [19:09:31] [Developer] Cryotheus: hm [19:09:33] [Developer] Cryotheus: no [19:10:49] [Developer] Cryotheus: noice [19:10:54] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what [19:11:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: smart eh [19:11:40] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: did you see the redstone? [19:11:47] [Developer] Cryotheus: simple [19:12:04] [Developer] Cryotheus: you made it more complex than needed [19:12:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: messy [19:12:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: idc [19:12:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: it works [19:12:14] [Developer] Cryotheus: slow [19:13:00] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh yea [19:13:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: that remind me [19:13:22] [Developer] Cryotheus: xD [19:13:26] [Developer] Cryotheus: wont work [19:15:02] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: it works [19:16:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: great [19:16:51] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: looks fine [19:17:37] [Developer] Cryotheus: boom, [19:17:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: boom.. [19:19:08] [Developer] Cryotheus: works [19:19:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cow has super strengh [19:19:23] [Developer] Cryotheus: it wont break [19:20:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why dont you have a world? [19:22:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [19:28:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: nice [19:29:11] [Cryotheus: Player '~' cannot be found] [19:29:20] [Cryotheus: Player '~' cannot be found] [19:29:30] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:33] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:34] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:34] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:35] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:35] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:35] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.death' to Cryotheus] [19:29:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.spawn' to Cryotheus] [19:29:54] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.wither.spawn' to Cryotheus] [19:30:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [19:31:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol the squid [19:31:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you killed it [19:31:33] [Developer] Cryotheus: no [19:31:44] [Developer] Cryotheus: i have no idea where it was [19:32:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry [19:32:16] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: tp to me [19:32:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rly [19:32:36] [Developer] Cryotheus: xD [19:32:40] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you ahd to place them there [19:33:48] [Cryotheus: Given Night Vision (ID 16) * 3 to Xandertron5000 for 1000000 seconds] [19:33:54] [Cryotheus: Given Night Vision (ID 16) * 3 to Cryotheus for 1000000 seconds] [19:36:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there we go [19:36:55] [Developer] Cryotheus: woopse [19:37:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry you reseted a redstone a repeater [19:37:18] [Developer] Cryotheus: ? [19:37:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oops [19:37:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: this one [19:37:43] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: god this is a mess [19:37:55] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what ever [19:38:34] [Developer] Cryotheus: we could make a blockade [19:38:41] [Developer] Cryotheus: what [19:38:45] [Developer] Cryotheus: you didnt know that [19:38:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i did [19:38:56] [Developer] Cryotheus: then why did you look so supprised [19:39:02] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: that didnt work [19:39:19] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [19:40:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there [19:40:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: shouldn't have anymore escaping tnt [19:42:02] [Developer] Cryotheus: stop [19:42:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yea [19:42:25] [Developer] Cryotheus: th [19:42:44] [Developer] Cryotheus: here [19:42:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: works most of the time [19:43:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: dood [19:43:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wait [19:43:35] [Developer] Cryotheus: look [19:43:53] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: so [19:44:06] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: dont need that much water [19:47:24] [Developer] Cryotheus: huh [19:53:44] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [19:53:51] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: aww i cant jail you [19:53:58] [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah [19:54:06] [Developer] Cryotheus: I pexed that earlier [19:54:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ill be sure to jail you later [19:54:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: also did noor say anything about this being a public serveR? [19:54:42] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [19:55:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: can you not kill the animals [19:55:18] [Developer] Cryotheus: Im not [19:55:20] [Developer] Cryotheus: Im not [19:55:30] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you just did [19:55:31] [Developer] Cryotheus: ignore the one on fire [19:55:37] [Developer] Cryotheus: ignore the one on fire [19:55:39] [Developer] Cryotheus: ignore the one on fire [19:56:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: seeeee [19:56:09] [Developer] Cryotheus: wow [19:56:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you just did it!11 [19:56:25] Xandertron5000 lost connection: no you [19:56:25] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [19:56:25] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [19:56:25] §6Player§c §0[§8Developer§0]§2 Cryotheus§r §6kicked Xandertron5000 for no you. [19:56:33] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:56:33] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [19:56:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rip cant kick ops [19:56:53] [Developer] Cryotheus: xander [19:57:00] [Developer] Cryotheus: you cant kick anyone above your rank [19:57:07] [Developer] Cryotheus: you cant punish [19:57:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i can still kick people [19:57:55] [Developer] Cryotheus: whats this for [19:58:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: idk [19:58:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: this was gonna be the place to put redstone things [20:00:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: so many thing i forgot i put in my world [20:00:54] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [20:03:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: thought this was the market place [20:04:47] HetaKam[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:04:47] [Student] HetaKam has joined the fray [20:04:47] HetaKam died [20:04:52] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: hi [20:05:04] [Student] HetaKam: holo [20:05:22] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: you missed it Cryotheus went afk [20:05:27] [Student] HetaKam: rip cry [20:05:37] [Student] HetaKam: icri 4 cry [20:06:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: how many tree are here god [20:06:50] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: making the world livable [20:10:00] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol [20:11:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh crap [20:12:27] Xandertron5000 lost connection: disconnect.spam [20:12:27] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [20:12:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [20:12:36] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:12:36] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray [20:12:38] [Student] HetaKam: hi [20:12:40] [Student] HetaKam: back [20:14:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what [20:15:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: theres no terrian [20:17:41] [Student] HetaKam: k [20:17:54] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: like everything is flat [20:18:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: god kill me [20:18:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: please [20:18:08] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [20:18:11] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command. [20:18:17] Xandertron5000 lost connection: killed [20:18:17] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45 [20:18:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray [20:18:17] §6Player§c §8[§aModerator§8]§7 Xandertron5000§r §6kicked Xandertron5000 for killed. [20:18:18] [Student] HetaKam: do you wish so [20:18:26] [Student] HetaKam: same [20:22:13] [Student] HetaKam: HOLO ICRI [20:22:16] [Developer] Cryotheus: brb [20:22:22] [Student] HetaKam: ok [20:22:22] [Developer] Cryotheus: >1`minut [20:22:51] [Student] HetaKam: >1'minut [20:24:06] [Developer] Cryotheus: kam [20:24:20] [Student] HetaKam: sssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh [20:24:22] [Student] HetaKam: yes [20:24:32] [Developer] Cryotheus: I wanna skyperino [20:25:53] [Developer] Cryotheus: kam skype? [20:30:19] [Student] HetaKam: bavk [20:30:20] [Student] HetaKam: hi [20:30:24] [Developer] Cryotheus: skype? [20:30:34] [Student] HetaKam: im skyping Julia [20:30:40] [Student] HetaKam: we will roast you [20:30:42] [Developer] Cryotheus: can i joinssss [20:30:43] [Developer] Cryotheus: YAYU [20:30:45] [Student] HetaKam: d you still want to [20:30:48] [Developer] Cryotheus: yeah [20:30:50] [Student] HetaKam: we will cut you up [20:30:51] [Student] HetaKam: ok [20:39:03] [Cryotheus: Set score of BiscuitClicker for player HetaKam to 88569] [20:39:12] [Cryotheus: Set score of BiscuitClicker for player HetaKam to 98569] [20:40:53] [Cryotheus: Playing effect cloud for 10 times] [20:43:10] Cryotheus lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer [20:43:10] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [20:43:19] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:53:24] Cryotheus lost connection: You logged in from another location [20:53:24] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [20:53:24] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Dimitri] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Charcoal] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to QUACKA] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Horse] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Vita] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Alfred] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Kiku] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to Kena] [20:55:21] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to QUACKA] [20:55:32] [Student] HetaKam: CRY [20:55:34] [Student] HetaKam: WHERE UAT [20:55:36] [Student] HetaKam: skype [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Charcoal to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Dimitri to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Horse to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Vita to Cryotheus] [20:56:17] [Cryotheus: Teleported Kiku to Cryotheus] [20:57:10] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to item.item.cookie] [20:57:37] [Student] HetaKam: WOMEN BEATER [20:58:18] [Student] HetaKam: FEMINISM [20:58:20] [Student] HetaKam: kill all men [20:58:22] [Student] HetaKam: LMAo [21:00:22] [Cryotheus: Set score of Reputation for player HetaKam to 3] [21:02:31] [Developer] Cryotheus: kam what color horse do you want [21:02:41] [Student] HetaKam: WHOTE [21:02:41] [Developer] Cryotheus: kam what color horse do you want [21:02:52] [Student] HetaKam: this one [21:02:56] [Developer] Cryotheus: ok [21:04:26] [Student] HetaKam: KILL AL MEN [21:11:17] [Cryotheus: Added new team 'Black' successfully] [21:11:30] [Cryotheus: Set option color for team Black to black] [21:14:06] [Cryotheus: Given Levitation (ID 25) * 128 to VROOM VROOM for 1000000 seconds] [21:14:44] [Cryotheus: Given Instant Health (ID 6) * 127 to VROOM VROOM for 1000000 seconds] [21:14:57] [Cryotheus: Given Wither (ID 20) * 10 to VROOM VROOM for 1000000 seconds] [21:16:04] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:09] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:20] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:28] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:28] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:30] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:33] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:38] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:39] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:40] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:40] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:41] [Cryotheus: Teleported HetaKam to VROOM VROOM] [21:16:57] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:17:21] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from VROOM VROOM] [21:17:44] [Cryotheus: Given Regeneration (ID 10) * 127 to VROOM VROOM for 1000000 seconds] [21:25:36] [Student] HetaKam: racisT [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:25:48] [Cryotheus: Teleported VROOM VROOM to Cryotheus] [21:27:35] [Student] HetaKam: gwt bt567gv ik,5gv ?<>vc xzz N >{_<MFSDSsb [21:30:07] [Student] HetaKam: its the nutshack [21:30:44] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team Editor: Cryotheus] [21:31:01] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:01] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:04] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:04] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:06] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:09] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:09] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:10] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:10] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:10] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:10] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:11] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:11] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:12] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:12] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:31:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:31:12] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:32:38] [Cryotheus: Killed §0VROOM VROOM§r] [21:33:46] [Student] HetaKam: femi [21:33:51] [Student] HetaKam: nsm [21:34:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:34:11] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:34:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:34:13] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:34:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:34:14] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:34:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:34:15] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:34:20] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to Cryotheus] [21:34:20] [HetaKam: Played sound 'custom.nutshack' to HetaKam] [21:34:37] Cryotheus lost connection: You logged in from another location [21:34:37] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [21:34:37] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: 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Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:36:44] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:30] [Cryotheus: Killed Baela] [21:37:30] [Cryotheus: Killed pure] [21:37:30] [Cryotheus: Killed Haim] [21:37:30] [Cryotheus: Killed Koa] [21:37:30] [Cryotheus: Killed Demetrius] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Haim] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:37:38] [Cryotheus: Killed Horse] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Haim for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Koa for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to pure for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Baela for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Demetrius for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to VROOM VROOM for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:09] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Horse for 1000000 seconds] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 4b2c4167-f73a-4648-b869-b910d097f149: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 376728d8-8ca8-4837-8244-5b48c7a879a9: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 62d96dd4-2912-4e61-a622-2452ca3807bb: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team f83c85d5-9533-42db-b261-de2118f21a95: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 7be7644b-c0e2-4f88-9c07-45e6f868f1df: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 6b0fee73-9f85-41eb-9b61-2ef36851eafe: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team e614107c-d14c-485d-8c25-51c058f760ed: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 0b259fb9-0e21-4823-9ca4-0a3fd107de2a: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team fa350d5f-5fb4-4a96-9001-19778ec64bb6: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team c85f3304-02fe-4ed8-9141-5d0b82f55ecc: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team c0e7d4de-ebe3-4c9b-8879-fb69bb0fdaba: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 400faabc-2e11-4216-ab05-7324f3c20226: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 1daa13a4-fbde-4d98-8d35-c44d64c6e702: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 2bcd9239-b96c-4ab1-b1b9-ac695a8b1f29: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 3c4df7f7-aec3-4c18-8661-9a97d9357077: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team b170b426-0408-4169-863a-52a6b6791687: Tree] [21:39:34] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team fc1d67f7-c40f-471e-a952-1d6f2e499ec3: Tree] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 376728d8-8ca8-4837-8244-5b48c7a879a9: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 4b2c4167-f73a-4648-b869-b910d097f149: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 62d96dd4-2912-4e61-a622-2452ca3807bb: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team f83c85d5-9533-42db-b261-de2118f21a95: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 7be7644b-c0e2-4f88-9c07-45e6f868f1df: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 6b0fee73-9f85-41eb-9b61-2ef36851eafe: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 0b259fb9-0e21-4823-9ca4-0a3fd107de2a: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team e614107c-d14c-485d-8c25-51c058f760ed: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team fa350d5f-5fb4-4a96-9001-19778ec64bb6: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team c85f3304-02fe-4ed8-9141-5d0b82f55ecc: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 400faabc-2e11-4216-ab05-7324f3c20226: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team c0e7d4de-ebe3-4c9b-8879-fb69bb0fdaba: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 4724d2f0-e725-42ed-b7e5-99f9f8f293d5: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 2bcd9239-b96c-4ab1-b1b9-ac695a8b1f29: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 1daa13a4-fbde-4d98-8d35-c44d64c6e702: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 3c4df7f7-aec3-4c18-8661-9a97d9357077: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team b170b426-0408-4169-863a-52a6b6791687: Black] [21:39:38] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team fc1d67f7-c40f-471e-a952-1d6f2e499ec3: Black] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Haim] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Koa] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from pure] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Baela] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Demetrius] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from VROOM VROOM] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:39:54] [Cryotheus: Took all effects from Horse] [21:40:22] [Cryotheus: Could not add 1 player(s) to team 4b2c4167-f73a-4648-b869-b910d097f149: Black] [21:40:32] [Cryotheus: Given Glowing (ID 24) * 0 to Haim for 1000000 seconds] [21:40:51] [Student] HetaKam: haim black baela red pure white and koa idc [21:43:07] HetaKam lost connection: Disconnected [21:43:07] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user HetaKam:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f [21:43:07] [Student] HetaKam has left the fray [23:18:14] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [23:18:15] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23