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[10:10:27] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [10:10:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'custom.milkshake' to Cryotheus] [10:12:27] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 0.99999999, 4.0, 0.999999999] [10:12:29] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 0.99999999, 4.0, 0.999999999] [10:12:39] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 0.99999999, 4.0, 0.999999999] [10:12:44] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 0.99999999, 4.0, 0.999999999] [10:12:47] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 0.99999999, 4.0, 0.999999999] [10:13:07] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 1.0E-6, 4.0, 1.0E-6] [10:14:50] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 1.0E-6, 5.0, 1.0E-6] [10:15:50] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 1.0E-6, 5.0, 1.0E-6] [10:16:24] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 1.0E-6, 100.0, 1.0E-6] [10:16:54] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to 1.0E-6, 100.0, 1.0E-6] [10:28:02] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to -7.5, 100.0, 7.5] [10:28:04] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to -7.5, 100.0, 7.5] [10:28:18] [Cryotheus: Teleported Cryotheus to -7.5, 100.0, 7.5] [11:00:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:03:12] [Cryotheus: Player Cryotheus is too far away to hear the sound] [11:03:13] [Cryotheus: Player Cryotheus is too far away to hear the sound] [11:03:15] [Cryotheus: Player Cryotheus is too far away to hear the sound] [11:03:31] [Cryotheus: Player Cryotheus is too far away to hear the sound] [11:03:38] [Cryotheus: Player Cryotheus is too far away to hear the sound] [11:03:46] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:04:48] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:04:50] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:04:51] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:04:52] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:01] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:11] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:58] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:58] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:05:59] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:00] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:06:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:16] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:06:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:46] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:46] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:06:47] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:06:48] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:49] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:50] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:06:51] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:07:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:22] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:23] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:24] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:25] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:07:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:38] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:39] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:07:40] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:15:02] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'Air' successfully] [11:15:12] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'Air'] [11:15:32] [Cryotheus: The objective 'Air' is read-only and cannot be set] [11:21:40] [Cryotheus: 10 blocks cloned] [11:22:58] [Cryotheus: 3 blocks cloned] [11:23:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:23:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:23:07] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:23:08] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:23:30] [Cryotheus: 3 blocks cloned] [11:23:33] [Cryotheus: 10 blocks cloned] [11:24:35] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:36] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:37] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:38] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:24:44] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:45] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:46] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.pling' to Cryotheus] [11:24:48] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'entity.experience_orb.pickup' to Cryotheus] [11:34:58] [Cryotheus: Given [Barrier] * 1 to Cryotheus] [11:37:24] [Cryotheus: Added new team 'TWBlue' successfully] [11:37:28] [Cryotheus: Added new team 'TWRed' successfully] [11:37:50] [Cryotheus: Set option collisionrule for team TWBlue to never] [11:37:55] [Cryotheus: Set option collisionrule for team TWRed to never] [11:38:05] [Cryotheus: Set option color for team TWRed to red] [11:38:12] [Cryotheus: Set option color for team TWBlue to blue] [11:38:30] [Cryotheus: Set option friendlyfire for team TWBlue to false] [11:38:36] [Cryotheus: Set option friendlyfire for team TWRed to false] [11:39:12] [Cryotheus: Set option nametagvisibility for team TWRed to hideForOtherTeams] [11:39:19] [Cryotheus: Set option nametagvisibility for team TWBlue to hideForOtherTeams] [11:39:52] [Cryotheus: Set option seefriendlyinvisibles for team TWBlue to true] [11:39:57] [Cryotheus: Set option seefriendlyinvisibles for team TWRed to true] [11:45:42] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'InGround' successfully] [11:47:21] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'InGround'] [11:48:07] [Cryotheus: Teleported Arrow to Cryotheus] [11:48:07] [Cryotheus: Teleported Arrow to Cryotheus] [11:49:44] [Cryotheus: Entity '[r=5,type=Arrow]' cannot be found] [11:49:49] [Cryotheus: Entity '[r=5,type=Arrow]' cannot be found] [11:49:50] [Cryotheus: Entity '[r=5,type=Arrow]' cannot be found] [11:50:02] [Cryotheus: Entity data updated to: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:0,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:38s,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-10,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:44,Motion:[0:-0.0033083281612205084d,1:-0.1930920470134012d,2:-0.08684691594754845d],UUIDLeast:-7919362259843709846L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Silent:1,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-177.8184f,1:-46.47547f],UUIDMost:-430264982940005033L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:0.8125326421885927d,1:100.04273506185804d,2:-9.149449932198342d],Fire:-1s,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:50:12] [Cryotheus: The data tag did not change: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:0,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:91s,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-11,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:96,Motion:[0:-0.08428518301974819d,1:-0.4357672408131492d,2:-0.350620774428009d],UUIDLeast:-5067058374543784222L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-166.48315f,1:-36.39142f],UUIDMost:8054683642404556652L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:0.4157800872457449d,1:100.03652633151452d,2:-10.895744572737874d],Fire:-1s,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:51:20] [Cryotheus: Entity data updated to: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:0,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:5,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-9,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:34,Motion:[0:-0.004642151615597112d,1:-0.0742599921030287d,2:-0.020111343868095766d],UUIDLeast:-6222638415712495057L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-167.00256f,1:-38.293663f],UUIDMost:1976177528014653399L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:0.9113281231311425d,1:100.0380821251041d,2:-8.86188443737439d],Fire:-1s,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:53:23] [Cryotheus: Entity data updated to: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:0,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:1,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-10,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:26,Motion:[0:-0.012404397649973697d,1:-0.15507440735290778d,2:-0.060032833275334596d],UUIDLeast:-8575382762140900901L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-168.3254f,1:-47.8737f],UUIDMost:2260443231384193632L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:0.6359595065495194d,1:100.0431875926325d,2:-9.677039404300087d],Fire:-1s,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:53:46] [Cryotheus: Entity data updated to: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:-6,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:16s,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-10,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:22,Motion:[0:-0.02164199188710425d,1:-0.3369078632515041d,2:-0.1981139504622469d],UUIDLeast:-6922220291649696174L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-173.76569f,1:-41.57869f],UUIDMost:583417597334144762L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:-5.255908799693436d,1:100.04106508333703d,2:-9.783199597130448d],Fire:1,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:53:53] [Cryotheus: Entity data updated to: {damage:2.0d,shake:0b,xTile:-6,Invulnerable:0b,PortalCooldown:0,life:62s,FallDistance:0.0f,inTile:"minecraft:quartz_block",WorldUUIDMost:-5862182564845564930L,zTile:-11,yTile:99,Spigot.ticksLived:68,Motion:[0:-9.010540443193105E-4d,1:-0.06423836628652513d,2:-0.007480050318287135d],UUIDLeast:-8333440540545870636L,Bukkit.updateLevel:2,inGround:1b,pickup:2b,Air:300s,OnGround:0b,Dimension:0,Rotation:[0:-173.13107f,1:-51.18949f],UUIDMost:8520885118927981535L,inData:0b,crit:0b,Pos:[0:-5.281134860303733d,1:100.04419431605558d,2:-10.27452527094267d],Fire:10,WorldUUIDLeast:-7313236998482492988L}] [11:55:49] [Arrow] Hi [11:55:52] [Arrow] Hi [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:42] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:43] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the air [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am in the ground [11:57:44] [Arrow] I am 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summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:39] 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successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:45] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:26:46] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:28] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:28] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:34] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:36] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:27:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:05] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:28:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:12] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:13] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:14] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:16] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:17] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:19] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:29:22] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:03] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:03] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:15] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:20] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:20] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:23] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:24] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:24] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:26] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:26] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:27] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:30:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:30:31] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:31:01] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:31:01] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:31:04] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:31:04] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:31:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:31:07] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:31:58] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:31:58] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:32:25] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:32:25] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:33:21] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:33:21] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:33:58] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:33:58] [Block of TNT: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:34:12] [Cryotheus: Unable to summon object] [12:34:56] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:34:56] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:35:01] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:35:01] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:35:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:35:06] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:35:55] [Cryotheus: Given [Stone] * 1 to Cryotheus] [12:36:18] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:36:18] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:36:28] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:36:28] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:35] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:38] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:38] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:40] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:40] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:41] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:41] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:42] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:42] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:44] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:44] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:47] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:47] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:55] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:55] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:37:57] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:37:57] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:00] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:00] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:02] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:02] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:03] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:03] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:03] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:03] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:04] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:04] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:05] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:05] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:06] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:07] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:07] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:08] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:08] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:09] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:09] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:38:11] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:38:11] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:41] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:41] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:42] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:42] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:42] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:42] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:43] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:43] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:44] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:44] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:44] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:44] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:39:59] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:39:59] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:24] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:24] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:26] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:26] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:27] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:27] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:28] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:28] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:30] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:31] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:31] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:32] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:33] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:33] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:35] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:40:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [12:40:37] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [12:43:35] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'TWBlueKill' successfully] [12:43:45] [Cryotheus: Added new objective 'TWRedKill' successfully] [12:44:03] [Cryotheus: Cleared objective display slot 'sidebar'] [12:44:09] [Cryotheus: Set the display objective in slot 'sidebar' to 'TWRedKill'] [12:44:23] [Cryotheus: Unable to summon object] [12:45:33] [Cryotheus: Object successfully summoned] [12:45:57] [Cryotheus: Object successfully summoned] [12:47:02] [Cryotheus: Object successfully summoned] [12:55:08] [Morph] Creating new user file 661facd6-b83c-4809-bc49-8d3109cbac38for user Smiley_R5 [12:55:09] Smiley_R5[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [12:55:09] [Outsider] Smiley_R5 has joined the fray [12:56:48] §cSmiley_R5 §4was denied access to command. [12:57:00] Smiley_R5 has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory] [12:58:30] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:37] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:38] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:39] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:40] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:41] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:41] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:44] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:44] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:44] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:44] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:44] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:58:45] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:26] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:27] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:27] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:27] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:27] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:28] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:28] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:28] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:28] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:28] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:29] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:30] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:30] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:30] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:30] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:31] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:32] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:33] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:34] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:35] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:36] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:56] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:56] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:56] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:57] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:58] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:58] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:58] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:58] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:59] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:59] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:59] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [12:59:59] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:00] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:00] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:00] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:01] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:01] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:01] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:01] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:00:02] [Armor Stand: Object successfully summoned] [13:01:36] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team TWBlue: Smiley_R5] [13:01:43] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team TWBlue: Cryotheus] [13:02:01] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team TWRed: Cryotheus] [13:02:30] §9Smiley_R5§r was slain by §cCryotheus§r [13:03:12] §9Smiley_R5§r blew up [13:03:50] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:03:50] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:03:50] §9Smiley_R5§r blew up [13:04:15] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:04:15] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:04:15] §9Smiley_R5§r blew up [13:04:43] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:04:43] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:04:48] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:04:48] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:04:48] §9Smiley_R5§r blew up [13:05:02] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:02] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:02] §9Smiley_R5§r blew up [13:05:22] Smiley_R5 hit the ground too hard. Nice! [13:05:32] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:32] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:35] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:35] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:37] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:37] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:39] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:39] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:41] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:05:41] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:05:52] §cSmiley_R5 §4was denied access to command. [13:05:59] §cSmiley_R5 §4was denied access to command. [13:06:03] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:06:03] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:06:05] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:06:05] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:06:06] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:06:06] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:06:14] §9Smiley_R5§r was shot by §cCryotheus§r [13:06:23] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:06:23] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:06:30] [Arrow: Object successfully summoned] [13:06:30] [Fireball: Teleported Arrow to 0.5, 0.0, 0.5] [13:06:38] §9Smiley_R5§r was slain by §cCryotheus§r [13:23:14] [Cryotheus: Given Instant Damage (ID 7) * 100 to Cryotheus for 1 seconds] [13:23:14] [Cryotheus: Given Instant Damage (ID 7) * 100 to Zombie for 1 seconds] [13:23:50] [Cryotheus: Killed Zombie] [13:29:41] [Cryotheus: Removed 1 player(s) from their teams: Cryotheus] [13:39:07] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:04] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:10] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:13] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:17] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:20] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:23] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:25] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:42:29] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:51:13] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [13:52:48] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [14:04:55] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [14:04:55] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [14:05:27] Smiley_R5 lost connection: Timed out [14:05:27] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Smiley_R5:661facd6-b83c-4809-bc49-8d3109cbac38 [14:05:27] [Trusty] Smiley_R5 has left the fray [16:51:11] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [16:52:59] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [16:52:59] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [19:19:24] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [19:26:36] [Cryotheus: 30720 blocks cloned] [19:29:23] [Cryotheus: 30720 blocks cloned] [19:32:09] [Cryotheus: 9 blocks cloned] [19:33:44] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [19:33:44] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23 [22:14:26] Cryotheus[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN] [22:14:44] Cryotheus was sent down below [22:14:57] Cryotheus hit the ground too hard. Nice! [22:15:11] Cryotheus fell from a high place [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:05] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:06] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:12] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:13] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:14] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:15] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:17] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:18] [Cryotheus: Played sound 'block.note.harp' to Cryotheus] [22:19:53] [Developer] Cryotheus: 2 [22:20:08] [Developer] Cryotheus: 2 [22:22:55] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:05] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:08] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:12] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:16] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:21] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:26] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:31] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:35] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:38] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:41] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:48] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:52] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:23:56] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:24:03] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:24:05] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:24:08] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:24:21] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:24:44] [Cryotheus: Block placed] [22:30:17] [Cryotheus: Cleared objective display slot 'sidebar'] [22:30:23] [Cryotheus: Added 1 player(s) to team Editor: Cryotheus] [22:41:53] Cryotheus lost connection: Disconnected [22:41:53] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryotheus:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23