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[09:23:37] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[09:23:38] [Moderator] Cryrotheum has joined the fray
[09:25:03] [Morph] Creating new user file e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39for user PiguBones
[09:25:03] PiguBones[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[09:25:03] [Trusty] PiguBones has joined the fray
[09:25:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: fails??
[09:25:17] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nope
[09:25:28] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: <look
[09:25:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok where are you
[09:26:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: ohhh
[09:26:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: your mod
[09:26:23] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Denied
[09:26:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: cool
[09:26:32] [Trusty] PiguBones: everyone but me is mod ;-;
[09:26:35] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[09:26:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: ik XD
[09:33:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: tommorrow im leaving
[09:35:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: found redstone
[09:35:43] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[09:35:51] [Trusty] PiguBones: Noorquacker is in 2nd fails
[09:36:15] [Trusty] PiguBones: I wouldve had 8 if noorquacker didnt smite me ;-;
[09:37:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats kams
[09:37:22] [Trusty] PiguBones: not mine
[09:37:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: ._.
[09:37:31] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: she moved into my house
[09:37:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: yay!
[09:37:42] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: bich
[09:37:57] [Trusty] PiguBones: FINNALLY that chest is gone!
[09:38:04] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: also
[09:38:07] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh?
[09:38:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: wanna know something
[09:38:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: what
[09:38:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: and sure?
[09:38:20] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: one sec
[09:38:36] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[09:39:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: didnt see that sign
[09:40:07] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: lets do this inside
[09:53:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: tpa to me :O
[09:53:35] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nien
[09:53:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: its a big brown mushroom stem, and a red mushroom top
[09:54:05] [Trusty] PiguBones: test
[09:54:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: this shall become a monument
[09:54:45] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[09:54:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: yes
[09:54:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: -257 70 373
[09:56:43] [Trusty] PiguBones: its official
[09:56:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: monumental mushroom
[09:56:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: >_>
[09:56:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: hope noone breaks it
[09:56:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: boy I hope so
[09:57:01] [Trusty] PiguBones: someones gonna break it
[09:58:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: pigu
[09:58:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: Yeh?
[09:58:13] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: melons prefer dirt
[09:58:23] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: not pistons to grow
[09:58:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: Thats not mine
[09:58:31] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: they cant grow on pistons
[09:58:47] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Xandertron5000? rly?
[09:58:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: Random house in the middle of noowheerre
[09:58:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: Yes its his
[10:03:05] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: DUDE
[10:03:14] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: -450 43 1500
[10:03:24] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: *-450 32 1500
[10:05:42] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: mineshaft end
[10:09:06] PiguBones lost connection: Disconnected
[10:09:06] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user PiguBones:e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39
[10:09:06] [Trusty] PiguBones has left the fray
[10:09:45] PiguBones[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[10:09:45] [Trusty] PiguBones has joined the fray
[10:09:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: where is it?
[10:10:00] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 2 LIBARYS?
[10:10:45] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 2 spawners close to each other
[10:10:49] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: dont break
[10:10:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: Lets find the portal!
[10:10:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: Oh!
[10:10:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: i did
[10:11:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[10:11:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: -425 28 1492
[10:11:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: hmmm
[10:11:45] [Trusty] PiguBones: now we need to activate it
[10:11:50] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[10:11:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh ;-;
[10:12:05] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: we dont have the stuff
[10:12:10] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[10:14:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: Whoa
[10:14:28] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 2 libs
[10:14:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: Did you find the giant part of the place?
[10:14:43] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yehj
[10:14:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: the door maze
[10:16:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: wow
[10:16:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: double decker door maze
[10:16:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: hi I see your nametag
[10:16:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: TRIPLE DECKER
[10:17:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: hey! >:C ;-;
[10:17:59] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the rest was apples
[10:18:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[10:19:43] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: mineshaft turm room
[10:19:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats what hose are
[10:20:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: what?
[10:20:04] [Trusty] PiguBones: those*
[10:20:09] [Trusty] PiguBones: :O
[10:20:15] [Trusty] PiguBones: the possibilities
[10:20:31] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: there are 2 next to each other
[10:20:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh wow
[10:21:24] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: rly
[10:21:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh.
[10:25:25] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: YE
[10:25:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!
[10:26:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: I found a part you haven't torched yet XD
[10:26:45] [Trusty] PiguBones: bread! :O
[10:26:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[10:30:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[10:30:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: i have a stack of frulings
[10:30:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: a stack and 8
[10:31:22] [Trusty] PiguBones: well
[10:31:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: gold nuggets
[10:34:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa! You've been busy.
[10:34:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[10:35:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[10:35:10] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh.
[10:38:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: ITS A CIRCLE!
[10:41:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: 6 gold and 64+ iron
[10:41:59] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nice
[10:42:07] [Trusty] PiguBones: ore
[10:42:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: 2/4 picks
[10:42:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: have been used
[10:42:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: BUT A SINGLE DIAMOND!
[10:44:11] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: it is night
[10:44:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok.
[10:44:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: 11 gold ore
[10:46:59] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: my boots give the middle finger to water
[10:47:04] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[10:47:09] [Trusty] PiguBones: why
[10:47:15] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: lookl
[10:47:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: after this massive mining trip
[10:47:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: one more iron!
[10:48:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: TWO STACKS+
[10:48:23] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: cool
[10:48:25] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: not much
[10:48:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: ik ;-;
[10:48:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: mor
[10:48:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: whaiii
[10:48:45] [Trusty] PiguBones: BUT OKAY!
[10:50:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: ravine ender
[10:50:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: THE ENDER PLACE GOES INTO A RAVINE NOW.
[10:50:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: OK
[10:51:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats enough mining.
[10:51:12] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[10:51:16] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: SMELT
[10:51:18] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: IT
[10:51:22] [Trusty] PiguBones: I am
[10:51:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: at my base?
[10:51:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: no
[10:51:32] [Trusty] PiguBones: at mine
[10:51:33] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: why
[10:51:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: in 3 furnaces
[10:51:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: im at my base
[10:51:51] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: just 3?
[10:52:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: im gonna get more calm down
[10:52:17] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: my walls are furnaces
[10:52:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats what im doing
[10:53:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: there
[10:53:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: 6 furnaces
[10:53:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: one wall
[10:53:55] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ...
[10:53:58] [Trusty] PiguBones: in my crafting room
[10:53:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: shhhhhh
[10:54:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: im not as high of a level as you
[10:54:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: im too lazy to do that anymore
[10:54:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[10:54:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[10:54:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: ._.
[10:54:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!
[10:55:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: ._.
[10:55:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: bruh
[10:55:17] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: bruh
[10:55:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: how do you remember which furnaces you but things in
[10:55:23] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: cobble
[10:55:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the floor
[10:55:34] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: haven't used any
[10:55:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: well
[10:55:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh
[10:55:43] [Trusty] PiguBones: my furnaces are for use
[10:55:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: SO MUCH COAL
[10:55:56] [Trusty] PiguBones: I DONT NEED THIS XD
[10:56:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa\
[10:57:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: 3+ stacks of iron ingots
[10:57:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I can run against the current
[10:58:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: THIS IS TOO MUCH IRON
[10:58:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[10:58:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no its not
[10:58:29] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: stay there
[10:58:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok ;-;
[10:58:51] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: y
[10:58:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ryou didint stay
[10:59:06] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: what were the cords?
[10:59:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: where was I supposed to be?!
[10:59:27] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the area
[10:59:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: im back
[10:59:55] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: rhow?
[11:00:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: ./back
[11:00:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: i need dat
[11:00:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: you have it dont you?
[11:00:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I do
[11:00:40] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: at home
[11:00:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh
[11:00:47] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I could make like 10
[11:00:52] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[11:00:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: go to your home and do /back
[11:01:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: wat
[11:01:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: how
[11:01:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: depth strider
[11:01:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: OHHH
[11:01:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: rawr
[11:01:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: rawr
[11:01:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: *farm,s cryrotheum*
[11:01:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: giimmie it back
[11:02:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the torch
[11:02:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHAT DID I TAKE
[11:02:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: TAKE THEM
[11:02:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: oh
[11:02:09] [Trusty] PiguBones: :_:
[11:02:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: thx
[11:03:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: whats the thing for frulings? Type in steam chat
[11:03:32] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I dont have it now
[11:03:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[11:03:48] [Trusty] PiguBones: meh
[11:03:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: ill use the anvil for something
[11:04:28] [Trusty] PiguBones: almost 3 stacks of golden nuggets/frulings
[11:04:36] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: not much
[11:04:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[11:04:57] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I have 9 stacks
[11:05:04] [Trusty] PiguBones: I remember when I used to be addicted to minecraft
[11:05:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: I could kill the ender dragon in like 1 and a half hours.
[11:05:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: that was when it was super easy though.
[11:05:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: thats too long
[11:05:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: ik
[11:05:33] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 1/3
[11:05:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: my best was half hour
[11:05:49] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: i did in 30 mins
[11:05:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: same
[11:05:57] [Trusty] PiguBones: that was half hour
[11:06:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[11:06:07] [Trusty] PiguBones: half hour = 30 minutes
[11:06:09] [Trusty] PiguBones: hour = 60 minutes
[11:06:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: half of 60 is 30
[11:06:15] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: half an hourt is 30.00000000000000000000169 minutes
[11:06:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[11:06:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: then that.
[11:06:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: and you never did it in 30 minutes exact
[11:06:41] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ~27
[11:14:55] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: my god
[11:14:58] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?
[11:15:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Potatoes
[11:15:40] [Developer] Console: holo
[11:15:43] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: holo
[11:15:50] Nickname changed.
[11:15:52] [Moderator] ~icri: NO
[11:15:53] [Developer] Console: hehe
[11:15:56] [Moderator] ~icri: STAHP
[11:16:01] Nickname changed.
[11:16:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: ??!!
[11:16:04] [Developer] Console: ok
[11:16:20] [Moderator] ~Noticri: geez
[11:16:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[11:16:47] [Moderator] ~NoorCrackers: holo
[11:16:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHO IS THIS MAN
[11:16:51] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[11:16:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: noorcrackers
[11:17:13] [Moderator] ~NoorKackers: Shh pignuggets
[11:17:19] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[11:17:36] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: heh
[11:18:01] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[11:18:10] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: Oh flip
[11:18:16] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: I'm still console's n-word
[11:18:18] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: wow
[11:18:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: There
[11:18:32] [Noorquacker: Toggled downfall]
[11:18:53] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: You can nick yourself as console...
[11:19:10] [Developer] ~Console: wut
[11:19:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[11:19:22] [Developer] Console: hey
[11:19:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats what that hole is.
[11:19:26] [Developer] Console: stop being me
[11:19:28] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: There you go
[11:19:49] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: self humor is best humor
[11:20:18] §cPiguBones §4was denied access to command.
[11:22:23] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: hgey
[11:22:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: pig
[11:22:33] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: help me with this pls
[11:22:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!
[11:23:33] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: for building
[11:23:36] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the roof
[11:23:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh?
[11:23:45] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yeh
[11:23:51] [Trusty] PiguBones: what is it?
[11:23:58] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: what
[11:24:14] [Trusty] PiguBones: for building the roof what
[11:24:18] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[11:24:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: cobble?
[11:24:27] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: come
[11:25:32] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I think i just broke you boots
[11:25:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: nope.
[11:26:11] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: heelp
[11:31:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[11:31:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Holo
[11:31:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: hi.
[11:31:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: You found a stronghold?
[11:32:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yep
[11:32:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh
[11:32:13] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: and mineshaft
[11:32:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: XRay hacker
[11:32:17] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: together
[11:32:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[11:32:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: nope
[11:32:28] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I was on an expidition
[11:32:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: THIS guy here is an XRay hacker
[11:32:36] [Trusty] PiguBones: he isnt
[11:32:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nope
[11:32:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: skrub
[11:32:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: noor
[11:32:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: What
[11:32:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: aren't you the one that xrayed?
[11:33:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: Along with Cryro and gamer_girl45
[11:33:07] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Oooooh
[11:33:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: Do you know Cryro's nickname?
[11:33:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: on that server with drugs ;)
[11:33:17] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: AND Xandertron5000
[11:33:27] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: i saw him flying
[11:33:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: Xander XRays too?
[11:33:30] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yep
[11:33:38] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: the entire server
[11:33:44] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: excluding zippers
[11:33:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: Good lord
[11:33:48] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ye
[11:33:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: Ive only xrayed once
[11:33:58] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 'Once'
[11:33:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: I need nocheat and the xray scrambler
[11:34:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: yes once
[11:34:10] [Trusty] PiguBones: on an old server
[11:34:13] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nocheat is horrible
[11:34:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: were all cheaters
[11:34:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: it doesnt block sheet
[11:34:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: BUT
[11:34:28] [Trusty] PiguBones: IT BLOCKS ME FROM LOOKING AROUND >:C
[11:34:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHICH IS WHY I DONT MINE MUCH ANYMORE
[11:34:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: those things ban me without any evidence
[11:35:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: I want funni jok in survival
[11:35:36] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;c
[11:35:44] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: gamer just isn't afraid to show it, she flys across the map xD
[11:35:50] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: then I shot her down
[11:35:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: died from fall damage
[11:36:01] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[11:36:04] [Trusty] PiguBones: \
[11:36:05] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[11:36:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: rly hit me
[11:36:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: ow
[11:36:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: see
[11:36:29] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: pushes me down
[11:37:00] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: hit me again
[11:37:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: ???
[11:37:46] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[11:37:58] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: i take no hearts
[11:37:58] [Trusty] PiguBones: xD
[11:38:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: you loose 1
[11:38:01] [Trusty] PiguBones: wow
[11:38:19] [Trusty] PiguBones: >:'C
[11:38:39] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: need torches
[11:42:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[11:42:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: Hi.
[11:43:03] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ah ah
[11:43:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: *ah ha
[11:45:55] PiguBones lost connection: Disconnected
[11:45:55] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user PiguBones:e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39
[11:45:55] [Trusty] PiguBones has left the fray
[11:45:57] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: nu
[11:48:07] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[11:48:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray
[11:48:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[11:48:13] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: holo
[11:48:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: holo
[11:48:41] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: we should have holo-grams
[11:48:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: Lol
[11:48:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: same thing i was thinking
[11:48:55] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yeh
[11:49:09] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: two spawners
[11:49:14] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: next to each other
[11:49:18] [Morph] Creating new user file eb507776-70d4-4424-b457-ab6799c13f06for user samoo21
[11:49:18] samoo21[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[11:49:18] [Moderator] samoo21 has joined the fray
[11:49:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: see
[11:49:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[11:49:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: NINJA
[11:49:24] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: holo
[11:49:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: HAH
[11:49:29] [Moderator] samoo21: comunism
[11:49:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: hi ninja
[11:49:48] [Moderator] samoo21: hello Xander
[11:49:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: Sam we have a new mod
[11:50:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: His name is icri
[11:50:04] [Moderator] samoo21: competition i see
[11:50:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: whos icri
[11:50:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: icri say hi
[11:50:18] [Moderator] ~STOPWITHMYNAEM: k
[11:50:24] [Moderator] ~icri: NO
[11:50:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[11:50:54] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: my inv is fullt
[11:50:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: brb
[11:51:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: We have a Court of Quacker
[11:51:22] [Moderator] samoo21: noor, you got a teamspeak server?
[11:51:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: No
[11:51:32] [Moderator] samoo21: hmm
[11:51:37] [Moderator] samoo21: we need one for minecraft
[11:51:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: Are teamspeak servers free without hosting it yourself
[11:52:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: idk
[11:52:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: Because I'm not in the mood for hosting anything else
[11:52:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: discord servers are free
[11:52:15] [Moderator] samoo21: i have no idea
[11:52:24] [Moderator] samoo21: discord is free
[11:52:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh
[11:53:00] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry got mod?
[11:53:46] [Moderator] ~icri: hey
[11:53:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: put some cobble in it
[11:53:53] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[11:53:53] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[11:54:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: icri this world is on peaceful
[11:54:28] [Moderator] ~icri: i know
[11:54:31] [Moderator] ~icri: not always
[11:54:38] [Moderator] ~icri: and its fine now
[11:54:43] [Moderator] samoo21: how do i get to the main servers survival world?
[11:54:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ./mvtp smp
[11:54:55] [Moderator] samoo21: thanks
[11:55:10] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wait
[11:55:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: Any moment now for teamspeak...
[11:55:24] [Moderator] samoo21: wot u mean
[11:55:27] [Moderator] ~icri: whats that
[11:55:30] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: well
[11:55:35] [Moderator] ~icri: HAX
[11:55:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: heres the end portal
[11:55:40] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[11:55:44] [Moderator] ~icri: ok den
[11:56:17] Nickname changed.
[11:56:20] [Developer] Console: hehe
[11:56:31] [Moderator] samoo21: i has shaders mod on and OMG i am creaming so hard
[11:57:06] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: how do we kill the spiders?
[11:57:11] [Moderator] ~icri: fall
[11:57:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: do they get pushed up wards?
[11:57:30] [Moderator] ~icri: mhmm
[11:57:47] [Moderator] ~icri: they hold jump
[11:57:49] [Moderator] samoo21: make the main survival world easy please
[11:57:57] [Moderator] ~icri: nu
[11:58:02] [Moderator] ~icri: nut yet
[11:58:05] [Moderator] samoo21: please
[11:58:09] [Moderator] ~icri: ;-;
[11:58:09] [Moderator] samoo21: this is boring
[11:58:18] [Moderator] ~icri: you have no face
[11:58:24] [Moderator] samoo21: :)
[11:59:02] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Benchmarking]
[11:59:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[11:59:13] [Moderator] ~icri: gaaben gaben gben
[11:59:18] [Moderator] ~icri: gaaben gaben gbennnnnnnnn
[12:03:22] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i cant stand looking at my armour
[12:03:34] [Moderator] ~icri: y?
[12:03:39] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: at almost dead
[12:03:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: *its
[12:03:42] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[12:05:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[12:06:49] [Morph] Creating new user file 872481ef-a133-4047-b04f-f646d80e2bcafor user chichi0007
[12:06:49] chichi0007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[12:06:49] [Trusty] chichi0007 has joined the fray
[12:06:52] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wb
[12:06:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[12:06:55] [Moderator] ~icri: holo
[12:06:59] [Moderator] ~icri: 5 people wow
[12:07:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: There used to be 6
[12:07:10] [Moderator] ~icri: just need kam and pigu then its 7
[12:10:20] [Moderator] ~icri: noor?
[12:10:35] [Moderator] ~icri: Noor?
[12:10:46] [Moderator] ~icri: NOOR!
[12:10:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: WHAT
[12:10:51] [Trusty] chichi0007: like if you cri eveytim
[12:10:55] [Moderator] ~icri: can you place warp
[12:11:05] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[12:11:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: You should set 5-10 homes
[12:11:23] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[12:11:25] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[12:11:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: You should be able to*
[12:11:36] [Moderator] ~icri: I can make multi homes
[12:11:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: ...
[12:11:42] [Moderator] ~icri: how?
[12:11:43] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: "you cannot set more than 1 homes
[12:11:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: Gonna look in the configs
[12:13:12] Using locale en_US
[12:13:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: A'ight you should now
[12:13:24] [Moderator] ~icri: how?
[12:13:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ye
[12:13:29] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[12:13:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./sethome (number)
[12:13:31] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[12:13:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: noor
[12:13:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: duh
[12:13:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: can you add /delhome now?
[12:14:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh hold on
[12:14:06] [Moderator] ~icri: huh
[12:14:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: You should now
[12:14:30] [Moderator] ~icri: i did
[12:17:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: We have teamspeak
[12:17:07] [Moderator] ~icri: cool
[12:17:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: Xander
[12:17:23] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ye
[12:17:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: Teamspeak
[12:17:35] [Moderator] ~icri: what is teamspeak
[12:17:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: aargh where the ip
[12:17:44] [Developer] Noorquacker:
[12:17:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: You do not know what teamspeak is?
[12:17:56] [Moderator] ~icri: Nope
[12:17:59] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:18:01] Cryrotheum died
[12:18:07] [Moderator] ~icri: NOOOOOO
[12:18:10] [Moderator] ~icri: MY STUFF
[12:18:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: ./back
[12:18:22] [Moderator] samoo21: i know wot teamspeak is :)
[12:18:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wait
[12:18:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: is keepinv off?
[12:18:46] [Moderator] ~icri: no
[12:18:51] [Moderator] ~icri: I dont hink
[12:19:00] [Moderator] samoo21: damn its rainging hard
[12:19:19] [Moderator] ~icri: iy made me a grave
[12:19:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[12:20:06] Xandertron5000 tried to swim in lava
[12:20:09] [Moderator] ~icri: rly
[12:20:10] [Moderator] samoo21: nerd
[12:20:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:20:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: thuder was noor
[12:20:38] [Moderator] ~icri: he is not noor he is thor
[12:20:52] [Moderator] samoo21: is noor causing all the thunder?
[12:21:01] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: he could be
[12:21:01] [Developer] Noorquacker: What no
[12:21:13] [Moderator] samoo21: HOLY SMOKES
[12:21:20] [Moderator] samoo21: WTF
[12:21:22] [Moderator] samoo21: lol
[12:21:23] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: is that a pun?
[12:21:32] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lightning makes smoke
[12:21:45] [Moderator] samoo21: i just found a cave
[12:21:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: naw really
[12:21:51] [Moderator] samoo21: with a bunch of lava
[12:22:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: xander
[12:22:00] [Moderator] samoo21: its like one of those rips in the ground
[12:22:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: join the teamspeak
[12:22:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yas
[12:22:06] [Moderator] samoo21: and i almost fell in
[12:22:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: how
[12:22:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: ...
[12:22:13] [Developer] Noorquacker:
[12:22:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ddos
[12:22:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no
[12:22:20] [Moderator] samoo21: i was diging down while pressing W
[12:23:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: nice sam
[12:23:37] [Moderator] ~icri: Xandertron5000
[12:23:40] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ye
[12:23:48] [Moderator] ~icri: that happened when I died
[12:23:54] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: duped?
[12:23:56] [Moderator] ~icri: mhmm
[12:24:01] [Moderator] ~icri: not everything
[12:24:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: weird
[12:24:06] [Moderator] ~icri: just that
[12:24:10] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: yay
[12:24:16] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: racist
[12:24:29] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: I'm black enough
[12:25:08] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh
[12:25:37] [Noorquacker] hi
[12:25:38] §cchichi0007 §4was denied access to command.
[12:25:40] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: weeeee
[12:25:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wat
[12:25:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: trying to kill my self
[12:26:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: die
[12:26:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what the heck
[12:26:24] [Trusty] ~Jack_Sucks: grr
[12:26:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:26:39] [Trusty] ~Jack_Sucks: I said jack sparrow
[12:26:45] [Developer] Console: hi
[12:26:52] [Developer] Console: this is from my phone
[12:27:00] [Rcon] with rcon
[12:27:04] Xandertron5000 fell from a high place
[12:27:40] [Trusty] ~Jace_sparrow: i dont like you noor
[12:27:47] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: ill kill you
[12:28:50] [me -> [Trusty] ~Jace_sparrow] evelyn not evylin
[12:28:59] Xandertron5000 fell from a high place
[12:29:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: weird
[12:29:21] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: Yay
[12:29:28] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: K
[12:29:41] [Trusty] ~jack_scrublord: DANGIT
[12:29:46] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[12:29:54] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: fine
[12:30:53] [Moderator] ~icri: ok
[12:30:58] [Moderator] ~icri: can we go on easy?
[12:31:06] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: brb
[12:32:40] Xandertron5000 fell from a high place
[12:33:06] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[12:33:35] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:34:04] [Moderator] ~icri: can we go to easy difficulty
[12:34:10] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: ok
[12:34:13] [Moderator] ~icri: thx
[12:34:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:34:29] [Moderator] ~icri: we are on peaceful
[12:34:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: normal*
[12:34:43] [Moderator] ~icri: IT WORKS
[12:35:06] [Moderator] ~icri: huh
[12:35:18] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[12:35:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there escaping
[12:35:21] [Moderator] ~icri: they can see us
[12:35:30] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: brb
[12:36:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rip
[12:36:16] [Moderator] ~icri: HEALP
[12:36:20] [Moderator] ~icri: ITS LEAKING
[12:36:21] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: all in favor of getting noor to transfer this server to hexxit.
[12:36:46] Xandertron5000 was slain by Cave Spider
[12:38:13] [Moderator] ~icri: HELKP
[12:38:19] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: what
[12:38:30] Xandertron5000 was slain by Cave Spider
[12:39:05] [Moderator] ~icri: KEEP THEM OFF
[12:39:16] Xandertron5000 was slain by Cave Spider
[12:39:16] [Moderator] ~icri: SO I CAN CLOSE
[12:39:18] [Moderator] ~icri: HELP
[12:39:37] [Moderator] ~icri: OUT
[12:40:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: idiot
[12:40:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: spawner in a nutshell
[12:41:26] chichi0007 died
[12:41:35] [Moderator] ~icri: oh no
[12:41:47] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: icant fly
[12:41:55] [Moderator] ~icri: what
[12:42:05] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: in creative, i cant fly
[12:42:11] [Moderator] ~icri: I need a sign
[12:42:23] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: *peace sign*
[12:42:32] [Moderator] samoo21: sorry i keep going afk
[12:42:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there
[12:42:42] §cchichi0007 §4was denied access to command.
[12:42:43] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: CLOSE IT UP
[12:42:47] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Time to Strike!]
[12:42:53] [Moderator] ~icri: stop
[12:42:55] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry
[12:42:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: its normal
[12:43:00] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Monster Hunter]
[12:43:12] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: *sigh*
[12:43:17] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: ./ssj 1
[12:44:01] [Moderator] ~icri: can we go peacful
[12:44:04] [Moderator] ~icri: im breaking it
[12:44:08] [Moderator] samoo21: NO
[12:44:09] [Developer] Console: no
[12:44:11] [Moderator] ~icri: and we keep dieng
[12:44:15] [Moderator] samoo21: stop being a puss puss
[12:44:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why are you breaking it?
[12:44:18] [Moderator] ~icri: And we cant do anything
[12:44:26] [Moderator] ~icri: Xandertron5000 its missing a peice
[12:44:33] [Moderator] ~icri: and some water
[12:44:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: there
[12:45:02] [Moderator] ~icri: NO
[12:45:10] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: rip
[12:45:13] [Moderator] ~icri: ITS STUCK
[12:45:31] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Time to Mine!]
[12:46:25] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: is it done now?
[12:46:40] [Moderator] ~icri: wtf
[12:46:44] [Moderator] ~icri: ah
[12:46:46] [Moderator] ~icri: there
[12:46:52] [Moderator] ~icri: clogged
[12:46:59] PiguBones[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[12:46:59] [Trusty] PiguBones has joined the fray
[12:47:02] [Moderator] ~icri: great
[12:47:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: whats great
[12:47:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: Me sarcastically? Thanks :3
[12:47:38] [Developer] ~Consoles_n_word: holo
[12:47:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: Hi.
[12:48:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: sht
[12:48:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: eat it.
[12:48:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: EAT ITTT
[12:48:51] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Hot Topic]
[12:49:44] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[12:49:44] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[12:50:18] [Moderator] ~icri: my helmet broke ;-;
[12:50:24] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: dont worry
[12:50:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i have more
[12:50:28] [Moderator] samoo21: are you able to voice chat in minecraft? Theres a sound option that says voice volume
[12:50:30] [Moderator] ~icri: hey you still have the sparE?
[12:50:40] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yea
[12:50:55] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: Is conky still in IJWTB
[12:50:59] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yea
[12:51:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: p sure
[12:51:06] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: havnt played in a while
[12:51:08] [Moderator] samoo21: duh
[12:51:10] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHO IS JACK SPARROW?
[12:51:15] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: Me
[12:51:17] [Moderator] samoo21: conky is super admin
[12:51:20] [Trusty] PiguBones: Oh.
[12:51:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: steam?
[12:51:33] [Moderator] samoo21: I dont think conky would give up that rank
[12:51:33] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: Aka chichi, poolballmikie on steam
[12:51:48] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: Idk just havnt been on in awhile
[12:51:54] [Moderator] samoo21: im ninjapony21 or samuel G.
[12:52:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: Oh\
[12:52:07] [Trusty] PiguBones: Hi, its zipra
[12:52:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: the minge
[12:52:20] [Moderator] samoo21: WOAH
[12:52:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: I GOT FALSE MINGED
[12:52:25] [Moderator] samoo21: whos zipra?!
[12:52:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPAM HOLOS
[12:52:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: zipra
[12:52:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: from ijwtb/gmod
[12:52:42] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow: im going to noors new hexxit server
[12:52:42] [Moderator] samoo21: i know
[12:52:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?
[12:53:01] [Moderator] samoo21: who is zipra on minecraft atm...
[12:53:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: me.
[12:53:11] [Moderator] samoo21: OH
[12:53:20] [Moderator] samoo21: hia zip, aint seen ya in a long time
[12:53:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: Yeah.
[12:53:26] chichi0007 lost connection: Timed out
[12:53:26] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user chichi0007:872481ef-a133-4047-b04f-f646d80e2bca
[12:53:26] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow has left the fray
[12:53:26] [Moderator] samoo21: unless you change your name
[12:53:27] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oops
[12:53:33] [Trusty] PiguBones: Because meowler decided to false minge me
[12:53:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lmao
[12:53:50] [Moderator] samoo21: well do a unminge and I will gladly support you
[12:53:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: pffft because that'll work
[12:54:06] [Moderator] samoo21: it would
[12:54:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: ive tried.
[12:54:12] [Moderator] ~icri: yep
[12:54:15] [Trusty] PiguBones: 1 +support
[12:54:17] [Moderator] samoo21: ill tell people to support you
[12:54:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: ONE.
[12:54:24] [Moderator] ~icri: balls of steel isnt a minge anymorew
[12:54:28] [Trusty] PiguBones: :l
[12:54:38] [Moderator] samoo21: i can get you unminged
[12:54:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: last time that happened and people told people to support I just got more negative
[12:54:53] [Moderator] ~icri: no you didnt
[12:54:57] [Trusty] PiguBones: look at the reason
[12:54:59] [Moderator] samoo21: you just wait
[12:55:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: half are old
[12:55:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: and half I dont know how.
[12:55:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: one was not even a rule
[12:55:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: common sense
[12:55:16] [Moderator] samoo21: instead of being negative
[12:55:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: "placing props on the track causing my train to derail"
[12:55:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: called building.
[12:55:28] [Moderator] samoo21: you have to trust me
[12:55:36] [Trusty] PiguBones: I wouldn't go back anyway.
[12:55:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: thats the trains fualt for having low horsepower
[12:56:01] samoo21 has just earned the achievement [Time to Farm!]
[12:56:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry
[12:56:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: why..?
[12:56:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: have you ever wondering how i survived?
[12:56:28] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: *wondered
[12:56:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?
[12:56:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: not talkin to you
[12:56:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok.
[12:56:57] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cryro
[12:56:58] [Moderator] samoo21: noor
[12:57:08] [Moderator] samoo21: did you use that tree plugin thing
[12:57:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: we should have a piston the pushes them down
[12:57:17] [Moderator] samoo21: on the survival world
[12:57:18] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: he did
[12:57:26] [Moderator] samoo21: ugg
[12:57:32] PiguBones has just earned the achievement [We Need to Go Deeper]
[12:57:34] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: whats wrong with it
[12:57:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: hOIya where are you
[12:57:49] [Moderator] samoo21: it feel like cheating to me
[12:58:17] [Moderator] ~icri: uh oh
[12:58:20] PiguBones burned to death
[12:58:23] [Moderator] ~icri: looked
[12:58:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: MY HOUSE
[12:58:28] [Trusty] PiguBones: MY HOUSE
[12:58:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ./treeassist toggle might be a real toggle
[12:58:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:35] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[12:58:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: MY STUFF
[12:58:38] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:39] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: it has a faulty
[12:58:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:41] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: NO
[12:58:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHYYYYYY
[12:58:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: pig its fine?
[12:58:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: MY HOUSE
[12:58:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: :P:
[12:58:57] [Trusty] PiguBones: IT DESTROYED MY HOUSE
[12:59:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: I WANT CREATIVE ;-;
[12:59:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol*
[12:59:07] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im not in creative
[12:59:51] [Trusty] PiguBones: MY HOUSE
[13:00:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: IT BROKE MY HOUSE.
[13:00:04] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: ATTACK
[13:00:23] [Moderator] samoo21: nah
[13:00:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: aww
[13:00:26] [Moderator] samoo21: go awayu
[13:00:38] [Moderator] samoo21: shoo
[13:00:43] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: smoo
[13:00:43] [Moderator] samoo21: scat
[13:01:00] [Developer] Console: RELOADING
[13:01:01] CONSOLE: Please note that this command is not supported and may cause issues when using some plugins.
[13:01:01] CONSOLE: If you encounter any issues please use the /stop command to restart your server.
[13:01:01] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[13:01:01] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[13:01:01] Debug logging is disabled
[13:01:02] [MCBans] Disabling MCBans v4.3.5
[13:01:02] [MCBans] MCBans version 4.3.5 is disabled!
[13:01:02] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Disabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16
[13:01:02] ConsoleChat has been disabled!
[13:01:02] [TreeAssist] Disabling TreeAssist v5.8.91
[13:01:02] [GrapplingHook] Disabling GrapplingHook v1.5.6
[13:01:02] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[13:01:02] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
[13:01:02] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
[13:01:02] [Morphy] Disabling Morphy v1.7
[13:01:02] [LibsDisguises] Disabling LibsDisguises v9.0.9
[13:01:02] [Evelyn] Disabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:01:02] [Modifyworld] Disabling Modifyworld v1.19.7
[13:01:02] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld successfully disabled!
[13:01:02] [Gravestone] Disabling Gravestone v1.0.9
[13:01:02] [Gravestone] Gravestone: Disabled.
[13:01:02] [SuperSaiyan] Disabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:01:02] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been DISBLED
[13:01:04] <[Moderator] Xandertron5000> gd
[13:01:05] [VirtualPlayers] Enabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:01:05] [VirtualPlayers] Disabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:01:06] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[13:01:06] [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:01:06] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:01:06] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
[13:01:06] git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10)
[13:01:06] 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:01:06] Using locale en_US
[13:01:06] Using locale en_US
[13:25:14] Starting minecraft server version 1.10
[13:25:14] Loading properties
[13:25:14] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10) (Implementing API version 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[13:25:15] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[13:25:15] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[13:25:15] Debug logging is disabled
[13:25:15] Generating keypair
[13:25:15] Using epoll channel type
[13:25:16] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
[13:25:16] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
[13:25:21] [VirtualPlayers] Enabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:25:21] [VirtualPlayers] Disabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:25:21] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[13:25:22] [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:25:22] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:25:22] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
[13:25:22] git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10)
[13:25:22] 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:25:22] Using locale en_US
[13:25:22] Using locale en_US
[13:25:22] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
[13:25:22] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
[13:25:22] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19.7
[13:25:22] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled!
[13:25:46] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:25:46] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT
[13:25:46] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers.
[13:25:46] [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.0.9
[13:25:46] [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_10_R1
[13:25:47] [Morphy] Enabling Morphy v1.7
[13:25:47] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[13:25:47] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[13:25:47] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.
[13:25:47] [GrapplingHook] Enabling GrapplingHook v1.5.6
[13:25:47] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v5.8.91
[13:25:47] [TreeAssist] debugging: off
[13:25:48] [MVPLogging] 11 - Portals(s) loaded
[13:25:48] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[13:25:48] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16
[13:25:48] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Initializing for the first time.
[13:25:49] [MCBans] Enabling MCBans v4.3.5
[13:25:49] [MCBans] Using SuperPerms for permission control.
[13:25:49] [MCBans] Rollback plugin not found!
[13:25:49] [MCBans] MCBans version 4.3.5 is enabled!
[13:25:49] Done (32.940s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[13:25:49] Starting GS4 status listener
[13:25:49] Starting remote control listener
[13:32:40] Starting minecraft server version 1.10
[13:32:40] Loading properties
[13:32:40] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10) (Implementing API version 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[13:32:41] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[13:32:41] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[13:32:41] Debug logging is disabled
[13:32:41] Generating keypair
[13:32:41] Using epoll channel type
[13:32:42] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
[13:32:43] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
[13:32:47] [VirtualPlayers] Enabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:32:47] [VirtualPlayers] Disabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[13:32:48] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[13:32:48] [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:32:48] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
[13:32:48] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
[13:32:48] git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10)
[13:32:48] 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:32:48] Using locale en_US
[13:32:48] Using locale en_US
[13:32:48] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
[13:32:48] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
[13:32:48] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19.7
[13:32:48] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled!
[13:33:12] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:33:13] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT
[13:33:13] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers.
[13:33:13] [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.0.9
[13:33:13] [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_10_R1
[13:33:13] [Morphy] Enabling Morphy v1.7
[13:33:13] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[13:33:13] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[13:33:13] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.
[13:33:13] [GrapplingHook] Enabling GrapplingHook v1.5.6
[13:33:13] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v5.8.91
[13:33:13] [TreeAssist] debugging: off
[13:33:14] [MVPLogging] 11 - Portals(s) loaded
[13:33:14] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[13:33:14] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16
[13:33:14] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Initializing for the first time.
[13:33:15] [MCBans] Enabling MCBans v4.3.5
[13:33:15] [MCBans] Using SuperPerms for permission control.
[13:33:15] [MCBans] Rollback plugin not found!
[13:33:15] [MCBans] MCBans version 4.3.5 is enabled!
[13:33:16] Done (33.097s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[13:33:16] Starting GS4 status listener
[13:33:16] Starting remote control listener
[13:44:47] [Developer] Console: holo
[14:15:16] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[14:15:16] [Moderator] Cryrotheum has joined the fray
[14:16:35] [Developer] Console: holo
[14:18:22] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[14:19:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[14:19:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: cri
[14:19:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: icri
[14:19:38] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[14:20:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I'm thr ginger bread man
[14:20:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: I can catch you
[14:20:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: K
[14:20:29] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: hey
[14:20:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: told you
[14:20:38] [Moderator] ~icri: lol
[14:20:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[14:20:56] [Moderator] ~icri: i was building a house for kam
[14:21:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: Ender chests have the strangest sound
[14:21:49] [Moderator] ~icri: i know
[14:21:59] [Moderator] ~icri: its like a broken drum
[14:22:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: It's like something breathing when you open it
[14:22:25] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[14:22:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[14:22:40] [Moderator] ~icri: look at my pic name
[14:22:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: no u
[14:22:56] [Moderator] ~icri: hey
[14:23:01] [Developer] Noorquacker: hai
[14:23:09] [Moderator] ~icri: ta da
[14:23:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: what the
[14:23:14] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[14:23:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: *locks in the closet*
[14:23:32] [Moderator] ~icri: I came out of the closet xD
[14:23:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: oops
[14:23:44] [Moderator] ~icri: happens
[14:23:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: naw
[14:24:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: icri
[14:24:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: WATCH THIS
[14:24:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: look
[14:24:20] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[14:24:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: GET IN THERE
[14:25:01] [Moderator] ~icri: I just
[14:25:04] [Moderator] ~icri: renewed
[14:25:06] [Moderator] ~icri: my armour
[14:25:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[14:25:19] [Moderator] ~icri: feels nice
[14:25:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: ye
[14:25:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: yep
[14:25:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: A bit warm, though
[14:25:38] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[14:25:45] [Moderator] ~icri: its only ~800 F
[14:25:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: Naw it's at perfect temperatur
[14:26:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: No it's at planck temperature
[14:26:05] [Moderator] ~icri: you dont get pushed by lava?
[14:26:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: I turned off god
[14:26:37] [Moderator] ~icri: OH
[14:26:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh lord
[14:26:49] [Moderator] ~icri: im on fire
[14:26:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: lel
[14:27:01] [Moderator] ~icri: WOAH
[14:27:07] [Moderator] ~icri: look f5
[14:27:09] [Moderator] ~icri: this way
[14:27:12] [Moderator] ~icri: im red
[14:27:20] [Moderator] ~icri: im really red
[14:27:26] [Moderator] ~icri: its the enchant
[14:27:48] [Moderator] ~icri: im flourescent
[14:28:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: God off
[14:28:11] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[14:28:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[14:30:11] [Moderator] ~icri: wow
[14:30:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: What
[14:30:15] [Moderator] ~icri: wdyt
[14:30:19] [Developer] Noorquacker:
[14:30:19] -Turns Super Saiyan God-
[14:30:19] This power... It's... Overwhelming.
[14:30:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: Oh oops
[14:30:34] [Moderator] ~icri: happens
[14:31:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: Brb
[14:31:21] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[14:53:09] [Moderator] ~icri: FJ
[14:54:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[14:54:45] [Moderator] ~icri: holo
[14:55:11] [Moderator] ~icri: ima fish
[14:56:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: Is this Kam's house?
[14:56:09] [Moderator] ~icri: Im not done
[14:56:43] [Moderator] ~icri: hey
[14:56:46] [Moderator] ~icri: god
[14:56:47] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[14:56:50] [Moderator] ~icri: hi
[14:57:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: lel
[14:57:31] [Moderator] ~icri: wow
[14:58:50] [Moderator] ~icri: clay looks like pool concrete
[15:15:12] Noorquacker lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer
[15:15:12] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[15:16:44] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[15:19:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh my lord
[15:19:47] [Moderator] ~icri: what
[15:19:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: Do you use shaders
[15:20:04] [Moderator] ~icri: Nope not right now
[15:20:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: POM is broken
[15:20:15] [Moderator] ~icri: but the double spawner is ready
[15:20:17] [Moderator] ~icri: POM?
[15:20:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: Parallax Occulsion Mapping
[15:20:31] [Moderator] ~icri: Oh wow
[15:20:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: It's 3D blocks, basically
[15:20:36] [Moderator] ~icri: Yeh
[15:20:52] [Moderator] ~icri: One shader warped all the blocks up
[15:21:01] [Moderator] ~icri: so it was like the matrix
[15:21:07] [Moderator] ~icri: with the cube city
[15:21:23] [Moderator] ~icri: ok fire it up
[15:21:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: Do you know Chocapic shaders
[15:21:35] [Moderator] ~icri: 0_o
[15:21:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: Oh god
[15:22:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: Now everything's magenta
[15:22:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: HELLP
[15:22:18] [Moderator] ~icri: o god
[15:22:35] [Moderator] ~icri: ./difficulty 1
[15:22:43] [Noorquacker: Set game difficulty to Easy]
[15:22:44] [Moderator] ~icri: it works trust me
[15:22:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: is it working
[15:22:48] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[15:22:52] [Moderator] ~icri: there we go
[15:22:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: Did it work
[15:23:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: THE HDR IS REAL
[15:23:56] [Moderator] ~icri: omg
[15:24:00] [Moderator] ~icri: they are sticky
[15:24:32] [Moderator] ~icri: dont break
[15:24:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: OH LORD
[15:24:44] [Moderator] ~icri: its cloged
[15:24:57] [Moderator] ~icri: this is new ai for you
[15:25:12] [Moderator] ~icri: one is choking
[15:25:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: You indeed use XRay, don't you?
[15:25:46] [Moderator] ~icri: well to look at this sure
[15:26:43] [Moderator] ~icri: if they are within 6 blocks, it will max at 6 spiders
[15:26:51] [Developer] Noorquacker: HOW 2 PARALLAX?
[15:27:01] [Developer] Noorquacker: HOW 2 POM & BUMP MAP?
[15:27:07] [Moderator] ~icri: you dont
[15:27:13] [Moderator] ~icri: um
[15:27:17] [Moderator] ~icri: this is getting worse
[15:27:30] [Moderator] ~icri: they wont die
[15:27:42] [Moderator] ~icri: maybe I should put magma blocks
[15:27:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: I have some
[15:28:13] [Moderator] ~icri: question
[15:28:18] [Moderator] ~icri: how to
[15:28:53] [Moderator] ~icri: below me ./setblock ~ ~-3 ~ magma
[15:31:57] [Moderator] ~icri: um
[15:34:24] [Moderator] ~icri: um
[15:34:31] [Moderator] ~icri: I have a solution
[15:34:39] [Moderator] ~icri: but you need to set peacful
[15:35:15] [Moderator] ~icri: HEEELP
[15:35:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: pom sucks
[15:35:21] [Moderator] ~icri:
[15:35:21] -Turns Super Saiyan God-
[15:35:21] This power... It's... Overwhelming.
[15:44:41] [Moderator] ~icri:
[15:44:41] -Turns Super Saiyan God-
[15:44:41] This power... It's... Overwhelming.
[15:46:40] Noorquacker lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer
[15:46:40] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[15:46:45] [Moderator] ~icri: lol
[15:47:47] [Moderator] ~icri: OMG
[15:53:06] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[15:53:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: OH MY GOD
[15:53:58] [Moderator] ~icri: yes
[15:53:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: PBR+BM WORKS
[15:54:03] [Moderator] ~icri: RLY?
[15:54:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: YES
[15:54:10] [Moderator] ~icri: Poove it
[15:54:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: Except for chests -_-
[15:54:16] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[15:54:19] [Moderator] ~icri: that sucks
[15:54:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: Some blocks are un-textured
[15:54:25] [Moderator] ~icri: well now they are bright
[15:54:31] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[15:54:41] [Moderator] ~icri: where are you
[15:54:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: At my house
[15:55:03] [Moderator] ~icri: you are not existing
[15:55:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: Sent it via Skype
[15:55:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: Brb
[15:56:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: Aw man
[15:57:09] [Moderator] ~icri: i need more Iron bars
[15:57:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: I think pom broke
[15:57:37] [Moderator] ~icri: come look at this yeesh
[15:57:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: THE PIXELS ARE BENT
[15:57:49] [Moderator] ~icri: what?
[15:57:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'm using the 256x version
[15:58:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: When zooming in
[15:58:02] [Moderator] ~icri: ooooh
[15:58:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: THE PIXELS ARE BENDING
[15:59:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shader indeed!
[16:01:56] [Developer] Noorquacker: I can make my own cinematics now
[16:05:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: The bricks are bricks
[16:05:50] [Moderator] ~icri: dumb as bricks?
[16:05:58] [Developer] Noorquacker: No
[16:06:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: POM is AWESOME
[16:06:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: STained glass is actually stained glass
[16:06:36] [Moderator] ~icri: when you fail at shaders, wiggly chests
[16:07:03] [Moderator] ~icri: look
[16:07:16] [Moderator] ~icri: this side
[16:07:21] [Moderator] ~icri: see this?
[16:07:27] [Moderator] ~icri: does it look right?
[16:07:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: WHA TTHE
[16:07:36] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[16:07:39] [Moderator] ~icri: I thought so
[16:07:58] [Moderator] ~icri: rHEELP
[16:08:02] [Moderator] ~icri: IM IN PROOSON
[16:08:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: lel
[16:08:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: Go talk to Evelyn
[16:09:12] [Developer] Noorquacker: Let's try R3D craft
[16:11:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: POM is doing almost nothing
[16:11:13] [Moderator] ~icri: hey
[16:11:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: hi
[16:11:27] [Moderator] ~icri: do /gamerule doMobSpawning flase
[16:11:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: Flip it's just specular map
[16:11:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: Uh why
[16:11:38] [Moderator] ~icri: Zombies
[16:11:44] [Moderator] ~icri: Creative
[16:11:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'm just doing it in this world
[16:12:41] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[16:13:05] [Moderator] ~icri: I forgot the old one
[16:13:20] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[16:13:44] [Developer] Noorquacker: Realistico demo is pretty nice
[16:13:56] [Developer] Noorquacker: Nice and resource heavy, that's for sure
[16:15:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: POM only loads within a certain distance
[16:15:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: There's a circle around me in the grass
[16:16:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: And it's highly visible
[16:19:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: Continuum shaders are so much better than SEUS in terms of POM but I can't use them
[16:20:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: THE DETAIL IS REAL
[16:20:56] [Developer] Noorquacker: The water looks like waving Jell-O
[16:22:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: The grass is actually wet and shiny in this
[16:29:13] Cryrotheum lost connection: Disconnected
[16:29:13] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryrotheum:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23
[16:29:13] [Moderator] ~icri has left the fray
[16:38:40] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[16:38:40] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[16:54:46] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[16:54:46] [Moderator] ~icri has joined the fray
[16:55:04] [Moderator] ~icri: rly
[17:27:26] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@47bb27d5[id=<null>,name=Gax_0100,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[18:01:17] PiguBones[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[18:01:17] [Trusty] PiguBones has joined the fray
[18:01:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: well
[18:01:30] [Trusty] PiguBones: time to rebuild my house
[18:02:13] [Moderator] ~icri: sleep
[18:02:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok
[18:02:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: worked
[18:02:49] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: k
[18:04:44] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[18:04:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: when I died some of my items duplictaed
[18:04:53] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yeh
[18:04:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: your armour
[18:04:56] [Trusty] PiguBones: and I did not have that much bonemeal!
[18:05:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh my armour
[18:05:05] [Trusty] PiguBones: and like 2 bonemeal
[18:05:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: just your armour zipra....
[18:05:10] [Trusty] PiguBones: or im just stupid
[18:05:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok my armour
[18:05:14] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: stupid
[18:05:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: :ED
[18:05:22] [Trusty] PiguBones: :D
[18:05:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: I have mycelium.
[18:05:56] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: YEES
[18:06:03] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I HAVE SILK TOUCH SHOVEL
[18:06:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: noice.
[18:06:11] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: MYCELIUM FARMMMM
[18:06:15] [Trusty] PiguBones: YEES
[18:06:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: where should we make it?!
[18:06:26] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: here
[18:06:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: let me repair house first
[18:06:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[18:07:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: it jut gave me a free sign
[18:07:15] [Trusty] PiguBones: thanks minecraft. :3
[18:08:51] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Zipra
[18:08:54] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: BRING IT
[18:08:56] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok
[18:09:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: you do the honors
[18:09:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: infinite MyCeilingUmmmmm
[18:09:51] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yeh
[18:10:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: feeding the mycelium
[18:10:21] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yep
[18:10:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[18:10:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[18:11:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: that wldnt be funni jok
[18:11:11] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh, so this is gunna be ur hous?
[18:11:12] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: HAHA HA- NO
[18:11:15] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: mhm
[18:11:18] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: press F3
[18:11:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh
[18:11:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok
[18:11:32] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: far far away
[18:11:42] [Trusty] PiguBones: whai ;-;
[18:11:53] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: b/c you saw my house?
[18:12:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[18:12:14] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: go look what happened
[18:12:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: wat
[18:12:24] [Trusty] PiguBones: how
[18:12:31] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: do /home
[18:12:38] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: go look
[18:12:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: where is this.. "house"
[18:15:43] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I made my house 15000k blocks away
[18:15:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!?!?!?!
[18:15:52] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: !
[18:16:00] [Trusty] PiguBones: WHOA.
[18:16:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: 15000,000 BLOCKS AWAY?!
[18:16:07] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ! !
[18:16:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yep
[18:16:12] [Trusty] PiguBones: THATS FIFTEEN MILLIPON!
[18:16:17] [Trusty] PiguBones: 15,000,000
[18:16:25] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: *15k
[18:16:28] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh
[18:16:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: phew
[18:16:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: 15,000
[18:16:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: thats reasonable.
[18:16:43] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: rly?
[18:16:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: definetly.
[18:16:48] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 'reasonable'
[18:16:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh
[18:16:54] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: walk it then
[18:16:59] [Trusty] PiguBones: obviously not
[18:17:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: 10,000 10,000
[18:17:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: I need a plane.
[18:17:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: I used one
[18:17:14] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok.
[18:17:16] [Trusty] PiguBones: see?
[18:17:26] [Trusty] PiguBones: Using a hyperdrive its reasonable
[18:17:35] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: well, I was going to canada,
[18:17:42] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: but they threw me out
[18:17:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[18:22:31] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ugly house
[18:22:39] [Trusty] PiguBones: :l
[18:22:45] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!
[18:22:51] [Trusty] PiguBones: oh that house
[18:22:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: ewwww
[18:22:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[18:22:55] [Trusty] PiguBones: kill it with fire.
[18:23:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: its yours
[18:23:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: I burnt down my house.
[18:23:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: the tiny sshack?
[18:23:19] [Trusty] PiguBones: the tiny shack is xandertrons
[18:23:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: sry listening to music'
[18:23:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: the shack?
[18:23:58] [Trusty] PiguBones: this?
[18:24:00] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: no
[18:24:03] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: this'
[18:24:04] [Trusty] PiguBones: ph that
[18:24:07] [Trusty] PiguBones: I burnt that down :D
[18:24:22] [Trusty] PiguBones: Its satans house.
[18:24:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: used to be noors "base"
[18:24:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: but he left it
[18:24:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: so I burnt it down
[18:25:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: lets explore it
[18:25:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: tthat was fun
[18:25:28] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: oh no]
[18:25:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: :O
[18:25:39] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: daggit
[18:25:50] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: NO
[18:26:01] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?
[18:26:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?!
[18:26:22] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: look
[18:26:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: whoa
[18:26:57] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: all the redstone ;-;\
[18:27:06] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: NO
[18:27:16] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: you came out of the closet
[18:27:21] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: THE MELON FARM
[18:27:34] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: its a pool now ;-;
[18:27:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: D
[18:27:54] [Trusty] PiguBones: XD
[18:28:01] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: vault chest gone
[18:28:25] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Ah
[18:28:37] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Portal still there >:P
[18:28:56] [Trusty] PiguBones: welp that was funsies
[18:29:10] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: *worst
[18:30:27] PiguBones fell from a high place
[18:30:34] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[18:34:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: D:
[18:34:08] [Trusty] PiguBones: my anvil is very damaged
[18:34:23] [Trusty] PiguBones: ;-;
[18:35:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: >:D
[18:35:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: Enchanted melon!
[18:35:35] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: WHAT
[18:35:37] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: HAX
[18:35:41] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: CREATIVE MODE
[18:35:44] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: HAXOR
[18:35:46] [Trusty] PiguBones: No.
[18:35:49] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: SESSION STEALER
[18:35:50] [Trusty] PiguBones: I just renamed a melon.
[18:35:52] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: oh
[18:35:53] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ok
[18:40:11] Nickname changed.
[18:40:22] [Moderator] ~icri: HEY
[18:40:26] [Moderator] ~icri: CONSOOOOOLE
[18:40:27] [Trusty] PiguBones: ????
[18:40:33] [Developer] Console: hehe
[18:40:38] [Moderator] ~icri: renamed me icri
[18:40:47] Nickname changed.
[18:40:56] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@508951ba[id=e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39,name=PiguBones,properties={textures=[com.mojang.authlib.properties.Property@5651dcc4]},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[18:41:00] Nickname changed.
[18:41:04] PiguBones lost connection: Timed out
[18:41:04] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user PiguBones:e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39
[18:41:04] [Trusty] PiguBones has left the fray
[18:41:08] Nickname changed.
[18:41:09] Nickname changed.
[18:41:10] Nickname changed.
[18:41:11] Nickname changed.
[18:41:12] Nickname changed.
[18:41:13] Nickname changed.
[18:41:14] Nickname changed.
[18:41:14] Nickname changed.
[18:41:15] Nickname changed.
[18:41:16] Nickname changed.
[18:41:17] Nickname changed.
[18:41:17] Nickname changed.
[18:41:17] Nickname changed.
[18:41:18] Nickname changed.
[18:41:18] Nickname changed.
[18:41:18] Nickname changed.
[18:41:19] Nickname changed.
[18:41:20] Cryrotheum lost connection: disconnect.spam
[18:41:20] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryrotheum:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23
[18:41:20] [Moderator] ~icri has left the fray
[18:41:35] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[18:41:35] [Moderator] ~icri has joined the fray
[18:41:48] [Moderator] ~Misha: hoi
[18:41:58] [Moderator] ~Misha: I vant sandvich
[18:41:58] PiguBones[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[18:41:58] [Trusty] PiguBones has joined the fray
[18:42:07] [Moderator] ~Misha: SANDVICH
[18:42:10] [Moderator] ~Misha: SAVE ME
[18:42:14] [Moderator] ~Misha: Sanvich?
[18:42:20] [Moderator] ~Misha: SAAAAAANVIIIIIIICH
[18:42:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: no.
[18:42:32] [Moderator] ~Misha: yes
[18:43:25] Nickname changed.
[18:43:37] [Moderator] ~icri: |;-;|
[18:43:47] [Trusty] PiguBones: name him Ori
[18:44:02] [Moderator] ~icri: no
[18:44:03] Nickname changed.
[18:44:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok
[18:44:08] [Moderator] ~Ori: YAY
[18:44:17] Nickname changed.
[18:44:18] [Trusty] PiguBones: :D
[18:44:22] [Moderator] ~icri: gad dag
[18:44:28] [Developer] Console: he stays as icri
[18:44:34] Registered groups:
[18:44:34] Member #0 (rank: 6@default) [Outsider]
[18:44:34] Moderator #0 (rank: 4@default) [Trusty]
[18:44:34] Admins #0 (rank: 3@default) [Moderator]
[18:44:34] SuperAdmins #0 (rank: 2@default) [Admins]
[18:44:34] Owners #0 (rank: 1@default) [Admins]
[18:44:34] Trusty #0 (rank: 5@default) [Member]
[18:44:34] Outsider #0 (rank: 7@default) []
[18:44:34] idiots #0 []
[18:44:35] [Moderator] ~icri: k
[18:44:37] 'create' inherits the following groups:
[18:44:37] Group "create"'s permissions:
[18:44:37] Group "create"'s Options:
[18:44:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: whiiiii
[18:45:00] idiots's prefix has been set to "icri the scrub "
[18:45:08] User groups set!
[18:45:11] [Developer] Console: hehe
[18:45:13] [Trusty] PiguBones: ?
[18:45:17] [Developer] Console: HEHE
[18:45:31] [Developer] Console: YO ICRI
[18:45:44] Cryrotheum lost connection: Disconnected
[18:45:44] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryrotheum:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23
[18:45:44] icri the scrub ~irlycry has left the fray
[18:45:52] [Trusty] PiguBones: ow, nice.
[18:46:03] [Developer] Console: OOPS
[18:46:03] [Trusty] PiguBones: Cryotheum #teampyro: he blocked my chat and bow
[18:46:08] [Developer] Console: HE COULDNT CHAT
[18:46:22] User groups set!
[18:46:59] 'Outsider' inherits the following groups:
[18:46:59] Group "Outsider"'s permissions:
[18:46:59] 1) gravestone.grave (own)
[18:46:59] 2) multiverse.access.idontknow (own)
[18:46:59] 3) drugsxl.* (own)
[18:46:59] 4) essentials.list (own)
[18:46:59] 5) multiverse.access.xander (own)
[18:46:59] 6) multiverse.portal.access.* (own)
[18:46:59] 7) essentials.ban.notify (own)
[18:46:59] 8) essentials.kick.notify (own)
[18:46:59] 9) multiverse.access.epilic (own)
[18:46:59] 10) essentials.afk (own)
[18:46:59] 11) multiverse.access.TaleDark (own)
[18:46:59] 12) essentials.spawn (own)
[18:46:59] 13) multiverse.access.Leafland (own)
[18:46:59] 14) modifyworld.chat (own)
[18:46:59] 15) modifyworld.chat.private (own)
[18:46:59] Group "Outsider"'s Options:
[18:46:59] rank = "7"
[18:46:59] default = "true"
[18:46:59] prefix = "&8[&0Outsider&8]&4 "
[18:47:15] Permission "modifyworld.chat" added to group "idiots"!
[18:47:18] Permission "modifyworld.chat.private" added to group "idiots"!
[18:47:22] Permissions reloaded
[18:47:26] [Developer] Console: Zipra
[18:47:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh?
[18:47:37] [Developer] Console: I gotta test this util rank
[18:47:37] [Trusty] PiguBones: he left
[18:47:40] [Trusty] PiguBones: .-.
[18:47:41] [Developer] Console: I know
[18:47:43] [Trusty] PiguBones: ok.
[18:47:53] [Trusty] PiguBones: how are you gonna test it?
[18:47:56] [Developer] Console: I set him to the rank and it didn't let him chat
[18:48:03] [Developer] Console: Would you like to test it
[18:48:06] [Trusty] PiguBones: sure
[18:48:14] User groups set!
[18:48:18] [Developer] Console: Chat something
[18:48:21] icri the scrub PiguBones: test
[18:48:25] icri the scrub PiguBones: xD
[18:48:34] icri the scrub PiguBones: nice
[18:48:36] [Developer] Console: That's what I tried to do but the rank didn't have chat perms
[18:48:42] User groups set!
[18:48:47] [Developer] Console: Set back to trusty
[18:48:49] [Trusty] PiguBones: you should add a permission to live
[18:50:28] [Developer] Console: What do you mean?
[18:50:35] [Trusty] PiguBones: I know how to do it.
[18:50:43] [Trusty] PiguBones: a command block
[18:51:02] [Trusty] PiguBones: not the command completly but that can be googled
[18:51:11] [Developer] Console: As in, if you couldn't you would always be dead?
[18:51:21] [Trusty] PiguBones: yeh
[18:51:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: if you didnt have permission to live
[18:51:29] [Trusty] PiguBones: youd always be dead.
[18:52:38] [Developer] Console: My i5-2500K is better than an i5-4590
[18:52:40] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[18:52:40] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[18:52:40] [Developer] Console: AWESOME
[18:52:43] [Developer] Console: holo
[18:52:46] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: holo
[18:53:53] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: Skelliton horse!
[18:54:04] [Developer] Console: skeleton*
[18:54:05] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: i found it
[18:54:06] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: yes
[18:54:19] [Trusty] PiguBones: nice
[18:54:19] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: i was too excited for spelling
[18:54:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: used to have a whole barn of those
[18:55:32] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: its pretty good actualy
[18:55:39] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: compared to soem ive seen
[18:57:25] [Trusty] PiguBones: I wish I had fill ;-;
[19:02:13] gamer_girl45 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:02:13] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[19:02:13] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[19:03:31] [Trusty] PiguBones: Im making stairs.
[19:07:43] PiguBones lost connection: Disconnected
[19:07:43] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user PiguBones:e21f9578-a1d1-47a8-9be7-66cd49d51f39
[19:07:43] [Trusty] PiguBones has left the fray
[19:11:08] [Morph] Creating new user file 96c48db0-f857-4c97-b963-25667bfc05dafor user GoLadOEirinn
[19:11:08] GoLadOEirinn[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:11:08] [Member] GoLadOEirinn has joined the fray
[19:11:11] GoLadOEirinn fell from a high place
[19:11:18] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2f3f9d63[id=<null>,name=chichi0007,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[19:11:34] [Morph] Creating new user file 2450a8db-c372-46d4-b286-7321cd65995efor user RoseRed001
[19:11:34] RoseRed001[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:11:34] [Outsider] RoseRed001 has joined the fray
[19:12:37] chichi0007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:12:37] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow has joined the fray
[19:15:30] chichi0007 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:15:30] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user chichi0007:872481ef-a133-4047-b04f-f646d80e2bca
[19:15:30] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow has left the fray
[19:15:36] chichi0007[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:15:36] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow has joined the fray
[19:15:40] GoLadOEirinn lost connection: Disconnected
[19:15:40] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user GoLadOEirinn:96c48db0-f857-4c97-b963-25667bfc05da
[19:15:40] [Member] GoLadOEirinn has left the fray
[19:15:50] RoseRed001 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:15:50] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user RoseRed001:2450a8db-c372-46d4-b286-7321cd65995e
[19:15:50] [Outsider] RoseRed001 has left the fray
[19:18:44] chichi0007 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:18:44] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user chichi0007:872481ef-a133-4047-b04f-f646d80e2bca
[19:18:44] [Trusty] ~jack_sparrow has left the fray
[19:21:10] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:21:10] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[19:21:16] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: hey
[19:33:22] gamer_girl45 lost connection: Disconnected
[19:33:22] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[19:33:22] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[19:54:49] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:54:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray
[19:58:33] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[19:58:33] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[19:58:38] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: yo
[19:58:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: shhh
[20:04:29] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im gonna try to kill the ender dragon
[20:04:38] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: nice
[20:04:39] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: with a wooden sword
[20:04:42] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: boi
[20:05:30] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what sucks is the end hasnt been generated yet so you cant go to it via mv
[20:07:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oops
[20:09:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: frick
[20:09:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: wait
[20:09:45] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: nvm
[20:09:50] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i broght enough
[20:11:02] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: kam
[20:11:06] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: ye
[20:11:09] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i have enough for the ender portal
[20:11:14] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: noice
[20:11:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oops
[20:11:48] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i didnt bring a pumpkin
[20:11:52] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: what
[20:11:53] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh
[20:11:55] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh no
[20:12:03] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: alright
[20:12:05] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: weeeeee
[20:12:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: LOL
[20:12:17] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: same
[20:12:26] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Disconnected
[20:12:26] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[20:12:26] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray
[20:12:42] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:12:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray
[20:12:54] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh
[20:13:13] gamer_girl45 lost connection: Disconnected
[20:13:13] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[20:13:13] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[20:13:36] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while writev(...): Broken pipe
[20:13:36] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[20:13:36] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has left the fray
[20:15:42] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:15:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000 has joined the fray
[20:18:08] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:18:08] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[20:18:19] gamer_girl45 lost connection: Disconnected
[20:18:19] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[20:18:19] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[20:33:19] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@647ca1da[id=<null>,name=Cryrotheum,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[20:33:40] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[20:33:40] [Moderator] ~irlycry has joined the fray
[20:33:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[20:33:50] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: haha
[20:33:51] [Moderator] ~Misha: hi
[20:34:01] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: hi noor
[20:34:08] [Moderator] ~Misha: huh
[20:34:18] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: didnt he just change your nick?
[20:34:24] [Moderator] ~Misha: No....
[20:34:37] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Nope
[20:34:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: from irlycry to that?
[20:34:43] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Nope
[20:34:49] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: then who did
[20:34:50] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Sandvich
[20:34:55] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh
[20:35:04] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: What if I told you... MATRIX
[20:35:12] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: also
[20:35:21] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: $4{FPS}
[20:35:34] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: if you do
[20:35:44] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: {LookingAt}
[20:35:48] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: in the J menu
[20:36:05] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: it gives you cords of the thing you are looking at
[20:37:08] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: who do you tp without pa
[20:37:12] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: *tpa
[20:37:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lmao
[20:37:15] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: *how
[20:39:04] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Bedtime
[20:39:16] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: bedtime?
[20:39:17] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Com'on its past curfew
[20:39:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: 19000 only thou?
[20:39:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh yea
[20:39:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry
[20:40:02] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: GOOD NIGHT
[20:40:07] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: in game
[20:40:11] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: cmon
[20:40:18] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: theres a zombie
[20:40:22] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: hurry
[20:40:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what
[20:41:50] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cry
[20:41:54] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: no
[20:42:00] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i got enough ender pearls for the portal
[20:42:08] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: :3
[20:42:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: but
[20:42:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: we cant go to the end
[20:42:23] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: blaxe
[20:42:31] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: need blaze powder
[20:42:41] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no
[20:42:45] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: the ender protal is lit
[20:42:50] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: oh
[20:44:03] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Xandertron5000 you died 25times?
[20:44:17] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yea
[20:44:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: what about it
[20:44:23] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: jeez
[20:44:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[20:51:34] Permission "multiverse.access.idontknow" added to group "Outsider"!
[20:51:36] Permissions reloaded
[21:00:11] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: HEY
[21:00:15] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: yas
[21:00:16] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: GO AWAY
[21:00:19] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why
[21:00:26] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ITS MY PRIVATE RESORT
[21:00:37] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[21:00:44] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: cant kill me
[21:01:09] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: NO
[21:01:11] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im still in survival
[21:01:18] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: god I know
[21:01:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: now leave
[21:01:38] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: LEAVE
[21:01:50] §cCryrotheum §4was denied access to command.
[21:01:59] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: you cant walk home
[21:02:04] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: its 15k blocks away
[21:02:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: do you have a silk touch shovel?
[21:03:14] §cCryrotheum §4was denied access to command.
[21:03:18] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ok
[21:03:23] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: do /home
[21:03:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: rly leave
[21:03:37] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: I already found the strong hold
[21:03:44] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: NOW LEAVE
[21:03:47] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i had to find it agian
[21:03:53] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: its at
[21:04:07] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ~1000 40 ~400
[21:04:17] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: you wont find it here
[21:04:24] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: DUDE JUST DO /HOME
[21:04:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: I WANT TO BE ALONE
[21:04:32] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: i did
[21:05:12] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: k
[21:05:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: jungle
[21:05:55] Cryrotheum lost connection: disconnect.spam
[21:05:55] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryrotheum:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23
[21:05:55] [Moderator] ~Mikhail has left the fray
[21:05:59] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:05:59] [Moderator] ~Mikhail has joined the fray
[21:06:21] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: DO /tpyes
[21:06:21] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: why
[21:06:25] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: b/c
[21:07:16] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: I want to go to a nether portal
[21:07:25] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: I dont have the stuff to make onw
[21:09:20] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: you never did /home
[21:09:24] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: you bastard
[21:09:57] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: go home
[21:10:02] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: nein
[21:10:09] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: go home
[21:10:13] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[21:10:26] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: stop being a bechatchoes
[21:10:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: go home
[21:11:38] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: he back
[21:12:13] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: do you have a silk touch shovel?
[21:12:16] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: yes
[21:12:32] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: and how did you find it
[21:12:41] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: find it?
[21:12:50] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: enchant it you dummy'
[21:12:54] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:12:56] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: no
[21:12:58] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: the biome
[21:13:01] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: oh
[21:13:11] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Zipra gave me mycelium
[21:13:21] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: dont know how he got it
[21:13:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[21:13:42] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: holo
[21:13:42] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: holo
[21:16:16] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: woah
[21:16:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: sharpness v book
[21:16:22] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: jesus
[21:16:24] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: woah
[21:16:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[21:16:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh gosh shaders
[21:17:01] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: lol
[21:17:20] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: the sharpness v came from a pyramid
[21:17:26] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: nice
[21:18:12] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[21:18:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: POM is my lord and savior
[21:18:41] [Developer] Noorquacker: Xander do you know what POM is?
[21:18:54] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Everyone does *wink*
[21:19:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Cat is pretty good of a disc
[21:20:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: Whoa
[21:20:42] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Whoaaaa
[21:20:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: Decent FPS with SEUS + POM?
[21:20:48] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: Oh god
[21:20:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: BREAKTHROUGH IN GRAPHICS PROCESSING
[21:21:07] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: (for voxel games)
[21:39:00] Cryrotheum lost connection: Disconnected
[21:39:00] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Cryrotheum:83db5368-1062-4a95-84e4-1a7d45c53f23
[21:39:00] [Moderator] ~Mikhail has left the fray
[21:41:57] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: holo
[21:42:51] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:42:51] [Moderator] ~Mikhail has joined the fray
[21:43:59] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:43:59] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[21:44:06] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: hi
[21:44:10] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: hi
[21:44:27] §cCryrotheum §4was denied access to command.
[21:44:34] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: yo noor
[21:44:44] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: you know the railway
[21:44:49] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: the 1km one
[21:57:56] Noorquacker lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer
[21:57:56] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[21:58:13] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ZZzzzzzz
[21:58:14] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: im back
[21:58:16] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz
[21:58:27] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ZEE ZEE ZEEE ZEE ZE_ZE
[21:58:47] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ZZZZzzz ZZZZzzz ZZZZzzz
[21:59:02] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: ZZz (go to beeeddd) ZZZZzzz
[21:59:18] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: nah
[21:59:23] [Moderator] Xandertron5000: oh snap
[21:59:28] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: KAm
[21:59:29] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[21:59:33] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: are you in creative?
[21:59:37] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: ye
[21:59:44] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: you can still sleep
[21:59:46] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: OR
[21:59:50] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: set time to morning
[21:59:55] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: its day
[22:00:03] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: I slept that long....
[22:00:29] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: why are you Mikhail?
[22:00:30] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: niein
[22:00:38] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: wjays Mikhail
[22:00:44] [Moderator] ~Mikhail: b/c
[22:00:53] [Moderator] ~icri: its the propper of misha
[22:00:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[22:01:04] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: hey icri
[22:01:11] [Moderator] ~icri: no
[22:01:25] [Moderator] ~ICry: ta da
[22:01:36] [Moderator] ~Xander: po
[22:02:20] [Moderator] ~ICry: i am 15k blocks away and i heard that
[22:02:21] Noorquacker lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer
[22:02:21] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[22:02:33] [Moderator] ~Xander: oh
[22:02:35] [Moderator] ~Xander: i see you
[22:02:36] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:02:42] [Moderator] ~ICry: Go away
[22:02:47] [Moderator] ~Xander: defensive
[22:02:48] [Moderator] ~ICry: I told you too leave
[22:02:50] [Moderator] ~Xander: im near spawn
[22:02:59] [Moderator] ~ICry: how can you see me?
[22:03:11] [Moderator] ~Xander: special powers
[22:03:16] [Moderator] ~ICry: there is no 140 render sitance....
[22:03:18] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:03:21] [Moderator] ~ICry: *distance
[22:04:10] gamer_girl45 lost connection: You logged in from another location
[22:04:10] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[22:04:10] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[22:04:11] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:04:11] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[22:04:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: SEUS broke again
[22:04:28] [Moderator] ~ICry: cool
[22:04:34] [Moderator] ~ICry: OW
[22:04:35] [Moderator] ~Xander: LOL
[22:04:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: NO
[22:04:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: NOT COOL ICRI
[22:04:41] [Moderator] ~ICry: oh
[22:04:43] [Moderator] ~ICry: Hot
[22:04:47] [Developer] Noorquacker: yes
[22:04:50] [Developer] Noorquacker: Kik
[22:04:52] [Moderator] ~Xander: cry
[22:04:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: Lol*
[22:04:54] [Moderator] ~Xander: are you moving?
[22:04:59] [Moderator] ~ICry: *moved
[22:05:08] [Moderator] ~ICry: to a far away resort
[22:05:14] [Moderator] ~ICry: near canada
[22:05:18] [Moderator] ~ICry: but I didnt have a ticket
[22:05:26] [Moderator] ~ICry: so they threw me out the plane
[22:05:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: lol
[22:05:41] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[22:05:41] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[22:05:45] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:07:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: One day
[22:07:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: When I have a 750 ti
[22:07:14] [Moderator] ~ICry: wow
[22:07:19] [Moderator] ~Xander: ti?
[22:07:20] [Moderator] ~ICry: I have a gtx 750
[22:07:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: And be able to use the Continuum shader
[22:07:23] [Moderator] ~ICry: not ti
[22:07:25] [Moderator] ~ICry: ;-;
[22:07:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: I will RULE THE WORLD
[22:07:34] [Moderator] ~ICry: aiming for GTX TITAN
[22:07:42] Cryrotheum died
[22:07:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: kys
[22:07:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: Titan = poop
[22:07:59] [Moderator] ~ICry: NO
[22:08:19] [Moderator] ~Xander: continuum shaders?
[22:08:23] [Moderator] ~Xander: is that like
[22:08:29] [Moderator] ~Xander: idk
[22:08:31] [Moderator] ~ICry: that nvidia graphics card is higher than 700 800 900
[22:08:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: But not 1000
[22:08:47] [Moderator] ~ICry: doesnt exist
[22:08:51] [Moderator] ~Xander: how do you tell what graphic card you have
[22:08:56] [Moderator] ~ICry: titan is 1000
[22:08:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: kys xander
[22:09:02] [Moderator] ~ICry: WHAT IS KYS
[22:09:05] [Moderator] ~ICry: o
[22:09:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: KYS = kill yourself
[22:09:21] [Moderator] ~ICry: I thought it was know your sheet
[22:10:13] [Moderator] ~Xander: oh
[22:10:16] [Moderator] ~Xander: i have 650
[22:10:18] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:10:21] [Moderator] ~ICry: close close
[22:10:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: skrub
[22:10:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: Except I have a 560 ti atm ;-;
[22:10:44] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: what
[22:10:46] [Moderator] ~ICry: my res is 2560x1363 XD
[22:10:50] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: ???
[22:10:52] [Developer] Noorquacker: What the...
[22:10:53] [Moderator] ~ICry: Higher than all you skrubs
[22:10:55] [Moderator] ~Xander: LOL
[22:10:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: Oh
[22:11:02] [Developer] Noorquacker: 1440p in a window
[22:11:05] [Moderator] ~Xander: fricking idiot
[22:11:05] [Moderator] ~ICry: oh
[22:11:16] [Moderator] ~ICry: save up for 1920
[22:11:21] [Moderator] ~ICry: its the most used for games
[22:11:24] [Moderator] ~Xander: i have my comp connected to a projector
[22:11:30] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:11:38] [Moderator] ~ICry: Kam is like "What are they saying?"
[22:12:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: Kam said "i have core i7 whatever that means"
[22:12:07] [Moderator] ~Xander: cry is like "i think xander is around me"
[22:12:15] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: idk
[22:12:15] [Moderator] ~Xander: i have an i7
[22:12:19] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: whats i7
[22:12:22] [Moderator] ~ICry: I think Xandertron5000 is around me...
[22:12:27] [Developer] Noorquacker: It's a type of processor
[22:12:33] [Moderator] ~Xander: your right
[22:12:34] [Moderator] ~ICry: Intel flat thingy
[22:12:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: They're sometimes better than i5's and i3's
[22:12:38] [Moderator] ~Xander: ding ding ding
[22:12:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: Usually better*
[22:12:56] [Moderator] ~Xander: i have four cores
[22:13:01] [Developer] Noorquacker: So do I
[22:13:03] [Moderator] ~ICry: heh
[22:13:07] [Moderator] ~ICry: I have 8
[22:13:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: What's your clock speed?
[22:13:13] [Moderator] ~Xander: uhhh
[22:13:19] [Moderator] ~ICry: fast
[22:13:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: shut up scrub
[22:13:30] [Moderator] ~ICry: scrubs first
[22:13:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: What do you have, a 5960X or something?
[22:13:34] [Moderator] ~Xander: 3401?
[22:13:37] [Moderator] ~Xander: idk
[22:13:41] [Moderator] ~Xander: maybe its something else
[22:13:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: 3410, maybe?
[22:13:49] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: i have a gtx? whats a gtx
[22:13:52] [Moderator] ~Xander: ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
[22:13:55] [Moderator] ~ICry: its over 9000!
[22:13:56] [Moderator] ~Xander: thats from sysinfo
[22:14:01] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh
[22:14:03] [Developer] Noorquacker: So an i7-2600K
[22:14:06] [Developer] Noorquacker: duh
[22:14:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: 3.4 GHz
[22:14:13] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: well this laptop has a geforce gtx?
[22:14:18] [Developer] Noorquacker: Wait what
[22:14:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: Dedicated graphics in your laptop, nice
[22:14:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: Mine has a Quadro though skrub
[22:14:50] [Moderator] ~Xander: is my comp good?
[22:14:56] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh
[22:14:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: Pretty good
[22:15:07] [Moderator] ~Xander: haha
[22:15:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: You should overclock and do shaders
[22:15:09] [Moderator] ~Xander: skrub
[22:15:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: How am I the scrub?
[22:15:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: Do you even overclock?
[22:15:37] [Moderator] ~Xander: what does that mean
[22:15:43] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: skrub
[22:15:50] target: Xandertron5000
[22:15:50] targetUUID:
[22:15:50] Xandertron5000 lost connection: learn overclocking
[22:15:50] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[22:15:50] [Moderator] ~Xander has left the fray
[22:15:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: get out
[22:15:55] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: LAMo
[22:15:57] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:15:57] [Moderator] ~Xander has joined the fray
[22:16:11] [Developer] Noorquacker: You have an i7-2600K
[22:16:16] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: nice
[22:16:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: And don't know what the K means or what overclocking is
[22:16:35] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: kam?
[22:16:39] [Developer] Noorquacker: No
[22:16:39] [Moderator] ~Xander: i dont want to break my comp
[22:16:50] [Moderator] ~ICry: k might me thousand, but then he is using nasa's mega computer
[22:16:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: My CPU's base freq is 3.3 GHz
[22:17:05] [Developer] Noorquacker: And it's at 4 GHz right now
[22:17:08] [Moderator] ~ICry: nice
[22:17:10] [Developer] Noorquacker: I can make it 4.4 right now
[22:17:17] [Moderator] ~ICry: how did you overclock?
[22:17:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: BIOS
[22:17:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: duh
[22:17:25] [Moderator] ~ICry: oh
[22:17:27] [Moderator] ~ICry: god
[22:17:38] [Moderator] ~ICry: nah blu screens can come from that...
[22:17:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: And ASRock eXtreme Tuning Util
[22:17:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: AXTU, the in game overclocker...
[22:18:07] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:18:14] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: the frenchiest fry
[22:18:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: Where if you mess up your BCLK, you don't have to clear CMOS
[22:18:17] [Moderator] ~ICry: hey Xandertron5000 you have a droper perhaps?
[22:18:21] [Moderator] ~Xander: no
[22:18:30] [Developer] Noorquacker: icri
[22:18:38] [Moderator] ~ICry: no
[22:18:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: Do you use SEUS v11?
[22:18:50] [Moderator] ~ICry: what?
[22:18:54] [Moderator] ~Xander: i wish my comp can do bluetooth
[22:18:55] [Moderator] ~ICry: shaders?
[22:18:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: The SEUS shader
[22:18:58] [Moderator] ~ICry: no
[22:18:59] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: zeus
[22:19:03] [Moderator] ~ICry: I have none on
[22:19:04] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: *
[22:19:05] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Disconnected
[22:19:05] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[22:19:05] [Moderator] ~Xander has left the fray
[22:19:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: Kam
[22:19:11] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: yes
[22:19:14] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: lol
[22:19:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: We're talking about Sonic Ether, not Zeus the scrub who can't keep it in his pants
[22:20:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: cant hurt me
[22:20:26] [Developer] Noorquacker: ^^^ lies
[22:20:45] [Developer] Noorquacker: But can you even red?
[22:20:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: Or this?
[22:21:12] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &2
[22:21:14] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &2 d
[22:21:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: Or obfuscate like this?
[22:21:15] [Moderator] ~ICry: &4 hi
[22:21:24] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &2 hi
[22:21:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: uuuu you
[22:21:29] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &b hi
[22:21:35] [Moderator] ~ICry: what is obfuscated? o
[22:21:44] [Moderator] ~ICry: I know r is clear
[22:21:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: k
[22:21:51] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: r
[22:21:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: a is red
[22:21:59] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &r
[22:22:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: really?
[22:22:04] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: &a im
[22:22:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: no
[22:22:07] [Moderator] ~ICry: yes
[22:22:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: a is this
[22:22:13] [Moderator] ~ICry: huh
[22:22:14] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: b is blue tho
[22:22:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: 4 is red
[22:22:15] [Moderator] ~ICry: wait
[22:22:17] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: 2 is also blue
[22:22:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: c is red
[22:22:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: 2
[22:22:26] [Moderator] ~ICry: 6 is gold
[22:22:30] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: and s is green
[22:22:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: test
[22:22:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: &stest
[22:22:39] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: oh
[22:22:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: Kam
[22:22:42] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: TROLLED
[22:22:47] [Moderator] ~ICry: $4hi
[22:22:54] target: gamer_girl45
[22:22:54] targetUUID:
[22:22:54] gamer_girl45 lost connection: friggin liar skrub
[22:22:54] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[22:22:54] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[22:22:56] [Moderator] ~ICry: how do you color?
[22:23:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: I should give mods that
[22:23:10] gamer_girl45[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:23:10] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has joined the fray
[22:23:10] [Moderator] ~ICry: yes plz
[22:23:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: Essentials perms
[22:23:17] [Moderator] ~ICry: oh
[22:23:19] [Trusty] ~HetaKam: lol
[22:23:28] [Moderator] ~ICry: now i can block out cursing
[22:23:50] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:23:50] [Moderator] ~Xander has joined the fray
[22:24:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: do the colours
[22:24:13] [Moderator] ~ICry: I think k is obfuscate
[22:24:15] [Developer] Noorquacker: Yep
[22:24:18] [Moderator] ~ICry: yee
[22:24:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:24:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: You can colours
[22:24:33] [Moderator] ~Xander: i got the ultra version
[22:24:34] [Developer] Noorquacker: And formats
[22:24:40] [Developer] Noorquacker: Ultra what xander?
[22:24:40] [Moderator] ~Xander: &kawd
[22:24:46] [Moderator] ~Xander: the sues
[22:24:52] Using locale en_US
[22:24:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: v11?
[22:24:57] [Moderator] ~Xander: yas
[22:25:00] [Developer] Noorquacker: Wait colours don't work
[22:25:12] [Moderator] ~Xander: colours?
[22:25:23] [Developer] Noorquacker: this
[22:25:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: dummy
[22:25:31] [Moderator] ~Xander: it works?
[22:25:36] [Developer] Noorquacker: Try it
[22:25:44] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:25:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: yay
[22:25:57] [Developer] Noorquacker: Oh
[22:26:01] [Developer] Noorquacker: You can't obfuscate
[22:26:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: Now you can
[22:26:39] [Moderator] ~Xander: noor you are a ucking$r idiot
[22:26:42] [Moderator] ~Xander: LOL
[22:26:48] [Developer] Noorquacker: test
[22:26:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: this is DOPE
[22:26:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: test
[22:26:56] [Moderator] ~Xander: noor you are a ducking idiot
[22:27:08] [Moderator] ~Xander: now read console
[22:27:08] [Moderator] ~ICry: Screw you
[22:27:11] [Moderator] ~ICry: heh
[22:27:13] [Developer] Noorquacker: uuuu all of you guys
[22:27:16] gamer_girl45 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while read(...): Connection reset by peer
[22:27:16] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user gamer_girl45:41da7768-8466-403a-a9cb-df9d950cd90f
[22:27:16] [Trusty] ~HetaKam has left the fray
[22:27:30] [Moderator] ~ICry: Dont fall down there Xandertron5000
[22:27:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: I just do uuuu for cursing
[22:27:37] [Moderator] ~ICry: og
[22:27:39] [Moderator] ~ICry: i do
[22:27:46] [Moderator] ~ICry: IilL1
[22:27:49] [Moderator] ~ICry: or
[22:27:49] [Developer] Noorquacker: You uuuufaced idiots
[22:27:58] [Moderator] ~ICry: iIl;:|
[22:28:05] [Moderator] ~ICry: iIl;:|
[22:28:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: !!!!!!
[22:28:13] [Moderator] ~ICry: &;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|
[22:28:16] [Moderator] ~ICry: nuu
[22:28:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: kkkkk
[22:28:27] [Moderator] ~ICry: $1;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|
[22:28:37] [Developer] Noorquacker: google.com
[22:28:42] [Developer] Noorquacker: Can you do urls?
[22:28:42] [Moderator] ~ICry: ;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:|;:| WATER FALLL
[22:28:46] [Moderator] ~ICry: umm
[22:28:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: dont nu
[22:28:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: Try
[22:29:09] [Developer] Noorquacker: If not it's gonna be member+
[22:29:44] [Developer] ~Noorquacker: YAY
[22:29:46] [Moderator] ~Xander: Xander
[22:29:48] [Moderator] ~Xander: lol
[22:29:54] [Moderator] ~ICry: heh
[22:30:06] [Moderator] ~Xander: noor
[22:30:08] [Moderator] ~ICry: no
[22:30:19] [Developer] ~Consolesgiggg: Yay
[22:30:26] [Moderator] ~Xander: can you change it so you can use numbers in crap in /nick?
[22:30:34] [Moderator] ~Xander: pls
[22:30:39] [Developer] ~Consolesgiggg: What do you mean?
[22:30:45] [Moderator] ~ICry: its the plugin
[22:30:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: not the perm
[22:30:59] [Moderator] ~Xander: make it so nicks can be alphaanumeric
[22:31:01] [Developer] ~Consolesgiggg: Elaborate, please
[22:31:12] [Developer] ~201378: uh wut
[22:31:12] [Moderator] ~Xander: i cant do /nick %eXander
[22:31:14] [Moderator] ~Xander: or
[22:31:16] [Moderator] ~Xander: der
[22:31:19] [Developer] ~201378: Don't do %
[22:31:20] [Developer] ~201378: Do &
[22:31:23] [Moderator] ~Xander: ik
[22:31:25] [Moderator] ~Xander: but i cant
[22:31:34] [Developer] ~201378: It's essentials
[22:31:38] [Moderator] ~Xander: noor
[22:31:42] [Moderator] ~Xander: i cant
[22:31:48] [Developer] ~201378: Don't expect me to change the plugin's base code
[22:31:52] [Developer] ~201378: Wait
[22:31:58] [Developer] ~201378: Can you do &?
[22:32:01] [Moderator] ~Xander: no
[22:32:05] [Developer] ~201378: OH
[22:32:07] [Developer] ~201378: frick
[22:32:12] [Developer] ~201378: What happens when you try?
[22:32:29] [Moderator] ~ICry: faluire
[22:32:32] [Moderator] ~Xander: error: nicknames must be alphanumeric
[22:32:35] [Moderator] ~ICry: doesnt let you
[22:33:05] [Moderator] ~Xander: i got stuck
[22:33:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: stay frosty
[22:34:10] [Moderator] ~ICry: no
[22:34:12] [Moderator] ~Xander: you idiot
[22:34:14] [Moderator] ~ICry: must be sad
[22:34:14] [Moderator] ~Xander: meanie
[22:34:28] [Moderator] ~Xander: waoh
[22:34:34] [Developer] ~201378: hehe hax
[22:34:45] [Developer] ~201378: You should be able to do urls
[22:34:45] [Moderator] ~ICry: woag
[22:35:01] [Moderator] ~ICry: thats close to 12418
[22:35:05] [Moderator] ~Xander: oops
[22:35:10] [Moderator] ~Xander: i got 1.10 sues
[22:35:11] [Moderator] ~ICry: or c418
[22:35:19] [Moderator] ~ICry: the artist who made
[22:35:22] [Developer] ~201378: Wait what Xander?
[22:35:23] [Moderator] ~ICry: C418
[22:35:26] [Moderator] ~Xander: should i get 1.11?
[22:35:34] [Developer] ~201378: Get v11...?
[22:35:35] [Moderator] ~ICry: um
[22:35:37] [Developer] ~201378: Mine's v11
[22:35:41] [Moderator] ~Xander: should i?
[22:35:47] [Developer] ~201378: YES
[22:35:50] [Developer] ~201378: v11 is better
[22:36:05] §cXandertron5000 §4was denied access to command.
[22:36:15] [Moderator] ~ICry: 1.10 is latest even in snap shot
[22:36:27] [Developer] ~201378: icri
[22:36:33] [Developer] ~201378: Where's the stronghold
[22:36:33] [Moderator] ~ICry: yes
[22:36:45] [Moderator] ~ICry: some were with a 1000 and a 400\
[22:36:45] [Moderator] ~ICry: some were with a 1000 and a 400\
[22:36:51] [Moderator] ~ICry: may be negative
[22:36:53] [Moderator] ~Xander: somewhere around here
[22:36:54] [Moderator] ~ICry: whoa
[22:36:59] [Moderator] ~ICry: I said it twice
[22:37:05] [Moderator] ~ICry: not near me
[22:37:09] [Developer] ~201378: is this the stronghold
[22:37:10] [Moderator] ~ICry: FAR FAR from me
[22:37:16] [Moderator] ~ICry: no
[22:37:19] [Moderator] ~Xander: no
[22:37:22] [Moderator] ~ICry: it isnt at 10,000
[22:37:26] [Moderator] ~ICry: at 1,000
[22:38:32] [Moderator] ~ICry: one may be negative
[22:38:40] [Moderator] ~ICry: or both
[22:38:48] [Developer] ~201378: Just tell me
[22:38:53] [Moderator] ~ICry: I DONT REMEMBER
[22:39:13] [Moderator] ~Xander: here
[22:39:19] [Developer] Noorquacker: OOH
[22:39:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: End time
[22:39:23] [Moderator] ~ICry: yeh
[22:39:25] [Moderator] ~Xander: you need to link the worlds thou
[22:39:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'm gonna sit this one out
[22:39:39] Noorquacker: Starting creation of world 'smp_the_end'...
[22:39:42] Noorquacker: Complete!
[22:39:54] [Developer] Noorquacker: I have opened the end
[22:39:57] Scanning for legacy world dragon fight...
[22:39:57] Found that the dragon has not yet been killed in this world.
[22:40:04] [Moderator] ~ICry: woah
[22:40:04] [Moderator] ~Xander: rip
[22:40:04] [Developer] Noorquacker: oh
[22:40:06] [Moderator] ~ICry: LAGGG
[22:40:07] [Developer] Noorquacker: rip
[22:41:22] [Moderator] ~ICry: GENERATING
[22:41:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: HELLP
[22:41:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: FALLING
[22:41:23] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Async Chat Thread - #69
[22:41:23] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Async Chat Thread - #68
[22:41:23] [Spigot Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Async Chat Thread - #67
[22:41:24] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[22:41:26] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[22:41:26] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Disconnected
[22:41:26] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[22:41:26] [Moderator] ~Xander has left the fray
[22:41:26] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@41a78d11[id=<null>,name=Xandertron5000,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[22:41:26] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@a26284d[id=<null>,name=Noorquacker,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[22:41:56] Starting minecraft server version 1.10
[22:41:56] Loading properties
[22:41:56] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10) (Implementing API version 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[22:41:57] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[22:41:57] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[22:41:57] Debug logging is disabled
[22:41:57] Generating keypair
[22:41:57] Using epoll channel type
[22:41:58] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
[22:41:59] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
[22:42:05] [VirtualPlayers] Enabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[22:42:05] [VirtualPlayers] Disabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[22:42:06] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[22:42:06] [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[22:42:06] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
[22:42:06] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
[22:42:06] git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10)
[22:42:06] 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[22:42:06] Using locale en_US
[22:42:06] Using locale en_US
[22:42:06] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
[22:42:06] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
[22:42:06] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19.7
[22:42:07] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled!
[22:42:37] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[22:42:37] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT
[22:42:37] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers.
[22:42:37] [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.0.9
[22:42:37] [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_10_R1
[22:42:37] [Morphy] Enabling Morphy v1.7
[22:42:37] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[22:42:37] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[22:42:37] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.
[22:42:37] [GrapplingHook] Enabling GrapplingHook v1.5.6
[22:42:38] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v5.8.91
[22:42:38] [TreeAssist] debugging: off
[22:42:38] [MVPLogging] 11 - Portals(s) loaded
[22:42:38] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[22:42:38] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16
[22:42:38] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Initializing for the first time.
[22:42:40] [MCBans] Enabling MCBans v4.3.5
[22:42:40] [MCBans] Using SuperPerms for permission control.
[22:42:40] [MCBans] Rollback plugin not found!
[22:42:40] [MCBans] MCBans version 4.3.5 is enabled!
[22:42:40] Done (41.299s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[22:42:40] Starting GS4 status listener
[22:42:40] Starting remote control listener
[22:42:41] Xandertron5000[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:42:42] [Moderator] ~Xander has joined the fray
[22:43:08] Xandertron5000 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: Error while writev(...): Broken pipe
[22:43:08] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Xandertron5000:f9715e2e-5b75-4b22-a951-6f707a6c2f45
[22:43:08] [Moderator] ~Xander has left the fray
[22:43:57] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1bd31e9f[id=<null>,name=Noorquacker,properties={},legacy=false] (/X_IP_HIDDEN) lost connection: Disconnected
[22:44:17] Starting minecraft server version 1.10
[22:44:17] Loading properties
[22:44:18] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10) (Implementing API version 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[22:44:18] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[22:44:18] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[22:44:18] Debug logging is disabled
[22:44:18] Generating keypair
[22:44:18] Using epoll channel type
[22:44:18] Stopping server
[22:44:18] Saving players
[22:45:54] Starting minecraft server version 1.10
[22:45:54] Loading properties
[22:45:54] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10) (Implementing API version 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[22:45:55] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[22:45:55] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[22:45:55] Debug logging is disabled
[22:45:55] Generating keypair
[22:45:55] Using epoll channel type
[22:45:55] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
[22:45:56] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
[22:45:59] [VirtualPlayers] Enabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[22:45:59] [VirtualPlayers] Disabling VirtualPlayers v1.7.0
[22:45:59] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[22:45:59] [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
[22:45:59] [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
[22:45:59] Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
[22:45:59] git-Spigot-3ccadba-fb568fd (MC: 1.10)
[22:45:59] 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[22:45:59] Using locale en_US
[22:45:59] Using locale en_US
[22:45:59] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
[22:45:59] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
[22:45:59] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19.7
[22:45:59] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled!
[22:46:18] [Evelyn] Enabling Evelyn v1.1-SNAPSHOT
[22:46:18] [Evelyn] Evelyn service available; using type CLEVERBOT
[22:46:18] [Evelyn] Evelyn is a plugin that provides a chatter bot for minecraft servers.
[22:46:18] [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.0.9
[22:46:18] [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_10_R1
[22:46:18] [Morphy] Enabling Morphy v1.7
[22:46:18] [Multiverse-SignPortals 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b699] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[22:46:18] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
[22:46:18] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.
[22:46:18] [GrapplingHook] Enabling GrapplingHook v1.5.6
[22:46:18] [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v5.8.91
[22:46:18] [TreeAssist] debugging: off
[22:46:19] [MVPLogging] 11 - Portals(s) loaded
[22:46:19] ConsoleChat has been enabled!
[22:46:19] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v3.0.16
[22:46:19] [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Initializing for the first time.
[22:46:20] [MCBans] Enabling MCBans v4.3.5
[22:46:20] [MCBans] Using SuperPerms for permission control.
[22:46:20] [MCBans] Rollback plugin not found!
[22:46:20] [MCBans] MCBans version 4.3.5 is enabled!
[22:46:20] Done (24.493s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[22:46:20] Starting GS4 status listener
[22:46:20] Starting remote control listener
[22:46:21] Noorquacker[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:46:29] [Developer] Noorquacker: hellp
[22:46:46] Noorquacker fell out of the world
[22:47:35] Scanning for legacy world dragon fight...
[22:47:35] Found that the dragon has not yet been killed in this world.
[22:47:35] Found that there's a dragon still alive (EntityEnderDragon['Ender Dragon'/2688, l='smp_the_end', x=-32.18, y=84.11, z=41.70])
[22:47:35] But we didn't have a portal, let's remove it.
[22:51:16] Cryrotheum[/X_IP_HIDDEN] logged in with entity id [X_COORDS_HIDDEN]
[22:51:16] [Moderator] ~ICry has joined the fray
[22:51:22] [Developer] Noorquacker: holo
[22:51:37] [Moderator] ~icri: OH
[22:51:39] [Moderator] ~icri: ok
[22:52:16] [Developer] Noorquacker: Lol 2 portals stacked here
[22:52:58] [Moderator] ~icri: THE ENDERMAN ARE ATTACKING THE DRAGON
[22:53:38] [Developer] Noorquacker: The end is different
[22:53:44] [Moderator] ~icri: duh
[22:54:23] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:24] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:24] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:25] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:26] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:26] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:28] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[22:54:29] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:54:30] [Ender Dragon: Object successfully summoned]
[22:55:19] [Moderator] ~icri: kill with your sword or bow
[22:55:22] [Moderator] ~icri: last hir
[22:55:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: I lost my items
[22:55:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: TAKE THE XP
[22:56:33] [Developer] Noorquacker: END GATEWAY
[22:56:37] [Moderator] ~icri: mhmm
[22:56:43] [Moderator] ~icri: I got preals
[22:57:43] [Developer] Noorquacker: How do you use the end gateway?
[22:58:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: icri
[23:02:45] [Noorquacker: Unable to summon object]
[23:02:49] [Noorquacker: Unable to summon object]
[23:02:51] [Noorquacker: Unable to summon object]
[23:03:30] [Noorquacker: Teleported Noorquacker to 0.5, 66.0, 0.5]
[23:03:55] [Moderator] ~icri: back
[23:04:01] [Moderator] ~icri: rly
[23:04:10] [Moderator] ~icri: you use ender preals to go in
[23:04:14] [Developer] Noorquacker: Where
[23:04:17] [Developer] Noorquacker: Oh
[23:04:49] [Moderator] ~icri: the gatr
[23:05:24] [Developer] Noorquacker: I found the elytra first
[23:05:25] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[23:06:31] [Moderator] ~icri: any level of the levitation effect higher than 127 will force you down
[23:07:11] [Moderator] ~icri: yeesh
[23:07:31] [Developer] Noorquacker: Lingering potions are overpriced
[23:07:46] [Developer] Noorquacker: You need a flipping dragon's breath for just 1 lingering potion
[23:07:51] [Moderator] ~icri: yeh
[23:07:54] [Moderator] ~icri: bottles
[23:08:59] [Developer] Noorquacker: Have you ever actually beat the Ender Dragon without cheats or XRay or anything?
[23:09:13] [Moderator] ~icri: yes
[23:09:21] [Developer] Noorquacker: I haven't
[23:09:28] [Moderator] ~icri: oh
[23:09:32] [Developer] Noorquacker: I'm making a server for a game I've never beaten
[23:09:50] [Moderator] ~icri: there is good stuff in these
[23:09:53] [Developer] Noorquacker: Ikr
[23:09:57] [Moderator] ~icri: LIKE REEEEAL GOOD
[23:10:08] [Developer] Noorquacker: In the ship there's an unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 pickaxe
[23:10:20] [Developer] Noorquacker: And formerly an elytra
[23:10:20] [Moderator] ~icri: ELYTRA
[23:10:35] [Developer] Noorquacker: hehe
[23:10:38] [Moderator] ~icri: SHOVEL WITH MENDING!!!!11
[23:10:47] Cryrotheum has just earned the achievement [Local Brewery]
[23:10:47] [Developer] Noorquacker: mending?
[23:10:51] [Moderator] ~icri: yes
[23:10:55] [Moderator] ~icri: exp heals it
[23:10:55] [Developer] Noorquacker: Throw me it
[23:10:59] [Moderator] ~icri: ;-;
[23:14:41] [Moderator] ~icri: we did it
[23:15:16] [Moderator] ~XxMLGxSNIPERxX: yes
[23:15:40] [Moderator] ~XxMLGxSNIPERxX: there's a creeper, on the roof, la la la la-la
[23:45:32] Noorquacker lost connection: Disconnected
[23:45:32] [Evelyn] Destroying session for user Noorquacker:875419da-15b6-4db4-902c-c12fa5368443
[23:50:40] [Moderator] ~XxMLGxSNIPERxX: Back
[23:51:51] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: Noor?
[23:52:08] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: NOOR?
[23:52:19] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: NOOR!
[23:57:36] [Developer] Console: what
[23:57:40] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: well
[23:57:55] [Developer] Console: lol
[23:58:09] Evelyn doesn't want to talk to consoles. Sorry.
[23:58:11] Evelyn doesn't want to talk to consoles. Sorry.
[23:58:40] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: can you see my /m
[23:58:44] [Developer] Console: Yeah
[23:58:46] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: k
[23:58:54] [Developer] Console: I'm gonna do some late night visual studio
[23:58:58] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: k
[23:59:09] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: ima do some late night creating a world
[23:59:09] [Developer] Console: I'll conquer DirectX 12!
[23:59:25] [Developer] Console: Do minecraft:tp
[23:59:30] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: tp me to 0 70 0 pls
[23:59:39] Teleported Cryrotheum to 0.5, 70.0, 0.5
[23:59:42] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: thx
[23:59:48] [Developer] Console: Did it work correctly?
[23:59:53] [Moderator] Cryrotheum: yep